Biden Administration Funds Defund The Police Org

And they've had one since 2008. My question to you was, who, from the Biden administration, has reviewed this funding and given their approval.

Why don't you google who in the DOJ had the authority to okay the 89 million just appropriated to them. Two people come to my mind the AG himself or Vanita Gupta, the Communist now in charge of the DOJ Civil Rights Division.
I'd also be curious what action you're asserting that the Biden administration took, in any way, to indicate any preference to this organization. Approving funding to this group seems to have been standard practice for quite some time, and my guess is that any action Biden would make would be for FY2022 budgeting, which I don't believe has even taken place fully.

Most sane people would think that 89 million in funding is a pretty good reach around for whatever they represent.:rolleyes:
Most sane people would think that 89 million in funding is a pretty good reach around for whatever they represent.:rolleyes:

Which was approved by the Trump Administration, who was the Administration in office when said funding was reviewed.
Stop for a moment and think rationally; do you really think that the Biden administration are deliberately seeking to render police enforcement less effective?

Yes, they do, because they believe their own propaganda and they're convinced that Democrats hate America. And then they whine that we're not bipartisan enough!