Beta favorites?


Apr 7, 2022
I noticed something recently that I don’t believe has been commented on before. A user named Beta347 favorited about ten of my stories. I thought, “looks like I’ve got a new fan,” so out of curiosity I decided to check out their user account and see what else they had favorited.

It turns out that list is very small, and does not include any of my stories. I also did not make the list as one of that user’s favorite authors. However, when I have similarly checked in on other users I do find my stories on their favorites page. I thought there might be a lag, but it’s been a couple weeks and my stories still do not appear there.

Have I stumbled upon a beta account the site is using for testing purposes or some such? Or is something else going on here? Hopefully one of you can help me solve this mystery.
As far as I know, if a user adds one of your stories to a custom reading list, you will see that as if they added it to his favorites.
As far as I know, if a user adds one of your stories to a custom reading list, you will see that as if they added it to his favorites.
Oh. Interesting! I don’t see any way to verify that, unless I had a story where the totals (favorites + lists) were so small you could trace them. I will have to keep that in mind and check it out next time I post a new story. Thanks!
I noticed something recently that I don’t believe has been commented on before. A user named Beta347 favorited about ten of my stories. I thought, “looks like I’ve got a new fan,” so out of curiosity I decided to check out their user account and see what else they had favorited.

It turns out that list is very small, and does not include any of my stories. I also did not make the list as one of that user’s favorite authors. However, when I have similarly checked in on other users I do find my stories on their favorites page. I thought there might be a lag, but it’s been a couple weeks and my stories still do not appear there.

Have I stumbled upon a beta account the site is using for testing purposes or some such? Or is something else going on here? Hopefully one of you can help me solve this mystery.
Something else to consider seeing this just happened. Lit is experiencing a glitch where comments, story favs, author favs, are not publicly showing up, and won't until they get this fixed(which Laurel said this morning they are working on) so its possible your stories aren't showing there for that reason, and might when this gets resolved.
I always assume there is a lag between getting a favourite notification on your submission's page (i.e. that area you submit stories) and it showing up on your profile page (e.g the blue one). I know sometimes people favourite and unfavourite stuff pretty quickly, but it seems to happen so often and that page is so laggy in other respects that I just assume things are not registering in any type of timely fashion
There's a lag, and if they're just using favorites as a bookmark, then removing it once they read the story, it may never appear in the list even briefly. I've got quite a few who do that. Some I'm fairly certain have favorited the same story more than once and then removed it before it registered.
There's a lag, and if they're just using favorites as a bookmark, then removing it once they read the story, it may never appear in the list even briefly. I've got quite a few who do that. Some I'm fairly certain have favorited the same story more than once and then removed it before it registered.
Yup. The other week one reader favourited the same story four times in a row.