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Mmm. :rose:

A revival much overdue.

I was planning last night how I might create and mass produce some simply fantastic little fertility goddess statues. Simple enough to be earrings pendants and keychains as well as something for a mantlepice, or most aptly, a pedestal.
Well to be honest, I'd make the original for myself.

But if it turns out the way I envision it we get a venus for the next millenium.

I told you I so wish I could have been there. :rose:
whatever happened to belly anyway? they were a good bad.

i liked the song "gepetto".
A very good question and one I've not considered since....

Sometime in the 90's?
Nice story:

While out and about over the weekend I chanced to find myself in the same store as a very attractive and heavily pregnant woman.

Before yo ask I did not, in point of fact, chat her up. However she did catch me admiring her with what must have been an acceptably appreciative smile. I say "acceptably" because she turned while watching me and patted her ripening abdomen through a sweater that was just tight enough in all the right places.

For a moment I even imagined her hand slipping far lower than it actually did, but that was my imagination. She smiled and went about her shopping. As did I.
Oscuridad said:
This is all very pornish...

...wish I could find some more... artistic photos.

*prepares to dig*

Go to Deviant Art . com

You have to be a member to view the artistic nudes section, but joining is free and they have some great stuff.
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