Avatar: Cycles of Life (Closed)

Sai had been enjoying his moment with Fukiko when he suddenly heard the unconscious woman begin to stir awake. He turned around to face her, noticing Sheng was already on the defensive, and rightfully so. However, when she began speaking, the painter was rather impressed with her coherence and realization that making any hostile movements would be unwise. He wondered why she didn't think of that before, but then again, she didn't know just how strong the Bender group was until she fought them personally.

What was even more surprising was the utterance of thanks at Sheng's mention of bringing her to the nearest village. Well, she was a Fire Nation soldier, after all. Even defectors had to have some honor and dignity to know when they have been assisted. She felt she owned them a debt, and Sheng appropriately reiterated Sai's own comment to him as the woman mentioned she would give them more information. Sai honestly hadn't saved her just to get something out of her, but it was a nice reward for doing the right thing.

Sai continued to watch the woman with his piercing golden eyes, partly out of curiosity and partly in his nature as a warrior to always be cautious of the enemy, even in situations like this. If she had been acting, and did not value her life, it was possible she could catch someone off guard and injure them before anyone had a chance to do anything. However, that did not really seem like the case here. Her name came first, and then came the origin of her orders. ...

Sai had to use all of his power to contain any visible reaction to the name, Galzon. Still, someone focused on him would notice the tightening of the hands and jaw. He couldn't believe it... No, that wasn't it. He could believe it, rather he just didn't want to. Over the years he hoped and prayed that his father would abandon his plans to return the nations to war, that perhaps someday he could go home and see his mother again. He had told the girls and Sheng that she was dead, but that wasn't the full truth. He could only pray she was all right. But now, this warrior woman had just confirmed his greatest fears. His father not only had dreams of war, but was finally carrying out his desires. At least it seemed Hsi had no idea who Sai really was, proving that Galzon did not send people out to find him, but no real comfort came from that.

Then she continued, mentioning that the order belonged to another originally. Did that mean his father was working with someone? He awaited eagerly to learn the identity of the mystery man, but it sounded as if the woman didn't know. Soon, she passed out again, leaving Sai angry and confused at this turn of events. If it was only his father at the helm of the madness, it was possible he could stop him, but there was at least one other... Who knew how powerful or influential this person was? As Sheng idly commented on the poor luck of having Galzon for an enemy, Sai kept his eyes forward, not turning to look at the Earthbender.

"Yes, to think that.. someone of his status could truly betray the Fire Lord.. It's a terrifying concept. From what I have heard, Zuko trusts him immensely. Even if the daughters of the Avatar were to inform him of this, I am not sure he would believe it. On top of that, he may be the most skilled fighter in the whole nation, even rivaling the Fire Lord himself. Galzon is in the perfect position to carry out this sort of plan... He's a warrior at heart, and a strategist as well.

It's entirely possible that with his power, both in bending and the military, he could start a new war..."
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The twins looked at each other, eyes serious. They knew of Galzon as well - though they were both a little concerned over why the men knew of him as well - but had never met him. Whenever they were in the Fire Nation, they stayed with Uncle Zuko and rarely met anyone else. But Galzon was both famous and infamous around the palace, and not for anything good. "Well," Fukiko said slowly, "obviously, we can't let that happen. Even though we've got our own mission, it seems to be linked with this information."

Fumiko nodded, tapping her fingers on the railing. "True. We've got a few choices, then." She looked at the others momentarily, then made her way slowly to where the woman was stretched out. "We can keep heading to Ba Sing Se, and possibly find out what we need to know, and then head to the Fire Nation to speak with Uncle Zuko . . ."

"Or back to the Temple, to tell Mother and Father," Fukiko interjected.

"Right. Though if we don't find anything out, that wouldn't make much sense." Fumiko was looking critically at the wounds on the woman, then pulled out a generous stream of water that enveloped her hands and began to glow. "Or we can detour and head straight to the Fire Nation now, which seems like a bad idea to me." Her hands stretched over the prone woman, the glow spreading out to cover the woman, the swelling going down, the bones knitting, and the flesh growing back together as she concentrated.

Fukiko leaned back, shaking her head slightly. "Just another wrinkle for us to iron out. I vote Ba Sing Se. But I'm willing to go either way."
It was right there dangling in front of him. The way out. All he had to do was convince them to head to the Fire Nation, and he wouldn't have to go home. He could avoid it all. But...

"That's not the right thing," he said softly, to himself. Then he sighed, speaking louder, "I'd like to say we should go to the Fire Nation and find out what's going on. That we should tackle this problem head on, Earthbender style! But...that would be more self-serving than anything."

Sheng looked out northeast, almost feeling the Imperial City out there. "But we should go to Ba Sing Se. Our mission is there, and if we deviate to take care of this, we're doing exactly what they want, stopping that mission." He paused a moment, "And...if we go to Ba Sing Se...we can still get a message to the Fire Lord. Faster than almost anyone." He held up his hands, "Don't ask me how, just...trust me. There are secrets in my city, and ways to do...a lot of things."
Sai listened silently to the twins speak about the options. To head to the Fire Nation was like signing a death sentence for himself. There were many people who could recognize him, and either they thought he was dead, or convinced he was a traitor by his father. It was possible that even Zuko himself thought such, considering how much trust the Fire Lord held in his commanders. Of course, Sai had the daughters of the Avatar on his side to support his story, as they had heard the woman name Galzon as her superior, also, but that wasn't a guarantee. What was he supposed to do...? No matter what path they took, at this rate, they were going to learn the truth eventually. He could tell them now, but what would he say? What if they decided to leave him at the next town and continue on their own? Looking at Fukiko for a few long moments, Sai knew he couldn't risk that. He wanted to be near her, to help her, to protect her..

It seemed he was safe for now, however, as the twins voted on continuing to Ba Sing Se, and so did Sheng, despite his reluctance to go home. Sai could just hope that their eventual message would get to Zuko personally, and that he would be smart enough not to question Galzon about it directly. If they could get the Fire Lord to investigate on his own, perhaps the problem would solve itself. Perhaps the sisters and Sheng would never need to learn his identity, and he could remain Sai forever. He knew he would die happy if he never had to hear his real name again.

"Sheng is correct. With our skills, connections, and Appa, I have no doubt that we can beat anyone else to any information on the next Avatar. We should not let them succeed in deterring us yet..." Sai finally voiced his opinion, glancing between his group. "I guess that source of mine turned out to be genuine. Someone really does want another war... I was hoping it was false... To find out the 'High ranking official' is Galzon is also bad news..."

The simple mention of his father's name sent Sai into a rather silent state for the rest of the trip, staring over Appa's saddle down at the water below. It would be hard to explain why he was in such a mood, but it was also hard to act as if it didn't affect him. What of his brother, as well? Seeing how close he was to father, he was likely in on it as well. Not only that, his sibling was as skilled a fighter as Sai was. However, seeing as Sai had three years of self-training, while Nokai had father to teach him, it was likely their skills have now differed significantly. Only time would tell on which was for the better. A part of him regretted saving the woman, as if he hadn't, he could have continued to live in ignorance of his father's efforts toward war, but it was pointless to think that. In his mind he always knew this day would come. He had hoped to have the Avatar's help by then, but he did have his daughters, and with another look toward Fukiko, he was finding that to be a more pleasant outcome.
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The twins nodded. "Well," Fumiko said, sitting down again, "that's that. Ba Sing Se it is." Her eyes traveled over the woman, who was sleeping more peacefully now. "First village we come to, we'll leave her with the temple, and have them send the bill to the Southern Air Temple." She grinned. "Mother keeps telling us how important it is to help those in need."

"I don't think she meant people who've tried to kill us."

"Charity is a virtue, 'Kiko, and never misplaced." Fumiko's voice was an almost perfect imitation of Katara's lectures, and both girls started to giggle.

"Anyway," Fukiko said, tucking her legs under her, "I hope we find a village soon. I'm tired, and think Appa would like a rest, too." She leaned against the railing, her body almost touching Sai's, and tipped her head back. "I don't think we want him to run out of oomph this high up." Lifting her head slightly, she glanced at Sheng. "Not that he wouldn't land first."

"Go to sleep, 'Kiko," her sister said with a small smile. It wasn't nice to tease, but it was a little funny. She scooted over towards Sheng, touching his hand lightly. "We won't have to do anything illicit," she said softly. "We've met the Earth King, he'll know us." Her head tilted to one side. "I think one of his children is about our age, but we never got to meet any of the royal family besides the King."
Sheng nodded, feeling comforted by her nearness, delighted at her touch, and deeply concerned over the topic of conversation. "Yes, one of the Earth King's sons is your age...the crown prince." The black haired youth looked up at the sky passing overhead, his face a mystery. "He hasn't been seen in some time though. Like his father, he went to wander the kingdom years ago, and the prince hasn't been seen since then." It wasn't really a lie, in a way it was a confession. The prince had been gone for a long time. "No one really misses him." Not even the prince himself. The wanderer wasn't missed either, but he was...a better man than the prince ever was. Or could be. "But...with all that's happening, I have a feeling he'll turn up soon."

He smiled at her, "You'll meet as much of the family as is present in the Imperial City this time. Now that you're grown, and this is an official state visit...they love 'official' in Ba Sing Se, he will want to show his connection to the Avatar and his obedience to the balance of the world." He paused, then sighed, "He will also probably want to see if you and Fukiko would be marriage prospects for his sons. An alliance with the house of possibly the greatest Avatar to ever lived...has many advantages."

Politics. He hated it...but he could see it very easily, and knew how the game was played. For all that it left a rotten taste in his mouth, "I'm sure you'll meet the Queen too, she is a very kind and generous woman, and will delight in mothering you and your sister while you stay in town." Despite the words, there was a trace of bitterness in his eeys and voice as he spoke of her. But little of deep guilt he felt.
Fumiko tilted her head. "I'm sure that, if the Queen is as kind-hearted as you say, she misses him a great deal." She looked at him, expressionless. "You sound like you know a lot about it. You must have worked in the Upper Ring or palace, to know so much about them."

Something else occured to her, and she laced her fingers with his. "I wouldn't worry about 'Kiko and I, though. Even if the Earth King wants to marry one of us to any of his children, Mother and Father are both very big on letting us pick our own mates. And Father kind of gets final say in anything he likes." Glancing around, she pressed her lips to his quickly. "I don't know that I'd like to be cooped up in a palace, but I very much like being with you."
"The current Queen isn't his mother," he replied before he thought better of it. "But...I'm sure she does, she's very compassionate and cares for her husband's children very much." He then shrugged, "I told you that family is nobility. I know a lot about the great families of the Earth Kingdom, including the Royal family. I met many of them in my childhood."

Thankfully though, she steered the conversation away from that. And paired with her kiss, he was even happier about the change of topic. He flushed a bit, giving her fingers a gentle squeeze, "...I like being with you too, Fumiko. A lot. And I don't think I'd want to be penned in that prison of a city either." But he would be.

He looked at the gorgeous girl, her hair streaming somewhat in the wind, her skin pale against the backdrop of the night sky. "How are you, though, Fumiko? With what just happened, and with going to Ba Sing Se? I know the Avatar isn't fond of it...and deservedly or not, I'm sure he passed some of that on to you."
She shrugged. "I've never felt strongly one way or the other about it." Fumiko sighed and looked out at the sky as the world passed under them. "I . . . we never spent much time there, and nothing outside of the Upper Ring. And that was like any nobleman's quarter I've ever been in." Brushing her hair off her face, she shrugged again. "A little more stuffy than most, but I don't mind it."

Her gaze went to his face, wondering again what sort of secret he was hiding that might come out when they got to Ba Sing Se. But that was all right, it couldn't be anything too bad, or Father would have been more concerned. "And," she added with a whimsical little smile, "even though 'Kiko and I are both very relaxed, we can do formal very well."

A cloud passed by close enough that she could have reached out and grabbed part of it, as she had when she was little. Instead, she sighed and squeezed Sheng's hand. "And as for what just happened, I'm fine. We harbor few illusions about how universally beloved the Avatar is. Respected, yes. Loved, no." Crossing her legs in front of her, she used her other hand to pick at a spot on her tunic. "Especially in the Fire Nation. Uncle Zuko made a lot of people angry when he helped father end the war, and pulled the army back. And there are many people who still think the Fire Nation has the right to rule the world." Her eyes studied the prone woman, who was sleeping somewhat more peacefully. "Or just want the power to be had if the Avatar weren't around. This is just . . . more concrete evidence than I expected to have."
Sheng actually felt a little miffed at her dismissal of Ba Sing Se. He didn't like going there, but...it wasn't because of the city itself. It was still the largest, most populous, industrious, and well educated city in the world! There was nowhere else like it! Just like "any other nobleman's quarters", his ass. It was one thing for him to not like his city...but to have to put on the same level as any other?


His nettled expression mostly faded though, as she answered his question. How to say what he wanted to? "Fumiko...there's a lot of beauty and good in the world, and in many people." He sighed, "But not in all, or even most. Your life has only shown you one side to humanity. I'm afraid that now, in the places we may have to go, you'll see the rest."

He shook his head, "Left to their own...most people are self-interested, petty, cruel, and greedy. They would gladly steal from their neighbor, but cleave off a beggar's head for daring to steal a handful of rice from them." It was true, even if not pretty. "It is only authority and laws, be they physical or spiritual that makes a person good. Along with education and a proper upbringing. Your father has asserted the first two, and encouraged the rest. Which is why we find the world in as good a shape as it is." He frowned, looking off to the horizon. "Without him, or without an Avatar...humanity will revert to it's nature. Will it be the Fire Nation who does so first? Probably. But don't count the others out. My own land...which bore the brunt of the Fire Nation and fought them the longest and most bitterly...hates the people of that land. It wouldn't take much for them to want to strike back. And the Northern Water Tribe, so untouched by the war, has grown powerful and ambitious, knowing it is the strongest now."

Now he was talking like the prince. Bah. "...I'm talking too much."
OOC: Okay, since I am the den mother here, and have gotten input from you guys, I'm gonna fast forward a little, and stick Our Kids into a little side adventure where Sai and Fukiko will get more face time. I am, however, open to suggestions about what sort of adventure they have :D

She sighed heavily. "You're right, I know. But I like to think that people are a little better than that." A small smile curved Fumiko's lips, and she pulled her legs up to her chest. "Father likes to do that, you know. It's not entirely wise, but it's . . . optimistic. Feels more pleasant than thinking the worst. Not, of course," she added, looking at him with a grin, "that we don't plan for the worst, but we always hope we never have to use those plans."

Glancing at the others, she scooted a little closer to Sheng. Sai was looking over the railing of the saddle at the stars and clouds, and 'Kiko looked like she was asleep. Fumiko was amused; her sister could sleep anywhere, and it amazed her. "But maybe we should talk about something else, for now."

~ ~ ~ ~​

A day later, well-rested after their overnight stay in the small village where they'd left the Fire Nation woman, the quartet decided to split up for doing some errands before they left the village. The market was respectable, for a settlement this size, and Fukiko and Sai headed out with an empty canvas bag to hold what they bought.

Fukiko walked along side Sai, the empty sack dangling from one hand, while her other hand held his tightly. She looked at him from the corner of her eyes and smiled. "I hope we find some good things at the market. Do you want anything special?"
Sai had remained unusually quiet the rest of the night, and into the early morning. Moreso than usual, that is. Despite the fact that he expected the day to come where his father would once again cause his life to spiral into turmoil, he couldn't help but be disturbed by it. It wasn't just because he was the son of a ruthless warrior that wished to bring the world back to war... It was because it had to happen now, just when he had something to feel happy about again. Even though she was a twin, Fukiko was one of a kind. He couldn't risk losing her like he lost.. her. The thought of it alone nearly kept him awake all night, but exhaustion from the commotion of the previous day eventually took over.

The next morning, Sai made a better attempt to seem like he was himself again, despite being far from it mentally. Who was he, after all? It had been so long since he truly thought about his roots that he almost began to believe he truly was Sai. He was prepared to go the rest of the day just laying there until Fukiko came by and took him by the hand toward the market. It was then he realized he had to focus on the present, and what was important. They had to locate the new Avatar. As long as they did that, Galzon wouldn't be a threat... he hoped. When the bright eyed girl turned to him and inquired if there was anything he wanted, Sai couldn't help but smile back, pausing for a moment and stopping her along with him.

"Special?" He glanced away momentarily as if in thought before looking back into her eyes with a smirk, pulling her a bit closer. "Well, you'd be at the top of list..." He then leaned in to press his lips to hers softly, initiating a soft, yet passionate kiss. A few of the marketgoers glanced over, and the ones who managed to recognize the Avatar's daughter seemed rather surprised to see her kissing an unknown man. Before, he would have been rather shy to show such emotions in public, but it was impossible to hold back. When the kiss broke, Sai caressed her cheek briefly and smiled once again. "You know as well as I do Fumiko and Sheng are just as glad to have their private time. So.. no rush in getting back to them, right? Perhaps.. I could begin that portrait of you. But if you have something in mind, please let me know. I just wish to see you happy..."
The man who tended the messenger hawks at the Southern Air Temple rushed into the room, and stopped. Damn guards! Why hadn't they told him the Avatar and Lady Katara were talking with important people? But they were all looking at him, so he had no choice but to walk forward with as much dignity as a man with hawk droppings on his shoes could muster. "Avatar, Lady, a message has come from your daughters."

Katara's eyes lit with unmistakable delight, and a tinge of worry. Then she turned to the two bearded Earth Kingdom gentlemen who were there with a gracious smile. "I'm so sorry, my lords, but our daughters are on a trip, and we've been eagerly awaiting news from them. If we could continue this meeting some other time?"

Aang had already hopped up and over the table and was busily opening the envelope the letter had come in. The two men looked at him, smiled slightly, and nodded. "Of course, my lady. We have children of our own," one said with a smile. They rose and left, followed quickly by the hawk-tender.

Katara was up and had the distance covered in a matter of seconds, sliding under Aang's arm easily as she started reading the letter. Good news and bad news and more bad news. Someone else to help them, good. The book that might have helped on Kyoshi was gone, bad. Heading to Ba Sing Se, also somewhat less than good. And then something else caught her attention, and Katara couldn't decide if she wanted to smile or frown. She looked up at Aang and saw the goofy, excited grin on his face, and nearly punched him. "If you're smiling about what I think you're smiling about, Aang . . . ."

His eyes were proud. "My daughter rode the Unagi."

She did punch him, in the arm, hard. And even that couldn't dim his delight. Katara shook her head. "It only says she was planning to, not whether she did."

He laughed, eyes sparkling. "Katara, when have those two ever changed their minds about something they wanted to do?"

"Well, it . . . they . . . all right, you win. But she could have been hurt by it!" She looked at the letter and shook her head slowly. "If she had been, the island would have sent us a letter, wouldn't they? I suppose you're right, then. Your daughter rode that stupid Unagi. She's as much of a lunatic as her father."

His hands folded the letter carefully - the rest of the Temple would want to know how the twins were doing - and tucked it into his tunic before turning and wrapping his arms around her waist. "I'm not a lunatic, my love."

The words soothed her anger, but she couldn't hold back, "Oh? How so?"

"I knew a good thing when it found me." Without another word, he kissed her, sweetly and deeply.

~ ~ ~ ~​

Sai's kiss had left her breathless and flushed, and Fukiko didn't even notice the people around them. It took her a second to get her mind together to where she could talk in a sentence that wouldn't sound garbled. "Well . . . I . . . think we should finish the shopping first," as her voice became stronger she started to smile, "and then we can start that portrait. Call it Avatar's Daughter with Cabbages," she added, the smile turning into a teasing grin.

They walked slowly through the market, stopping occasionally to haggle over some fruit and look longingly at others - it was the season for watermelon, but they just couldn't afford to waste money on something that big, and it wouldn't keep without chilling. But, she thought as she stared at the melons speculatively, 'Miko might be able to freeze it, and . . . what was that noise? God, it was piercing. "Sai, do you hear . . . oh, that's what it is!"

He looked at her quizzically, and she explained. "When we were little, Roku and Gyatso were off at lessons and such, so 'Miko and I had to watch the younger kids while mother and father were off being . . . well, themselves." Fukiko put a hand to her head. "That's the noise the kids would make when they . . . oh, hell, when they fell down and really hurt themselves." She cast a quick glance up and down the aisle they were in. No hurt, crying child here. Her eyes met Sai's again and she said seriously, "We should find that little," she listened for a second, "girl. I can't believe her parents are letting her stay hurt this long." She tipped her head to one side and closed her eyes, trying to pinpoint the location of the sound. The problem was that it was just so piercing that she could barely take her mind off the irritation of it to find where it was coming from.

Finally, she threw the irritation aside, finding an almost meditative calm under, and turned slowly to find the sound. Her eyes opened when she was facing the right way, and she reached out for Sai. "Come on."
Sai chuckled lightly at Fukiko's comment, nodding as he followed along. The taste of the kiss still lingered on his lips, which was immensely addictive. Normally he liked to keep a low profile, but kissing the Avatar's daughter greatly contradicted that line of thinking. Still, he couldn't help himself, and he'd do it again in a second. As they shopped, the chestnut-haired firebender observed quietly, though his attentions were more on the lovely girl ahead than on any of the actual products being sold. It also wasn't like him to be so easily distracted, but she was just so enthralling, he hoped his lack of attention wouldn't soon cause him trouble.

As he watched her inspect some watermelon, Sai soon noticed a quick change in expression from Fukiko. It seemed as if she had heard something, but due to the chatter amongst the market, he couldn't really pick out anything in particular. As she described how she had heard a hurt child, and the protector attitude that was appropriate for a daughter of the Avatar soon surfaced. When she began to pull him along, Sai glanced around quickly as if trying to assist in searching, even though the business made it hard to focus.

"Fukiko, are you sure? Perhaps you're mistaken.." He tried to speak up, but he knew it was pointless. It was selfish of him to suggest she ignore it, considering the whole reason he wished her to was so he could continue to be alone with her. He couldn't blame her for being concerned, and it was not like he hadn't gone out of his way to help people in the past either.
Focused on the sound, it took Fukiko a second to process what Sai had said. She understood that he wasn't saying she didn't know what she was hearing, but that it was possible there was some other reason for the girl to be crying. "I'm sure, Sai. There's something wrong, and if I can help, I want to." She looked over her shoulder, still moving through the aisles of the marketplace and smiled at him. "If there's nothing I can do, or it's just some little girl playing rough with her brothers, then we can . . . go back to what we're doing. I promise."

Another turn, and they reached the end of the marketplace's alotted space. The road went on, but there were no more stands. Just a patch of grass leading into a broad stand of trees that stopped just short of being a forest. And there was . . . no one. But there was a small figure at the edge of the trees that might be a a child. It occurred to Fukiko that she might be chasing a will-o-the-wisp, something leading them into danger instead of leading them to someone who might need help. But that was the risk you had to take.

Heading off the road, she avoided the roots and loose rocks in the field of grass, keeping an eye on the figure, ready to turn around the moment it seemed to recede from her vision - a sure sign that what she was following was out for harm instead of help. But it didn't. The figure grew to a small girl, about seven years old, with tears on her face. Aware that a lot of times, something that looked safe wasn't, Fukiko stopped just out of arm's reach. "Hi," she said in a calm voice, "what's wrong? Is there something I can help with?"

The girl sniffled, and met Fukiko's gaze with desperation. "Lady, you heard me?! Yes! My daddy needs help!" The small face lit with hope, an emotion that Fukiko felt sure wasn't feigned. "Please, please! My daddy needs help!"
There was no denying Fukiko was the daughter of the Avatar. There was an expression of genuine concern on her face for the girl that was thought to be hurt or in danger. Over the recent years, Sai had come to the aid of others but only when it was clear they needed his help. If he made assumptions all the time, he probably never would have gotten anywhere, except perhaps into more trouble than he needed. Then again, he wasn't related to Aang. As the firebender looked into Fukiko's eyes, he knew he had no argument not to go help, especially with how sure she sounded. After Fukiko rushed off, Sai followed closely behind.

As they went on, they got further away from the marketplace, and what looked to be the very outskirts of the town. He was quite amazed Fukiko could have heard trouble from this far, but also growing skeptical that what she heard was exactly what they were going to find. As they stopped at the forest edge, Sai looked around, not noticing anything at first. He was about to ask her to just turn back when a figure vaguely appeared amidst the trees. Fukiko said nothing as she continued, so Sai had no choice but to follow along. Sure enough, they soon came upon a small girl who did indeed appear to be in distress. The auburn-haired painter had questions, but he knew given his demeanor that Fukiko would probably be the best one to do the talking.

As the child cried for their help, Sai raised an eyebrow, frowning slightly. Damn it all. Now they had to help, and therefore likely his whole day with Fukiko was going out the window. Oh well, they were doing the right thing, at least. "What sort of trouble is he in, or where can we locate him?" Sai finally spoke up, trying to keep a soft tone.
Fukiko glanced at Sai, happy to hear him ask where the girl's father was. It would be easier to help with both of them trying, and she hadn't wanted to think that he wasn't the kind of person to help a child in need.

The little girl wiped her face. "He's trapped, he was walking in the woods, and he fell into a deep hole. I . . ." she sniffled, "I was following him, and saw him fall. I can't reach him, and he's not awake."

Fukiko nodded, then straightened up. "Can you take us to him, sweetheart?"

"Yes!" The girl turned and started off through the trees. She took a few steps, then turned around again, beckoning to them. "Please, hurry! I'm worried about him."

The air bender sighed and nodded, then glanced at Sai. Her smile was small, but very genuine. "An adventure, I suppose." One of her hands reached out and grasped one of his. "The sooner we get done, the sooner we'll be able to . . . be alone again."