As a youth Hitler sympathized with the Jews, by John Engelman


Jan 8, 2022
In Mein Kampf Adolf Hitler combines his autobiography with his commentary on the First World War, the current situation of Germany, and his plans for Germany’s future.

In his youth Hitler could have become a humanitarian on the democratic left. He attributed the moral chaos of the poor he observed to unjust laws and economic conditions. He favored strong labor unions. He approved of the activities of the German Social Democratic Party.

He was even sympathetic to Jews. In Volume I, Chapter II, “Years of Study and Suffering in Vienna,” he wrote, “The fact that [Jews] had been persecuted…turned my aversion against unfavorable remarks about them almost into abhorrence.”

When Hitler traveled to Vienna he wanted to become an artist. When he was rejected by a painting academy he was told that his talents lay in architecture. However, he lacked the academic background to get into a school for architecture.

In his The True Believer, Eric Hoffer wrote that fanatics often become that way when they fail at what is essential to their self image. He also wrote that hatred is often self contempt turned outward.

After he failed in his goals to become an artist or an architect Hitler supported himself as a house painter. He earned a low income. His humiliation and poverty twisted his mind, and put him in the mood to hate. In Vienna he often saw successful painters and architects who were Jews. Antisemites do not claim that Jews are inferior. The complaint is that Jews are too successful, too powerful. Antisemitism is the socialism of fools, the right wing form of the politics of envy.

I have seen some of Hitler’s paintings. They are not profound. They are technically competent. He could have become a commercial artist. He should have been encouraged.

By the time Hitler left home for Vienna he had lost his Roman Catholic religious faith. Nevertheless, he wanted to believe in something. He was desperate for recognition. It would have been nice for Hitler and the world if a Jewish congregation had asked him to design their next synagogue.

Unfortunately for Hitler and the world that was not to be. When he finally found something he was good at that many people appreciated, it was oratory exploiting and promoting anger and hatred.

Hitler believed that the spoken word was more powerful than the written word. He believed that to reach a large audience one had to present simple arguments and one had to appeal to emotion, rather than reason. At times he expressed a low opinion of the intelligence of many of his followers. He acknowledged that German Gentiles tended to be less intelligent than Jews. He never really explained why he hated the Jews. He just hated them, and expressed his hatred.

Hitler’s efforts to justify his hatred for Jews are disproved by footnotes in my Reynal & Hitchcock edition. For example, German Jews did not shirk military service during the First World War. Their participation and their casualties were proportionate to their presence in the German population.

My copy of Mein Kampf was printed in 1940. The translators could not have known about Ann Frank. They could not have known that her father was a German lieutenant on the Western Front during World War I.

In Chapter IV of the first volume of Mein Kampf Hitler discussed the problem of population growth in Germany. However, he did not advocate birth control. He advocated territorial expansion at the expense of the Slavs. He wrote, “If one wanted land and soil in Europe, then by and large this could only have been done at Russia’s expense…

“For such a policy, however, there was only one single ally in Europe: England.”

In Hitler’s Table Talk Hitler makes it clear that he intended to treat the conquered Slavs harshly enough that the Slavic population would decline, making room for German settlers.

In Chapter XIV of Volume II of Mein Kampf Hitler wrote, “The mortal enemy of our nation, France, relentlessly throttles us and robs our strength. We must undertake every sacrifice which may help bring about a nullification of the French drive for European hegemony.”

Hitler seldom mentions the United States. He obviously had no intention to conquer us. We and Great Britain could have avoided the Second World War. France and the Slavic countries could not have. Without the participation of Great Britain and the United States Nazi Germany would have conquered the mainland of Europe and killed all the Jews there. This would have been the most predatory empire since the one conquered by the Mongolians.

The Third Reich would not have lasted for a thousand years. It would have taken the world several centuries to recover. The Russians, the Chinese, and the Arabs never really recovered from being conquered by the Mongolians. They have been xenophobic ever since.
For years and years Papa Biden was a racist who did not want his kids in schools with blacks but then he went to a black university... People change...Now Biden uses an divisive method known to man and the US senate to get his way. Usually he buys what he wants with tax payers money and blames the GOP for the ills of the world
Hitler was a fuclkhead. Who the fuck cares?
The Germany Hitler rose in admired aristocratic pedigrees and university degrees. Hitler had neither. He obviously knew a lot about human nature and social psychology. Of course, he was wrong about the Jews. I read a political thinker for insight, rather than doctrine. In Mein Kampf Hitler reveals little knowledge and interest in economics. Nevertheless, once Hitler came to power, Germany emerged from the Great Depression faster than the United States did. Moreover, it did so without gold reserves. Hitler must have chosen good economic advisers.
The Germany Hitler rose in admired aristocratic pedigrees and university degrees. Hitler had neither. He obviously knew a lot about human nature and social psychology. Of course, he was wrong about the Jews. I read a political thinker for insight, rather than doctrine. In Mein Kampf Hitler reveals little knowledge and interest in economics. Nevertheless, once Hitler came to power, Germany emerged from the Great Depression faster than the United States did. Moreover, it did so without gold reserves. Hitler must have chosen good economic advisers.
Hitler was a fuckhead. Trying to analyze him for anything different is missing the fucking point.
For years and years Papa Biden was a racist who did not want his kids in schools with blacks but then he went to a black university... People change...Now Biden uses an divisive method known to man and the US senate to get his way. Usually he buys what he wants with tax payers money and blames the GOP for the ills of the world
What exactly has Biden gotten his way on? You do know the reason why the Left isn't supporting him is because he doesn't even seem to be trying to lie to us anymore. I mean at least Obama had the dignity to lie and even occasionally get us a few crumbs.
Hitler was a fuckhead. Trying to analyze him for anything different is missing the fucking point.
The methods of anyone who succeeds against the odds are worthy of study, even - or especially! - if the person is evil.
The methods of anyone who succeeds against the odds are worthy of study, even - or especially! - if the person is evil.
Evil is relative. The only thing to study is the failures of those around him in government whether through checks and balances or via corruption. His behavior and personality are secondary.
Evil is relative. The only thing to study is the failures of those around him in government whether through checks and balances or via corruption. His behavior and personality are secondary.
Hitler's big mistake was to invade the Soviet Union while Great Britain was unconquered, and while the United States was getting ready to enter the fight. The Soviet Union was the largest country in the world. The United States produced half the world's industrial goods, and was invulnerable to air attack. The British Empire was the largest and richest empire in the world.
Hitler's big mistake was to invade the Soviet Union while Great Britain was unconquered, and while the United States was getting ready to enter the fight. The Soviet Union was the largest country in the world. The United States produced half the world's industrial goods, and was invulnerable to air attack. The British Empire was the largest and richest empire in the world.
Why did you even quote me? This is not a response to my comment
Hitler resented the fact that he was turned down for an arts academy while Jews were admitted.

Mein Kampf was self-justification and fiction...
Interesting, didn't know it was so personal.

My understanding was that indeed, part of antisemitism was driven by the act that some Jews were often well-to-do in Germany, while the rest were struggling with post-ww1 depression.
Many Jews succeeded through artistic and intellectual merit, a select minority because they owned banks and were loan sharks, speculated mercilessly when others were starving.

But to kill entire generations because of a tiny minority....
And mind you, British and German speculators and loan sharks were left unperturbed.
[Initially] He was even sympathetic to Jews. In Volume I, Chapter II, “Years of Study and Suffering in Vienna,” he wrote, “The fact that [Jews] had been persecuted…turned my aversion against unfavorable remarks about them almost into abhorrence.”

After he failed in his goals to become an artist or an architect Hitler supported himself as a house painter. He earned a low income. His humiliation and poverty twisted his mind, and put him in the mood to hate. In Vienna he often saw successful painters and architects who were Jews. Antisemites do not claim that Jews are inferior. The complaint is that Jews are too successful, too powerful. Antisemitism is the socialism of fools, the right wing form of the politics of e
Apparently the Swiss got off scots-free in the Public opinion.
Brilliant international reputation when in fact, they are unscrupulous scumbags.
They profitted during and after ww2, and still do by being offshore heavens
The real reason Hitler didn't get into Art College was simple:

He wasn't good enough.

But he would never admit that so it must have been a Jewish plot.
The real reason Hitler didn't get into Art College was simple:

He wasn't good enough.

But he would never admit that so it must have been a Jewish plot.
not good enough?
omg! I just googled his paintings and I was shocked that some were great!!!

He was not inappropriate in thinking that he deserved a spot for training, perhaps he missed the entrance exam by a mere marks.

Who knows... Had there been more training positions on offer, maybe the World wouldn't have seen the Holocaust. Or who knows, maybe there would have been someone else, maybe Hitler was a mere expression of the nazi party, not it's creator.
not good enough?
omg! I just googled his paintings and I was shocked that some were great!!!

He was not inappropriate in thinking that he deserved a spot for training, perhaps he missed the entrance exam by a mere marks.

Who knows... Had there been more training positions on offer, maybe the World wouldn't have seen the Holocaust. Or who knows, maybe there would have been someone else, maybe Hitler was a mere expression of the nazi party, not it's creator.
Those paintings were later in his life. When he applied, they weren't good and were described as amateurish pastiches.

He had applied to the premier Arts College in Austria. if he had tried again at another one...
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Those paintings were later in his life. When he applied, they weren't good and were described as amateurish pastiches.
aaah, it makes sense.
The ones that I saw online were not bad at all..

I think that people are unfairly denigrating them because of what Hitler had done...
But one criticism seemed valid to me: his stills --buildings, florals, nature-- were good, whereas the people in his paintings had no spark ... in line with how Hitler viewed his victims.
Who knows... Had there been more training positions on offer, maybe the World wouldn't have seen the Holocaust. Or who knows, maybe there would have been someone else, maybe Hitler was a mere expression of the nazi party, not it's creator.

hey guys!! Please check out this intriguing post. The dude does make interesting points that ring true to me:

"That's such a ridiculous view of history it's not even funny. Think about how often, when Nazi Germany is discussed, Hitler's name comes up. He's a convenient scapegoat but it should be kept in mind that the Holocaust was the fault of the German people, not all but most, and not exclusively of Hitler. Hitler was a patsy, charismatic maybe but if he hadn't been giving voice to a sentiment of virulent anti-Semitism (and anti-Communism) that was already strong in the German people, people would have ignored him just as we ignore thousands of charismatic but hateful figures in our public life today.

Hitler scapegoating causes real harm, first of all allowing the real and widespread hatred of Jews in Europe (not just in Germany) to escape attention.
It assigns historical agency to a single person, ignoring the reality (and complexity) of how fascist society came to be in mid-century Europe. Assigning blame to one person or even a thousand people to the genocide of 12 million people is an insult to their memory.

Sorry to come down like that on's not personal, in fact quite the opposite, the Hitler obsession of modern America is so prevalent it makes you wonder. My theory is that it has mostly to do with American foreign policy after the war, when it was important to redeem Germany in the eyes of American citizens who were being told that Soviet Communism was the real "evil"...historical accuracy sacrificed to geo-political expediency. Something to think about next time you see a Jew driving a BMW."

by user buttmunchies
reddit Art/comments/ju32w (thread The paintings of Hitler)
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Churchill, although he considered himself to be an amateur, was a better painter than Hitler.
Interesting, didn't know it was so personal.

My understanding was that indeed, part of antisemitism was driven by the act that some Jews were often well-to-do in Germany, while the rest were struggling with post-ww1 depression.
Many Jews succeeded through artistic and intellectual merit, a select minority because they owned banks and were loan sharks, speculated mercilessly when others were starving.

But to kill entire generations because of a tiny minority....
And mind you, British and German speculators and loan sharks were left unperturbed.
Antisemitism has been called "the socialism of fools." It combines left wing politics of envy with right wing ethnic bigotry. Many who are angry about their economic circumstances are reluctant to direct that anger at rich people of their ethnicity. They find it easy to hate rich Jews. Hatred of rich Jews segues to hatred of all Jews, some of whom are poor.

Antisemites have spent their lives watching Jews get better grades, better jobs, and better incomes. They fear being fired and replaced by more intelligent, better paid Jews who will perform their jobs better, faster, and with less effort.

Antisemites I have encountered on the internet present preposterous arguments. They will say that American Jews started the civil rights movement in order to destroy the United States. I remind them that Jews have been more successful in the United States than in any other country, with the possible exception of Israel. I remind them that the United States has been more protective of Israel than any other country has been. Jews have every reason to like the United States. The vast majority do.

Antisemites blame Jews for the pornography industry. I remind them that during the twentieth century the most prominent pornographers were Hugh Hefner of Playboy, Bob Guccione of Penthouse magazine, and Larry Flynt of Hustler, and that these were Gentiles.

As much as I hate antisemitism I do not want expressions of it to be censored. I want to be able to debate against it. On several websites I have not been allowed to do so.
thanks for the like, JE.

Hey,what do you think of the of my quoted reddit post at
Antisemitism has been called "the socialism of fools." It combines left wing politics of envy with right wing ethnic bigotry. Many who are angry about their economic circumstances are reluctant to direct that anger at rich people of their ethnicity. They find it easy to hate rich Jews. Hatred of rich Jews segues to hatred of all Jews, some of whom are poor.

Antisemites have spent their lives watching Jews get better grades, better jobs, and better incomes. They fear being fired and replaced by more intelligent, better paid Jews who will perform their jobs better, faster, and with less effort.

Antisemites I have encountered on the internet present preposterous arguments. They will say that American Jews started the civil rights movement in order to destroy the United States. I remind them that Jews have been more successful in the United States than in any other country, with the possible exception of Israel. I remind them that the United States has been more protective of Israel than any other country has been. Jews have every reason to like the United States. The vast majority do.

Antisemites blame Jews for the pornography industry. I remind them that during the twentieth century the most prominent pornographers were Hugh Hefner of Playboy, Bob Guccione of Penthouse magazine, and Larry Flynt of Hustler, and that these were Gentiles.

As much as I hate antisemitism I do not want expressions of it to be censored. I want to be able to debate against it. On several websites I have not been allowed to do so.
I totally agree.
I'm a long-term admirer of Jewish culture.
I met few Jewish laypeople, but ALL of them happened to be outstanding human beings. And their culture gave us spirituality & some of the most enlightened minds.

BUT let's not forget about some of the weed from their midst.
Because they are good with money (as most oppressed people are, to survive) some of them ended up joining the ranks of British and German speculants and lenders who profitted from their laypeople's misfortune.

Anti-semites, unfortunately generalize, those being just a tiny %
thanks for the like, JE.

Hey,what do you think of the of my quoted reddit post at

I totally agree.
I'm a long-term admirer of Jewish culture.
I met few Jewish laypeople, but ALL of them happened to be outstanding human beings. And their culture gave us spirituality & some of the most enlightened minds.

BUT let's not forget about some of the weed from their midst.
Because they are good with money (as most oppressed people are, to survive) some of them ended up joining the ranks of British and German speculants and lenders who profitted from their laypeople's misfortune.

Anti-semites, unfortunately generalize, those being just a tiny %
I have known a few Jews I did not like, but they were not observant, so i did not consider them to be authentically Jewish. I have never known an Oriental I did not like.
Jew haters claim that "the Jews" were behind the Russian Revolution. Let me say this about that:


By December 1917, five of the twenty-one members of the Communist Central Committee were Jews...

According to the 1922 Bolshevik party census, there were 19,564 Jewish Bolsheviks, comprising 5.21% of the total, and in the 1920s of the 417 members of the Central Executive Committee, the party Central Committee, the Presidium of the Executive of the Soviets of the USSR and the Russian Republic, the People's Commissars, 6% were ethnic Jews.[18] Between 1936 and 1940, during the Great Purge, Yezhovshchina and after the rapprochement with Nazi Germany, Stalin had largely eliminated Jews from senior party, government, diplomatic, security and military positions.


Jew haters blame Jews for what they do not like about the United States, and what they do not like about their lives. They claim to be red blooded patriots who love United States, but they do not love many things about the United States.
Antisemites have spent their lives watching Jews get better grades, better jobs, and better incomes. They fear being fired and replaced by more intelligent, better paid Jews who will perform their jobs better, faster, and with less effort.
This is exactly why your frequent extolling of Jews and Asians as superior is really not a good thing at all.