American Sentences

perma-resident, learner's permit... holy fuck, road-users BEWARE!
I wish to be absent from your life; sometimes my own but mainly yours.
The way you are dressed humbles me—to date I have only known mortals.
I saw you and my heart lifted. I thought "Oh, finally, here is Spring."
A carefully raked Zen garden in which I've left you one misplaced stone.
West End Blues

Slow dancing, arms round his neck, swaying to Louis: hot fives and sevens.
Slow Dancing to LPs

Even the runout track—thip pause thip pause thip—sounds like music to me.
Early morning breeze—and into the cloudless sky, cherry blossoms rain.
I look forward to whatever you might dream, but please don't dream of me.
The Sorrows of Young Werther, 2018 Version

She left no tear-stained handkerchief, merely texted her fine, scented words.