Ah this is odd


Literotica Guru
Apr 24, 2016
Not even sure if this is the right thread, or if it has been done before but here it goes:

Do any of you know what would be needed to cross dress as a guy? I'm assuming the face is androgynous enough, what else would a girl have to do?
I really don't think that every girl could dress up as a guy. For one thing, some girls would find that their breasts are just too big to actually hide them.
Another thing is the face. While it is androgynous, some faces just can't be mistaken easily. It's true for both men and women. Some women have faces that will only allow them dress up as young boys.

But even if you get all this out of the way - the best answer would be "it depends". Just like a personal style for your own sex, you will have to carefully consider your clothes. Not every style will suit you, and if it doesn't - you'll probably look more awkward than a man in an unfitting clothes.

And finally the last thing is movements. Men move differently from women, and to mimic that - all you can do is study. I'm pretty sure there are manuals to be found online that will help you know exactly what you need to pay attention to.
I really don't think that every girl could dress up as a guy. For one thing, some girls would find that their breasts are just too big to actually hide them.
Another thing is the face. While it is androgynous, some faces just can't be mistaken easily. It's true for both men and women. Some women have faces that will only allow them dress up as young boys.

But even if you get all this out of the way - the best answer would be "it depends". Just like a personal style for your own sex, you will have to carefully consider your clothes. Not every style will suit you, and if it doesn't - you'll probably look more awkward than a man in an unfitting clothes.

And finally the last thing is movements. Men move differently from women, and to mimic that - all you can do is study. I'm pretty sure there are manuals to be found online that will help you know exactly what you need to pay attention to.

You're quite right. Another part to worry about would be hips.

Until I was 8 or so I used to have a boy cut, and was actually mistaken for a boy many times. I grew out my hair because of that, but until I was a preteen I looked pretty gender-flexible. Then boobs happened šŸ˜‚

Assuming the face and body and mannerisms work out, what other things would you have to do e.g. binding/ any tips for dressing up?
Oh, don't underestimate how feminine your face might look.

Two female friends once dressed up as men for carneval. They stuffed pillows underneath their shirts to give themselves enormous beer bellies that also hid their breasts. The other option, regarding breasts, would be binders.

There's a doc movie called "Venus Boyz" (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0293685/combined) about "Drag Kings". I remember really liking that movie, although it's literally been years since I saw it.
Oh, don't underestimate how feminine your face might look.

Two female friends once dressed up as men for carneval. They stuffed pillows underneath their shirts to give themselves enormous beer bellies that also hid their breasts. The other option, regarding breasts, would be binders.

There's a doc movie called "Venus Boyz" (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0293685/combined) about "Drag Kings". I remember really liking that movie, although it's literally been years since I saw it.

Oh definitely. Lips are a big problem. Hillary Swank from Boys don't Cry comes to mind. And kids and preteen boys have a roundish face, so you could get away with it then, but not as a 20-something year old!

One idea I had was to wrap cloth around the abdomen so the chest seemed flatter by comparison. But then it sort of looked like a flat beer belly lol.

I checked out the movie, it looks interesting.
The main physical challenge is compensating for breasts, hips, and ass.

Is there a particular "look" you're going for as a man? Some are easier to pull off than others - depending on whether or not you'd like to be able to pass a casual inspection.
The main physical challenge is compensating for breasts, hips, and ass.

Is there a particular "look" you're going for as a man? Some are easier to pull off than others - depending on whether or not you'd like to be able to pass a casual inspection.

Nothing specific, whatever goes enough to pass by. Looking for tips and such. Boyish/effeminate looking would be easy, I guess.

I'm gathering info for a story :) If I ever get the chance I will try to put the tips to practical use though lol
Nothing specific, whatever goes enough to pass by. Looking for tips and such. Boyish/effeminate looking would be easy, I guess.

I'm gathering info for a story :) If I ever get the chance I will try to put the tips to practical use though lol

Some years ago I used to date a woman who enjoyed cross-dressing, so I couldn't help but learn a couple of things.

Here are the handful of tips I picked up (that I can remember).

1. Stop shaping/trimming your eyebrows. Most men don't - they might get a quick "stray hair" trim but that's it.

2. Get a haircut at a man's barber shop from a man who understands you don't want to get a man-like girls haircut.

3. Square off your shoulders (walk with them squared and use padding so your jacket/coat/sports jersey drapes diagonally, straight down) - that's your main cover to hide your curves.

4. Women unconsciously wear their pants higher that men do and most men have room in the crotch for their package, so wear looser pants.

Those were the things I remember - the rest of it was all about mannerism - how men walk, sit, stand, etc. Men, in general, are more aggressive with their body language that women. They rarely occupy the middle group in the distance they stand from each other. Either they're outside the intimate range or they're inside of it. They don't have a middle distance.
Some years ago I used to date a woman who enjoyed cross-dressing, so I couldn't help but learn a couple of things.

Here are the handful of tips I picked up (that I can remember).

1. Stop shaping/trimming your eyebrows. Most men don't - they might get a quick "stray hair" trim but that's it.

2. Get a haircut at a man's barber shop from a man who understands you don't want to get a man-like girls haircut.

3. Square off your shoulders (walk with them squared and use padding so your jacket/coat/sports jersey drapes diagonally, straight down) - that's your main cover to hide your curves.

4. Women unconsciously wear their pants higher that men do and most men have room in the crotch for their package, so wear looser pants.

Those were the things I remember - the rest of it was all about mannerism - how men walk, sit, stand, etc. Men, in general, are more aggressive with their body language that women. They rarely occupy the middle group in the distance they stand from each other. Either they're outside the intimate range or they're inside of it. They don't have a middle distance.


One thing I never understood about guys- the thin ones seem to have so much room around their thighs and crotch, I wonder if there is anything there at all. Even when sitting slouched back, legs open.. uhh, looks pretty empty. Then, if I get to see it.. oh boy, how the hell was that hidden?!

Maybe because I'm a girl I just don't get how they hide it so well.
There was a movie about a girl, in high school who cross-dressed as a guy so she/he could get an internship at the local newspaper...I think.

I forget what it was called, but her younger brother helped her transform into a guy. A lot of good scenes about that.

Just One of the Guys...http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0089393/
Nothing wrong w this forum...but maybe you might want to try this in a couple other forums as well? :D

And come back with some tales?

One thing I never understood about guys- the thin ones seem to have so much room around their thighs and crotch, I wonder if there is anything there at all. Even when sitting slouched back, legs open.. uhh, looks pretty empty. Then, if I get to see it.. oh boy, how the hell was that hidden?!

Maybe because I'm a girl I just don't get how they hide it so well.
first of all, men's pants are designed to allow for some room there. Rarely they are tighty fit, so most of the time what you see is a rather loose folds of clothing. While female pants seem to hug you very tight, men's are different. What you see as a crotch is actually slightly below the real crotch.
Also there's another thing. Most men are growers, so that cock actually increases in size very much when erect. Also when flaccid it's very flexible and can squish and bend to fit any space. Completely flaccid cock is little different from a strip of loose skin - you can almost roll it in a roll. It also becomes very short (for me, for example, my cock is only 1 inch long when completely flaccid, which happens during cold weather. Normally it's about 2 inches. But it's over 6 inches when it's erect.) It kinda hides inside the body a little bit too.
As for balls, they are not that large to begin with.

All things considered, with clothes and underwear on, the manhood is slightly larger than a plum. Maybe just the volume of two medium-sized chicken eggs. When it's supported by clothes, of course it's not that big, and you can't really see it.

The thing you should also understand is that men rarely become completely erect out of an explicid sexual situation. Mostly you can get semi-hard when you see a good looking girl, but you will get rock hard only when you are REALLY turned on. Semi-hard cock is still very flexible and takes the space it has available. If we talk about tight pants and underwear - you'll barely notice it.
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If you decide to do this, be sure to tell me. I want you to come to my house for dinner so I can introduce you to my parents as my boyfriend. See if it flys with them or if they notice something is a little off. Maybe say stuff like "bro", "pass me a cold one", and "i'm 100% beef" randomly. I'm sure it'll work.
If you decide to do this, be sure to tell me. I want you to come to my house for dinner so I can introduce you to my parents as my boyfriend. See if it flys with them or if they notice something is a little off. Maybe say stuff like "bro", "pass me a cold one", and "i'm 100% beef" randomly. I'm sure it'll work.

Ok....it was hot...but add this to the mix and fuck me up and down....my head spins with the images in my mind
All comments read and appreciated :) but will not nessecarily be followed :p
I think I've got enough info, no need to spam some other board.
(the fetish forum was first in my mind actually, then I thought this is more of a 'how to')
If you decide to do this, be sure to tell me. I want you to come to my house for dinner so I can introduce you to my parents as my boyfriend. See if it flys with them or if they notice something is a little off. Maybe say stuff like "bro", "pass me a cold one", and "i'm 100% beef" randomly. I'm sure it'll work.

Girl, I'm so manly I've made grown men squeal and giggle due to the tingles they got down there in their gentlemanly bits.

When I cut my hair you're gonna be my first conquest *winks lecherously* so keep that address ready.
What an interesting thread!

It takes me back to a fully-staged opera I was in where one of the female cast played an adolescent boy (Marriage of Figaro). She had very large breasts and her character had to cross-dress as a woman. We had such trouble finding a bra big enough to go on the outside of her boy's costume!

Sorry for going off at a tangent...
Girl, I'm so manly I've made grown men squeal and giggle due to the tingles they got down there in their gentlemanly bits.

When I cut my hair you're gonna be my first conquest *winks lecherously* so keep that address ready.

Raises hand...may i watch? I would be quiet. Or quietish...
Girl, I'm so manly I've made grown men squeal and giggle due to the tingles they got down there in their gentlemanly bits.

When I cut my hair you're gonna be my first conquest *winks lecherously* so keep that address ready.

I am so up for this. 2 possible outcomes of this: 1. my parents will flip out and assume im a lipstick lesbian, or 2. I will have a new boyfriend.
I am so up for this. 2 possible outcomes of this: 1. my parents will flip out and assume im a lipstick lesbian, or 2. I will have a new boyfriend.

#2 happens and we'll drive around in my black Camaro announcing our love to the neighborhood.

...wait, I wouldn't be able to wear lipstick? Nooooooooooo!
#2 happens and we'll drive around in my black Camaro announcing our love to the neighborhood.

...wait, I wouldn't be able to wear lipstick? Nooooooooooo!

you still can, I won't tell anyone ;). actually, I subscribe to a few monthly beauty boxes, and they send me lipstick sometimes. I don't use dark or red colored lipstick, so you can have them.