A few questions about tags/categories


Really Experienced
May 21, 2018
I have a few potential story ideas, but I am unsure of which categories or tags would apply, and am hoping for a bit of advice as I work on my brainstorming and first drafts for these stories.

-For a situation where two half-siblings sleep together, but for the first time they don't know they're half-siblings, is there a specific tag to use for that? I would submit this in the Incest/Taboo category as the reader would certainly infer the situation, even if the characters don't know it, and the truth would definitely be revealed within the narrative. But is there a specific tag that readers would expect for this? 'Unwitting incest' or something like that?

-How about a situation where a character sleeps with his father's wife? In this situation, the son is the illegitimate child of his father and another woman, and eventually meets up with his father's wife, and sleeps with her. So there's technically no incest, and the woman is not technically his stepmother, either. That's not really incest so the incest tags/category wouldn't really fit, but I do understand the scenario may ick some people out, so I wanted to make that clear based on the category and tag selections.

-What's the general age range for the 'Mature' category? Would, say, a twenty year old man sleeping with a forty-five year old woman constitute 'mature,' or would just using an 'age difference' tag suffice?

Even if both situations aren't technically incest, they are certainly taboo, so the category fits. You'll probably get comments complaining that they aren't blood relations, but ignore them.
Even if both situations aren't technically incest, they are certainly taboo, so the category fits. You'll probably get comments complaining that they aren't blood relations, but ignore them.
Alternatively you can write an author's note warning that the story isn't true incest if you wanna avoid the complaining. Not that you'll avoid all of them lol. I wrote a cousin story and received a bunch of complaints that cousin loving isn't t true incest because it's legal in alot of states.
Alternatively you can write an author's note warning that the story isn't true incest if you wanna avoid the complaining. Not that you'll avoid all of them lol. I wrote a cousin story and received a bunch of complaints that cousin loving isn't t true incest because it's legal in alot of states.
I don't know the legalities of it, but non-blood relations are probably considered taboo in most of the Western world because of the emotional entanglements. The amount of time the two people have known each other is a factor too. Two years is different from a lifetime. I don't think I have any incest stories on this site, but the fans of it can be quite avid for the "real" thing. Mother-son relationships are particularly popular it seems.
-For a situation where two half-siblings sleep together, but for the first time they don't know they're half-siblings, is there a specific tag to use for that? I would submit this in the Incest/Taboo category as the reader would certainly infer the situation, even if the characters don't know it, and the truth would definitely be revealed within the narrative. But is there a specific tag that readers would expect for this? 'Unwitting incest' or something like that?

-How about a situation where a character sleeps with his father's wife? In this situation, the son is the illegitimate child of his father and another woman, and eventually meets up with his father's wife, and sleeps with her. So there's technically no incest, and the woman is not technically his stepmother, either. That's not really incest so the incest tags/category wouldn't really fit, but I do understand the scenario may ick some people out, so I wanted to make that clear based on the category and tag selections.

-What's the general age range for the 'Mature' category? Would, say, a twenty year old man sleeping with a forty-five year old woman constitute 'mature,' or would just using an 'age difference' tag suffice?

Half-siblings share a biological parent = incest. I/T is the category for this. For tags, half-brother and half-sister I would put as separate tags, and then whatever else fits the story.

I recommend that you find a way to suggest that relationship in either your title or description ("Couple shares a night, discover they share a parent" or whatever will fit your story and the space allowed). Not everybody checks the tags. You could also put a brief author's note at the beginning with a warning it's about half-siblings. Cuts down on unhappy readers if you tell them upfront what your story is about.

In the second example, my take is that she's still his stepmother if she's married to his father. It's definitely taboo. I would use stepson and stepmother tags here. If it's about revenge, tag that too.

Mature is the category for old/young relationships. Tag it with "younger man" and "older woman" and whatever else fits your story.

That's my two cents worth.
I have a few potential story ideas, but I am unsure of which categories or tags would apply, and am hoping for a bit of advice as I work on my brainstorming and first drafts for these stories.

-For a situation where two half-siblings sleep together, but for the first time they don't know they're half-siblings, is there a specific tag to use for that? I would submit this in the Incest/Taboo category as the reader would certainly infer the situation, even if the characters don't know it, and the truth would definitely be revealed within the narrative. But is there a specific tag that readers would expect for this? 'Unwitting incest' or something like that?

I'd tag it "half-siblings" and "accidental incest" or something along those lines, though the second one is unlikely to occur to a reader as a search term I think.

-How about a situation where a character sleeps with his father's wife? In this situation, the son is the illegitimate child of his father and another woman, and eventually meets up with his father's wife, and sleeps with her. So there's technically no incest, and the woman is not technically his stepmother, either. That's not really incest so the incest tags/category wouldn't really fit, but I do understand the scenario may ick some people out, so I wanted to make that clear based on the category and tag selections.

I'd probably post that in Mature, as long as the tone was CLEARLY not meant to play up the near-incest angle. In other words, if the "kink" is based on age instead of familial relationship, then Mature is the slam-dunk category.

-What's the general age range for the 'Mature' category? Would, say, a twenty year old man sleeping with a forty-five year old woman constitute 'mature,' or would just using an 'age difference' tag suffice?

There's no set number. I've posted a couple dozen stories in Mature, some with age gaps of 3-5 years and others up to about 20 years. It's not the number that matters, per se, as much as it is the imbalance that matters: the relationship ought to be clearly and obviously NOT between people at the same stage of life. I've even flirted with the idea of making the younger character more mature than the older, but I've never gotten around to it; If I had, I'd not have hesitated to post it in Mature.

Note that although Mature category readers are very tolerant of many kinds of plots, they do seem to appreciate an ending that, if not happy, is at least non-sad. Or non-vindictive: they like closure, in terms of the interpersonal dynamics.

You're welcome.
Thanks for all the advice, everyone!

In the second example, my take is that she's still his stepmother if she's married to his father. It's definitely taboo. I would use stepson and stepmother tags here. If it's about revenge, tag that too.

I should have clarified further: the father will have been deceased (for several years by the time the story starts), and the younger man would not even met his father's widow until a few years after his father's death (and has in fact never even met his father). Sort of a situation where the younger man is reconnecting with the other side of the family, so to speak. So in my head it wasn't a clearcut stepmom/stepson situation, hence why I was unsure about what sort of tags to describe that relationship. Regardless it is still pretty taboo, I'm just unfamiliar with certain common tags in the Incest/Taboo category, so was unsure of what might fit the dynamic of 'widow hooks up with the son her husband had with another woman.'
So in my head it wasn't a clearcut stepmom/stepson situation, hence why I was unsure about what sort of tags to describe that relationship. Regardless it is still pretty taboo, I'm just unfamiliar with certain common tags in the Incest/Taboo category, so was unsure of what might fit the dynamic of 'widow hooks up with the son her husband had with another woman.'

Yeah, this is where you have a decision to make: a reader who likes the "young guy putting his dick in an attractive older woman" situation is not quite the same as a reader who likes the "young guy putting his dick where his father's has been" dynamic. Obviously, if the story is well-told, it won't matter so much... but when deciding on your category, I think it's important for you to identify the primary kink.

Tags help. But I believe the category is more important as a way of regulating readership.
-For a situation where two half-siblings sleep together, but for the first time they don't know they're half-siblings, is there a specific tag to use for that? I would submit this in the Incest/Taboo category as the reader would certainly infer the situation, even if the characters don't know it, and the truth would definitely be revealed within the narrative. But is there a specific tag that readers would expect for this? 'Unwitting incest' or something like that?
My story "My European Summer Vacation" is about two half-siblings who sleep together, but initially don't know they are half-siblings. Once the male character finds out they are half-siblings, he considers her his sister. The female character doesn't find out for months that they are related.

The tags I used:
It won 2nd place in the 2016 Summer Lovin' contest. It's made it to the top of the Incest/Taboo Hall of Fame several times. Currently a 4.84 rating. I've never got a complaint about that I should have identified them as half-siblings or should have given it an "unwitting incest" tag.
My story "My European Summer Vacation" is about two half-siblings who sleep together, but initially don't know they are half-siblings. Once the male character finds out they are half-siblings, he considers her his sister. The female character doesn't find out for months that they are related.

The tags I used:
View attachment 2290455
It won 2nd place in the 2016 Summer Lovin' contest. It's made it to the top of the Incest/Taboo Hall of Fame several times. Currently a 4.84 rating. I've never got a complaint about that I should have identified them as half-siblings or should have given it an "unwitting incest" tag.
She would be his sister.
Alternatively you can write an author's note warning that the story isn't true incest if you wanna avoid the complaining. Not that you'll avoid all of them lol. I wrote a cousin story and received a bunch of complaints that cousin loving isn't t true incest because it's legal in alot of states.
But that disclaimer could trigger Laurel into moving it elsewhere.
I have a few potential story ideas, but I am unsure of which categories or tags would apply, and am hoping for a bit of advice as I work on my brainstorming and first drafts for these stories.

-For a situation where two half-siblings sleep together, but for the first time they don't know they're half-siblings, is there a specific tag to use for that? I would submit this in the Incest/Taboo category as the reader would certainly infer the situation, even if the characters don't know it, and the truth would definitely be revealed within the narrative. But is there a specific tag that readers would expect for this? 'Unwitting incest' or something like that?

-How about a situation where a character sleeps with his father's wife? In this situation, the son is the illegitimate child of his father and another woman, and eventually meets up with his father's wife, and sleeps with her. So there's technically no incest, and the woman is not technically his stepmother, either. That's not really incest so the incest tags/category wouldn't really fit, but I do understand the scenario may ick some people out, so I wanted to make that clear based on the category and tag selections.

-What's the general age range for the 'Mature' category? Would, say, a twenty year old man sleeping with a forty-five year old woman constitute 'mature,' or would just using an 'age difference' tag suffice?

Mature - and the young man will definitely be the better for it.