33 and counting


Literotica Guru
Jun 5, 2006
Since Robert Mueller began his investigation of the con artist and his collusion with Russia during the 2016 presidential election, 33 persons have been charged with various crimes including lying to a grand jury. The most recent charge is now against Jerome Corsi, a friend and confidant to Roger Stone. Stone, as you will all remember, boasted numerous times he had a backchannel communications with Julian Assange, head of WikiLeaks.

Stone would make a pronouncement, such as information on Hillary Clinton being released very soon, and within one day information on Hillary Clinton would be released.

Since those braggings, Stone has furiously backpedaled, claiming either he was lying, just mouthing off, or it was sheer coincidence the day after he would say something was going to happen, it did happen.

So where does Corsi come in? He apparently was the backchannel with Assange and so would have been able to pass on information to Stone and, by virtue of Stone being an advisor to the con artist, to the con artist campaign. Corsi, it also should be mentioned, was a "bureau chief" for the fake news site InfoWars.

Corsi could face any number of charges -- spanning from perjury to making false claims to obstruction of justice. The potential charges could be related to false statements he made about his relationship with WikiLeaks and Stone.

Corsi would join a growing list of Republican political operatives and Trump advisers who face criminal charges and have been helping Mueller's investigators. Those people, who continue to share information in several investigations, according to the Justice Department, are former Trump campaign deputy Rick Gates, former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort, former Trump national security adviser Michael Flynn, Trump's personal lawyer Michael Cohen and lobbyist Sam Patten.



Corsi now says he won't accept the plea deal, that he didn't lie, and deleting all emails before a specific date was just a coincidence. His lies, as laid in a draft filing:

He told them he rebuffed Stone when Stone asked him to reach out to Wikileaks; he denied that Stone asked him to involve another person in the effort; and he denied he shared information about what Wikileaks had.​

And yet, his own emails say the very opposite. He accepted Stone's request to get in touch with WikiLeaks, involved a third person, and sent several emails to Stone about what he knew and when the release of information was going to happen.

Next up, Roger Stone. That will be 34. So much winning.

The hits keep coming. As if lying wasn't bad enough, Corsi has admitted Roger Stone was coordinating with WikiLeaks on release of information. Specifically, right after the Access Hollywood tapes where the con artist is heard bragging about assaulting women.

WikiLeaks dropped a batch of emails less than an hour after the "Access Hollywood" recording of Donald Trump speaking in vulgar language was made public in October 2016, prompting questions about whether anyone had guided WikiLeaks on its timing to help mitigate the fallout for the then-presidential candidate.
. . .
"Now, my recollection is that Roger is saying, 'You know this Billy (Bush) is going to be dropped and Assange better get going. Why don't you get to your buddy Assange and tell him to start,'" Corsi recalled in his interview with CNN, referring to WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange. "Well, I didn't have any contact with Assange."

As a follow up to the previous post about figuring up a lie to cover for Stone who tweeted advanced knowledge of an impending release, Corsi said:

"And I said to Roger, basically, 'Why don't we say it was my research on Podesta that you were referring to?' Of course, I hadn't been doing any research on Podesta, but the next day I went to opensource and wrote him this memo so he had a basis for it."

By late August 2016, Corsi said, he had crafted a research memo on the Podestas' business dealings that Stone could point to as the basis for his tweet.​
