2019 Serena Joy Awards


Literotica Guru
Jan 10, 2008
2019 Serena Joy Awards

Here is an award, for women that sell out other women, for their own personal gain.

Who is Serena Joy ?

She is a fictional character, from the Handmaid's Tale book and TV series.

Serena Joy was a woman that enjoyed the freedoms and equal rights that
American women fought for.

She had the intelligence and the drive, to get what she needed to succeed.

She climbed the success ladder, starting with a position singing in a choir on television. She took over the administration of the TV show, and became the face that represented the televangelist show, because she ran the show. She was at the top of her world, as the face and voice of a movement.

Empress of Evangelicism.

The movement that she headed, made it possible for the coup to happen.

Suddenly, Serena Joy lost her authority, her position, and agency in the new, purely male-dominated world.

What is Serena Joy’s relationship with Commander Waterford like?

This husband and wife relationship is fraught with complexities. In flashbacks, we can see that Serena and Fred really do care for one another, with Fred showing his support for Serena and almost playing second fiddle to her success. Prior to the formation of Gilead it is clear that Serena wore the pants in the relationship, but due to the patriarchal structure of this sexist society, Serena is stripped of her power and forced into the humble role of 'wife' with barely any other freedoms.

This switch in power clearly changes their dynamic dramatically and the imbalance seems to suck a fair amount of the passion and intimacy out of their relationship. Serena also appears to be devastated that she cannot provide a child—which she feels is the true and only mission for a woman.

This creates major tension between her and and her Handmaid, Offred
The dislike towards Offred only grows stronger when she cottons on that her husband has been seeking out private time with the Handmaid—taking her to Jezebels (the illegal, off-grid club that Commanders attend that works as a bar cum brothel) to have sex.

Aside from the conflict in intimacy, there's a certain sense—seen particularly in season two—that Serena feels she is better than Fred at dealing with Gilead business, and she feels stunted by the restrictions placed on her gender. This builds up a certain resentment from Serena targeted towards Fred, and in the second season we see Serena finally go behind Fred's back to (fraudulently) sign off documents to have another Commander removed from his post.


Serena Joy brought the movement into being, and the change to her world. Her only value in the new world, is the ability to give birth. She cannot get pregnant. She serves as window dressing, as a Commander's wife.

We see flashbacks of her in the pre-Gilead days when she was an Ann Coulter-style author and public speaker. Serena Joy tries to push her right-wing agenda, but she is repeatedly drowned out by furious protesters at the college campus where she’s scheduled to speak. The scene culminates in a shooting, and Serena Joy takes a bullet in her abdomen, her pristine white pantsuit dripping blood. We never know if it is her injury that causes her infertility, or is she one of the many women in this dystopian future who find themselves unable to bear children.

It was a woman that insisted the bill pass without exceptions for rape or incest.

The bill’s sponsor, Rep. Terri Collins, said it is intended to serve as a direct challenge to Roe v. Wade.

Alabama abortion ban: governor signs bill into law

Gov. Kay Ivey (R) has signed a law that bans almost all abortions in Alabama, with exceptions only in cases when a woman’s life is in danger.


Zeke Miller Verified Account

MONTGOMERY, Ala. (AP) — Alabama governor signs nation's strictest abortion ban, which makes performing an abortion a felony in nearly all cases.

3:04 PM - 15 May 2019
If any woman sided with Trump, on letting industrial corporations dump
harmful chemicals into water that flood into aquifers meant for drinking water,
she may be answering her heirs in the near future -

Silent Spring
- Rachel Carson

She said, "Wake up! DDT is killing all of the birds."

Baby birds died inside the egg.

Strangely, the women could not carry a baby to term.

Medical science responded and gave women DES to prevent miscarriages.

Female children of DES mothers had ovary abnormalities and ovarian cancer.

The grandaughters have difficult births, and ovarian cancer.

Another generation may have the same problems.

*tap hard enough on the keyboard to post the letter of the word
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