💌 Send a Valentine to a Litster! 💌

For @PlanetaryNebula
I love you too!!!
Thanks to @BrendaD @SirConradPeckereye @Nicefella @LaisDeMarieDeFrance @Kitty_so_frisky and @crazychemgirl for all the v day wishes!! I hope I don’t leave anyone out because I love you all!
PSA to would-be viewers. This is one case where the watching experience is greatly enhanced by setting the video quality to 144p.

You're welcome.
Yeah, no. While I hold incredible adoration and respect for @aussiegeekygal I learned back in 2018, I think it was, not to click links. In particular when she mentions "bleach." I haven't been the same since.
PSA to would-be viewers. This is one case where the watching experience is greatly enhanced by setting the video quality to 144p.

You're welcome.
Dude. NO. Don’t you DARE fat-shame Jack Black and Kyle Gass; they are glorious humans and you should feel privileged to behold their frolicking forms!

@Kitty_so_frisky 🤣💖🌹 I love them!!

Since I'm still half asleep my first thought was...is that a paddle? 🙄 💖🌹
Yay! Glad you likey 😊 and in case you haven’t woken up, I’m pretty sure it’s a light bulb 💡 I don’t exactly know how one would turn on a paddle, but that would be a challenge for another day! 🤔