Genesis Firestorm


Literotica Guru
Apr 7, 2013
Genesis Firestorm (closed)

December 20th, 2012...
A few words from the journal of Biologist, Dr. Mark DeLyon
It looks like I'm finally home to enjoy Christmas with my family, for the first time in three years... I think it's because of all the stress surrounding that foolish 2012 theory from the Mayan calendar, the directors thought we could use a break. Mr. Warren was joking with us earlier, he said; "Well, just think, gentlemen. If you come back on the tenth, we've proven that idiot- whoever he is that made that calendar- very wrong indeed." We all had a good laugh, so did my wife and kids when I told them...

Just think, Terra's almost 18, going to graduate in the spring, followed by 17-year old Jenna. Michael's 14 in his Freshman year, Eric and Coy are 12 in junior high... Where did the time go? I'm hardly 45, and Alexis is only 39... I feel so old, especially with Terra and her boyfriend so in love and I'm sure he's going to ask her to marry him once they've established themselves after college. Jenna's a star volleyball player, the best in the entire Lancashire area, and the boys are all amazing football (European) players and runners... They all take after their mother, so athletic and determined, but they've all got great grades, too from geeky old me.

Happy Christmas, and next year will be even better.

Dr. DeLyon's journal was one of the few things to survive through the apocalypse of 2012, though no one really expected such a thing to happen. The Mayans never predicted the end of a world, just the end of an age, maybe even an Enlightenment, where man would change for the better. But nothing like this...

First, widespread hurricanes without traceable origins came to hit everything rimming the Atlantic, then the Pacific and similar storms around the world at water's edge. Then, tornadoes and blizzards everywhere. Mount St. Helens erupted, ripping itself apart until it wasn't even a mountain anymore, hardly a hill crusted with lava or ash. Other volcanoes, underwater and above ground ripped the earth's plates savagely, and earthquakes added the extra muscle to create huge gaps between the plates, where one couldn't see or even guess how far the chasms' bottoms were. A victim of one of these four chasms was Beijing. The entire city was split in half, and all but a small fraction on either edge fell to oblivion.

But the real apocalypse, the Armageddon no one expected, was the eruption of the famed Mount Vesuvius. The great mountain had seemed to grow, the rocks pushed up and outward into a taller, larger mountain to nearly rival Mount Everest, and Naples was slowly destroyed day by day as the land cracked. Seeing an inevitable eruption, Naples Province and nearby areas were evacuated, but none could imagine the hell to come.

A firestorm came, the ash first choked the middle-south of Italy from December 10th to 20th, and on the 21st, the titanic volcano fell silent and dormant for several hours. Suddenly, all of Naples exploded, ripping the ground up as far as the edges of the province, sending a huge blast of pure lava and fire the size of half of Italy whirling into the sky. Sudden winds picked up, and the air itself caught fire and was strong enough to throw the lava and fire about. The firestorm, or ironically as it would come to be called, 'Genesis' spread like the wildfire it was. Stone even caught fire, and soon all of Africa, Europe, and Asia was aflame. The fire came to the water, but didn't stop. It was so hot that it burned anything that was even a molecule. The water couldn't even steam, but the fire left it, going to the Americas and Australia, Greenland and Iceland, and even Antarctica. The only things that would not burn was Siberia, in Russia, and small locations south of Naples and around the world for no apparent reason.

Few survived the catastrophe, and those that did were only small groups on each continent in the U.S., Tierra del Fuego, Ireland, the U.K., and a few prominent European and Asian countries. Notable countries that were completely lifeless after the firestorm were India, most of the Middle East, and even Egypt where people managed to hide in pyramid shafts, but died anyway when the firestorm funneled in to destroy the inner tombs. This wasn't Judgement Day, it was the wrath of Mother Earth, cleansing herself of all of the human footprints that hurt her so badly. Siberia, the highlands of Scotland, southern Italy, and the Himalayas were some of the few unscorched places left, but their cities and villages vanished without a trace.

Out of the wreckage of a world torn apart and just beginning to become green again, though, came a miracle. New races, or at least, races revived from extinction or having been forgotten, began to emerge. The fantastical creatures of legends- ones that scientists and realists denied the existence of- returned. Dragons came from the Himalayas and the Vesuvius crater-mountain. Werecreatures like the werewolf and weretiger came from the valleys and forests. Even the least believable races returned from the depths of the earth, as if Tolkien's books had come to life. Elven beauty graced the forest regions. Dwarves and giants took over the mountains again with their smithing and forges. Nomad Centaurs roamed on the steppes of Mongolia and on the plains of Eurasia like the Mongol nomads that took after them so well. Great Lions and huge versions of felines and canines began to show up, even Great Wolves and Snow Leopards.

But most of all the surviving humans were split up, few brave enough to dare attempt to communicate with the human-speaking races like the werecreatures and Great Animals and centaurs. Those that did, though, found good friends and teachers.

The Genesis Firestorm destroyed a world only to create a new one on the charred rubble. So now comes The Genesis of New Life, and behind it, a group of humans called the New Earth Organization (NEO) who knew this was coming. These people are not of any set nationality, only a brotherhood who intend to keep the new peace between races. Ten of fifteen members survived the Genesis Firestorm, and five live now after the others perished in keeping the peace. Those five would go on to lead five nations of humans and rebuild the world naturally. Or, would history repeat itself?


The Firestorm had just subsided after a full day, and finally, the world was silent. There was no noise in the distance of cars or construction, just silence and wind. South of Vesuvius, in the area of old Pompei, a group of Italians and tourists from around the world took refuge inside of the ash-laden ruins, and survived the first phase of Genesis, though its name would be decided later. For hours, the group of ten hid inside a sealed building, some witnessing the incineration and death outside before sealing the stone house. Among these survivors was an English NEO member, but no one knew quite yet. Also, there were five Italians, the last four being tourists lucky enough to notice the safety of the ancient stone, which was somehow not destroyed (like other stone had been) in the firestorm or the natural disasters. Finally, a man dared open the stone door, revealing all of Ancient Pompei still intact, but everythere around it was either completely destroyed or... growing.

"What the hell...?" One tourist whispered, as they surveyed the visibly-growing trees and grass, completely grown within minutes and full of life including birds and small animals. "How...? But..." the man stuttered out, unable to comprehend what he'd just seen.
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