007 Challenge


*I am going to rock this 007 binary style.

I don't ever want to take away
A mans dignity again.

It hurts me more than it hurts you,
As the old saying says

Now I am lost, afraid of myself
I refuse to look in the mirror.

I am the swish in your heart
not related to a faulty mitral valve.

I am the dish in your belly
Not related to weight gain.

No, I do not smell like fish.

Telling anyone
Anyone one bit of the story

Gives myself away
So I give myself away

One sentence at a time.

The pages are hard to swallow
And I am not into force feeding.

I liken my resiliency to that of
A cockroach.

He fancies my metamorphosis
To that of a butterfly.

He either loves me
Or does not like cockroaches.

Get the boric acid.

All of this clumsy
Dancing threw life
Between the notes
On tippy-toes
So I don't fall,

Is the same as writing
The hearts mind between words

Hoping you don't leave me.

I want to say
I love you
And be a pathetic thing
Just once.

I might like it.
I never did try.

And I live on my knees
Making love with my mouth
In my throat to imaginary

Fantasy dicks
Tangible salty tears
Lick my face

And give me your sperm
Yes yours.

I will suck you forever.


The way the insistent tide
pulls at the beach—
dragging sand into the deep,
calm water. I know it's ocean

being ocean, but I want to leave
a shell, a footprint, some small keep
with a brackish moat
that no such thing trespasses.

This would be my squirrel talk,
but there is no forest
on this horizon, only the periodic swell
of waves, of waves, of waves

licking up that fragile shore
as if I was all that you imagined,
in my small swimsuit and income,
sometime in 1984.

On these humid nights
company is just a
balcony and cold bottle
going warm between my legs.
I miss Mississippi.
Mosquitoes get their fill
as we watch the sky
for those blinking lights,
waiting for you to come home.

I moved down south
and came back a year later
defeated and dripping wet
to the city limits of Decatur
waiting for you to bring me home.
I'll bring my new banjo
you bring the old sax
I bought to keep you company
when mine was a Mason-Dixie away.

(Apologies to Sufjan Stevens' "Decatur")

It is not my neck that broke
but my throat, ripped
as the zopilotes hop
hop hop over cobblestone.
I remember the slow death
Disney never showed of the little
fishwoman--how she sold
her voice for love
walked on glass to follow
a man enchanted by the voice
she sold away.

What Disney forgot
still rains down
acid and all.

Playa Victoria, Cadiz

Bikinis uncover Andalusian women
small breasts and large, bellies
stretched, hanging or flat as the boxes
played by young Guapos in Flamenco bars.
The waves break over all of us just the same
and fill my one-piece with sand.
Too close to death's blue lips
perhaps it is a feverdream whispering
but it seems like furies
saying do it, do it,
can I believe the day if I
do not believe the night?
If the curses were not meant for me,
neither were the blessings?
Beautiful #7, Tzara, and your poem about the Mason Dixon line, DD. You guys are amazingly talented.
Even in the maze of calles
tight with villas and pisos
stacked around the patios
they hold to their brown bellies,
even then I can find Triana
with the setting sun. There she
shines the first bright star
over the Guadalquivir
inviting us to churros con chocolate
on Isabel II's gracious bridge
and sunrises flamed flamenco.
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Anti-sestina in 4/6

The heart is neither clock nor metronome.
It steadies and it lurches, respectively
driven by uncountable masters, lusts
and terrors. Desire to find accord
reclaims it for some patch of grass or stone
or draws its blood to rise in the well.

The heart cannot be carried in a poem.
It leaps from exterraneous simile
and dangles from adjectives. Easily it trusts
and crushes, stamped as flesh affords.
The heart requires a sturdy bone
carriage or it will fly at every bell.

A poet wrote his engine from the foam
of clam shell rising slowly from the sea.
Born standing, she was just
the sort of babe a poet could afford:
no appetite, no where to hold a phone,
and riding, conveniently, in her own motel.

A steady heart requires no metronome;
it harbors waves and recesses, respectively.
It's better fired with love than lust.
Its master's words and actions are in accord,
constant as the stream caresses stone.
The lover loves herself and world as well.
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ok I am back. I tried 30/30 and failed. I could not even do 5/5. I feel comfortable here.
1 Love Sucking Machine

The driving force is getting them to love you.
All energy burned for this getting.
I will never have anything to give.
The truth is the love of the world
Will never be enough.
My chest is one big love sucking machine
As it beats seventy times a minute or more
Depending on who traps it, and how serious
The threat of confinement.
If I could tell
which face was yours

really yours
I would kiss it goodbye;

I can only wave.
She stands on a platform
Wearing a dress she would never wear
Waiting for a fast train

She is already in love with him
In her diluted pretty mind
If she stayed longer

The insanity would end.
She offers her willing cheek

It was a dream
She woke up crying
And found herself sane.

What a shame.

*I really enjoyed the poem you wrote.

Her mind is a duo-nebulizer
With an Atrovent and Pulmicort mix
Breathe it in.

Her left brain is submissive
To the right brain.
Use the calculator.

And she controls and dominates

It is exhausting.

She submits to divinity.
It is the only true submission
That she knows.

You own a powerful affinity.

Affinity is the force that causes chemical reactions. It is either entering into, or resisting decomposition. It is two unlike chemical structures, forming a chemical compound. It is described as the force that causes chemical reactions. Most of the times this occurs in solutions but there are some who own such a powerful affinity: no solution is necessary. No solution is necessary. There is no table to define our affinity and it is not always based on the external circumstantial environment. We are two separate elements that combine to become more stable.

Resist decomposition please.
4. A Diamond

You rock like a tetrahedrally bonded carbon atom
A transparent crystal.
An allotrope of carbon.
The second most stable form of carbon.
A diamond. That is you.
You are carbonado.
You tame and you subdue.
The hardest steel.
A covalent bond.
That is the strongest chemical bond.
Cutting and polishing the glass of my heart.
Bleeding and Lustrous.
I will never reach your melting point.
Only another diamond
Could scratch the surface of you.

Nothing more, but more shame
Release me without guilt
And I might love you

Sitting at the table
We both know
You will not do that

You will always be the martyr
And I am the sinner
And you like it that way

After I break your heart
The guilt drives me home
To you every time

I find you on the couch
Sleeping, cold and alone
I get into you

My back to your belly
I feel the heat that
Becomes your breakfast

I am reading a book
Giving you my back
While you do what you do

You do not mind at all
As I turn the pages
Quickly and noisily

I say nothing and keep reading
And finish you without
Ever getting undressed.
Wonderful to read your poems, Sweep. *snap* Well done so far. I love how inventive your writing is and how intimate.