Ghis (closed)

Kate said nothing as the Lords offered their opinions, the door at the end of the hall closing as Rothsay finally exited. She relaxed then, her shoulders slumping the slightest bit as she turned back to those still gathered.

"Shall we have a drink then, gentlemen?" Kate asked, motioning to a servant to bring out the whiskey and win. "And talk of things other than business?"
There was a general agreement as the Lords joined Kate in a large parlor, conversation slowly turning toward the hunt and tales of.hunts past. The group was fairly respectful of Kate, though still unsure of her abilities.

As they drank, the door opened once more and in stepped Kell to join Kate's side, silently taking a glass and sitting down and acting as if he'd been there the whole time.
As always, Kate didn't acknowledge Kell as he stepped into the room. There were a few lords who did, nodding respectfully, but she chose to let him melt seamlessly to her side. She was glad that he was there, however. She kept up with the other lords, drinking far more than her share. As the afternoon wore on, the downed many tankards of ale, goblets filled with wine, and glasses of whiskey. When everything was said and done, she could barely stand, simply sitting there until the last lord had left and she was alone with Kell once again. She treated it as a moment of celebration, showing him much more affection since they were alone than she normally would in a public space.

"You're handsome." Kate muttered, slurring her words softly as she leaned into her husband's side. "The most handsome man in the kingdom."
"And you, my love, are drunk. You're too petite to be drinking like that," Kell chuckled softly. He had been drinking all the way through as well, but only in sips. That, paired with his larger form, meant he was barely buzzed at all.

Kell looped an arm around his wife's waist, pressing a kiss to her cheek. "You're going to be even angrier than usual in the morning with a hangover."
"No, I'm not. I promise I'm not." Kate said as he wrapped his arm around her waist and kissed her cheek in the same adoring way he always did. "I just need a good dinner and I'll be fine."

While she had practically been raised by adoring uncles, she wasn't a strapping Scottish warrior like them. She had never developed a taste for alcohol that could last with them, even if other lords could.
"We'll have a dinner to ourselves, then," Kell chuckled. "And maybe I'll catch up with you if they break out the gin and good Irish whiskey."

He rose, scooping Kate up and sneaking her away to their private corner of the castle. Attached to their chambers was a little parlor with a table big enough for the two of them to have meals alone. Usually it was a breakfast affair, being that they'd eat lunch while working and dinner was normally reserved for the main dining hall with guests and council members.

Kell ordered up a hearty meal, one that would help soak up the alcohol, and he opened up a small bottle of Irish whiskey for himself.
The entire world tilted as Kell scooped her up and whisked her away to their private quarters. It was still early in the evening by their usual standards, but she enjoyed the chance to cling to him as he entered their little parlor and she was soon sitting in her chair by the fire. Beyond their windows, Kate could see the beginnings of the garden that Warwick had ordered for her, paid for by Marianne as a gift for her coronation. Marianne had stolen away to Dundee shortly after everyone had left, taking little Lynndon with her for some time alone with his grandma.

As she watched Kell pour his drink, she couldn't help but grin. Her husband was a handsome wolf and she hadn't been lying when she said that he was the most handsome in the entire kingdom. When he came back to her side, she couldn't help wanting to touch him. She was obsessed with his fur, just as much as he was obsessed with her pale skin. However, with servants coming shortly with their meal, Kell wouldn't allow much more to happen between the two of them.
"Well, at least you're a happy drunk," Kell chuckled as he felt her fingers smooth through his fur. With a kiss, he returned to his drink and awaited the meal.

Soon the serving staff came in with dishes of meats and potatoes and greens, fresh cheese and bread beside. Kell dismissed them after, assuring they'd know when to pick things up to take back down.

"Ladies first," Kell murmured, pulling out the chair at the table for Kate. "You should never drink on an empty stomach."
"If Rothsay hadn't been such a pompous arse, I might have been able to eat more than a few bites at lunch." Kate groused as Kell got her seated at the table and food on her plate. "If I never see him again, I would be perfectly fine with that."
"I'll be sure to make his life harder when I tour the counties and forts checking defenses," Kell promised with a soft chuckle. He took his own seat, tucking into their meal.
“We have to take a tour?” Kate asked with a scowl, starting to eat the meal which Kell had ordered for the both of them. “Why should we have to go to a lord’s home when he wants nothing to do with me as his queen?”
"You don't, I do," Kell shook his head. "I could send some trustworthy officials to do it for me, but I want to see at least the border and eastern coastal defenses myself. The rest I'll leave to a few generals."
“So, we’ll be apart for a while.” Kate said, not liking that idea any more than she had his original idea. “They don’t deserve rulers like us.”
Kell paused to raise a brow at Kate. "Where did that come from? Love, we aren't here just to bandy with difficult Lords, they're a necessary evil to govern and keep Scotland's people cared for and safe. Annoying or not, nobles like Rothsay have a specific use and duties. We can't possibly do it ourselves. And in times of trouble, Rothsay will be among the first to helm regiments to protect this country as his station requires. Surely that's worth dealing with him once or twice a year."
“It’s all we’ve been dealing with. I’m just tired of them.” Kate muttered, shaking her head. “If they would leave me alone for a week, handle their own issues and problems, it would be much better. Instead, they bicker like petulant children.”
"This is the job we signed up for, Kate. Solving problems and mediating for the good of Scotland. If you don't want to deal with them arguing constantly, then don't be so polite. You bite your tongue, and then end up exploding later. Don't let them build up on you. Make a ruling and dismiss them. If they come for your opinion or decision, make sure they leave after you give it."
"It's easy enough for you to say, Kell. They respect you or fear you. They simply see me as a woman who has to earn their respect." Kate said, looking across the table at her husband. "The only reason they listen to anything I have to say is because you or Qira intimidate them."
"It's hard not to stand up for you when they try to bully you. We know what you're capable of, and we want to make them see it. But you're right, we come in and intimidate them and it only causes them to think we're commanding or intimidating, and that you need our support to get anything done. Maybe we should step back. You deserve a little fear and respect of your own that doesn't rely on others."
Kate simply nodded as Kell promised that he would let her find her own way with her lords, intimidating them as only she could. Her father had taught her about being a force of nature and she knew that she had the swift Ghis temper that a few of her uncles were famous for. However, it had never had the chance to show itself when Qira and Kell stepped in to deal with a wayward lord. Maybe it would get better if she were able to express herself in a different way.
"Then so be it. We'll do our best to step back. Qira will know if he needs to intervene when things get heated, and I'll be at your command." Kell sat back in his chair calmly, and then added with a gentle smile, "Feel free to throw Rothsay through a window."
"How about I just break his nose instead?" Kate asked, looking up as Kell leaned back in his chair and grinned at her. "I'm not a novelty, eldere. You can't just laugh and smile about me taking lords to task in a physical way."
"The thought is entertaining. But I know very well that you can handle yourself and anyone of any size or age, or gender for that matter, who comes toe-to-toe with you. I just enjoy the image of you taking Rothsay and tossing him, because I know you're capable. I don't think you're just a novelty. You're a powerful woman in her own right who doesn't tolerate nonsense without a backlash, and Qira and I have made it harder for that to show through lately. You don't need us to protect you for the most part. In fact Qira's meant to be the failsafe against subterfuge and things you might not be able to handle, nothing more. I think you'd be just fine without us."
"Why do you have to be so good and honorable?" Kate groused, still drunk and slightly annoyed at her husband, but still adoring him all the same.
"Because it annoys you, mostly," Kell chuckled. "You come looking for a fight and all you get is agreeable and pleasant."
“You’d be more fun if you fought from time to time.” Kate challeneged her husband, looking at him from across the table.