Player Alert! Do NOT post to TFH

Photographic evidence had been obtained from an anonymous source, proving that TFH is not the pillar of moral turpitude everybody thought.


That swingy thing looks like a good place to take a nap.
*giggles hysterically*

I love your wit! I'm sure you'll find a way to use those ropes if only I stopped giggling!

edit to add:
Or maybe this is the way you lure the innocent girls like me into your web. ;)

Hush. :mad: You are a terrible wing-woman, giving away my secrets. At this rate, I'll never lose my V-card.

That swingy thing looks like a good place to take a nap.

On a similar note, I have recently discovered the joy of a pallet swing bed on the front porch... Just watch for the neighbors.
The Quaaludes are rough on the memory

Yes, I am quite proud. I'm sure we can find all sorts of loopholes in the rules.

Besides, without loopholes, where do I tie the ropes?

Better watch out, notoriety may be contagious.

It's a textually transmitted disease.
Transmission is wi-fi borne. It is contextually contagious.....Beware, the ties can bind, and even choke you!!! :p
In such a profound way, just as giving of submission comes as an honorable gift from a place of bravery and trust.
Indeed in one, you find the other; strength comes from giving of yourself, and nurturing a bond.