Have you ever_____?

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Yes... but it was a dare in in union bar during ragweek... and I think the whole uni was on drugs at the time, so nobody noticed ... I think ! :eek:

HYE... streaked in public ?


Have you ever been caught streaking?
of course ,,,its nice to awaken in a special way

h y e slept with someone to get a career BUMP UP ?
A few....it happens when you go to a meet and greet of swingers

HYE been fisted or fisted someone?

have you ever been envious of something you read that someone else did here
Yes.....but is everything here true lol

hye wanted to try something with your partner and they wouldn't
Maybe one or two, part of the reason they are no longer my partners...

hye wanted to try out a story read on lit....why?
yes...probabally cause I tend to read stories that mirror my fantasies

hye you ever psoted true stories of what you ave done on lit
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