Story series - how to


Literotica Guru
May 30, 2003
Dumb Question, I know but I'm a newbie to submission (of stories and poems) here and would like to know how to set up a series of stories or poems.

Many thanks
Just submit them with the names qualified in alphanumeric order. Let's say your serial epic is FAR FUCKIN' OUT. Write and submit FAR FUCKIN' OUT 01, then FAR FUCKIN' OUT 02, and so on, ordered as 01, 02... 99. (Oh fuck, 99 chapters!) Or they could be FAR FUCKIN' OUT: ANY WAY IN, then FAR FUCKIN' OUT: BEFORE TIME, then FAR FUCKIN' OUT: CHASED AWAY, ordered as A(ny). B(efore), C(hased), etc. I use numbering for actual serials, and alphabetic titles for fairly standalone episodes.
Adding to Hypoxia's post above.

Please make sure that the title and number are typed and spaced exactly the same.

Far Fucking Out 01 would not feature properly in a series with

FAR FUCKING OUT 02, nor with

Far Fucking Out02, nor

Far fucking out 02