Need Help!!!

R. Richard

Literotica Guru
Jul 24, 2003
Literotica People:
R. Richard has an entry in a sort of contest called Kindle Scout (You may want to check it out.)

I have submitted a science fiction novel, titled Nobleman: The Return to Kindle Scout.

If you go to Kindle Scout, and search for Nobleman: The Return, you get a cover image and a 500 character summary. At the bottom of the summary you get a Nominate Me button. If you press the Nominate Me button, you will receive a lifetime of only pleasurable experiences and find paradise. Okay, maybe not, however, it's free and I will be very grateful.

The plot of Nobleman: The Return is that the most famous warrior of his time is transported to a place that later proves to be outside of normal time and space. He then returns, five centuries later, still the same age as when he was kidnapped. The nobleman must then adapt to a time five centuries after his own time and the people of the future time must adapt to him. The nobleman proves to be not only a fighter, but also a clever politician. The magic of the nobleman's time clashes with the science of five centuries in the future, with victories on each side. After a bit, the nobleman contacts an advanced civilization that's observing his planet. There's quite a bit of slam bang adventure along the way.

As you read these words, you find yourself under a hypnotic compulsion. You will search for Kindle Scout. You will search for Nobleman: The Return. You will press the Nominate Me button. BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING!

Thank you.
R. Richard.
Interesting. I was reading about Kindle Scout recently via The Passive Voice, I think. Or was it Joe Konrath? Anyways, will check out your link later today. Good luck!
Interesting. I was reading about Kindle Scout recently via The Passive Voice, I think. Or was it Joe Konrath? Anyways, will check out your link later today. Good luck!

Thank you for the good wishes. If you have a novel of 50+K words ready to publish, GO FOR IT!
You're welcome. I'll be doing good to write a story for the Halloween contest. I finally got a few ideas after reading some threads.
" Only users based in the U.S. can participate in Kindle Scout."

Another example of commerce trying to stem the tide of global enjoyment.

PS. The plot reminds me of a series on our TVs many moons ago "Adam Adamant".
My novel, Nobleman: The Return has spent 24 hours on the top list at Kindle Scout and is listed as HOT! To all those who Nominated me, thank you, from the bottom of my heart! For all of you who have not yet nominated me, get with it and support your fellow Literotican!

I have submitted a science fiction novel, titled Nobleman: The Return to Kindle Scout.

If you go to Kindle Scout, and search for Nobleman: The Return, you get a cover image and a 500 character summary. At the bottom of the summary you get a Nominate Me button. If you press the Nominate Me button, you will receive a lifetime of only pleasurable experiences and find paradise. Okay, maybe not, however, it's free and I will be very grateful.
R. Richard
Wow, congrats!

What's a Kindle, some sort of a hipster candle? :D
For the 10% who never get the word, the Kindle is a text reader that Amazon sells.

Don't ask questions, just get to Kindle Scout and RECCOMMEND! (I need the recommendations! TIA.)