Love In Rio (closed)

“Understood” Marcus whispered going quite and studying the men coming up to them. He felt himself sliding back into mission mode his perception and mind cutting through the haze of booze he kept him self steeped in. The whispy guy was clearly on some thing a fact Marcus would have known even if “drill” hadn’t told him. He could sense the danger in his stare and he had to struggle to keep the contempt off of his face. People on drugs were dangerous but ultimately weaker than most if you knew how to handle them.

Which he did

The other one gave him more concern, Drill was right with his blank stare and bland features one wouldn’t think much of him but there was just some thing about him. Marcus knew a few guys like him from the armed forces the guys sent because every one thought they were expendable.

The guys who would leave carnage in their wake

Marcus watched them getting their drink a hand sliding down to grip his nine-millimeter. He was still supposed to be her bodyguard and having her around a cocaine fueled druggie and a psychopath wasn’t the best way to protect his charge. Her father wouldn’t have approved of that he had no doubt. It took all his training to release it and instead pretend not to understand the conversation going on between Drill and the druggie.

Finally Drill got up and motioned for them to follow. Marcus id shaking some of the sweat off of him and pushing his hood down so he could get some slight comfort. He saw the quite one eyeing him and turned moving up towards Drill to protect her. His senses were heightened, his sixth sense warning him that there would be some kind of danger from that man tonight.

If only he knew what it was

They reached the mechanic shop, Marcus followed Drill breathing a soft sigh of relief that they were away from the other two. He thought about telling her his concern but choose not to fearing that he would make her think he wasn’t ready for all of this. No he would simply keep a wary eye out and be ready to move if they fell into any trouble with their “colleagues”.

“Ugh no thanks” Marcus said eyeing the black ski mask and shaking his head “to fucking hot for that” He said flipping his hoodie up and angling it so it covered half his face it was then that he heard the sound of movement indicating some one was escaping. He burst out seconds later and Marcus watched impressed as she quickly and effortlessly took him down to the floor.

“Damn she’s good” Marcus thought reaching out and closing the door moving to prevent his escape as he watched her. He saw the guy shooting him furtive hopeful glances and he shook his head discreetly showing off his gun.
"Não olhe para ele (Don't look at him)," Drill barked as she gave the young man a kick to the ribs before she squatted down in front of him. She never tied anybody up, almost daring them to make a move, to give her a reason to unleash her brand of hell. "Um rosto tão bonito, eu vejo por que eles te chamam de Belo. Pena que nós não atender em circunstâncias diferentes, mas é a vida.( Such a handsome face, I see why they call you Fine. Shame we didn't meet under different circumstances, but such is life.)," she said sweetly, though she doubted the man could appreciate her tone given his current predicament. That didn't mean she couldn't be polite, and honest.

"Então, você já ouviu falar de mim? (So you've heard of me then)," she asked and he nodded, already knowing that it was best to remain silent in situations like this. Drill held up her forearms so the man could see them clearly with his swollen left eye. "Então você sabe o que elas significam e você sabe que eu não sair para merda mesquinho ...(Then you know what these mean and you know I don't come out for petty shit...)"

"Essa dívida era meu pai ..."(That debt was my father's...) He began, finally willing himself to speak but Drill quieted him with the sight of her pistol. She made a show of flipping off the safety before she rested the barrel on his knee.

"A dívida da loja e você herdou isso, então ...(The shop's debt and you inherited it, so...)" Drill let the sentence trail off as she cocked her gun, tipped her head to the side.

"Por favor! Ok, Ok...amanhã...Diga a ele amanhã..."

"Primeira coisa," she said and used her thumb to disengage. "Todos?"

"Mais..." he said and Drill raised her hand to the hammer again. "Sim, sim todos, por favor."

"Bem, isso foi fácil. Se eu tiver que voltar lá ...(Well, that was easy. If you have to go back there ...)" She told him, leveling her pistol at his head before she stood, her eyes on Apito. She gave him a nod and he immediately took out his phone to make the call. After a few words he passed the phone to the man on the floor and he repeated the promise he made Drill.

And as quickly as it started it was over. They left the same way they came, the guys through the front while Drill and Marcus left through the back. They had another job tonight but Drill didn't like for them to travel as a group so they kept a separate route to another meeting place a few minutes walk through another maze of alleys. At one point she heard gun shots in the distance but she didn't think much of it. They were like crickets in the countryside, as long as they weren't coming in her direction she ignored them and kept moving.

"So I never asked," she said to Marcus when she was sure they were alone. "Do you even speak Portuguese?"
“você realmente acha que eu não teria aprendido a língua local?” (Do you really think I wouldn’t have learned the local language?) Marcus said speaking evenly as he walked with her through the maze.

“It’s a little rusty” Marcus said “but I didn’t want to let those idiots know I could hear them no offense but some times it pays to play the fool” He explained nodding at a few passerby’s.

“Você lidou com o tolo bem embora .... Estou impressionado "broca" é sair capaz não deixe ninguém lhe dizer o contrário" (You handled the fool well…. I am impressed “Drill” is quite capable don’t let any one tell you otherwise) He said speaking the language with only a few mistakes. He turned to her giving her a warm smile before gesturing to let her lead.

They finally spilled out into a large empty square. Marcus took this to be the meeting point and turned leaning against one of the brick walls and keeping a wary eye out. He knew more so than ever that she was more than capable of handling her self. That being said Marcus wasn’t going to let that stop him from doing his job. He kept watch making sure she was safe and peering down every side street an alley.

But failing to look up

Apito and the others quickly fanned out jumping over the roof tops and advancing onto the square. Apito led the charge cradling his sawed off Ak47 close to his chest as he made his way to his “boss”.

Other wise known as the woman who killed his cousin

Well Apito and his brood were about to level that score. Her little silent body guard was dead in the alley way taken care of with a single pistol shot. The other guy she brought wasn’t any thing special sure he looked tough but he wasn’t Favela born a tourist who didn’t know where he was.

And he would pay dearly for getting involved with the bitch
Drill tried her best not to laugh at his attempt to speak the language her first language. But that didn't mean she didn't find it admirable that he would learn and have the presence of mind not to keep it to himself. It also didn't mean she wouldn't tease him a little, especially after that smile he threw her way.

"Well for both our sake I'm gonna suggest you keep that to yourself. Your accent is horrible but we'll work on it...and its Pua, not Broca," she corrected him with a nudge as she settled on the wall beside him. "Apparently I'm kind of a dick," she said with a shrug as she scanned the empty courtyard. She found it odd that no one was around. That wasn't like Rio to be so quiet.

Then there was that nagging in her gut, the nag that her mother always told her never to ignore and her gun was in her hand in an instant. She looked at Marcus and put her finger to her lips, then to her ear and pointed up. The sound of shuffling on the rooftops. Boots, not many but enough to have her looking for an exit

But it was too late, the moment she stepped away from the wall all hell broke loose. Bullets ricocheted off the ground around her but Drill didn't hesitate, returning fire as she moved along the wall. Shooting at anything that moved. Three steps and she pulled her other gun, not wanting to go empty before she could reload.

Everything seemed to go in slow motion as her nerves settled. This was what she had trained herself to handle. Her first real test. Beating on the helpless was one thing but having the balls to stand and fight the worst of the worse was something different. With that thought in mind, Drill did what none of them thought she would, stepped away from cover. Both guns up, she took her shots methodically. Willing herself to calm with slow deep breaths as counted her bullets.

That's when the bodies began to fall. First one then two and then another. And she saw him, Apito, trying desperately to reload his Ak. She always wondered why the hoods never took the time to learn to shoot now she thanked God for it as she took aim. Too angry to make words, all she could do was fire until her clips were empty, even after he slumped out of view.
The world exploded into action

He sensed it to a certain nagging in his gut that told him some thing was very wrong. Even though he had never been in the Favela before he knew the quite was wrong and dangerous. He caught Drill’s eyes and noticed she felt it to. His hand slid down to his gun pulling it out in on smooth motion just as Drill popped out of cover. Gunfire greeted her causing Marcus to jump out of cover and begin firing in short controlled burst. Five combatants, hood rats that clearly didn’t know how to shoot or even how to point a damn gun Marcus took advantage of that dispatching two with straight head shots before grabbing Drill by the back of her shirt as Apito finally figured out how to work his gun. He jerked them both back over cover before a knife of bullets thudded into the spot they were in.

“Well this has become a fucking situation” Marcus murmured looking down at her “shit” He said looking at her leg and noticing it was bleeding.

“Your dad’s going to fucking kill me” He murmured popping out of cover and sending covering fire. He heard the distant wail of sirens and swore again looking down at her.

“Help me out here!” He said aiming down his sights and aiming to kill trying to finish this before the cops came and detained them. He heard the rumble of storm clouds above them and compensated seconds later the storm clouds above them let down dumping rain over them.
"Help with the only one shooting," she barked as she grabbed the back of his shirt, dragging him away. She heard him say something about being shot but Drill didn't feel a thing. Except the icy drops of rain on her hot skin. Just a sprinkle at first but Drill knew it wouldn't last. It would be a torrential downpour in an instant and they would drenched, soaked to the bone.

Drill was more concerned about the rain than the sirens in the distance. If anything it would deter them from looking too hard for the source of the gunfire. It wasn't that unheard of for the bodies accumulated in the night to go unnoticed until the light of day. But still she wasn't taking any chances. Drill kept them to the tight alleyways and footpaths between the buildings that lined the main thoroughfare. The rain pelted them relentlessly and eventually Drill found herself limping as the climbed deeper into the slum but she couldn't tell if it was blood or rain that wet her pants, weighing her down.

She let out a sigh of relief as they came into sight of her safe house. Drill never thought she'd need such a thing but she figured it was better to be safe than sorry. Unlike her "home" this place held the barest of necessities. A single level with four concrete walls and a dirt floor. It was more a storage shed than a dwelling but it was enough to keep the rain off their heads and dry place to lay low for the night. It did have it's perks, indoor plumbing and pirated electricity so it wasn't all bad. And even though she'd yet to use it, Drill made sure to keep it stocked with fresh clothes, water, food, and booze just in case.

By the time she pushed open the door, Drill was visibly hobbled. She grit her teeth with each step, trying her best to will away the pain that shot fire up through her right leg. As soon as she got inside, Drill collapsed onto the bed. Her soaking wet clothes stuck to her body but all she wanted to do was sit. With the adrenaline having run it's course and the shock wore off, all she could feel was pain.

"That piece of shit shot me," she mumbled as she worked herself out of her pants, unperturbed by Marcus's presence. If anything she was glad he was there and she hoped that some of his military training might help him deal with the bullet lodged in her upper thigh. Drill bit her lip to keep from screaming with every yank of the wet denim. "Marcus...I can't...I...fuck...I can't," she said fought back tears. The last thing she wanted to do was seem like some weak little girl who'd gotten in over her head but she couldn't block the pain. "There's a first aid kit in one of those bins," she said between deep breaths as waved her hand in the direction of the stack of storage containers lined up along one wall. "He doesn't have to know if you fix this," she said breathlessly as she leaned to reach the cigar box under the crate by the bed and quickly set about rolling herself a joint.

Marcus was a special ops soldier and as such he was used to seeing people shot up close and personal but in his short time as a body guard in the military he hadn’t let any of his charges get shot. Then again he didn’t let his charges get into firefights either if he could help it. Yet here he was rushing through a alleyway through the pouring rain with on eye trained on his charge and the other on the bullet hole seeping blood out of her leg.

And regretting ever agreeing to this madness

He burst into the safe house with her and turned locking the door and securing the room. He could see the adrenaline that prevented her from truly feeling the bullet go down and swore pushing his soaked hoodie off and pulling out his combat knife.

She was mumbling some thing but he ignored it instead pushing her so her ass was bent over the bed. He noticed her pointing vaguely at a corner and turned spying the first aid kit and bringing it over. He scooped up her jeans using his knife to cut a thick rope of the denim before pushing it over to her.

“Stop rolling the fucking joint and bite down on this” He said moving down to check out the bullet wound running his hands against her legs and thighs as he did “put on some damn music if you want but your not smoking until I get this damn bullet out of you”

Luckily the wound was little more than a flesh wound. The bullet was still lodged in however and since they were in the ghetto he knew he would need to get it out in case of infection. He grabbed some of the alcohol wipes and sanitized his blade before giving her leg a reassuring squeeze.

And then he cut/ dug the bullet out

It finally clattered to the floor dripping her blood. He stitched it as best he could and nodded at her that she was okay to begin smoking if she wanted.
An odd thing happened once they were secured in the safe house, Drill actually let Marcus do his job. Granted he probably shouldn't have let her get shot but she didn't argue any of his instructions. In fact she didn't say a thing, sort of mesmerized by the way he moved around so efficiently. Like he knew exactly what he was doing. She guessed this wasn't the first time he'd dressed a bullet wound.

When he handed her the strip of her jeans, Drill did as he asked, twisting it around itself a few times before she bit down on it. Tears were flowing freely down her face but she didn't turn away. Crying was completely acceptable behavior after catching a bullet, passing out or looking away was something different. Drill gripped the sheets to keep her hands from shaking as she watched Marcus deftly maneuver his knife to fish out the bullet. She wished there was music but the pitter patter of ran on the tin roof was soothing enough.

Once the bullet was out, Drill felt like she could breath again and she stared up at the ceiling as Marcus stitched her up. And he wasn't nearly as rough with the needle and thread as he had been with his blade. Any time she flinched, he paused and waited for her breathes to even out before he began again. It was slow going but she was glad he took his time, and even more grateful that he had the no how.

"I hate pills," she said as she sat up, making sure to keep her leg straight as she finished rolling her joint. "My mom...before she died had a little problem with oxys and shit. Started out prescribed but that shit gets out of hand real easy. Shit I'm scared to even take tylenol," she said with a snort as she set the joint down in the box and made to stand. It took some doing and with a bit of a whimper, Drill made it to her feet and shambled over to the stack of bins to find some dry clothes.

There wasn't much she could do for Marcus since she never planned to have company. All she had was a t-shirt that might fit him and tossed it to him before she pulled off her own shirt. Because she soaked her sports bra came with it but she had her back to Marcus so she doubt he noticed before she quickly pulled on a dry tank top. She didn't think she could take another pair of pants yet so she made her way gingerly back to bed in just her panties and flopped down.

"Thanks...for having my back back're alright," she said between pulls as she lean back, her head against the wall. "And for stitching me up. Not bad," she said as she looked down at the mostly straight line of stitches on her thigh then glanced up at Marcus with a sideways smile. "I guess this makes us partners then."
He watched her move noting that she took the pain like a champ. It only furthered his respect for the girl. It was one thing to act the tough chick another to not only prove it in one night but also to be pushed way out of your comfort zone and still come out on top. She was the kind of girl who would have really made some thing out of being in the military. The kind of female soldier that was more men than the actual man but would also turn every head at the bar.

“It’s not pretty” He said looking at her as she hobbled over to get some clothes “but you wont die and it will heal with little more than a mark”

He went to say more but he paused watching as she maneuvered her self over to the bins clearly in search of clothing. He bit his lip admiring her form even more. There was some thing about seeing her raw and in her element hat caused him to shudder. It didn’t help that she was a warrior like him even broken in her own way. There was some thing there that went beyond simple attraction.

Some thing dangerous and sexy

Her sports bra came off causing his throat to work over time as he admired her in just her panties. A dry tank top soon went on but it did little to hide her breast or her ass both of which were in full view as she moved and flopped onto the bed. She was speaking to him but he shook his head getting up and turning as he pushed his own clothing down. A part of him warned that was dangerous but he hated being wet so he hung his jeans up to dry by the radiator and ignored the T shirt for now instead staying in his dry boxers as he sat on the bed next to her.

“I guess we are” he said smiling at her partner comment “I must be mad for letting you keep on with this but yes partners” He said shaking his head and taking a sip of his alcohol.

“Got any music?” He asked raising an eyebrow
Drill found herself blushing as she felt him watching her. She was never one to make much out of the attention of men. She knew how she was built but Marcus's watchful eye meant a little more. It wasn't just about her body. He was impressed by the way she handled herself in the thick of it and that meant more to her than him drooling over her across the dinner table.

"Yeah well you don't have a choice now do you," she asked with a chuckle through the cloud of marijuana smoke. She took two more hits before she licked her fingers and put the cherry out with a sizzle.

At his request for music Drill turned on the radio and scrolled the dial to the old school station. Given the hour they were playing slow melodic songs of love and heartache. The music her mother played around the house and it always made her smile, remembering the times when they would dance to entertain her father.

"This good enough," she asked quietly as she shift her eyes to Marcus sitting beside her in just his boxers. He'd changed in front of her earlier so she wasn't surprised. Maybe it was the weed that had her eyes lingering on the ripples of his abs, the rise and fall of his sculpted chest.

Drill chuckled to herself and lay back, all the while humming along to the song on the radio.
“Oh Fuck it’s been a night” Marcus murmured hearing the music coming on. He gave a soft smile at her comment and her choice in movie and watched trying not to stare to hard at her body as she laid back on the bed. He couldn’t help himself from admiring her body for a few minutes biting his lip slightly as she watched the tank top creep up inch by inch. He sighed and stretched out himself no even realizing what he was doing until he opened his eyes and noticed he was inches from her face.


Marcus knew right then and there that he wanted her in the worst way. It was beyond a simple physical attraction much more. He was impressed with her had even found a kinship in her that he hadn’t ever found with some one else before and certainly not a female. He eyed her body once more and knew that as sexy as she was that it was so much more than that.

Even though her body seemed to be blowing every thing else out of the water

He bit his lip his eyes growing dark with lust he couldn’t hide. Maybe if he had been more disciplined and had a tighter control of his emotions he could have hid it but not here not with how close he was. No his eyes were clearly eye fucking her speaking the words he couldn’t exactly come right out and say. His chest was rising and falling slightly unevenly and there was a bulge beginning to form in his tight black boxers that you’d have to be blind not to see.
Her eyes closed, Drill didn't realize he'd moved until she felt the mattress dip under his weight. It was then she realized just how cold she was, whether it was from shock or temperature she wasn't sure all she knew was that he felt like a furnace. She found herself scooting closer to him to relieve the shivers that seemed to only start when he lay down next to her. Her hard nipples pressed through her thin tank top as she curled herself into a ball, her back against his chest. Her ass against his hip. There was a blanket but it was all the way on the other side of the room and Drill didn't think she could make those dozen or so steps again tonight.

And now she could smell him. His cologne was nice, she smelled that earlier when they met but it was different now mixed with his sweat and she found it funny that now she liked it that much more.

She knew it was a bad idea, getting so close to him. Literally and figuratively but she couldn't stop herself from nudging his her way into the nook between his arm and torso. "I'd get the blanket but I don't think I'll make it."
She was shivering even though the night was hot and humid. He knew it was an after effect of being shot so he paid her no mind trying to bite back the moan as she began scooting into him. He knew he wasn’t going to be able to hide his… reaction to her no more than he was going to be able to push her away. She was recovering from the bullet and needed all the comfort she could find. He wrapped his arms around her biting back another moan as her ass nestled against his hips pressing lightly against his hard on.

“I’ll get it later” He whispered to her gently surprising himself by kissing the top of her head “right now you just rest you were shot your body is going into recovery mode” He said rocking her against his chest.

Again he had to remember how he had gotten here. How strange his life was becoming yet here he was cuddling with his charge and lusting after her. Her hair beckoned him and he couldn’t resist sighing and burying his nose in it as he allowed him self to relax.

“I can tell this is going to be hard” He murmured against her hair thinking she couldn’t hear him.
She didn't expect him to wrap his arms around her but Drill welcomed the contact, even if the blanket would have done a better job. There's nothing like a near death experience to put one's lack of personal connections into perspective. Besides her father she had no one and even that relationship was bed l based on lies they told each other. Funny how this stranger knew her better than the one person who'd known her the longest, that she felt comfortable enough to show Marcus who she truly was and he accepted it. Sure he had his reservations but Drill imagined those had more to do with the fact that her self image was counterproductive to the job he was hired to do.

Then he kissed her but she didn't think much of it. She'd been shot and he wasn't heartless. He was just consoling her, that is until she felt his face buried in her still wet hair. The deep inhale and sigh that followed. And then there was the little issue of his erection. She knew that wasn't what he was talking about, but still she giggled.

"Seems it already is," she said as she spun in his arms to face him and her breath caught as the stitches caught against the rough sheets. "Holy fuck that hurts," she said through clenched jaws as she settled onto her back, willing the sudden burst of pain away. Her eyes shut tight, her breaths long and deep.

Drill took the moment to decide just how bad an idea it would be to cross this line with Marcus. Her father would be rip shit and would no doubt fire him, or worse have him done away with completely. And emotional attachments never made a difficult situation better. It was a terrible idea, the consequences could be catastrophic. But then again, she wasn't known to be cautious.

"We're already keeping enough from him. What's another secret," she asked before she kissed him, not even waiting for his response before she shoved her tongue into his mouth.
He couldn’t say any thing the minute her lips pressed against his he was undone lost to the pleasures of the simple kiss. He heard her say some thing about another secret being kept and the logical part of his mind tried desperately to remind himself that he was about to cross a dangerous line with his charge.

But he simply didn’t care

He shoved his tongue back into her throat eagerly meeting her passion with his own raw lust. His hands went to her back rubbing the small of her back to provide her with some comfort as well as pull her close to his frame. The touch of her cold wet skin against his heat sent shivers down his spine causing him to thrust his bulge against her as he continued to move his tongue inside of her mouth.

He growled in pleasure and pushed her tank top up exposing the flat expanse of her stomach and running his hands over the exposed skin. He began pushing his own boxers down as well revealing a large thick cock that jutted out towards her eagerly.

“I have to be careful with you” He murmured against her lips “ the wound can tear if we aren’t careful”
"Well you'll just have to sew me back up now won't you," she said with a smirk as she pushed him over onto his back and climbed on top of him, straddling his hard on as she ground her hips into his lap. Drill lean down and ran her tongue along his jaw, grazed his teeth along his ear. "So do you always fuck the ones you look out for or am I just that special," she moaned as she shoved her hand down between them to get at his cock.

Drill didn't even bother to take her panties off, just shoved them to the side to work him inside her already wet pussy. His thick cock inside her quieted that rational voice telling her this was a bad idea. In fact she could only think of one thing, getting him deeper, to that place that would make her eyes roll back and her toes curl.

She felt the stitches pull as she lean back to pull her shirt off, but the pain was minimal as she rocked her hips back and forth.
“I wouldn’t say things like that” Marcus growled gripping her hips as she began to work her self down onto him “not when I am trying to quite the rational soldier part of me who is telling me this is a bad idea and yes you are the first and you are that special.

He didn’t say any thing more instead thrusting up as she kept working her self down onto his thick cock. Even if he wanted to the minute her pussy wrapped around his cock he knew there was no way he was going to stop it. There was some thing indescribable about the way her pussy felt he didn’t brag but he had been with more than his fair share of woman before but she was different hell even the way she felt felt different.

Felt better

“Oh fuck” He moaned helping her pull off her tank top and tossing it away. He feasted on he skin running his hands up and down her stomach and her breast massaging them and gently pulling on her nipples thrusting up as he did. He ground their hips together giving her a deep satisfying ride as he moaned in the bliss that came from her pussy.
She laughed at that, Marcus calling her special. What else was he supposed to say balls deep inside of her? The thought didn't stop her from fucking him. Drill wasn't that type of girl. She wanted him right now, in this moment and that's all that mattered to her. She didn't care if he wanted to do it again, or take her to dinner sometime, or even if he disappeared from Rio in the morning. Drill had no illusions about the intentions of men so she made hers clear.

"Tight pussy will make a man tell the wildest tales," she giggled as she wrapped her arms around his neck and grunted at pull of the stitches as she pulled her legs to wrap around his back. But still she rocked her hips. Up and back. Left and right. Slowly rising up his shaft to slam back down.

"Mmmm fuck Marcus," she moaned in his ears as her pussy clenched and quivered around his throbbing shaft. "That's it...just like that...don't stop..."
“Couldn’t even stop if I wanted to” He told her gripping her hips and pushing deeper inside of her “you have the best pussy I’ve ever felt”

He heard her comment about tight pussy making men say the wildest tales and laughing a low rumble in his throat hat vibrated against her breast. He gave her ass a playful slap and ran his hands up her back gripping and rubbing as he angled his hips. The curve of his cock hit her G spot as he thrust upward. The an continued to beat the roof above them but Marcus paid it no mind instead getting lost in her and the heady smell of sex that permeated every inch of the room.

“Oh god you feel good” He whispered back into her ear biting and nibbling on it as he thrust into her. He idly wondered if this was going to be the first and last time they ever did this. The thought sent a pain of sadness in him and only confused him. He was usually fine with on night stands yet now…

Suddenly he wasn’t

“Oh baby” he moaned slapping her ass again and gripping it his fingers slipping to rub and tease her rose bud.
"Baby huh," she moaned and then gasped as she felt his fingers slip down the crack of her ass. Drill rocked back against his finger when she felt it pressed against her hole, and it threatened to undo her cynical approach to sex. Whether it was just happenstance or his astute skills of observation that told Marcus that she was a woman willing to be tossed around a bit, Drill didn't know and she wasn't about to stop and ask how he knew.

And she rocked back against that finger that threatened to push her over the edge. "Fuck me Marcus...harder," she mumbled in his ear as she drug her nails into the back of his neck. "Save the sweet stuff for someone who can't take a rough ride."
She could take it rough

Oh thank the lord

He grinned and moved fast the thought of being careful because of her stitches out of his mind. He flipped her so she was on all fours his hands sliding down to play with her breast as he entered her again from behind. His balls slapped against her pussy sending it quivering as he drove into her like a bull. His fingers ran over to rose bud pushing in and stimulating her ass as he gave it a firm slap with his other hand.

He drove into her intent on making her his intent on bringing her to her knees as he just took her. His other hand spanked her a few times making sure h continued to stimulate and pleasure her ass as he drove in and out of her. His other hand eventually moved gripping the base of her neck and massaging it while also pushing her down onto the bed filling her as deeply as he could.
"Mmm shit just like that," She moaned over and over again as Marcus pressed her chest down to the mattress with his hand on the back of her neck. No matter the massage he gave, there was nothing tender about the action. It was raw. Lust filled. Dominating. And she loved every bit of it. Drill found herself calling his name with every thrust. With every slap of his hand on her ass and his balls on her swollen clit. All of it. She was lost in it, the pleasure he gave.

Drill thanked God for the rain that drowned out their fuck sounds. The sounds of their bodies colliding. His grunts of passion and her moans of pleasure would have carried halfway down the hill if it weren't for the storm. Granted it wasn't that uncommon of an occurrence, but still Drill would have liked to believe she could be a bit more discreet.

Then again she had never been handled so thoroughly as with Marcus. It was almost like he knew exactly what she needed and gave it to her with ease. Slowly Drill realized that this was just a fuck. Something else was happening.

"Fuck Marcus I'm gonna cum...don't stop...I'm gonna cum all over your cock..."
He didn’t know why but her telling him she was going to cum just spurred him causing his pace to quicken and his balls to slap harder against her pussy.

“Bet no one’s fucked Drill or Ms. Archambault like this” Marcus said the words spilling out of his mouth before he could think of them “to scared of both of your persona’s when what you’ve needed is to for some one who isn’t afraid to take you like a real woman” He leaned in using the leverage to fuck her harder and deeper feeling his own cock beginning to twitch with his need to release.

“Just remember whenever you get that itch or need only one man is really going to give it to you only one being your partner” He told her.

“Now cum for me” He snapped slapping her ass and fingering her ass hole pounding her harder and faster “oh fuck” he groaned feeling his own release and slamming deep inside of her. His cock twitched and swelled before bursting his speed spilling into her like a river as he continued to pound with ruthless abandon. He didn’t stop not until his cock finally fell out spent and limp and connected to her pussy by a few strands of his and her cum.

He collapsed onto the bed pulling out his flask and taking a swing “fuck you were the best I’ve ever had” he said not bothering to hide his honesty to tired from the post release and the action of the day.
Drill found herself blushing at that as she rolled over and stole a swig from his flask, trying her best to hide the affect Marcus had on her. All of a sudden she had the odd urge to cuddle against him, to bury her head in his chest and be held in his strong arms. It was a sickening thing and she had no idea how to deal with it so she eased herself up and shuffled over to the first aid kit, mumbling something about a bandage.

She was amazed to find the stitches still intact. And she tried to down play how much more desirable that made him.

Classic hero worship. That's all it is. But fuck he's hot...and he didn't exactly save me.

Drill sat heavily in the only chair in the place as she applied a thick layer of gauze over her wound. She tried her best not to look at him but she couldn't stop herself from stealing glances at him all stretched out on her bed. He had that fresh fucked look about him, his chest still a little red and his cock still shiny with their juice.

"Claro, tornar isso mais difícil por que não? (Go head, make this harder why don't you?)" Drill mumbled to herself, forgetting that he could understand if he heard, as she taped down her bandage.
He watched her noticing her nick his flask but paying it no mind. With the sex she just gave him she more than deserved it he reasoned as he looked down at her stitches. They held (thank god) and he breathed a sigh or relief. His hands idly stroked her back as she busied her self-noticing she was trying to keep her self away. The kind of sex they just had and the things he said no doubt made the hardened woman feel like she needed to put some walls up it was to late for that however.

Marcus was addicted

She was his partner and a good lay and there was some thing ho about what they were doing. He was fucking the bosses daughter his own charge and giving her what no man could give her out of fear or respect. Plus he liked her spirit and her fire and the feeling she gave him it was as if he was alive for the first time in a while.

There was no way he was letting that go

He frowned when she moved away busying her self with a bandage. He slowly sat up stroking his cock and kicking off the blankets so she could see him in all his glory shooting her with a kind but sexy smile.

“fazer o que mais bonito? Por que você está lá voltar e abraçar com me baby? Você sabe que isso é o que você quer …” ( make what harder beautiful? Why are you over there come back and cuddle with me baby? You know this is what you want...)