The Past And Future Collide

What she had come to tell him momentarily left her memory as she stared at him. Something was amiss about his ears. She stared at the strange things.

"Please forgive me," she managed to say. "I wanted to let you know that evening meal shall be in 15 minutes." She continued to stare at his ears. "Is something wrong with your ears? Pardon my inquiry but I had not noticed them before. I'm very sorry to draw attention to your affliction."

She couldn't help but notice that now he was clean, he was quite handsome. Though as an engaged young lady, she supposed that she should be immune to such. Still, she was just engaged, not dead. And this Alexander was quite handsome, despite his strange ears.

Alexander Èirílae Campbell
19 years of age
Alexander snorted a soft laugh for a moment. "It's not an affliction, it's more... of an attachment," he said wryly, removing the small earbuds. He shrugged slightly, chuckling softly. "It let's me listen to music without disturbing anyone around me," he said with a shy blush.


Self Defense
"Music without an orchestra, without musicians? Perhaps you have hurt your head when you fell." She looked at the young man. He created more questions than he answered. "There is no music in here."

Perhaps it was dangerous to have invited the young man in, but common courtesy demanded it. And they were not alone with him. They had servants too.

Alexander Èirílae Campbell
19 years of age
Alexander blinked, confused for a few seconds. "Oh. The music is here, in this," he said wryly, holding up the hexagonal cell phone. "Admittedly, the style of music I'm used to is most likely unlike anything you've ever heard. Some of it, I do know how to play... mostly slower music," he said with a shy blush.

It was a bit embarrassing for him to admit that he was a musician, and not all that skilled at it compared to most. "As for hitting my head, it's very possible, although I've had lots and lots of practice falling in different ways, whether face down, face up, on the side, although it's usually not recommended to fall on your head... too easy to snap your neck and potentially end up unable to walk, or worse, feel anything beneath your chest or neck. Usually, if an injury breaks something just above the hollow of your throat but is from behind, there's a possibility of being unable to feel anything beneath your chest or neck. Lower, it's more likely to just lose feeling in your legs, which could heal, if the injury isn't too severe, although I try to fall in a way where the worst case of injury is bruising," he said wryly with a grimace.


Self Defense
Angelina decided that the man must be completely insane. Musicians inside tiny boxes, and hitting someone's neck? Perhaps one of the servants should stay up all night to keep an eye on him.

She smiled at him, trying to remain light.

"I am sure that if you will come with me, the evening meal is probably ready. " She tried to remain pleasant but Alexander worried and frightened her. He had been dressed strangely, and acted even stranger.

They headed downstairs and she lead him to where her Mama sat at the dinner table awaiting them.

Alexander Èirílae Campbell
19 years of age
Alexander tilted his head thoughtfully. "Is there a lute... or a guitar... nearby? I'm pretty sure I could surprise you," he said shyly, removing the earbuds and pocketing them. He exhaled softly as he followed her, a bit nervous.

He felt remarkably out of his element, unfortunately. His gaze scanned around uncertainly but keenly.


Self Defense
Angelina escorted Alexander into the room where her Mama sat at the head of the table.

"Mama, this is Alexander. I'm sorry but I do not know your family name. Alexander, this is my mother, Countess Lilianna du Vairmer."

Countess du Vairmer nodded her head in acknowledgement to Alexander before offering him to be seated to her right. Angelina crossed around and seated on the left of her mother.

"Welcome to our home. I hope that you find everything to your liking." With that, she picked up a little bell and rang it, signaling Mary to start serving the meal.

Alexander Èirílae Campbell
19 years of age
Alexander exhaled softly. "It's Campbell... Alexander Campbell. It's times like this I'm thankful for the various language classes i got stuck with... Je suis très reconnaissant de me aider en temps de besoin¹," he said shyly. He saw the Countess look startled as if she hadn't really expected to be thanked.
  1. "I'm grateful for your help in my time of need."


Self Defense
The Countess was surprised but then answered, "Vous êtes les bienvenus (you are most welcome)."

She seemed to dominate the conversation. Very much used to being in charge and making decisions, she laughed and talked, being the perfect hostess.

"We are so hoping for an end to this horrible war. Here it is 1452 and we had hoped that it would not last this long. What do your people think about this terrible thing?"

"Mama, can we not find better subjects to speak of?"

Alexander Èirílae Campbell
19 years of age
Alexander was quiet, listening and thinking. "I don't know, honestly. Where I came from was quite peaceful... though the wars that did break out were.... frightening," he said shyly. "To be honest, I didn't pay much attention to... the past. I had enough dealing with the present," he sighed. He took a soft breath, unsure if he should say anything else.


Self Defense
The Countess looked at Alexander. Such a strange young man.

"Exactly where are you from? Why are you not in uniform? All men able to fight are doing so."

Angelina was beginning to be uncomfortable. She did not wish to anger him. "Mama, please."

"Oh, my daughter attempts to keep me quiet. So I will. Though I was curious as to how long you plan on visiting Orléans?" She queried as Angelina sipped her soup

Alexander Èirílae Campbell
19 years of age
Alexander exhaled softly, glancing at Angelina. "You claim that it's 1452 here... which confuses me due to the fact that I have no idea how I ended up here, especially with such beautiful women near. The reason I say this... is because of this... the year... at least for me... hours ago... was 2014," he said slowly. He knew his cautious, unsure tone spoke volumes as it seemed like he'd fallen five and a half centuries in the past.

"As for my combat skills... I don't really have any. I'm decent at unarmed combat, but most other skills short of knife throwing that I possess... are likely useless," he sighed as he grimaced. "Where I.... came from... combat wasn't done with swords or knives... it was more... violent and usually from a distance," he said softly, although he really hadn't paid that much attention to military strategies and tactics.


Self Defense
The Countess was speechless, a stunned look upon her face. She glanced at her daughter to find the young lady shocked as well.

"Young man," the countess replied. "You are quite mistaken. It is 1452. We have been at war with the English for far too long. We are starting to see an end in sight, though some say it is just talk. You are in my home which is on the outskirts of Orléans. Orléans, France. There has not yet been a 2041 so... so... There!"

The Countess was properly outraged. Angelina tried to diffuse the situation.

"Today was such a beautiful day. I really enjoyed it." She looked at Alexander sitting there somewhat confused and her Mama, properly flustered. "Really enjoyed it." Somehow it seemed a feeble excuse. She tried giving Alexander a smile.

Alexander Èirílae Campbell
19 years of age
Alexander cocked an eyebrow at the older woman's haughty tone. He blinked at Angelina'a abrupt words before he exhaled softly. "What's the date? If I'm right, then by autumn or early winter of next year, the English will be gone from all French territories. Sad that the city I've spent the past eight years of my life in... won't be founded for another two hundred and sixty five years, at least... if I remember correctly, New Orleans was founded in 1718, and ironically enough, what became Louisiana... was originally a French territory," he said softly. He was stirring the soup occasionally as he spoke softly.

"Just my luck that the first time I go to a Renaissance Faire... I barely avoid getting my skull caved in by a full grown seventeen hand tall jousting horse and end up.... with intriguing but strange people," he muttered as he pushed away from the table, despite the movement being quite rude.

"Did you ever think that maybe what you assume may insult another? You don't see me deliberately assuming falsehoods of you, right?" he said quietly.

(I just realized an intriguing fact about Alex... calculating the year of his birth... it's 1985... the same year I was born.)

Self Defense
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Angelina spoke quietly to her mother.

"Mama, Alexander est un invité dans notre maison."

(Mama, Alexander is a guest in our home.)

Angelina turned to Alexander. "Please understand. We know it to be 1452. If I suddenly appeared in your time and told you that I came from 1452, would you not consider me insane?"

Mary appeared to remove the soup and bring out the main meal. The room was lit only by the candelabras that graced the table and sideboards, leaving the room in a soft glow. Once the three of them were alone she resumed.

"I assure you that this is the time and place that you find yourself in. Is there any way we can return you to where you belong?"

Alexander Èirílae Campbell
19 years of age
Alexander tilted his head thoughtfully. "Honestly? No. If I'm honest, I would be very intrigued, but as beautiful as the two of you are, it's doubtful I'd find either of you insane. If I'm blunt, I don't have that much to go back to, due to... well... quite a lot of things. Though admittedly, the city I've been living in... the odds of me in particular finding you if you found yourself in my time are massive... due to the main city having 343,829 people in it, with another 1,108,673 people in the surrounding areas," he said quietly.

"To be honest, I've never really felt... at home anywhere... people always judged me by my parents' reputation, and they... are politicians, whom more than a few people dislike. I've worked hard to build a reputation for myself, yet always feel... out of place, ya ken?" he said, sighing the last few words.


Self Defense
Angelina looked thoughtfully at the young man. He seemed sad and all alone.

"I'm very sorry. Alexander, you may stay as long as you wish." So gave her Mama a look that told her on this issue, there would be no argument.

She looked at him. "You have no one to return to?" She thought of her own fiancé, Captain Jon du Ponte.

"Are there really that many people in your Orléans? That sounds very frightening to be amongst so many people."

Alexander Èirílae Campbell
19 years of age
Alexander exhaled softly. "Not really. The potential jobs I could have gotten fell through so they're useless, and I had to live... well... it was very unpleasant, but better than going without," he said with a grimace. He pulled out odd hexagonal phone, flicking it open before sliding it close to Angelina. He knew the house shown was in horrible condition. He didn't notice the marking that formed on the back of the phone as it faded out of sight.

"The city tends to draw in a lot of tourists that come and leave. I... tried to stay out of the chaos of the main city if I could," he admitted.



Self Defense
She looked confused at the thin box that he handed to her.

"I thought that you said that this box contained musicians but it contains paintings." She was confused as to why someone would paint a cupboard full of towels.

"And what does this symbol..." She stopped. The entire time she had watched him punch the box, it's back had been facing her. She had seen a circle glowing on its back. But now, nothing was there. "What happened to the circle?"

She knew what her Mama was thinking. The elders usually were quick to judge and cry "witch" but Angelina wanted to avoid such things. If her Mama were to get it on her head, Alexander could very easily find himself in prison on a charge of such.

She didn't know how to let him know without coming right out and saying such.

She stared him in the eyes, hoping he would understand. She, quite against her better judgement, was growing fond of the young man.

"Oh, you have been playing a joke upon us, have you not?" She cut he eyes quickly from him to her Mama. "Oh Mama, it has all been a ruse to entertain us this evening."

The Countess looked confused for a moment before laughing and clapping her hands. "Excellent entertainment. Excellent."

Angelina looked back pointedly at Alexander before telling him, "Yes, it was a very good story." She silently prayed that he would follow along with her story.

Alexander Èirílae Campbell
19 years of age
Alexander blinked, momentarily confused, but shrugged slightly. "It's only one way I know how to entertain, as I could..." he said as he stretched his hand over the hexagonal shape before pulling it back, revealing half a dozen coins in a circle whilst the cell phone had vanished. He'd actually slid it up his sleeve, while he'd had the coins palmed. "Sometimes it's a simple trick," he said as he picked up one coin before flicking his fingers slipping the coin to the opposite hand with a smooth movement that made it seem that the coin had vanished in plain sight.



Self Defense
She watched Alexander do the trick and her Mama be entertained. She picked up one of the coins that he placed on the table. It was silver and on one side was a woman surrounded by stars.

She flipped it over and her heart stopped. Ouroboros! She glanced up at him but he was listening to the Countess speak as the dessert was being served.

The rest of the meal went quickly. Afterwards Angelina took a small candelabra and escorted Alexander back to his room. Mary had already turned down his bed and she lit the candles in his room before she turned to him.

"Where did you get these coins?"

Alexander Èirílae Campbell
19 years of age
Alexander blinked before he shrugged. "Ordered them from a service that will send you things if you pay for them. They were basically fan items from a book series I happen to enjoy," he said honestly
He didn't see the harm of having coins from a place that didn't exist. "The book series called them 'Tar Valon marks', basically the middle range of money in the series," he said, wondering what had her so cautious.



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Could he really not know what he had?

"I suggest that you be wary as to whom you show these to. They have the mark of the Ouroboros on them." She saw his look at her without understanding. She took a coin and showed him the reverse side.

"See you not this? A snake that devours its own tail? The Ouroboros. It is an ancient symbol standing for continuity. But it has also become used by a particular sect of pagan worshippers. It has not been so long as when Jeanne d'Arc was burned upon a pyre for claiming to seeing visions."

"Mama means well but she, as a Countess, would not hesitate to turn you over to those who would put you to the sword, or the flame. And that after much pain."

She looked at him. "Please promise me that you will not show these coins to anyone until you are certain of their intent. And also avoid this talk of future and things such as your little box. Please try to be of this time, the now and present, until we can discover a way back for you." She smiled at him. "I would not like to see anything bad happen to you."

She gave a little curtsy. "Bonne nuit." And she left Alexander alone in the candlelit bedroom.

Alexander Èirílae Campbell
19 years of age
Alexander frowned as Angelina spoke, thinking. He sighed softly, thinking as he slid the coins out of sight, sitting on the bed even as he revealed the lute he'd managed to find when almost to the room.



Self Defense
Alexander Èirílae Campbell
19 years of age
Alexander exhaled softly as he awoke a good couple of hours before dawn, as was habitual for him. He hadn't tried to take a close look at the lute, which he knew had eventually become the much more familiar guitar. He quietly slipped out of the room, finding a pathway that led to the rose gardens. His fingers brushed over the strings, a small smirk flickering over his face as it was actually the perfect key for what he wanted.



Self Defense