Claymore and Dagger (closed)

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Sam held her gaze for a long moment, his usual stoic expression unbroken and his dark eyes focused and unreadable. But his appreciation was made clear as he came around the little table to scoop Fiona up in his arms and kiss her with all he had. For a man whose features rarely gave his emotions away, and one who had a difficult time showing them at all, he let her know just how much he loved and needed her with that one kiss.
Fiona wrapped her arms around Sam’s neck, holding him tightly as he kissed her for all that he was worth. She sighed, pressing her forehead against his own as the broke and she simply enjoyed the moment with her lover.

“You will make a great king, Sam. Perhaps one of the best Inverness has ever had.” She said softly.
Sam closed his eyes as her forehead pressed to his own, and he brought her to an arm chair in the room to settle with her in his lap for a while. But eventually, work called and they finished eating. It was a matter of keeping watch over the royal families until Ulfric's men and Kell's could lock everything down and take over.

That day as they watched over Kayla's family, a dark figure entered the castle unchallenged and made the royal guard jump to action. Sam quickly stopped them, seeing the visitor was none other than Khelt Aleister. The greying black Wolf walked in quietly with a neutral expression, bringing a bundle of letters from his satchel.

"Samuel," Khelt muttered. "I will take over here in two days." Sam gave him an odd look, but before he could ask, Khelt added, "Sarah and Emily and Kate are all secure. But you will do better in Scotland where you belong. In two days, my men will be in control."

Khelt looked to Fiona, offering her a nod. "And it's best you go back.with him. Your father is going to be training new Riders soon."
"My father? He hasn't trained anyone to rise since before I was born. Why is he training riders all of the sudden?" Fiona asked, thoroughly confused as to why her father was taking up a cause that he had been so entirely against.
"In his own words... Three reasons. Your father knows Barbarossa wants the isles for himself, and he has been forcefully enlisting Riders and enslaving dragons, killing any who refuse him. Owen knows that the dragons in the north are going to run out of space and food soon, the populations of prey will run dry and it will ruin hunting for all creatures. And... Owen remembers that good Riders are peacekeepers. They were traditionally independent warriors who patrolled their most beloved lands, far from the control of royalty and nobility. I believe he sees the need for them again."
"My father has his own reasons for what he does. However, it's good to hear that he's willing to fight for his home and the dragons that so sorely need him." Fiona said softly, looking over at Sam as they both considered what that meant for the tide of war.
Sam's expression hadn't changed much. Whatever he was thinking, it wasn't very clear. Khelt nodded to them both. "Whether or not we will manage to strike back and hold our ground, I do know that the place to start is Normandy. Monomakh is holding his borders without issue, and the Crusade in the south is either pausing or coming to an end. But mark my words, it will soon be just Kate versus Barbarossa above all. And she will need every blade and bow, and her finest at Inverness and Edinburgh."
"So, you're saying that we'll have to face Barbarossa in our own land?" Fiona asked softly, a little upset and shocked about that.
"Not necessarily, though if he gets through Normandy, it's a possibility. England will need absolutely everything we have to survive and keep any more Imperials from setting foot in Scotland. We'll be fighting on our doorstep. Henry won't be able to do much, he lost too much to that foolish Crusade his lords and the church forced him into."
Fiona looked towards Sam at that news, wondering just what he thought about this entire mess. He was being rather quiet about the entire situation.
When Fiona looked to Sam, he was silently staring forward, listening but processing Khelt's words and warnings silently. He had the look of a warrior faced with an army of ten-thousand versus his own hundred. But he didn't crack. And finally, he murmured, "They won't reach London."
“You can’t guarantee that, Sam.” Fiona said softly, trying to keep him rooted in the moment and reality.
"Let me lie to myself for a minute," Sam muttered quietly, making Khelt sigh.

"Do what you must to stay focused." Khelt turned from them to go to Kayla.
"Finish this war in your own home then?" Fiona asked as Khelt left them alone, Sam's face so serious in the moment that she felt she should probably just leave him alone.
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"If it comes to that... But if it gets to Edinburgh, it'll end there no matter who wins." Sam shook his head to clear his mind. "We'll see in the end."
"Samuel, make me a promise here and now. You will get help if your thoughts turn dark again." Fiona said softly, watching as he tried to push everything away as he typically did.
Sam met her gaze, holding it for a moment before giving her a slight nod. "I can't promise that if I'm on the battlefield... But I'll do my best."
"I still expect you to be intact when the battle is done." Fiona said softly as he promised her what she wanted to hear the most.
Fiona said nothing more, knowing that he couldn't keep his promises as she needed him to. Instead, she just wrapped him up in a tight hug, holding him with all of her might.
The next two days were more of the same until Arslan arrived and Sam deemed Kayla safe enough to leave. The ride home was quiet, but upon their arrival mid-afternoon in Inverness, they found dragons all across the sky, flying in formation with new Riders behind one clear expert at the front.
"I've never seen anything like that before." Fiona said softly as she worked to unharness Invah, wanting to let her rest after the whirlwind that had been their past few days. "I wonder if this is what my Grandpa was always talking about. A time when dragons filled the skies and lived in relative peace with their handlers."
"Such times are long, long past, but then again... I haven't seen such a sight myself in... Centuries, at least. But I have never seen it in peacetime," Invah murmured. Once she was free of her gear, she bundled it all up to be put away for a while.

Sam was doing the same with Gaiann, and only once he was done did anyone approach.

"Sam," came Brogan's call across the courtyard, and Sam looked up. "Come t'yer mother's parlor when yer ready, lad. Bring Fiona." At Sam's nod, Brogan gave him a small smile and one to Fiona as well. "Good t'have you two home."
“We know better than to keep your mother waiting.” Fiona said with a smile as she packed away Invah’s tack. “I’ll come see you at the loch tomorrow morning.”

She took Sam’s hand as they walked towards the keep, the feeling of being god seeping into her bones. It felt good and being with Sam was even better.
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