Ghis (closed)

"He can, but you might benefit more from the reputation." Qira walked alongside her down to the main hall where Kell was standing between an irate Lord and what seemed to be their werewolf servant. The young Wolf didn't have a collar marking him as a slave, but it seemed he wasn't faring well anyway. Nursing a bloody nose, he hid behind Kell and one of Kell's usually-hidden men as the Lord went on a tirade about his servant being returned to him for proper punishment.
"Is there a problem?" Kate asked the both of them as she came upon the scene, looking at the Lord and then at Kell as she took in the scene as quietly as she could.
"Rather," the Lord, whom Kate would recognize as a noble of a small estate under Duke Stirling. He was little more than a land-owning knight, named Sir Arnad Coulter. He was Stirling's nephew.

"Sir Coulter, you cannot honestly expect me to sit idly by while you abuse your servants, paid or not," Kell spoke calmly, though Kate would be able to see the fur on his neck slightly raised. Seeing the lower classes beaten by the nobility was bad enough, but this was about the young man's race rather than position.

"He's a clumsy fool and he's destroyed royal property! Surely he deserves a whipping at the least!" Coulter growled, pointing toward a broken vase and dropped tray of tea. It seemed the young Wolf had bumbled into the decor while bringing refreshments to his master.
"A vase can be replaced." Kate said in a totally neutral tone as she looked at the knight that Kell was confronting. "However, I am more concerned at the fact that a lesser noble is threatening someone in my own household. It does not shine a good light on your house, Sir Coulter."
The knight straightened his coat indignantly. "Well, Your Majesty. I would think you'd want a certain level of discipline and respect for your property in your home. And that bumbling idiot clearly lacks both." He shot a look at the young Wolf who ducked his head down, unable to face either Kate or his master. Kell remained silent, giving command of the situation to Kate as she was the one in charge overall.
"And I would expect that a man brought up in a noble family, carrying the title of a knight, would have more respect for his queen than you do." Kate said as she stared at the other man who seethed in anger. "How dare you talk to me about how I run my household, Sir Coulter. Even more, how dare you strike a servant in these halls. I will not tolerate someone abusing their staff, were or not, under my roof. I suggest you hold your tongue before you find yourself in the same position as this wolf."
Coulter wanted so badly to lash out, reprimand her as a younger woman, but even as his face grew red with anger, he held himself back and kept silent.

"Steel," Kell muttered to the man beside him. "Go get the boy cleaned up." The older, dark werelion nodded and ushered the young Wolf away. Kell came to stand by Kate's side, his golden eyes watching Coulter closely. "Milady," he muttered, awaiting her word as Coulter seemed unwilling to back away gracefully. In fact, Coulter was watching where the Lion took the young servant, no doubt planning some revenge.
“See to it that Sir Coulter is paid for his servant’s worth. The young man will be joining my staff from here on.” Kate said to Kell, her gaze leveling on the man seething before her. “And if you would be so kind as to send a letter to his uncle that he will be expected home within the week. Sir Coulter will be leaving for Stirling first thing in the morning.”
Kell nodded and before Coulter could argue, two royal guardsmen stepped forward. "These gentlemen will see you to your lodgings in the city," Kell told him firmly, leaving no room for exceptions. "You will have your money in an hour." The guardsmen ushered Coulter away, but not before he could shoot a glare back at the calm couple. When he was gone, Kell's shoulders relaxed slightly.

"Thank you," he muttered. "That could've gone a lot worse."
“It could have and probably will get much worse.” Kate said with a shrug of her shoulders as she looked towards Kell.
"He can get as angry as he likes outside these walls. His uncle supports us and the werefolk, so he won't find any support in Stirling. Outside of it... Well, we'll know if he goes looking for allies. But this is hardly worth starting some rebellion over." Kell turned to look at Qira, who awaited Kate quietly either for an order or to be dismissed. "I'm sorry if this all interrupted your work," Kell murmured to Kate.
“We had taken a break for a small meal.” Kate said, quietly dismissing Qira back to her office as she had a small moment with Kell. “I was contemplating the size of the garden that I have noticed Warwick has commissioned. I’m sure it’s will set tongues to wagging very soon.”
"He's made it very clear that the garden is a gift. I know that won't stop anyone, but you don't need to be worrying about that. There are more important matters to deal with than what rumormongers think of a private garden."

Kell straightened up a bit. "I'm sure you know we have a guest arriving soon. In fact, I'm glad most of our local nobles aren't here and Coulter's gone. They all tend to have a problem with her lack of respect. I don't know how she'll react to you, but I don't think it'll be a problem. I'm told she has a serious problem with authority."
"It seems to be a common theme around here." Kate said as she looked up at Kell as he talked about the coming were's lack of respect. "And there's not many opportunities for me to earn anyone's respect, it seems. I guess I'll have to work harder at it."

Kate moved forward and wrapped her arms around her husband's waist, leaning her head against his chest as she let out a deep sigh. She needed that moment to feel better about herself and the decisions that the both of them had made.
"Just keep going as you are and give it time. They all think this is just a phase, that you'll soften up or get lazy with time. All you need to be is consistent." Kell's arms draped around her and he let his body relax for a moment. In such a short time, Kate was already burning out and he knew it.
"How can I go soft or lazy when they insist on testing my patience and anger on a daily basis?" Kate asked as she hugged him a little bit tighter. "If this month doesn't end in an execution, I would be very impressed."

She knew she was especially grumpy because her father and mother were leaving very soon, but she was also amazed that the lords around her constantly sought to test her resolve as if she would crumble at the least provocation.
"If I wasn't, I would have gone home with my brothers." Kate said softly as Kell asked he if she was still sure about all of this. "Give me time, eldere. I'll put them in their places before too long and then you can whisk me away from a long vacation."
"You always have a way out if things get too difficult... Temporary or permanent." Kell held her a moment longer before looking up to see Kate's parents watching them with somewhat concerned expressions.
Julia held her husband's arm tightly, knowing that he could be incredibly overprotective of Kate when she was in distress. They could both see the way she held herself and knew that she was struggling. However, this was something she needed to do on her own.
Brogan was tense, but he made no move to offer his daughter help or consolation. Kell was the one doing that now. And barring Kate directly asking, or some emergency or Kate bursting into tears, Brogan would hold himself back.
Kate hugged her wolf a while longer before she turned and caught sight of her Da. The smile on her lips told them that she was most definitely happy to see him. She let go of Kell and went to greet both of her parents, hugging her father a little tighter than normal.

"Where did you lose the twins to?" Kate asked, knowing that since Ciaran and the rest had already gone, the twins were spending more time with a nanny that Marianne had hired for them.
"Nappin' righ' now," Brogan murmured, lifting a hand to Kate's arm in a simple show of support. "Been hearin' some rumblin' around here 'bout you. Lot o' folks not sure if they should be impressed 'r worried about y'standin' up against th' lords. But it ought t'be good fer you t'know tha' yer staff is certainly glad about it. Probably like seein' their lady 'as a backbone, one tha' Marianne's been too tired an' sad t'show these past years without Warwick."
"I wouldn't be your daughter if I let them walk all over me." Kate said simply as she glanced towards her mother. "In a ladylike way, of course."

"You've never worried about being a lady before, Kate. Don't worry about it now." Julia said with a soft chuckle.
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"Yer Ma was stubborn long enough t'instill a little elegance, love, but a lady can still be a damned fierce thing. Yer Ma an' yer aunts know tha' firsthand. Though maybe Kayla is th'best example fer you." Brogan smiled at that, incredibly proud of his little sister's accomplishments and the respect she commanded from men three times her size and ten times her political strength.