The Real Chubby Tummies Of Lit

Not many pics yet.

So I will play.

Usually I shoot specifically to minimize or not show my stomach. :rolleyes:

But here's one that does show my marshmallow middle.

In spite of that fact, I liked the picture.

You are gorgeous! And a very talented photographer, too.
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Not many pics yet.

So I will play.

Usually I shoot specifically to minimize or not show my stomach. :rolleyes:

But here's one that does show my marshmallow middle.

In spite of that fact, I liked the picture.

You are always so beautiful :kiss::kiss:
I've posted full up nudes on here. :cool:

Which Being the stunt double for the Sta-Puf Marshmallow dude is quite a feat,...

I'm not an "AmPics girl" though, and feel a bit squeemy when I get accepting commentary on any pictures I post. I don't feel I need what,
to me, amounts to superficial validation from strangers.

Then again, I'm not an exhibitionist and I'm just as likely to post a picture of me lancing a boil on a cat as I am of me in a bra and underwear.. it's all the same to me. Academic.

I understand the pull, however, of the attention. It can be nice to get the warm fuzzies from others who like and appreciate​ what you have to offer.

I know for a fact that I'm not model material.

Well, no. I take that back. I'm fucking gorgeous, but I have little to no use for anyone who isn't​ going to look at me past what's skin deep.

I've ALWAYS been a big girl. Never been a skinny Minnie and even after the RnY, I'll never be what the media shoves down our throats as the standard of beauty.

What's interesting to note, is how even though I know I'm not bad to look at, I'm way smarter than your average bear, and I can suck a dick like a pro...I've still been brainwashed into "accepting" I'm not "what most guys want".

The real problem is that while we all "say" we are accepting, everyone is beautiful in they're own way, yada, yada, yada... It's​ extremely difficult to let go of that "false ideal"you were raised with.

Consider the person who prefaces their racist comment with "I'm not racist, but.."

It's the same with people's appearance. "I think that roll looks delicious on you, but you'd be even cuter if you'd lose it "

Among many reasons, I left my husband of almost 20 years because he would literally *bristle* if I tried to hug him. That kind of rejection cuts really deep and despite every effort I might make to accept myself and my body? I'm always going to be both consciously and subconsciously​ working towards that "norm" that we've been taught that guys like. Because it's ingrained in us.

So, great thread, Honey. Good luck getting pics and posters:heart:

Not many pics yet.

So I will play.

Usually I shoot specifically to minimize or not show my stomach. :rolleyes:

But here's one that does show my marshmallow middle.

In spite of that fact, I liked the picture.

Oh! Aphro tummy. :kiss:


Now I have this image in my mind of a really hairy tummy. :( Not yours. A different tummy. Maybe shot from a low point of view. Like the viewer is... never mind.

Aphro you always play so well with others. I made up a couple of new games with Icy the other day and I bet we could too. Like Making Maple Syrup and Hockey.

For Making Maple Syrup you're the tree and I'm the tap. I get hammered in until the sap starts to flow.

For Hockey you're the puck and I take a bunch of practice slapshots on your bum (but with my hand not a stick) and if I'm lucky I get sent to the penalty box.

If that's a marshmallow middle sign me up to be Mr Staypuff!

I liked the picture too.

Cheers :kiss:
RA, I love you. I love that the women are getting the true meaning of the thread.

I was never rejected for my weight. No, I tortured myself all on my own. When you are rejected for just being yourself, blaming weight is much more palatable.

Long road back from that. I'm lucky I have someone who loves me for me.
Threads like this help, too.
This thread makes me want to cry - in a good way, for the most part. I considered just sending a pm to the ladies supporting this thread, but that would be cowardly given what y'all have posted.

I get a great deal of satisfaction and ego stroking from posting pics here. Yet, it is always tempered by the thoughts that go, "Yeah, thanks, but angles and lighting are hiding the bad parts," so the comments, while nice, are still tainted by a measure of what I consider to be deception. I've always been Type A and competitive, and, although it's petty and immature, it always stings when I see someone else getting attention for something I'm trying my best at. No matter how many times I tell myself there is no single body type that "wins," I don't really believe it. I "know" what body type ultimately wins and I don't have it any more.

What ought to be an opportunity without true cost to put myself out here and receive validation just for who I am, still remains impossible in my mind. It's a constant struggle between achieving true body acceptance and being the best. An astute Lit man (whom we all love) even mentioned to me once how clever I am at subtly covering the challenging parts of my anatomy. I believe he truly meant it as a message of acceptance, but the acknowledgement that parts of my body are a "challenge" when I've tried so hard to camouflage them, hurt.

My husband, whom I've been with for 30 years, is ONLY into fitness models and athletic slim body types. While he tells me he is still attracted to me, his actions (at least in my mind) are asynchronous with his words. Given this is the message I've heard from the person who loves me most, it is difficult to comes to grips with the idea that anyone who doesn't have true affection for me could ever accept, much less be attracted to, the parts of me neither of us are happy with. And don't tell me that intelligence and confidence and a sassy sense of humor are what you find most attractive - because its very nice to hear, but deep down I don't believe you.

How pathetic is it that I cling to the shreds of body acceptance I receive here? How pathetic is it that at my age, the 20 pounds I gained in the last several months as my hormones decided to skip town permanently, are what weighs heaviest (pun intended) on my mind? How ridiculous is it that they intrude on my thoughts of how to pose and which pics to post here? How ludicrous is it that I actually stress a bit over letting people down by not being hot enough?

So, I suppose I just wanted to say that I envy you ladies - your personal acceptance of your bodies and the acceptance provided you by your significant others. Until I can get my hormones back in check I won't have that. I need to lose the weight for health reasons, and I'm working on that, but I gotta say how much I love this thread.

Thank you ladies - :heart::heart::heart::heart::heart:. I just can't heart this enough. :heart::heart::heart: That shall be the end of my vent. :kiss:

This whole post cuts right through.

The whole notion of posting strategically cropped body parts for adulation from a stranger is sad. Ive done it. It's a momentary feel good but it's fleeting.

I don't want it anymore. I don't want a cropped version. I want all of who I'm talking to. And I want that back from my partner.

I look back at pictures of me 20 years ago, when I thought I was so fat. Geez. I wonder when will I accept me just for me? Ever? 20 more years? As a hot 75 year old?
I love the pics and discussion here. I relate to all the ladies, most of all Kitty. You spoke my thoughts and I thank you for sharing. :rose::heart:
This thread makes me want to cry - in a good way, for the most part.


I get a great deal of satisfaction and ego stroking from posting pics here. Yet, it is always tempered by the thoughts that go, "Yeah, thanks, but angles and lighting are hiding the bad parts," so the comments, while nice, are still tainted by a measure of what I consider to be deception.

Thank you ladies - :heart::heart::heart::heart::heart:. I just can't heart this enough. :heart::heart::heart: That shall be the end of my vent. :kiss:

Katherine you're not the only one using angles and lighting. It's very common in the small group of male posters too. It's the rare few Litsters that can snap from any angle under any light and then feel good about posting it. There's a reason, beyond thematic consistency (Shady Goods), I use black and white. You know I don't look exactly like my photos.

I won't wax all philosophical. I've done that plenty of times before. I'll just say it's not all deception. Sometimes people see the real us no matter how much we try to hide it in smoke or mirrors. And quite often those people still like us. :kiss:

Katherine you're not the only one using angles and lighting. It's very common in the small group of male posters too. It's the rare few Litsters that can snap from any angle under any light and then feel good about posting it. There's a reason, beyond thematic consistency (Shady Goods), I use black and white. You know I don't look exactly like my photos.

I won't wax all philosophical. I've done that plenty of times before. I'll just say it's not all deception. Sometimes people see the real us no matter how much we try to hide it in smoke or mirrors. And quite often those people still like us. :kiss:


Thank you all for the support and love. There are truly some magnificent people on Lit. :heart:
I agree with HR in the fact that, for the most part, there are very few men on here who can take a picture from any angle and capture their 6 pack everytime, I'm not one of them. But mist men here know what every woman looks for, the rock hard chiseled body of an earlier 20's male. Where angels and lighting are perfect ways of hiding ones flaws, some of us crop and edit the shit of them. ✋ guilty!

I would like to just say this, I'll try to not vent too much on it, but as a father of a set of beautiful twins, I could not look myself in the mirror in the mornings if I didn't think that my wife, whom I chose to marry, was not the most beautiful person in the world! It takes a shallow male to look at the woman he married, who gave life to his kids and think.."you are no longer my body type." fucking sad!

For what it is worth, my opinion may not be worth much, but a real man who truely loves, you sees no flaws, only the beauty of you.
I agree with HR in the fact that, for the most part, there are very few men on here who can take a picture from any angle and capture their 6 pack everytime, I'm not one of them. But mist men here know what every woman looks for, the rock hard chiseled body of an earlier 20's male. Where angels and lighting are perfect ways of hiding ones flaws, some of us crop and edit the shit of them. ✋ guilty!

I would like to just say this, I'll try to not vent too much on it, but as a father of a set of beautiful twins, I could not look myself in the mirror in the mornings if I didn't think that my wife, whom I chose to marry, was not the most beautiful person in the world! It takes a shallow male to look at the woman he married, who gave life to his kids and think.."you are no longer my body type." fucking sad!

For what it is worth, my opinion may not be worth much, but a real man who truely loves, you sees no flaws, only the beauty of you.

And she sees the same when she looks at you.
I was never rejected for my weight. No, I tortured myself all on my own. When you are rejected for just being yourself, blaming weight is much more palatable.

Among many reasons, I left my husband of almost 20 years because he would literally *bristle* if I tried to hug him. That kind of rejection cuts really deep and despite every effort I might make to accept myself and my body? I'm always going to be both consciously and subconsciously​ working towards that "norm" that we've been taught that guys like. Because it's ingrained in us.

Breaks my fucking heart to read things like this, not because you associate worth with others perceptions of you ( we all care what people we love think of us ), but rather that you actively find reasons to blame yourself. No doubt you blame them too, as you should, but the fact remains that you still circle back around to tried and true self deprecation because it's easy and you've been programmed to believe that maybe someone would love you more " if ". That is the worst kind of poison there is, because it's tolerated. It's laughed off. Dirt gets kicked over it, and people ignore that fact that you're only half kidding when you make those kinds of comments.

So here, I'll put it on front street and speak plainly.


Not the other way around, and it's got sweet fuck all to do with how you look. So don't.

How pathetic is it that I cling to the shreds of body acceptance I receive here? How pathetic is it that at my age, the 20 pounds I gained in the last several months as my hormones decided to skip town permanently, are what weighs heaviest (pun intended) on my mind? How ridiculous is it that they intrude on my thoughts of how to pose and which pics to post here? How ludicrous is it that I actually stress a bit over letting people down by not being hot enough.

Pathetic is a strong word. The majority of people here, are so because they are seeking validation or acceptance in one form or another. There's something they don't have or are not getting that they've chosen to seek elsewhere for one reason or another. That is not pathetic, it is sad, because that's not the way it should be. We can go around and around with chicken or the egg rhetoric about the why, but it is what it is. It's only pathetic if you had it, and still sought it out anyway. But it's not, so cut yourself some slack. The presence of mind to admit to all of that is not easy and admirable, and this goes for anyone else that feels the same way or does the same.

The whole notion of posting strategically cropped body parts for adulation from a stranger is sad. Ive done it. It's a momentary feel good but it's fleeting.

I don't want it anymore. I don't want a cropped version. I want all of who I'm talking to. And I want that back from my partner.

There you go, cuttin' through the bullshit and being awesome again :cool:

Consider the person who prefaces their racist comment with "I'm not racist, but.."
".. I'm about to make an extremely repugnant statement, but it's okay, because I opened with a qualifier that excuses me for being a racist asshole." Gotta love people that use that logic, let me try:

" I'm about to smash half your teeth out of your skull, burn your house down, key your car, and feed your dog a bag of grapes. But it's okay, I mean it in the nicest possible way." :D
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You guys all get it and I'm so glad. :heart: Thank you for being here.

I'm going to change up my profile pic to another tummy shot and no, it isn't easy to do this. I am grateful to have people who are dear to me from whom I hear beautiful words of love and acceptance (online, if not IRL), but I still think it's important for *me* to do it here, too.

cookie told me she thinks I'm brave. I thought she meant strong and i told her I'm not. But brave doesn't mean strong, it means doing hard things when you feel scared or weak or small. So I guess I am brave. And so is she, and so is Aphro and Kitty and of all the other ladies... :heart:

For the ladies who choose to post pics, thank you. For the ladies who don't, thank you for doing your own thing. For the gentlemen whose input truly makes a difference, thank you for joining in. And for the lurkers, I'm glad you're here too. ;)
I've always had a big ass.

When I was a teenager, I wore a tight skirt, and my mother declared my ass in that skirt as I walked looked like "two boys fighting under a blanket." She has a way with words, that woman.:rolleyes:

I never wore a fitted skirt or dress again. I wore long tops that came past my hips to hide my bottom, or gathered skirts.

Suddenly, big asses are in! How is it the thing I have tried to conceal for years is a "thing"?

But when I posted a short video the other day of my plump posterior in a pair of new panties, one of the comments was along the line of "Oh, I didn't realize your bottom was quite so big and round..." Instantly transported back to the two boys fighting under a blanket comment. I don't believe the person meant it bad, but of course because I am sensitive about the issue, I considered pulling the vid. I didn't, but it crossed my mind. Sad but true.

However, when it comes right down to it, my pictures are almost as much for me as for anyone. For the few moments, however brief, when I shoot or edit pics, I allow myself that indulgence of feeling like a sexy fucking Goddess of a woman. Suspending my insecurities and trying to find the best way to use what I got goin' on. And if looking for good lighting, or cropping, or using filters makes me an artist of subterfuge, so be it. Even Kim Kardashian photoshops her cellulite.

Big group hug, to anyone and everyone who has ever felt diminished because of weight, size, shape and appearance. Thanks to all who have shared their hearts.

Edited: Adding a "raw" pic with no edit or filter. You can even see the elastic mark from my other, non sexy panties. :rolleyes:
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I've always had a big ass.

When I was a teenager, I wore a tight skirt, and my mother declared my ass in that skirt as I walked looked like "two boys fighting under a blanket." She has a way with words, that woman.:rolleyes:

I never wore a fitted skirt or dress again. I wore long tops that came past my hips to hide my bottom, or gathered skirts.

Suddenly, big asses are in! How is it the thing I have tried to conceal for years is a "thing"?

But when I posted a short video the other day of my plump posterior in a pair of new panties, one of the comments was along the line of "Oh, I didn't realize your bottom was quite so big and round..." Instantly transported back to the two boys fighting under a blanket comment. I don't believe the person meant it bad, but of course because I am sensitive about the issue, I considered pulling the vid. I didn't, but it crossed my mind. Sad but true.

However, when it comes right down to it, my pictures are almost as much for me as for anyone. For the few moments, however brief, when I shoot or edit pics, I allow myself that indulgence of feeling like a sexy fucking Goddess of a woman. Suspending my insecurities and trying to find the best way to use what I got goin' on. And if looking for good lighting, or cropping, or using filters makes me an artist of subterfuge, so be it. Even Kim Kardashian photoshops her cellulite.

Big group hug, to anyone and everyone who has ever felt diminished because of weight, size, shape and appearance. Thanks to all who have shared their hearts.

Wait, what....there's a video?

Looks like I have some lurking to do...
I admit falling to society's norm of a hot girl with washboard abs, when in reality, all I wanted to do was give them a cheeseburger and tell them to live a little!

But Lit has truly shown me the beauty of EVERY woman, and now even in real life, I look at other "healthier" women and see just how beautiful they really are. The Am Pics board has shown me that first hand. This thread just solidifies that point.

So.....thank you, Lit, and to the ladies AND gentlemen who post pictures, for opening my eyes and my heart and finding beauty in all shapes and forms!

I had a college art professor tell me one time that in his human drawing classes, he had a favorite model would would come in every year. She was a large black woman who was very comfortable being nude in front of the students. The professor told me that she was the greatest model because of the angles and curves that really required the students' attention. I now know what she was talking about.
All I have to say is to me, confidence is a very sexy attribute.

Thanks for sharing ladies. :)
Not many pics yet.

So I will play.

Usually I shoot specifically to minimize or not show my stomach. :rolleyes:

But here's one that does show my marshmallow middle.

In spite of that fact, I liked the picture.

Beautiful and sensual photograph - I would love to pleasure those peaks and plunder those valleys - DAve :kiss::kiss::heart::heart:
Fwiw, I gained 35lbs this year (thank you stress), and yesterday was only the second time I had posted my tummy. That pic was taken lying down, because lying down makes my tummy look flatter. :eek:

So today's pic is standing up, and all out there. I'm fifty now, and I've decided I don't have time for this insecurity nonsense - on my good days, anyway. I'm damn sexy, belly or no, and the only person who ever says anything different is... me. :rolleyes:
Hey peeps!

I'm feeling a bit overexposed and in need of a turtle, so I'm off and taking my pic with me.

I'll be back. :)
It's interesting

You'll never find any derogatory comments in the media about men's chubby tummies.