Succubus Mother



I've had this idea in a few forms before but I thought of a couple new ways, one more comedic and one horrifying. For all posts, the main idea is that a guy and possibly his sibling(s) are raised by a succubus, now that at least one of them's 18, they'rebeing asked to do something they aren't quite comfortable with.


Brother and sister were adopted by a succubus who wanted to draw attention away from her. They've come to love her though they notice she seems to go through a lot of boyfriends and she never seems to want to go to church, which makes life a bit awkward in their small town since the church is the big gathering place. On their 18th birthday, mom reveals the truth. She's a succubus and she needs a little help with getting snacks. So if sis could bring a few boyfriends over or if son could invite his team over or maybe even let her get a snack from him, she'd really appreciate it. So the siblings must now try to get through their last year of school while dodging accusations from their classmates and making sure their mom remains undiscovered and well fed.


Lonely child is bounced from house to house (maybe with a sibling). Their newest house is rather neglectful and the foster parents seem to have plans for him and his sibling. One night, the boy gets woken up and is hauled outside to a gathering where they cut his hands and make him bleed over a strange symbol. A second later, a beautiful woman appears, cursing at them and making threats. The two sides are at a stalemate: the group wants books, the woman wants out of their circle. However, the group starts getting scared when they realize the woman isn't under their control and they start to try and send her back.

Meanwhile, the boy is in pain and bleeds on the circle, breaking it. Things go black and the boy wakes up later to find himself alone with the woman. She thanks him and promises a boon. The boy doesn't know what to ask for, but when child services come for him, he cashes it in and gets her as a mom.

Boy grows up in a loving household and is immensely happy. When he turns 18 though, his mother takes him aside and tells him that he must never have sex and remain a virgin until the end of his days. He's shocked but he's not having much luck with women anyway so it's not a big deal. However, once he goes to college, he meets someone and has sex with her. The next time he comes home, his mom interrogates him and is heartbroken when he tries to lie about what happened. She tells him to pack his things and leave. Promising to give him enough money to get through college but she wants him gone.

Son's heartbroken but returns later, when he think's she's calmed down. However, his mom is meeting with dozens of beautiful women, ranting about how she was happy to live a normal life but she can't anymore now that she's been so close to a recent nonvirgin, She then spouts a snake tail and giant leather wings. Turns out his mom isn't just a succubus, she's Lilith herself and now that she's reawoken, she plans on hunting down all sons of Adam, starting with her own son.

So now, son must either hide, or find a way to send his mom back. All the while dodging a bunch of unleashed succubus who all want to make their mother proud by sucking his soul out.
I offer you a third route on your lighter side.

Classic "I hate you Vampire Dad! Which blends your two stories perhaps with a lighthearted Kilgrave (Jessica Jones.)

Our hero is told by his mother never to have sex same as your set up. Only when he does it awakens his powers and his powers are all about seduction. To the point that this guy who's been raised to be a good guy his entire life feels guilty. Basically he has a hard time flirting with women because he can't be certain that they are following him to bed because they wanted to or because he told them to.

Or you could do the classic he's irressistable and has to find ways to keep himself and the ladies he cares about safe because. . .well more than once Buffy made an episode that essentially states that every woman on the planet wanting to fuck your brains out isn't safe for anybody. Some of them get jealous and try to hurt each other. Some of them realize that you're never going to choose them when the Cheerleader Squad is setting up a pyramid of pussy for. . .(hold on, need to write that down cus that is AWESOME) for you and attempt to hurt themselves. Some of them feel scorned by your rejection or merely being tired and try to hurt you. Essentially it's all fun and games until Lorena Bobbit comes along and decides if I can't have it all to myself NOBODY can have it at all. MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

Alternatively a succubus mother falls very happily into a MILF story. You can go the full 9 yards there too. John is popular in school because everybody wants to hang out at his house. She of course encourages this and has one of those fairly amazing bodies where she can get away with dressing like something that escaped a 1960's sitcom and still look banging or she just struts around in skimpy outfits around his friends.
The lighter story sounds fun. What happens when she feeds? Is it just a bit of a drain on them, or is it a black widow kind of situation?

Maybe she ends up meeting the son's girlfriend and converts her into a succubus as well. Now the poor guy has two pussies to feed, as if his life wasn't complicated enough!

Of course, the daughter is also at risk of being converted if her mother doesn't control herself.
Maybe succubi have devolved since I first encountered them but I have a hard time with something. Succubi are demons, fallen angels, SUPERnatural entities. A succubus loose on Earth can freely use her power as she wishes, slurping souls, wreaking havoc, etc. WHY should she need to pose as a human with adopted children? Wouldn't they interfere with her slurp-fests?

Obvious answers to WHY? are 1) her powers are limited and/or 2) because she WANTS to. Yes, she "goes native" and voluntarily limits her soul-slurping. That makes her a real perv of a succubus, maybe an outcast from decent demonic society. Has she more kinks re: demonhood? Do other succubi, incubi, or assorted enforcer demons stalk her?

I don't get the bit about a succubus making other succubi. That's more a vamp thing.
Maybe her kink is regular human sex. She's considered quite the deviant for this. :D

But really, when writing a story, the most important thing to keep in mind is that the writer is ultimately the master of their creation. I don't think it matters if the vampires in a story turn to dust when staked, sparkle in sunlight, or what, as long as the rules of the setting are consistent as to how things work. I think some fans get mixed up when they try to apply rules from other settings and get upset when they aren't followed (one example I see is people expecting Star Trek's Starfleet to function like the 21st century US Navy, which it was never really meant to be and in-context, has no relation to anyways).
Sean: I like your ideas. The first one reminds me of another idea I had where a guy's best friend turns out to be an incubbus who lends him his powers after accidentally gets a few women too addicted to sex with him. The guy is told to be careful and ends up creating all sorts of trouble.

The MILF idea is probably how it would end up. Mom had to be discreet while the kids were growing up but now that they're adults (and so are their delectable classmates) she decides it's time to be a bit more open with her needs. So she goes from being the mom who wore big thick sweaters with kittens on them and always did fundraising activities that kept her hidden away from everybody (in fact, maybe she only fed on people outside of town) and is now a gorgeous woman who claims to be in her 40s but has a body that looks like her early 30s and makes herself the life of the party, whether it's a poster club meeting, some community event, or a weekend party that she holds right at her house.

Texguy: I figured she could control herself and just leave a person exhausted, take a year or two off their life or even take the whole thing if she was desperate. Another idea I had was that she can feed off of residual sexual energy (masturbate in her proximity and she ca get a little energy and she can feed off of wet dreams as well), so she doesn't necessarily need to hook up at a party to get something to eat if enough people are horny or are having sex.

Hypoxia: admittedly, going native was a big point. She might have other reasons but the big conflict is her trying to be a good mother while her instincts are telling her to feast and fuck everything she can.
Sorry for the necroing but I found out something interesting. There's actually a fairly recent manga that has a similar concept but replace mother with "older sister" and succubus with "Shub-Niggurath."

Not even fact the mangaka actually has a few cute references to the mythos with her having a satyress like form (with black fur...and yes, she's found in a place surrounded by woods) in her humanoid demon body a well as having an eldritchian, tentacled form she can take (though even her humanoid form has hair that can turn into lamprey-like tentacles).

Be warned if you look it up though, the pitch pilot for the all-ages series (which still has an ageless monstrosity having some awkward fanservice with an underage boy) was an erotic doujin...with the characters at the same ages as the final series.

Since it would be rude to not add to the thread however, I did think of another idea. Son and daughter are visiting their adoptive mother on her 45th birthday (figured she'd be middle-aged for this). Daughter decides to take her mom for a day of pampering. It takes a lot of cajoling since their mother has always been prudish when it comes to herself and gets very nervous about wearing revealing clothes, let alone being virtually nude for a massage. Still she goes to the spa with her daughter while her son stays behind to do some housework.

While at the spa, daughter notices a weird tattoo on her mother's back. She takes a pic of it so she can show her mom and they decide to get it removed after the spa. One lasering and chemical scrub later, and mom is free of the tattoo. Mom feels surprisingly good afterwards as well and asks daughter to go shopping with her, where she picks up some outfits which show off her figure and even some lingerie. Daughter thinks her mom's just loosening up so she goes along with it, even praing her mom when she teases and flirts with some younger guys.

The next day however, daughter notices odd things. The Spa they went to closed the mornign after without warning and when she tried to ask why over the phone, she just heard panting and moaning. She gets a call from her ex-boyfriend, who sounds anxious before someone else hangs up the phone on him. Though later, she dozes off and (seemingly) wakes up to her mother sitting on her bed, stroking her face. Her mother tells her not to worry about anything that happened that day and then leans in and gives her a kiss.

Daughter wakes up for real and calls her brother, telling him everything that went on since the day before. She sends him a picture of the tattoo and he manages to figure out it's a seal of some sort. Before he can say more though, his mom enters the room and takes the phone from him. She then lists off every fantasy he's ever had about her and promises to make them all happen (sister is still listening at this point). Brother resists but after a kiss and what sounds like the rustle of wings, he agrees.

So, is mom really a succubus? Would she really devour her son's soul/life? How can sis stop her?