Tess's Trifles

No, no, absolutely fine! I really love the contributions I've gotten in here so far, I hope it's becoming a safe space to share. I totally identify with creating context - particularly in Massacre, where there's so much space to explore. Writing Emily was difficult because it was very emotionally explorative but also felt like building a sandcastle in a damn cathedral - so much room! So much stuff to look at! I'm really excited to see what you create.

I was really tempted to be cheeky and say this recipe I was looking at for sweet potato hash was the hottest image in my head... But really? Probably something impact driven, like a fight or anger sex (weird, I know), and then water imagery. So, something like being led into water. And then finally touching someone's face. See how oddly specific I get? But it's really in flashes like that, it's bizarre.

Are you able to tap into images like that? I'm kind of having a hard time lately following a coherent piece from passion - starting to rely more on an inspirational image and then methodical outlining, regardless of how natural it feels to just follow a thought.

I am and I do. Your third image specifically is the sort from which I've drawn inspiration in the past. I love moments. I love touch, and there's a part of me that responds to the concept of writing that touch in such a way as to convey everything about it. I'd want to pull out the intimacy with my description. I'd explore the mind-space. Was this a familiar touch, or was it risky? Was it hurried or slow- almost all of mine are slow in these sorts of descriptions. If I were really writing as well as I could, I'd answer those questions without even drawing attention to the questions themselves. Can I create art by describing a single moment in time? That's the challenge.

I can relate with the other two as well. Angry sex has so much unexplored potential for me. I've never written it. Violent, yes, primal, yes, but I've never explored anger. I think I might like to do that at some point, and water? Hells yes. I love flow, a flow of words, of imagery. Every time I write about water, it adds a sensuality that I very much enjoy.
I don't know if this will do anything for you or not- aesthetics are so very important in a scene, but I decided to try to put angry sex and water together and what I came up with was the following image: A basement scene. One of the pipes has burst and of course, one of the two decides that they can fix it just fine. They don't need to call anyone. They're getting more and more frustrated and angry and so is the second. water is pouring out and it's beginning to flood the basement floor. Somehow during the scene this turns erotic.

I know the premise sounds simplistic, but you've so many elements with which to work. You've the dark, seldom-visited recess of the basement. You've open pipes, pouring water. They're in a place where things are grimy, rough, jagged and raw, potentially disgusting and psychologically, it's a perfect place for those darker impulses to find expression.

I'm just thinking aloud as I shamelessly use your input to get my own creativity flowing. Symbiosis.
I am and I do. Your third image specifically is the sort from which I've drawn inspiration in the past. I love moments. I love touch, and there's a part of me that responds to the concept of writing that touch in such a way as to convey everything about it. I'd want to pull out the intimacy with my description. I'd explore the mind-space. Was this a familiar touch, or was it risky? Was it hurried or slow- almost all of mine are slow in these sorts of descriptions. If I were really writing as well as I could, I'd answer those questions without even drawing attention to the questions themselves. Can I create art by describing a single moment in time? That's the challenge.

I can relate with the other two as well. Angry sex has so much unexplored potential for me. I've never written it. Violent, yes, primal, yes, but I've never explored anger. I think I might like to do that at some point, and water? Hells yes. I love flow, a flow of words, of imagery. Every time I write about water, it adds a sensuality that I very much enjoy.

This was incredibly helpful advice, thank you. I so often forget that things are multifaceted in more ways than one - their representation sometimes doesn't become apparent to me until after I've already written something. I'll seize on something and then run away with it, without really examining it enough to give my work better depth.

Anger and other emotional volatility are things that I really enjoy writing about. They're so immediate. They're relative. It's also a really fine line to walk, that exploration, but I enjoy that too. Water for me, and a lot of the things I've been thinking about writing lately, may be more about what frightens me or unsettles me. Why does that freak me out? What's dark about it? I guess somewhere I learned to derive passion and excitement from fear and it's difficult for me to unravel, so that's a part of my process.
I don't know if this will do anything for you or not- aesthetics are so very important in a scene, but I decided to try to put angry sex and water together and what I came up with was the following image: A basement scene. One of the pipes has burst and of course, one of the two decides that they can fix it just fine. They don't need to call anyone. They're getting more and more frustrated and angry and so is the second. water is pouring out and it's beginning to flood the basement floor. Somehow during the scene this turns erotic.

I know the premise sounds simplistic, but you've so many elements with which to work. You've the dark, seldom-visited recess of the basement. You've open pipes, pouring water. They're in a place where things are grimy, rough, jagged and raw, potentially disgusting and psychologically, it's a perfect place for those darker impulses to find expression.

I'm just thinking aloud as I shamelessly use your input to get my own creativity flowing. Symbiosis.

That's fantastic! Those are exactly the notes I'm trying to hit! Ahhhh, I just had that awesome "they get it!" feeling. That keeps happening in this thread of mine and I absolutely love it.
Passion and excitement from fear, now -there- is something interesting. Oh how I'd love to be in your mind when you were in that moment.
I'm back now! Haven't had any time whatsoever lately. School starts next week so at least it'll be a return to normal chaos.

What the hell is going on here? Are those covers on there to keep them from drowning themselves or something? That's the only thing I can think of.
Nice, thanks, I like her. I'll have to keep her in mind. I need to write for Jericho this weekend before school starts.
Short Story?


Dunno what's going on here but I like it.
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