Confessions: What Are Yours?

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ICT saying WOW when i read this, Arianthe. :D Should we stay tuned?

ICT you shouldn't get your hopes up, because I'm really not prepared to risk the friendship just to fuck a guy she admits doesn't slow down long enough to let her orgasm. :cool:

IFCT what i really want right now is to lose myself in the arms of someone who cares about me.

IACT I've missed seeing you around, whalee. :rose:
ICT I am losing interest in Literotica. The people that are mean and hateful are winning and the good people are leaving. So sad.

ICT~ I go through this a lot on here. Lit is a great place for the most part, But the mean and hateful spirit gets to be a bit much at times. I'll leave for a while and come back, til it gets to me again. I don't understand the mentality of adults being mean to others just to make themselves feel better. That attitude is best left in grade school. :rolleyes:
ICT I come to Lit for the friends & banter now more than just to find stroke material. :)

ICT rather having a good snark with someone instead of hitting the baby elephant arm like the angry fist of God hard...makes me feel old & sedate. :rolleyes:

IACT staying the fuck out of the GB and having an "Ignore" list in the double digits does much for not having a lot of the very active posters there aggravate the fuck out of me.
I confess that I'm very proud of what I've achieved lately.
I also confess that I've come to realise that there is no room for unsupportive people in my life :)
I confess that the people sitting around me in this coffee shop would be shocked to read the filthy erotic story that's on my laptop and to know just how ridiculously aroused I am right now.
ICT I'm getting bored with the back and forth, I need something different.

IACT They probably think it's cute, but it's getting old.

IFCT This is probably why I don't submit 100%
ICT I just listened to a recorded orgasm at lunch at work in the cafeteria. Best. Monday. Ever.

ICT it was my orgasm.
ICT I just listened to a recorded orgasm at lunch at work in the cafeteria. Best. Monday. Ever.

ICT it was my orgasm.

ICT that I find the thought of anyone having an orgasm in the cafeteria incredibly sexy.

I shall never look anyone the same again when I'm eating!

Confessions from years ago....

ICT - sometimes while making love to my wife, I imagined I was fucking her 20+ year old daughter.

As my step-daughter is now the mother to our grandchildren, this has passed.
ICT if that hottie I work with doesn't have a girlfriend by his birthday, I am going to give him that birthday blowjob I promised I would give him. :p
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