Night at the Museum (Closed to Slave)


owner of slave_
Apr 28, 2010
OOC: Guess it should read Closed for Slave. This is just a little story the two of us are coming up with together. Hope all readers enjoy our first mutual creation!

The flash and instantaneous crash clearly meant the lightning had struck something very close. Following the explosive noise and light and smell of charged, burnt electricity the entire area was plunged into complete darkness.
Alan cursed and looked around but only blackness could be perceived. He might as well have been in a box. He laughed, for all intense purposes he was in a box, just a really big one filled with stuff and winding passageways and stairways and God only knew what else.
Alan shook his head, shouldn’t the emergency lights have kicked on or something? Black, black, black.
Ebony, Ebony, Ebony.
Suddenly, Alan could hear Paul McCartney and Stevie Wonder doing a duet in his head.
What the Hell?
Again Alan could only think back to the fact that once again the most interesting thing he could think to do in New York City on a Saturday night was to go into work at the Museum. He would love to go out and meet people, but he was obsessed with doing a good job and securing his future first.
Okay, beating himself up wasn’t getting him out of here. Alan stood up from his desk carefully and followed his hand along the desk to the edge. He put both hands out in from of himself and did a fantastic imitation of Frankenstein’s monster to the door.
Alan was happy about three things: first, it was too dark for anyone to see him do it, second, there wasn’t even anyone there to have seen it anyways, and third, he managed to do it all the way to the door without killing himself tripping over something.
Alan opened the door onto just more darkness.
What was with the emergency lights? Talk about a lawsuit waiting to happen.
Frankenstein’s monster reemerged again and he was just thinking that he really should go to the annual Halloween party as the monster when he found the stairs leading down.
Or rather his foot missed that the stairs went down as he tumbled head over heels down the stairs to wind up in a painful sprawl at the bottom.
Shaking his head and checking that all limbs were still attached and in working order, Alan looked on the bright side and realized that at least he got down a lot quicker than if he had known the stairs were there and had tried to navigate them in the dark.
He felt a heavy wetness and reached up to feel a wetness on the side of his face. Well, he had some kind of cut, but at least it didn’t hurt – much.
He looked around again at all the nothing.
Black, black, black.
Paul and Stevie were now dancing across a giant keyboard in his head.
Wow, he must have hit his head harder than he thought.
As Alan shook his head he noticed a pale green light emanating from up ahead.
With nothing better to do Alan went forward. As he did the pale green light squared itself into a rectangle of light blasting out of a frame on a wall.
Alan squinted and stood in front of the light and looked right at it.
And everything swirled and he fell.
His body jarred as his feet landed hard on a white wooden bridge. His body shook with the impact but he managed to stay on his feet.
He was standing on the center of an arched white bridge over the middle of a pond filled with lily pads with a lush green forest surrounding him.
Holy shit. He knew this scene, but, but,
But the painting never had a girl standing on the end of the bridge.
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Alana did not know how she found herself on the bridge. She was visiting her dear friend for lunch and was admiring her new acquisition, a beautiful painting of a curved bridge spanning a pond of white lilies. The trees and foliage were so lush in stark contrast to the blowing snow and white landscape outside. Alana wished she was standing on that bridge, far away from pressing issues… and snow.

She no sooner finished that thought when she felt lightheaded. She thought she must have been hungrier then she realized. As Alana turned to sit at the table, her vision blurred. She began to panic and in that moment her vision cleared. She was standing on a bridge, no longer dizzy but as if she woke from a restful sleep and very lucid.

She reached out and grabbed the rail to get her bearings and took a deep breath and tried not to panic. Her feet frozen in place. Immediately she recognized where she was… the painting! Except when she drew in air there was an aroma that was intoxicating and as lush as the garden.

For some odd reason she was not as panicked as she would usually react even in a much less benign circumstance. Alana was in rare form and she thought she would just relish the moment. Being away was a comfort. Where she left brought misery, except for her dear friend who was her respite from the realities of life.

Logically she knew she will piece everything together and thought at any moment she may very well be back in her friend’s library. So she thought, “I’ll enjoy this while it lasts!”

And with that she took in the surroundings and smiled. For the first time in a very long time she felt at peace. As Alana turned to take it all in, she noticed a man at the other end of the bridge. That was odd, there wasn’t anyone in the painting. He was tall and from the distance it looked like he had wavy brown hair. But he was dressed odd.
Alan stared at the girl. She was beautiful. Monet couldn’t have painted her into the scene for she was so stunningly gorgeous he would have made her the center focus of the picture. She had the softest curls to her auburn hair the ringlets of which hung at her shoulders. She had the softest looking skin he had ever seen, so kissably soft.

He fought to bring his eyes from her face and looked at her strange clothing. The clothes were so crisp and colourful. She had on a long flowing red dress that covered even her feet with a brown buttoned vest-like top piece that ended in a high collar of white lace that framed that breathtaking face.

Alan suddenly realized he was holding his breath. He let out a long exhale and then drew in a deep breath. His mind whirled. The air. The smells. It was so lush, wet and alive. So many fragrances assailed his every sense. He grew dizzy and intoxicated. The world smelled so fresh and vibrantly alive. His body tingled. He brought his hand up to his head and again felt a wetness. He drew his hand back to see the smear of red, more vivid than he had ever seen blood before, on the palm of his hand.

A vivid red that still paled at the comparison to the woman’s sensual lips. His eyes were drawn once more to the woman’s face.

Alan took a couple staggering steps towards the end of the bridge and the girl standing there. Again the world swirled in a whirl of greens, blues, and whites.

“My God, you are so beautiful,” Alan whispered as he sank to his knees.
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Alana stared at the man as he approached her. He was incredibly handsome with light brown wavy hair, an attractive goatee and sharp features. He wore a cotton shirt but the sleeves were missing part way from his shoulder, how odd. There was a colorful pattern with writing on it, how can that be? Blue denim fabric for trousers… how rough of him! And some weird shoes that looked as if they were sculpted for his feet.

He was bleeding from his head, not terribly, but still, blood. His eyes were fixed to hers and she became nervous as to his intention. “My God, you are so beautiful” he said as his eyes rolled back and he slowly dropped to his knees.

The statement surprised her. “What an odd thing to say to someone you do not know, but how sweet. I was thinking the same thing of you”, she thought. She lowered her body leaning forward to support him and gently laid him down. “Alright, don’t panic, I doubt he is dead.” Alana thought fast and tore the hem of her dress and walked off the bridge to the pond and soaked the cloth in water, then quickly returned to the strange man. She lifted his head and rested it on her lap and cleaned the blood from his head and noticed the cut was not deep. Thank goodness. The bleeding seemed to have stopped and she admired his lovely face.

Alana was lost gazing at him that she came with a start remembering her surroundings and then realizing she should check if he is alive. She placed her hand over his mouth. Hmmm, can’t tell if there is breath. She lowered her head to feel for breath or hear. Alana bent over moving closer to his mouth. “What a delicious aroma he has about him! Enough, Alana, focus!” she told herself. As she moved closer she felt something on her back and she felt herself moving closer to his mouth at a quicker pace.

Then she realized. This man is pulling me closer!
This time it was the sounds that assailed Alan.

Living in New York City, the city that never sleeps, he was very use to a constant hum and buzz going on around him. The only place he ever got any quiet time was in his office and even that had its steady drum of noises. But this was something totally new to him. The sound of the wind blowing through the long droopy fronds of the trees was so clear and distinct that he could see them even with his eyes closed. And the birds, they were making such exquisite music.

But more than any of this was another sound. One he couldn’t quite place. It was a crisp, rustling sound. So close. It was caressing him and stirring his insides. And with it came the most wonderful puffing of air. A steady pulse that matched the one beating inside his own chest.

Alan opened his eyes and knew he had died. He shut his eyes again blinded by the vision.

Before him, so close he could touch her, was the most beautiful angel he had ever imagined. No, this went far beyond anything his wildest dreams could come up with on even their best days.

He felt her breath wash over his face and it was the most erotically charged feeling he had ever experienced.

In his mind, he saw again the most perfectly shaped lips he had ever been blessed to see. Lips that hovered above him parted to allow the breaths that were caressing his very soul.

His mind ceased to function. The very essence that made him a man flooded his entire being. He had to have those lips pressed against his own. He had to drink of that breath that was so lovingly touching him.

His arms came up on their own cognizance. One hand opened and found its home between the angels shoulder blades, stunned at the absence of wings whilst the other hand entwined its fingers into the hair that was softer than anything he had ever felt. He pulled this vision of loveliness towards him as his lips parted in anticipation.

Opening his eyes again, he registered a brief look of surprise on the girl’s face before he locked onto the eyes themselves.

The eyes. Pools that sunk so deeply into him that a warmth exploded through his entire body spreading through, tantalizing every nerve fiber he had and swirling together to ignite the very flesh that distinguished him as a man. He felt himself grow like he never had before ever.

With a gasp, he felt the millimeters of space between the soft full, flesh of this beautiful being’s lips and his own like the weight of the world before he crushed through connecting his flesh with hers drinking in deeply.

It was glorious.
His eyes opened and all at once she thought “What beautiful brown eyes, with flecks of color no less! Oh my! He is alive! His hand is pressing me closer… what is he doing with his mouth? Trying to say something?” Alana’s mind, for once, stopped analyzing and lost herself in the moment. Staring into those mesmerizing eyes, she was lost, he had her soul, and her willing flesh offering herself to his will. She melted, feeling her entire being, mind body and soul become lighter than air.

Alana could no longer hear the caressing sound of the wind in the trees or birdsong. She could swear she heard his heart beating in time with the blood rushing through her veins pulsating in her ears.

Ever so lightly she felt his tongue trace her lips… the softest velvet she has ever felt. As if her body betrayed her she sank closer, her tongue begging to taste his sweet lips, tracing her tongue along his lower lip, his tongue tracing her upper lip until both met.

Alana’s eyes closed sinking deeper into his kiss. Her tongue limp, caressing his, her mouth parting inviting him further… he obliged.

A kiss she swore she will never forget. His taste, intoxicating. An elixir she needed to hold and keep forever.

Alana never experienced such a sensation. Her body continuing its betrayal… her nipples becoming erect, her muscles between her legs twitching causing her to catch her breath feeling the warmth through her body culminate and release in an ever increasing moistness.

How she prayed their lips will never part.
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Alan’s breath caught in his throat. This angel was kissing him back. He brought his arms up and wrapped her close into his body, feeling all the womany curves through the stiff garments she wore.

How he hoped this moment would never end. Their tongues danced back and forth as they drank deeply from each other. Their eyes were so close as to be almost touching, each staring into the other. He lost himself in the pools before him. All time stopped.

He brought his hands up to entwine again in her hair, the strand feeling smoother than the finest silk between them. He brought her face into his so they could drink deeply of each other. Nothing ever tasted sweeter.

Slowly thoughts began to again filter into his head. Who was this girl? How did she capture his heart so completely so quickly? How did she get to be here? For that matter how did he really get into this painting? How was he to get out?
Get out.

He imagined himself getting out of the painting back into an existence alone. He imagined himself forever in this painting in this woman’s arms. He brought his hands back down to her back and again hugged her close against him. He could feel her bring her face up slightly, but he was thrilled beyond words that their kiss wasn’t broken. He could see her eyes search into his. She was clearly thinking some questions of her own, maybe the same ones that he was thinking.

He could feel her crush their lips together again, and it sent jolts of pure ecstasy coursing throughout his entire body. He returned it hoping beyond hope that it would never end. Her hands were entwined in his hair holding his face to hers. His arms again enfolded her body and brought her tight to him. Again their eyes locked and held with so many words passing between with the mere gaze.

Finally he pulled back still staring into those mesmerizing eyes. With a surprisingly raspy voice, he whispered out, “Who… who are you? Who are you who has stolen my heart so?”
Alana was pleased he held her tighter, she did not want the kiss, or embrace to end. His mouth tasted so sweet, sugary in fact. His tongue soft enveloping hers aroused her as she had never been.

Lost in his eyes and kiss she noticed his brow became knit. And with that he pulled away slightly, breaking the kiss, and to her delight he was close enough to feel his breath again.

Then she thought he was displeased and she then relieved hearing his words… but shocked.

“Stolen your heart? Sir, you are quite forward!” Alana realized how silly her words were. “Ugh”, she thought, “This beautiful man is enamored with me, and he is forward with saying that?! What about the kiss! That was more forward. But oh, so delightful. Well, he is rough, look at his dress!” His voice took her off guard. Alana melted at the tone of his voice, such melody that spoke to her body and heart. She began to stammer, “I, um, I am Alana. Who are you? And where am I?”

The look on his face concerned her. He looked perplexed, which told her he was in the same situation as she was. That worried her, but an odd feeling that she was not only in this alone… but with him.
He watched as so many mixed emotions passed through her face. Just what he needed, one more thing to admire about this vision, his heart was so completely hers already. It was clear that she would be honest about anything that she said.

Reluctantly, he twisted his body and with the use of the bridge and the girl he pulled himself up making sure to keep that wonderful contact and embrace.

“Alana,” he started but stopped once the name past his lips.

Alana. What a beautiful name. Soft and smooth just like she was.

He shook his head and began again, “Alana, I’m so sorry that I’ve upset you. But it’s true. From the moment I laid eyes on you my heart has soared like never before in my entire life. You captured my heart so completely and utterly.”

He couldn’t help but pull her back into his arms tightly and felt such a pang of satisfaction as she came willingly into the embrace. He kissed her forehead between the ringlets of soft hair. God, her skin tasted so sweet. His lips ached to return to her mouth. It was a thirst he knew he would never quench. But he held off to stare once again into those mesmerizing eyes.

Still holding her close to his side, Alan waved a hand out across the bridge in an arch. “Alana. This, all of this, the trees, water, bridge, lilies all is a… a painting. The master strokes of an artistic genius. But you. You are not of this painting. Please, Please be real.”

The thought that she too wasn’t but the figment of Monet’s imagination brought such a wrenching to his chest that he lost himself again and pulled her in tightly into his arms, thrilled beyond measure that she tilted her head up to his as she was willingly drawn into his body wrapping her arms around him as well so he could bring his lips down and again drink deeply from her very soul.

As their lips crushed together all time stopped again for him, and Alan hoped with all his heart that it would never start again as he lost himself in the kiss.
Alana was comforted that this beautiful stranger did not release her as he stood. She felt as long as he held her everything was going to be alright. Her heart soared hearing the words she felt. She couldn’t explain, it was so illogical. How could she possibly feel love for someone she knows absolutely nothing about? But here she is, and there he is before her, and she knew she loved him with every fiber of her being.

His words sunk in as she offered herself willingly to his desire. She burned for him and needed his embrace and kiss as she needed the air to breathe. His silky tongue entwining with hers, she caressed his back, reaching, longing to feel the soft suede of the back of his neck. As he held her tight she could feel his wanting body. Alana pressed herself to him, delighting in his reaction… which increased from her action.

Then, reluctantly, Alana pulled back, holding the embrace. She surprised herself by continuing to caress the back of his neck as she spoke. “Sir, I am very much real and I am aware that this is a painting. My dear friend acquired it recently and I was asked to call to share in her delight. I was standing, admiring it in her library when I suddenly felt out of sort. My vision blurred and suddenly I was here.” And then a soft smile came across her face as she recalled a moment of bliss… “And then I saw you." A look of pleading came over her saying, “Pray dear Sir, please comfort me and tell me you are as real as I am. Being here is unsettling and although appearing real and inviting, I believe it is false. My heart will not endure if you tell me that you and this landscape are one and the same.”

And with those last words Alana’s eyes closed and she held him closer as if she was bracing herself for the most horrible response. She felt tears welling up in her eyes. The gravity of the day’s events and the thought of this love she has just come to know… the thought that he may be as transient as this garden and that he can be lost to her forever was overwhelming.
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Alan felt Alana pull him into her again. His body was still tingling and pulsing from her passionate pressing from a moment ago. Never had he felt so hopelessly in love with anyone ever before – it was pure magic. That she returned his feelings just completed his ecstasy. And she was real – gloriously real.


He stared again into her eyes as they held each other. “Your friend recently acquired it? But that Monet has been in the museum for over eighty years? How could…? The way you talk…. How you are dressed... What…”

Again his gaze peered deeply into the most beautiful eyes he had ever beheld as if to pull the answers from her soul.

And he found his answer.

None of it mattered. She was real and she was in his arms. Again losing control with no regrets, he passionately kissed her.

With a groan, he pulled himself from those luscious lips and holding her tightly to him he avowed, “You are real. I don’t know what brought me here, but now that I’ve found you I will never let you go. Not from my arms and not from my life.”

While holding her tight into his bosom, he looked over her head at the lush landscape. Monet did an incredible job depicting the place, but the reality was still so much more vibrant and alive. All the more felt from the heart he could feel beating within her own bosom. Her bosom. The thought brought more stirrings in his groin. What he could see of her took his breath away, he couldn’t even begin to imagine what was concealed by all the stiff and long garments. The thought threatened to stop his very heart.

With reluctance he pushed her away slightly and looked lovingly down her form. “You are so beautiful. Monet could never paint something this beautiful. No mortal hand could – you are too perfect.”

Alan laughed, “Listen to me! I’m like a raving lunatic. I’m sorry. I would say I don’t know what has come over me, but I do know. It’s you. Somehow you have completely overpowered me like no one ever has before. I can’t bear the thought of letting you go. Please say you’ll come with me when we get out of this painting. I could not possibly live without you.”
“80 years!!! Forgive me Sir, Museum? Sir, my friend just acquired that, well, this, well, you know… painting last month!” She felt herself getting lightheaded again and was grateful for his support. “And what about the way I present myself? My dress and manner are fitting thank you very much! You Sir, well, I have no words… denim while out in public?” She stopped herself and saw a smile come across his face. Alana looked stunned at her outburst realizing what he has said.

With downcast eyes she said “Please Sir, forgive me. I mean no disrespect. You are just as confused as I am.” Looking up into his beautiful eyes she continued… “That explains your manner of dress. And yes, I heard your words and they fill me with a joy I cannot fully express! Wherever, dare I say, whenever you are, I need to be by your side! I see the look of concern in your beautiful face. Do not fear that I will not follow you, I will. My heart, soul, mind and body cannot envision being apart from you. And may I ask the One who now owns my heart… what is your name? Who are you and where are you from?”
Acquired that, well, this, well, you know…painting last month! echoed in Alan’s head. She really has been trapped in this painting for over eighty years. She was over one hundred years old! But no, she looked his age and very much alive…gloriously alive.

Shaking his head, he smiled at her face as more of her words filled him. “And may I ask the One who now owns my heart… what is your name? Who are you and where are you from?”

One who now owns my heart.
He had her heart! His smile beamed across his face, “My love, I am Alan. I come from New York City where I work in the very museum that now has this painting and has over eighty years like I said. Somehow you have hidden away in this painting all this time. Have you been alone all this time?”

Alan thought about her words as he watched so much confusion cross over her face. “Wait, you have no sense of all this time. ‘just acquired.’ All that passage of time means nothing to you. How is something like this possible? How could you or I have been drawn into this painting? Are we in Giverny and when? or really just inside the painting?”

Endless possibilities swirled through Alan’s head. In any other circumstance in his life and he would have given in to the need to piece through the thoughts and come to some sense of resolution and answers but looking again into the eyes of the one before him and all of that was meaningless.

All that mattered was that she was here, and she loved him as well. Loved him as much as he loved her? Now that was a heady thought worth wrapping the mind around he smiled. Taking her hand, he led them off the bridge and into a grove of trees. Sparkling pools of sunbeams flickered and danced on the delicately grass carpeted ground amidst the waving fronds of the deep lush velvety green trees. This place was so intoxicating. Alan knelt down drawing the willing girl with him. Ooohhh so intoxicating, but not nearly as intoxicating as the lips before him.

Losing himself to the place and the moment and once again to the incredible woman before him utterly and completely, Alan brought his face closer and closer to the girl, his heart soaring at the sight of her closing her eyes and tilting her head up towards his as eagerly as he. She was his completely and willingly. His tongue came out and he traced the path made by the curve of her bottom lip. He found the corner and brought the tip back up across her top lip. She tasted so sweet and soft. When his tongue had found the middle of her mouth it thrust in feeling the smoothness of her teeth and the lush fullness of her own tongue waiting for his. So hot depths. The two pieces of flesh entwined and started the most incredible dance of his life as a hand swirled into her beautiful, lightly curled hair and drew her face into his as he plunged into the depths of her mouth.
“My love…” How those words were like the sweetest music! “Alan” she thought, “How funny, so like my own name.” Her head then swam with the words he just said. Alana was silent gathering her thoughts as Alan led her off the bridge and to a glade of sweet smelling grass. As he knelt he pulled her down towards him. Her thoughts suspended by his sweet gaze and she blushed feeling as if he were was reading her thoughts, taking her all in, quenching his thirst to learn. And it was more like he was recalling lost memory, now found. She thought that was an odd thought, as she felt and sensed that about him. Being with him was like coming home, familiar and as if she was more like remembering than learning.

Without a thought, seeing his mouth drawing close to hers, she closed her eyes, losing herself, ready to taste him again. Alan’s tongue trailing her tongue stopped and started her breath… her body shivered. Alana was weightless until she felt the force and passion of his tongue thrusting into her mouth deeply. His arms wrapping around her, gently laying her down on the ground, never breaking the kiss, but becoming more intense. She was taken aback as his hands lovingly caressed the side of her right breast, her chest heaving to his touch. She did not care how forward he was being, she needed him and she was his to do with as he desired. And just as she surrendered to that thought and accepted her place with him, Alan’s fingertips brushed over her nipple. Though she gathered he could not feel it through her vest and dress… she felt it… her nipple stiffening under his touch sending a shock of pleasure coursing through her body… her body increasingly moist, she felt a stiffening also where her moisture flowed… a familiar sensation she would give herself when alone. Alana’s mind went to her thoughts of many a moment when she caressed her body, spreading her legs, parting her soft lips, and then her source of delight, wetness and an ever hardening, smooth, pronounced tip that ached for her touch… ever increasing, culminating in blinding pleasure!

The delicious memory of herself now with the ache to feel him allow her such pleasure… his wonderful touch, her mind screamed “Please Sir, I beg of you, release this ache!” Alana dare not request such a thing as she found her hips shamelessly lift slightly searching for his touch.
Alan pulled back slightly and stared down at the girl lying on the carpet of grass next to him. Her face was flushed such a beautiful hue of pink. Her lips were parted as soft pants came from within. His hand pressed lightly on the center of her breast and while a stiff and heavy vest and dress besides what undergarments he had no idea separated them he could still feel the delicious weight of her breast. It felt so wonderful. So womanly. He pressed his palm in harder.

He watched as with a slight groan she pushed herself into the cup of his hand and even more amazingly her hips shifted up off the ground ever so slightly, but enough for him to understand her need.

She needed him every bit as much as he needed her. The thought filled him with pure joy as he gave in to that pleasant thought and gave up thinking of anything but making the beautiful woman below him satisfied.

He leaned down and kissed her closed eyelid and then the other. Softly he rubbed his chin down over her delicate nose, and, tilting his head, his lips again found their mates. Joining them together he pushed them apart as his tongue darted in to find its mate as well.

Alan shifted the rest of his body over onto her, his hand lovingly caressing the soft mound buried below the fabric in his hand. His other hand slid down and found her other mound that was so brazenly pushed up allowing his hand to find it so easily and readily. It was if they were meant to come together like this. Such a natural fit. So right. He pressed into her sex feeling even through the depths of material her intense warmth. Such an intense warmth that it burned his soul and ignited him sending a jolt of blood coursing through his own body to pool in his own sex, raising him up as he had never experienced before in all his days. Never had he known such desire for a woman before as what he felt for the woman beneath him.

His hands took as much of her as they could darting and moving foiled by the many folds of clothing. He wanted nothing more than to grab and rip all the clothing to shreds leaving her gloriously naked beneath him. He groaned in frustration into her mouth staring right into her own eyes as they opened to pierce into his own. The fabric was too stiff. The buttons and layers too unfamiliar. Wrapping his arms around her, he crushed himself into her and spun them over so he was lying beneath her. He pushed her up slightly and locked eyes with her, his face now flushed with desire as sweat beaded on his brow.

“Aahh, these cursed clothes. I need you. I need to feel you. Let me have you,” he actually wailed, desperate to feel her soft skin.
Alan’s touch drove her passion further. She surprised herself with her thoughts, it was unlike her. To have this man so unfamiliar, but familiar at the same time, she never wanted… needed anyone or anything with such a burning need than to feel her naked skin against his… and she needed to be satiated now!

In a swift movement she found herself lying atop this beautiful man. She lowered her lips and drove her tongue deep into his mouth. She felt a freedom to do as she desired that she has never known. Alan moaned and sank into her kiss, his hands now over her buttocks, grabbing through the clothes. Alana gasped at his grip, pulling her tight against his body, his hips moving upward, feeling his sex harden, the delicious length taunting Alana’s lips, pressing her throbbing sex, also becoming harder with his movement, protruding, begging for relief.

Alana smiled as he was trying desperately to feel her flesh, she mused her clothing like some impenetrable force keeping him from what it his. “Strange, I so naturally see myself as such to this man, belonging to him, as I have no control over his need and desire but surrender.” She loved the thought, it made her more focused and as if possessed in her lust, she broke the kiss, raised herself and stood.

It was as if an animalistic need took over. Alana did not think if anyone could pass by, or if she was being shameful. She needed to give him what he needed. Entranced in his eyes, she unbuttoned her vest, her breasts shifting their weight forward. She then undid the front of her dress, from the lace collar to her breasts, releasing her arms from her sleeves she paused for a moment before lowering the dress over her hips.

Alan’s love and passion in his eyes encouraged her. She shifted her hips and the dress fell to the ground. Alana stood, her breasts exposed to the cool air, her nipples, dark and very prominent. Her stomach had a slight swell, her waist accentuated her curvaceous hips. Alana pulled down her pantaloon, exposing her sex. She undid her garter from her stockings and removed them never breaking her gaze with her love. Fully exposed to her love who owned her heart, and now her body, just as the cool air caused her nipples erect, directed straight to their need, Alan's mouth and touch, so too the air on her sex cooling the flow from her body causing a sensual chill.

They both were transfixed on one another when suddenly as if being roused from a deep sleep, Alana realized Alan was frozen and with that, she became overwhelmed with her thoughts: “Oh my! Is he displeased? Why does he stare so? Examining my form with no reaction? What was I thinking? That is exactly it, I was not thinking, there was no need to think… now that’s a new one on me! But it felt so effortless, as this is what I am supposed to do, my purpose… offer myself, my body to him, my love… completely! Now look at him seemingly unfazed by me. Ugh! And where are we, when are we? I am being so foolish when there are obviously pressing matters at hand!”

With those thoughts racing through her mind, she then blurted, “Please forgive me Sir, I seem to forget myself!” As she said those words, Alana’s head lowered and she tried to cover her breasts. She continued, “It feels so natural, so right, to offer myself and my body to you, my love… And mark, just there! Addressing you as my love, it is too presumptuous of me! And this place, when and where are we? It is not logical. And here I am with only one thought, one purpose in my existence, to be with you and forever pleasure you… and there you sit, the most sweetest and beautiful Man I ever beheld, and a growing love for you that aches, as if I have known you forever, finally I am home…” Alana continued with her head downward, Alan still frozen in place, expressionless, motionless… as tears fell from her eyes onto the grass… “And yet I am so very lost if you realize you do not feel the same, that you, Alan, now awoke and your thoughts and feelings were a result of this place and the cut on your head… then the weight and reality of this place will be very heavy that I must contend with on my own.” And with her body shaking, she began to sob. She felt she may as well have been a million miles from home and now feeling as if she was a million miles from her true home… at Alan’s side, and in Alan’s heart.
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Alan laid on the ground silently watching as she removed the clothes he had come to hate more than anything. When she had lowered her dress, exposing her breasts, his breath caught. Never before had he seen such beautiful womanly masses. The curve led his eyes around in such a spiral to center in on the two protruding points that begged to be sucked. His hands trembled at the thought of cupping her flesh whilst his fingers caressed the points in the middle.

She was left in some kind of white puffy pants that hugged her hips splaying out down her legs before curving back to attach to her ankles. The sweat on his brow thickened as her hands slid between her skin and the garment. The hands continued their downward motion bringing the pants lower until gravity pooled them around her ankles leaving her naked before him.

Alan was stunned. Mutely he watched as she divested herself of every last piece from her body to stand before him silently. He felt a pounding in his head where his cut must be. The thrumming echoed into his system. His mind emptied. He had been with several woman in his life but none had even come close to the effect of this angel. She was perfection and she was his. He was lost.

He listened as she spoke her words that sank deep into his heart. A part of his mind screamed at him to leap up and enfold her in his arms yet not a muscle responded. He was paralyzed so absolutely. And then his eyes followed the tear streak glide down her cheek and catch on her chin. It held and swelled until the teardrop jerked and plummeted splashing on the ground. He swore the sound of that tear hitting the grass went off like a cannon in his head. The sound galvanized his body, and he pushed himself off the ground to kneel before this vision of loveliness. He wrapped his arms around her mid section, reveling in the mind boggling feel of her smooth flesh. His face pressed into her softly curving stomach.

Oh God! She was so smooth. So soft. So warm. He rained kisses on her flesh.

Looking up at her, he cried out in anguish, “What have I ever done to deserve this gift of such absolute perfection. How can I be worthy of you? How? How have I been so blessed?”

And the words crashed together in his head, and he closed his mouth before he started babbling like an idiot. He looked at his own hands as they ran up and down the curves of her waist, again stunned at the soft, smooth warmth. He bear hugged her and drew her into him as he lowered himself back to the ground. He slid up as she moved down and her breasts pillowed his head. With a light turn his moist lips found her hard, pebbled nipple and he locked on, sucking deeply. He felt her hands entwine in his hair drawing him into her softness.

Her heart. He could hear and feel her heart. He knew that sound had just entered his soul and it would never leave it.

He rolled them over and stared down at the flushed woman. The pinks and reds of her flesh highlighted magnificently by the greens of the ground. He straddled her waist. Heat beyond measure poured out of her sex and into his. He yanked the T-shirt of his body and cast it aside.

He brought his naked flesh into hers and groaned at the touch. His hands cupped that sweet face the fingers entering the ringlets of hair spilling onto her neck. Looking into her eyes, he smiled at her, “Now that I have found you, I will never, ever leave you – I would sooner die first then spend my days without you.”

And his lips found hers and he sank his tongue deep into her mouth to lose himself again.
Alana was shocked and touched at his response. She looked down at him and tears of joy poured from her eyes. She was his, and nothing can ever change that. Alan’s fingertips on her flesh along were all the salve she needed. Alana’s breath quickened, anticipating Alan’s touch to give her nipples relief. The blood that had rushed so fervently with lust this entire time begged to be dissipated. Alana felt as if every drop of blood in her body was gathering and pulsating from the very tips of her hardened, stiff nipples, to her entire sex, to any part of her flesh where his fingers graced… all were throbbing in time with her heart and Alan.

Alan granted her relief as his tongue gently traced her right nipple. The sensation stimulating her clit, her lips… pulsating. Alana breathed in sharply and then entwined and grabbed his lovely locks when he found one source of her need and clamped down and suckled as a hungry child would at his mother’s breast. Feeling his tongue caressing, as if he was milking her nipple, she moaned loudly. Alana has never felt this sensation. The pulse culminating to orgasm, yes, that she has felt many times, but to feel that sensation, yet there is no touch on her sex, just Alan’s luscious mouth suckling, his tongue begging to nurse from her nipple and within a short time Alana bucked her hips and let out a loud cry of delight as she began to orgasm in a most unusual way for her.

He slowed his suckling as Alana caught her breath. Bodies tense with desire and yet limp in utter relaxation, they found support on the soft grass once again. His lovely body above her, each leg on either side, pressing gently downward. Alan removed his unfinished sleeved thing he was wearing, revealing his beautiful torso. He lowered himself over her, an open hand, a soft palm on either cheek as he held her face as if it were the most precious thing he had ever held. Alana had never felt more loved and desired and when she heard Alan tell her “Now that I have found you, I will never, ever leave you – I would sooner die first then spend my days without you.” Tears welled up again in her eyes. She said softly, “Oh my love, thank you! We are of like mind as we are as one. I cannot envision an existence without you. So very odd, but I love you as I have never loved another.”

And with those words, Alan, kissed her deeply. Alana fueled by their declaration, caressed his back.. his skin the most softest suede… she ran her fingertips to his lower back and then around to his stomach, such soft wisps of hair! Alana could caress his lovely form for an eternity! She was desperate to feel Alan’s flesh entwined with hers. As they continued to kiss deeply, she moved her hands between his trousers and that, oh so very soft skin! With Alan straddling her waist, he assisted. He unbuttoned his trousers and then lowered the zipper.

He had another garment underneath, but she could not tell what that was for Alan stood and pulled his trousers and the garment down in one motion. Alana could not even blink. She has been with another once before, but Alan’s body was perfection! She almost orgasmed from the rush her body gave in response to such a stimulating sight. She needed to touch him and she blushed looking up at Alan’s face as he smiled, catching her admiring his sex. He was very hard, at attention, twitching as if his sex was a separate entity trying to get Alan’s attention to what it needed most and if that communication failed, sweet drops of glistening precum glazed the head to force Alan to give his member the release it needed.

Alan clearly understood the need his sex was demanding of him, as he clearly understood Alana’s need for release. She blushed when she realized he saw her admiring him, but she could not resist and returned her gaze to his delicious body. As Alan eyes darted from her nipples to her sex, he laid atop of her. Their kiss direct, no precursor, as she pressed and caressed his body as if with all of her might they could actually meld and one could not tell where one ended and the other began.

Once again for Alana, it is as if an animalistic urge took over as she parted her legs slightly apart, allowing Alan’s dripping cock to slip along her slit enough to rub her clit. Never breaking the kiss, his hands entwined in her hair, she began to move her hips, her wetness coating his shaft, her clit begging for more, Alana complied, pressing Alan’s buttock’s into her, his cock growing harder, his body moving in time with hers… his left leg gently moving her legs further apart, she obeys… she breaks the kiss and looks deeply in his eyes and with a soft whisper “I love you Alan.” Alan’s eyes half closed and more aroused from her words, he fell into an animalistic trance… his mouth kissing her deeply once again, and with his hands cupping her face, his weight on his elbows as she moved her hips in unison with him, her becoming more wet, his cock sliding over her and as if his body knew what it needed to do, without guidance from Alan’s hand, his cock found what it was searching for since Alan laid eyes on Alana… since he removed his clothing… its release… it found it’s mark! Wet and tight, it was as if Alana’s body was denying entrance. Alan pulled back and meeting her thrust forward, bracing himself on her shoulders, his cock pausing at the tightness and then finally driving himself home with a thrust from Alan… he enters her… two now joined as one. Not once breaking the kiss, Alana’s back arched and lifted Alan with a cry she let out more insistent and demanding to be satiated!
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Alan’s body was pushed up and roiled like a boat on a tumultuous sea. Her body rocked so much. Every point at which their bare skin contacted was like a tingling of the sweetest charge. His passion for Alana heightened his senses so much that he could feel even the minutest contact. But all of that charged up tingling paled to the glorious contact within her moist depths. He held still savoring the contact his engorged cock had with her inner flesh as well as the incessant pressing of her tongue against his.

He never felt anything so completely absorbing as this and knew that now that he had experienced it he needed it forever to live.

Groaning into her mouth, his hips rolled back and forth his stiff flesh rubbing so deliciously with hers deep inside her body. His most intimate flesh bonded with hers. He could feel her insides clutching him in a vise-like grip. Her arms were wrapped around his back pulling him into her heaving body. It was as if she was trying to completely pull him into her body making them one, physically and completely. His groans increased at the physical display of her absolute need.

Her nipples pressed hard into the hair on his chest jabbing and scraping through to his own flesh. Such exquisite jabs and pokes, so much heat was radiating out of her body into his, and best of all her total contact with him brought their hearts together. He could feel the pounding of her heart deep within his own. Her vibrations were picked up and joined into his until both truly beat as one.

He had never, ever so completely joined with another. They were one, body, heart, soul - all.

His eyes opened to look deeply into hers, so close their eyelashes caressed each other with their motions. He could see far into her soul and knew the depths of her passion and love for him were as infinite as his were for her.

His mind relished in the stimulus from the eyelashes, to their lips to their breasts and the beating hearts between, to their joined thrusting sex, even to the legs rolling and sliding over each other. It was too much. His mind exploded and suddenly he was feeling all these sensations but now he was feeling hers as well.

He saw her eyes widen and flash with understanding. They were united and one utterly.

Their hips pulsed and pushed. Their hands caressed. Their hearts pushed each others. Their groans entwined spilling from each other’s mouth to vibrant it’s joined partner, and they could feel the flow through their throats and down into their lungs as even their air joined, entwined and embraced.

Her hands lowered, clasping on his ass drawing him deeper and harder into herself as his hands held her face locking them together as her hair lovingly brushed his fingers and face with the softest touch of homespun silk.

He closed his eyes and become his cock. Having no other purpose than to thrust hard and drive deeply to bring his love, his soulmate, to her rapturous satisfaction.

With so many points of pulsing stimulated contact shared between them when the throbs and shakes of their combined orgasm began it quickly overtook and overwhelmed them, and they both exploded so completely and forcefully it rendered them senseless but still thrusting and pulsing.

Unconscious, they were the orgasm.

They were utter love.
Alana felt and thought “I am lost in time and space!” And then she laughed at her words realizing literally she was! Unashamedly she felt she was in rare form. Her thoughts of raw lust, her references she has seen… photos… words… all made sense now as she now truly understood the depth of their meaning. Images that made her blush and wet that her friend shared with her. Erotic writings that induced many moments of self pleasure. She now felt a kinship. She blushed even thinking “OH MY GOD! What an amazing cock he has!” she relished in her brashness and quite enjoyed her new mindset given license for Alana to be Alana… empowered by Alan and her undying love and lust for him.

She gripped his back, her nails pressing into his flesh, her head thrown back as he thrust in and out of her. She could swear he grew even more inside her as she felt every part of her caressed by his luscious cock.

Alana looked into at Alan’s adoring eyes. Such beautiful color and at that moment something resonated inside her. She knew him… all of him. She was not sure what, but she knew she was home.

Her body met his with every thrust. His breath matching hers, now coming quicker, their hearts beating in unison. Feeling Alan’s back muscles tighten, she moved her hands grabbing his buttocks, gripping tight and drawing him in deeper. His buttocks tightened , his thrusts even faster, she could not hold back the coming wave of pleasure, building. Alana pleaded in her mind “Oh, please do not stop!” As if he heard her cry, Alan moaned loudly, driving further in with amazing speed, satisfying a craving, an itch within Alana.

Her grip tightened when his muscles tensed and shook. The erotic look on his face, his pupils dilating further… sent her over the edge as she came, her inner walls pulsating around his cock… as Alan came… her body milking every drop. His seed filling her, she felt a flooding warmth filling her as she came again… her orgasms blinding as she thought she may pass out… keeping her gaze into Alan’s eyes, lovingly grounding her to remain present and not miss one very precious moment.

He has taken her and claimed her as his own. Alana felt she has always been his, “So odd”, she thought, but so natural. She belonged to him. Their joining, becoming one was as nothing she could ever imagine. Her love, Alan has marked her as his. She felt her mind, body, heart and soul were no longer hers, and now in loving care of the man she would give her life to… and for.

She held onto Alan, never wanting to release him. Feeling his cock twitching, emptying its last seed into her… relaxing inside her. He smiled and lowered his head kissed her lips gently, then softly entered, lightly their tongues met.

Satiated, Alan rested his head on her breast and gently suckled her nipple as a child would to soothe. Alana stroked his head and delighted in his soft locks.

“Thank you my love, you honor me. Never have I felt such pleasure, such unity with another. It is as if we became one, and are now one forever. I do not care where we are or what happens. I am yours… I am your servant… You are my love. You have captured and own me, mind, body and soul… all of me… as long as you will have me. With every breath and every fiber of my being, I exist for you, your love and your pleasure.”

Alana could not believe the words that came from her! But it felt right, what she needed to say, what she needs to do, who she needs to be. Her purpose to be his and to always feel their love for one another, to always be one.
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Alan lay still on top of the warm girl who lovingly embraced him as he suckled on her hard nipple as if he was a new born babe thirsting for his first drink of the life–giving fluid.

From the moment he had landed on the bridge to the tender embrace he now shared played through his head. What was happening to him? Here he was naked in the arms of an equally and gloriously naked woman? It always took him months to get comfortable enough with a girl to even think about what he had just done.

What he had just done....what he had just done was the most amazing experience of his life.

I am yours… I am your servant… You are my love. You have captured and own me, mind, body and soul… all of me… as long as you will have me.

With those words echoing in his head, he lifted up his head to look the softly smiling girl in the face.

“How is it possible that you can give yourself to me so completely, just as I can give myself to you without hesitation or fear? I have never seen you before and yet it is as if I’ve known you my entire life better than I know myself. Before today you didn’t exist and now I cannot bear to live without you? How is this possible?”

Alan rolled over onto his side bringing the girl with him. Their arms rested across each other as their hands slowly swirled enjoying the new experience of each other’s smooth silky skin. Alan leaned forward to kiss the tip of Alana’s delicate nose.

Alan couldn’t help but laugh, “Here we are both of us naked as the day we were born outside in the middle of who knows where without a care in the world! In fact, I cannot bear the thought of you covering any of yourself from my eyes, and I can see the pleasure in your own eyes as you look at me so openly. I bet like me this is something that you would never imagine yourself doing in a million years! It’s magic; it has to be pure magic.”

Again he leaned forward, this time to kiss her lips with a delicate touch, nothing like the tongue plundering that both had done minutes ago. Ooohh but the thoughts of sharing such a kiss again gave him such a pleasant sensation.

Resting his head back on his arm beneath him, he looked into her eyes as he spoke, “I know you are Alana and from the past. But who are you? What can you tell the man who has pledged his entire life and existence to you and has every intention of keeping that pledge? And what would you know of me since you have given yourself to me utterly. I own you now.” Alan laughed. “You said it yourself and I intend to keep you!”
“My love, I know how you feel. It is a puzzle to me also. It has to be magic or some stroke of fate, or as I see it, luck! Perhaps the answer will be revealed, perhaps not, and for the first time in my inquisitive life I am fine with that. I thirst for any knowledge of you, but for now I will satisfy your curiosity. Yes, my name is Alana and I know the word is odd, it is to me too as it flowed past my lips with such ease, as if I was directed to do so, and so I state the word again, ‘own’, yes my love, I offer myself to you to own, and it appears you intend to take possession, and that pleasures me more than I can express. I thank you my love for such an honor!” She kissed him firmly and pulled away and continued excitedly with her train of thought…

“First, I should tell you I am not, well, was not over 100 years old when I found myself here. As far as I know, no time has passed and I am 24 years old. I have lived my entire life in New York City. Oh, and I should mention the year is 1901. Besides my dear friend who acquired this painting, I have other friends, but I am utterly alone in this world. I was an only child and my parents passed tragically when I was 18. I was left with a trust that supports me very comfortably.” Alana continued sheepishly, “I am aware at my age and being alone, well, let’s say you must think there may be something off or off putting about me. But in my defense, a few years after my parent’s death, there was one I was interested in. He turned out to be a rogue, a crafty thief. I was and am grateful to my dear friend who was onto him and alerted me. His plans to steal everything I owned were thwarted! Since that experience I have been careful as to who I let into my life. Which is why I am alone… was alone… until now.”

The last few words were spoken softly, slowly, trance like as her eyes slowly closed, her lips softly kissing Alan, her tongue tasting his lip and breathing in his sweet breath. She pulled away again, alert, and Alan could not help but smile and chuckle at her energy.

She continued… “So briefly, that is where my life was up until now. You do dress odd. You mentioned you were from New York City also! How old are you? MY! You are the most beautiful person I ever laid eyes on! What year are you from? Isn’t it odd that we have been here for a while now and I do not feel hungry or thirsty? I love your eyes! And those lips! Your body is perfection!” Alana fired off those questions while stroking Alan’s cock and stomach. The look on his face was priceless! She began to laugh and said “I am sorry my love, I have never felt more alive than I do at this moment and I will be silent and let you speak. She kissed him again firmly on his lips and drew back swiftly with a childlike look on her face as if waiting with anticipation for story time!
Alan smiled, gazing into her eyes. She was so vibrant and alive. It was so addictive. He wanted to wrap his arms around her and kiss her forever, but she so eagerly was waiting for him.

“Ah, Alana my love. When I stepped into the painting it was November first in the year 2010. You are well over one hundred years old.”

Alan suddenly laughed, “You could have known my grandparents or great grandparents! At least we came from the same world geographically. I’m from New Jersey but I work in the City at the very museum your friend gave the painting to back in the 1920s.”

“Oh Alana, the world has changed so much from when you came here. You have so much to see. So much to do. But know this: it will always be at my side. I shall never leave you. We shall go through whatever is thrown at us together. You will never again be able to say you are alone.”

Alan sat up and pulled Alana into his arms, cuddling and holding her close, her skin so smooth and hair so soft.

“You’re right. I feel no desires but love. Not hungry or thirsty nor any other such needs. It is like we are suspended in time.”

He looked deeply into her eyes, “There is so much to be said for staying here. I could so easily get lost in your arms forever. But you need to live. There is so much to see and do. It would be such a glorious life together. But I make it sound like this is a choice for us. I have no idea how we came to be here.”

“We need to decide what we want to do. I want to live a long glorious life with you. Oh! What a thought. You as a mother! What a wonderful vision. Oh, what a life we’ll have. I don’t know what caused the museum to go dark and me to fall into this, but it has brought me to you and for that I’ll be eternally grateful.”

He again looked into her eyes, losing himself. He reached out to clasp her hands. He so desperately wanted to run his hand through her beautiful curly hair. But for now he squeezed her hands, “I truly believe that together we can do anything. So what say you my love? Shall we put our heads together to get out of here and start living a wonderful life together?”
“2010?!” Alana froze for a moment at the thought and quickly caught up with Alan’s words.

Alana encouraged said, “Yes my love! I truly have nothing to go back to. Yes, there is my friend, but my life has been one of isolation. We’ll figure out a way to get you home and so that I may also see that. The thought excites me so!”

And with that, she held him tightly and kissed him deeply, her tongue boldly searching for his. Alana closed her eyes and melted into him, his tongue caressing her as lovingly as his body caressed and enveloped hers.

She broke the kiss and stood, gathering her clothes. “My love, shall we?” They dressed. This time Alana leaving her vest and her high buttons on her dress open. She felt much more comfortable and brazen! Alana took in a deep breath and admired the way her skin showed.

Alan finished dressing and reached out for her hand. Softly she entwined her fingers with his and they walked back to the bridge.

They stood in the center, taking in the colors and aromas. The air feeling soft on their skin. They both dare not let go of one another for fear the other would disappear.

Alana turned to Alan and held his face as if it were the most precious thing in her hands. A tear welled up in her eye and she smiled. “My love, think of it, you and I sharing our lives together! Sleeping and waking in your arms. You showing me your world and what you love most. The music and art! To see that through your beautiful eyes! Oh Alan, with all that I am I need that to continue to live! I love you!”

Both imagining the most perfect life together, embraced and kissed deeply. This time with a sense of hope for their future and where they want to be. Seeing it clearly in both their minds, they both felt light and dizzy, but they both did not want to be distracted from their thoughts and with dreamy closed eyes their kiss became more loving, passionate… determined!

Losing themselves in their desires for one another and their very lives, they both felt warmer, a change in the air. The aroma, now gone. Unfamiliar to Alana, she continued to kiss her love and opened her eyes to find Alan looking into hers. He was kissing her through the broadest smile she has ever seen. He broke the kiss and extended her from his body. As she pulled back she gasped! Behind Alan was the painting! She was in a strange gallery, so very well lit it was like daylight! So many thoughts went through her head!

“Oh my love!!! The painting! This must be… and how is it this bright in a closed space? “ Alan was still beaming at Alana. “My love, you are home! We are home!”
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“We are home!” Alana exclaimed excitedly.


Alan looked around at the museum gallery. The lights shone brightly. Some time the power must have come back on while they were in the painting.

Alan suddenly realized that time was a very slippery concept now. For poor Alana one moment actually meant over a hundred years. He thought back to all that they had just done together, the kissing, the glorious, passionate loving making, the quiet talking. He was indeed home, but the question was much more when were they home?

Alan looked around carefully at the paintings. He could recall every one and the order that they were in seemed correct. Not too much time could have passed else things would be much different here.

Alan smiled and grabbed Alana’s hands into his own. Oh, her look of wonder as she stared at the lights, the walls, the fixtures. She was like a new born babe discovering the world for the first time. Everything fascinated and delighted her.

Alan laughed which brought Alana’s eyes back to him. She smiled shyly knowing what he was thinking.

At her soft blush, Alan could feel his heart pound. Looking at the soft, smooth flesh of her curving neck leading to the area above her breasts, Alan felt a pounding in another area as well.

“My love, you’re so beautiful. We are surrounded by the most incredible masterpieces of art known to man and they all pale in comparison to you. I will never tire of feasting my eyes on you. And what’s this? My prim and proper girl of the 1900s. Leaving some buttons undone are we. I like that. I like that a lot.” Alan leaned forward to kiss her gently, yet firmly, a hand on her back holding her tightly against him.

After breaking off the kiss, Alan rested his forehead on hers and looked deeply into her face, smiling. “I don’t know about you but being back here is giving me needs. None so greater as my need for you though. Let’s get out of here. I’ll stop at an ATM and get some money and we’ll eat some where. Gee, I know next to nothing about you. What kinds of food do you like? Where shall we eat? Eh, we’ll figure it out. Let’s take care of our needs and then we can go back to my apartment and talk, after we take care of other pressing needs first.”

Upon saying the last he brought a hand down over the curve of her back and pressed her hips hard into him as he brought his mouth back to hers. “I so desperately need to feel and make love to you again. I need you so much.”

And their lips crushed together again.