Lies that Democrats tell about abortion

Bravo! And when you make women jump through hoops to get an abortion, you increase the danger to the mother.

Being pregnant is risky business. Sometimes things go catastrophically wrong. A seemingly normal pregnancy can turn into a life-threatening emergency in a heartbeat. Delays in treating a crisis pregnancy can kill the mother, or leave her sterile for life.

Treatment delayed is treatment denied.


What is tragically ironic, is that IF a woman is eventually able to obtain treatment at a later date, (most likely in another state) the delay caused by these draconian laws will ensure the fetus will be further along in its development, thus complicating things for the fetus, the mother, and the health providers.



I would like to believe so. There have been so many lies and distortions told by the militantly pro-life group that it can be hard to sort through them, as it is not only a complex issue but a very emotional one. Keep in mind, I respect YOUR opinion far more than most- it is your body, your womb. For the record, my beliefs almost always lean towards personal autonomy and individual freedom- for what it's worth. Many pro-lifeers claim the same thing- but when it comes to reproductive freedom- instead, it's "More Government! More government! Blah blah blah."
For quite a long time, there was a talking point that Pubs stop caring about babies after birth. Prevent all abortions, anything after that is somebody else's problem. But with both parties realigning, what both parties do for kids, now, is worth some updates. Kids need parents. Parents need jobs to pay family expenses. Dems are still pushing globalization, the outsourcing of American jobs, while Pubs are backing away from that. Kids' healthcare and education...can wait for sleep and more thought about those topics.
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What Dems are pushing for globalization in ways that the Right hasn't done and done far, far worse since the Reagan era which honestly is about as far back as I care to go. IT worth noting that globalization is going to happen, nothing we can do will stop that. The question is if we're going to have the government in on how it take shape or if a handful of banks and companies effectively rule the planet. Here in the states basically every media outlet is run by 6 companies. I don't think the media lies nearly as much as people like to make out BUT I have no real way of filtering it. While I 100% believe there is a war in Ukraine all I've seen of it are videos. I've also seen pictures of John Cena and Tyrese fighting giant robots that look more realistic than what we've gotten out of Ukraine. I use that as an extreme example just so we don't have to nitpick about details too much.

The bigger problem and we're already starting to see the major changes start kicking in is what to do about AI and automation. I think Texas has a McDonalds now with no human workers. Now I highly doubt that's true. I suspect there is at least one or two people whose job it is to clear jams or heaven forbid call the police or fire department but I digress. Robo calls are getting so good I have to say something like Pickleberry Ice Cream is great just to confirm this is a human being. We might be a way from safe self driving cars, I doubt but still. A warehouse with the bare minimum amount of humans because self driving forklifts are doing to heavy lifting? That I can 100% believe.

How the abortion movement started with deceit and lies--Dr Nathanson​

I welcome the courage of the BMJ to write an obituary on Dr Bernard
Nathanson who became one of the most prominent opponents of abortion;
after being responsible for 75,000 or so abortions himself.
What is not immediately obvious to everyone is that the abortion movement
started with deception and even lies. Dr Nathanson has been very explicit
on this and I am going to quote from his writings and speeches. He said
regarding the campaign to legalise abortion in the US:
'We fed the public a line of deceit, dishonesty, a fabrication of
statistics and figures. We succeeded [in breaking down the laws limiting
abortions] because the time was right and the news media cooperated. We
sensationalized the effects of illegal abortions, and fabricated polls
which indicated that 85% of the public favoured unrestricted abortion,
when we knew it was only 5%. We unashamedly lied, and yet our statements
were quoted [by the media] as though they had been written in law.'
(quoted in John Powell, Abortion: the silent Holocaust. Tabor, Allen,
Texas. 1981.)
The statistics of maternal mortality due to self-induced abortion
were grossly exaggerated. Dr Nathanson writes:
'How many deaths were we talking about when abortion was illegal? In
NARAL (National Association for Repeal of Abortion Laws) we generally
emphasized the drama of the individual case, not the mass statistics, but
when we spoke of the latter it was always 5,000 to 10,000 a year. I
confess that I knew the figures were totally false, But in the "morality"
of our revolution, it was a useful figure, widely accepted, so why go out
of our way to correct it with honest statistics?' The official figures of
maternal death due to illegal abortion before abortion was legalised was
160. Dr Nathanson estimates the actual figure to be around 500 maternal
deaths per year. (Bernard Nathanson, Richard Ostling. Aborting America.
Pinnacle Books. New York 1979.)
In a speech he said about his attempts to legalise abortion:
'There was only silence from the opposition. We fed a line of deceit,
of dishonesty, of fabrication of statistics and figures; we coddled,
caressed, and stroked the press. (...) We were calling ourselves pro-
abortionists and pro-choice. In fact we were abortifiers: those who like
abortion. Let me digress and speak for a moment on the question of 'pro-
choice', as they euphemistically call themselves now. I reject that
phrase, that euphemism. It is misleading. It is dishonest. It implies that
in the issue of abortion there is an ethical choice whether to have an
abortion or whether not to have an abortion;...Of course... abortion is
not an ethical choice.
In February of 1971, I organized and ran the Center for Reproductive
and Sexual Health, another amusing euphemism for an abortion clinic. It
was not just an abortion clinic. It was the abortion clinic. It was in New
York and curiously, it was established and fed by the Clergy Consultation
Service, an organisation of twelve hundred Protestant Ministers and Jewish
Rabbis who took it upon themselves to funnel through 60,000 young women in
the space of 19 months that I ran it. The Clergy Consultation Service -
I'd never known that clergymen were actively involved in abortion before,
but my eyes were opened. ... It was a $5 million-a-year business. Think
now how many handicapped children could be helped, how much cancer
research could be done, how many operations of a decent sort could be
carried out on poor people with that kind of money!'
'The discussion... has been muddied by a resort to a particularly
vicious brand of anti-Catholicism, as many of you know, in the press.
There have been ongoing attempts to paint this movement [the pro-life
movement] as a Catholic movement, and there have been almost heartbreaking
lies and libel in the press on this score. If you ever substituted for the
word Catholic, in many of these publications the word Jewish or black, you
would be immediately castigated. The press would destroy you. However,
because the word Catholic is used, it appears to be allowable.'
(quoted in John Powell, Abortion: the silent Holocaust. Tabor, Allen,
Texas. 1981.)
Your article mentions the US Supreme court ruling from 1973 - Roe vs
Wade - that legalised abortion in the US. In what must have been quite a
blow to the pro-abortion movement, Norma McCorvey, the "Jane Roe," (the
pseudonym she assumed to remain anonymous as the lead plaintiff in that
case) also changed her mind on abortion. She appears to be actually quite
critical of the abortion movement, feels used, and admits that - at the
time - she was not seeking an abortion after all.
She now is actively involved in the pro-life movement and has her own
organisation (
Coming back to Dr Nathanson, why did he change his views on abortion?
'Why did I change my mind? Well, to begin with, it was not from a
religious conviction, ... I am an Atheist... In any case, the change of
mind began with the realization, the inescapable reality that the fetus,
that embryo, is a person, is a protectable human life. The change also
began on the basis of my own secular belief in the golden rule: if you
would not have your own life taken away from you, you must not take
someone else's life.' (quoted in John Powell, Abortion: the silent
Holocaust. Tabor, Allen, Texas. 1981.)
He wrote in the article (mentioned in the BMJ obituary) for the New
England Journal of Medicine in 1974:
"We must courageously face the fact - finally - that human life of a
special order is being taken. (...) The fierce militants of the Women's
Liberation evade this issue and assert that the woman's right to bear or
not to bear children is her absolute right. (...) On the other hand the
ferocious Right-to life legions proclaim no rights for the women and
absolute rights for the fetus. (...) Somewhere in the vast philosophic
plateau between the two implacably opposed camps- past the slogans, past
the pamphlets, past even the demonstrations and the legislative threats -
lies the infinitely agonizing truth. We are taking life, and the
deliberate taking of life, even of a special order and under special
circumstances, is an inexpressibly serious matter." (Bernard Nathanson.
Deeper into Abortion. New England Journal of Medicine. 28 November 1974.)

Three Lies the Abortion Industry Tells Women​

by Vitae Foundation | Nov 27, 2023 | Uncategorized

By Kathi Aultman

Over the last 60 years, the abortion industry has effectively molded public opinion by inundating us with lies propagated by the film industry and the media. They made abortion an issue of women’s rights, ignoring the fundamental human rights of the unborn. Some of the most prestigious medical organizations, including the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), are controlled by abortion advocates. When lies are repeated long enough, they are regarded as truth. These are three of the most damaging lies.

Abortion just removes a small “blob of tissue.”

My friend was told this common lie prior to her abortion at 10 weeks gestation (8 weeks post-fertilization). Years later, she was devastated when she saw a picture of an unborn baby at that gestational age. At that stage, the unborn baby has 90% of the structures found in adults, including fingers, toes, and eyelids.

Gestational age is calculated from the last menstrual period (about two weeks before fertilization). Post-fertilization age is the actual age of the developing human. Most people consider fertilization and conception to be synonymous, but in 1965, ACOG redefined conception as the point of implantation.

At fertilization, the egg and sperm fuse, and a new human being is created. Implantation occurs about one week later, around three weeks gestation. Drugs that prevent implantation, like the morning-after pill, cause the death of this tiny human being.

At just six weeks gestation, when the earliest abortions are performed, the unborn baby has a beating heart and a functioning circulatory system. At eight weeks, the unborn baby becomes more active, and brain activity can be recorded. Unborn babies may experience pain as early as 12 weeks. By 23 weeks, survival outside the womb is possible.

Clearly, abortion doesn’t just remove a “blob of tissue.”

Abortion is necessary for women to succeed.

The abortion industry has convinced the public that women can only succeed if they have access to abortion and that without it, they will never be able to fulfill their dreams or compete with men in the workplace. The vast number of mothers with successful careers belies this.

I had an abortion because I was afraid having a baby would prevent me from becoming a doctor. It saddened me later when I met several women who had children before entering medical school.

It is unacceptable that, rather than provide the support systems women need to flourish, our society relies on abortion to solve the problem of unexpected pregnancy.

Abortion is safe.

Abortions have risks, and the incidence of risk increases as the unborn baby grows. However, we don’t know the true incidence because not all states are required to report complications. All abortions run the risk of excessive bleeding, infection, incomplete abortion, failed abortion, severe pain, and death. Surgical abortions also have the risk of perforation of the uterus with injury to the pelvic organs. Once, when I was on ER call, a woman presented with her small bowel hanging from her vagina. An abortionist had perforated her uterus during her abortion. Chemical abortions have the additional risks of uterine rupture and missed ectopic pregnancy.

We know that women can suffer from depression, drug abuse, emotional problems, and suicide after an abortion, especially if they have preexisting psychological issues or feel pressured into having the abortion. One of my patients who was seeing me for prolonged bleeding after her first-trimester abortion was also seeing a psychiatrist. She told me that the idea that she had killed her child was much more difficult to cope with than the unexpected pregnancy.

I didn’t regret my abortion until after the birth of my daughter. I became deeply depressed, consistent with Post-Abortion Syndrome. Caring friends helped me get the counseling I needed.

These are just a few of the lies the abortion industry tells women. Pro-life advocates must not only reject these lies but also show women that they are loved and have support available to them when they are facing an unplanned pregnancy.

Kathi Aultman, MD is a retired board-certified OB-GYN who used to perform abortions. She has spoken and testified on abortion at state, national, and international levels. She is an Associate Scholar with the Charlotte Lozier Institute.


Whoever does any of the following is guilty of murder of an unborn child in the first degree and must be sentenced to imprisonment for life:

(1) causes the death of an unborn child with premeditation and with intent to effect the death of the unborn child or of another;

(2) causes the death of an unborn child while committing or attempting to commit criminal sexual conduct in the first or second degree with force or violence, either upon or affecting the mother of the unborn child or another; or

(3) causes the death of an unborn child with intent to effect the death of the unborn child or another while committing or attempting to commit burglary, aggravated robbery, carjacking in the first or second degree, kidnapping, arson in the first or second degree, tampering with a witness in the first degree, or escape from custody.

Hmmm.... A baby in the womb is killed by someone who isn't a doctor, it's murder. If that same baby is killed by being hacked to death or poisoned in the womb by a doctor, it's a legal medical procedure? Murder is murder.
The right-to-life person said, "What gives a mother the right to kill her child?"
The right-to-abort person replied, "First of all, it's not a child, it's a fetus. The termination of a pregnancy may involve procedures which some people may deplore, but surely the purported 'life' of a rudimentary conceptus can't be compared to the mature prerogatives of a woman who..."
Notice the inclination to avoid simple, familiar words like "child" and to substitute "conceptus" or "fetus." Of course, "fetus" is Latin for "unborn child," so the problem is not that it's incorrect, just that it's remote. (As if one were to say, "Good heavens, I didn't crack his skull, I merely fractured his cranium.")

The strategy is to make things seem more dehumanized--as when politicians shy away from saying "dead men and women" and speak more airily about the "attrition of unfriendly forces" or even the "tactical reduction of NVA cadre."
Doesn't sound a bit like killing, does it? Neither does "termination of pregnancy."
This technique is usually employed in trying to defend the indefensible. Like igniting villagers who live in free-fire zones with flaming jellied gasoline: pacification. Like building enough nuclear warheads to turn every city on earth into a crematorium: deterrence. Like slicing, poisoning, and flushing away a million little boys and girls every year...
Excuse me, I mean male and female human fetuses...
Such programs (the napalm, the A-bombs, the abortions) can be "defended" only by arguments which are too brutal for most people to face. So language is invented which can "name" things without calling up mental pictures of them.

Interestingly, English-speaking people usually refer to their unborn whatchamacallit as a "baby." Consider these familiar expressions:
"Gretchen survived the car crash, but they're afraid she'll lose the baby."
"Cindy knew the baby she was carrying wasn't Tom's."
Will all subsequent comments get the proper footnote credit in this grade school thesis? I mean it’s your world we’re living in.
Unborn babies can feel pain at least by 15 weeks gestation and possibly earlier
  • The idea that unborn and newborn babies cannot feel pain is obsolete, refuted by an extensive and growing body of scientific evidence. The myth that unborn babies cannot feel pain comes from a bygone era when newborns were strapped down for surgery without pain relief. The substantial published scientific literature on the topic shows that unborn babies can experience pain at least by 15 weeks gestational age (15 weeks LMP, since Last Menstrual Period, the fetal age estimate used by most obstetricians) or earlier. Two common methods are used to measure the age of an unborn baby: Post-fertilization age or post-conception weeks (PCW), used by embryologists, measures the age of the unborn baby from the actual date of conception, while gestational age measures from the first day of the mother’s last menstrual period (LMP, approx. two weeks before conception). Medical practitioners have been using the latter method as standard medical practice for decades, and for the purpose of this paper, ages refer to gestational age unless otherwise indicated.
    [*]A comprehensive review of the scientific literature[ii] including neural development, psychology of pain sensation, and moral implications of fetal pain, concludes that unborn babies may experience pain as early as 12 weeks. The review notes that neural connections from periphery to brain are functionally complete after 18 weeks. “Nevertheless, we no longer view fetal pain (as a core, immediate, sensation) in a gestational window of 12–24 weeks as impossible based on the neuroscience.” The review points out that a fetus may not experience pain in the same way as an adult, but does indeed experience pain as a real sensation, and that this pain experience has moral implications. Significant because this unbiased review of the scientific evidence and agreement on existence of fetal pain, as early as 12 weeks and certainly by 18 weeks, comes from two highly credentialed medical professionals, one pro-choice. “The two authors came together to write this paper through a shared sense that the neuroscientific data, especially more recent data, could not support a categorical rejection of fetal pain.”
    [*]Embryological development occurs early for pain sensory mechanisms and neurophysiology. The basic anatomical organization of the human nervous system is established by 6 weeks.[iii] Nerve synapses for spinal reflex are in place by 10 weeks.[iv] Pain receptors (nociceptors) begin forming at 7 weeks’ gestational age.[v]
    [*]Nerves linking these pain receptors to the brain’s thalamus and subcortical plate form between 12- and 20-weeks’ gestational age.[vi] The thalamus functions in pain perception in fetuses as well as in adults.[vii]
    [*]Numerous lines of evidence now show the fallacy in the claim that the brain cortex is necessary to experience pain and suffering, including the fact that decordate individuals as well as animals lacking higher cortical structures obviously do feel pain.[viii] In fact, the human brain cortex does not fully mature until approximately 25 years of age, yet infants, children, and teenagers also obviously can experience pain.[ix]
  • Fetal reactions provide evidence of pain response. The unborn baby reacts to noxious stimuli with avoidance reactions and stress responses. As early as 8 weeks, the baby exhibits reflex movement during invasive procedures.[x] The application of painful stimuli to an unborn child is associated with significant increases in stress hormones in the unborn child, known as the stress response.[xi] In fact, evidence indicates that subjection to painful stimuli as a fetus is associated with long-term harmful neurodevelopmental effects, such as altered pain sensitivity and, possibly, emotional, behavioral, and learning disabilities later in life.[xii]
  • Ruth Grunau, a pediatric psychologist at the University of British Columbia, said, “We would seem to be holding an extraordinary standard if we didn’t infer pain from all those measures.”[xiii]
  • Increased sensitivity to pain. In 2010 one group noted that “the earlier infants are delivered, the stronger their response to pain.”[xiv] This increased sensitivity is due to the fact that the neural mechanisms that inhibit pain sensations do not begin to develop until 34-36 weeks , and are not complete until a significant time after birth.[xv] This means that unborn, as well as newborn and preterm, infants show “hyperresponsiveness” to pain.[xvi] Authors of a 2015 study used the fMRI technique to measure pain response in newborns (1-6 days old) vs. adults (23-36 years old), and found that “the infant pain experience closely resembles that seen in adults.” [xvii] Babies had 18 out of 20 brain regions respond like adults, yet they showed much greater sensitivity to pain, responding at a level four times as sensitive as adults.
  • Through technological advancements, the peer-reviewed evidence has only become more compelling as ultrasonographic studies have literally given us a window into the womb for the first time. A study published earlier this year found that fetuses at approximately 31 weeks’ gestation grimaced with pain when their thighs were injected with anesthetic prior to a painful intrauterine surgery. Another 2021 study observed the same result — a pained grimace upon being pricked with a needle with anesthetic — with a 23 weeks’ gestation fetus about to undergo heart surgery in the womb.[xviii]
Standard of medical care now calls for direct fetal analgesia and anesthesia during fetal surgery, beginning at least by 15 weeks
  • Fetal anesthesia is now routine medical practice and recommended for all fetal surgeries from the second trimester onward.[xix]
  • Current medical evidence has concluded that from the 15th week gestational age onward, “the fetus is extremely sensitive to painful stimuli,” making it “necessary to apply adequate analgesia to prevent [fetal] suffering.”[xx]
  • Fetal surgeries are now being performed even into the first half of gestation, and routinely incorporate anesthesia and analgesia in the protocols.[xxi] As one of the world’s leading fetal surgeons on the development of fetal surgery points out, using spina bifida as an example of good medical practice for in utero surgical intervention: “Fetal therapy is the logical culmination of progress in fetal diagnosis. In other words, the fetus is now a patient.”[xxii]
  • Fetal surgeons recognize unborn babies as patients. The growth in maternal-fetal medicine recognizes this acceptance. Since the first fetal surgery performed in 1981 in the United States, the number of centers devoted to fetal surgeries has grown until today (in 2022), there are 37 medical centers in the United States that perform advanced in-utero fetal therapeutic procedures.[xxiii]
  • A recent review of the evidence concludes that objections to the concept of fetal pain are “obsolete,” and based on the totality of evidence, “the human fetus can feel pain when it undergoes surgical interventions and direct analgesia must be provided to it.”[xxiv]
  • A prenatal surgery group that has performed many fetal surgeries informs the mother before the surgery:[xxv] “You will be given general anesthesia, and that anesthesia will put your baby to sleep as well. In addition, during the prenatal surgery, your unborn baby will be given an injection of pain medication and medication to ensure that the baby doesn’t move.”
Babies are surviving and thriving at ever younger pre-term ages when given appropriate care and treatment
  • Survival of extremely preterm infants has increased significantly as doctors realize advantages of active care for such young patients. Ages of survival have dropped from 28 weeks to 24 weeks and now less than 22 weeks.[xxvi]
  • The British Association of Perinatal Medicine (BAPM) now recommends that all babies born as early as 22 weeks’ gestation be given active care and resuscitation.[xxvii]
  • A Journal of Perinatology study found that if extremely preterm babies were routinely given care, as many as 53% of those born at 22 weeks’ gestation survived, compared to only 8% if active care was not given,[xxviii] challenging physician attitudes on survival as well as thoughts about the age limit of viability.[xxix]
  • Survival of babies born at 22 weeks’ gestation in Sweden increased to 58 percent if the preterm babies were given intensive care, demonstrating what is possible if active care and caring attitudes are applied.[xxx]
  • Groundbreaking New England Journal of Medicine study demonstrated that babies delivered as young as 22 weeks can survive, and active intervention for treatment greatly improves their survival.[xxxi]
  • An NIH-funded study of infants who were delivered at 22-24 weeks and who received active treatment observed increasing rates of survival without any neurological impairment. Yet, three-fourths of those delivered at 22 weeks still received no active care.[xxxii]
  • 60% of infants born at 22 weeks who receive active hospital treatment will survive.[xxxiii]

Are Mother and Baby Distinct Individuals? Brightside March, 2019
By Dr. Derek Conte
When I studied human anatomy in classes and in the cadaver lab, I was surprised to learn something I
never had cause to think about before. I learned that the entire alimentary canal (the continuous tube
from the mouth to the esophagus to the stomach to the small intestine to the large intestine to the
rectum and finally the anus) is considered to be part of the external world; literally “outside” the body.
Think of it. You can pass a string entirely through the alimentary canal which is a tunnel inside a larger
structure with two passages to the outside world. The morsel of food you place in your mouth is not a
part of you. It must be chewed and broken down chemically into pieces so small that they then can be
absorbed INTO your body through the walls of the intestines.
There is an area unique to the female anatomy which, like the alimentary canal, is also considered
“outside” the body and yet is housed within the woman’s outline: the vaginal canal and the uterus or
“womb”. This seems just as counterintuitive without a bit of thought applied. If you are struggling with
the abortion question then it might be useful to study some anatomy and physiology. As with last
month’s article I will list some anatomical and physiological facts for your evaluation.
A developing baby/fetus has a separate circulatory system and a separate blood system from its
mother’s, therefore no blood is ever exchanged between mother and baby/fetus. This is why the
baby/fetus can have a different blood type from the mother and be safe from immunological attack by
the mother’s antibodies. The baby/fetus occupies the space of the uterus (womb) which, anatomically,
is considered external to the mother’s body. The mother eats and breathes for the baby/fetus via a large
capillary bed that interfaces with the placenta leading to the umbilicus.
Mother and baby/fetus have different genetic codes. Every cell of the mother’s body contains her own
distinct gene code/DNA, unique to her only. The father’s DNA is obviously equally unique.
The DNA of the baby/fetus is taken 50% from mother and 50% from father to form an equally unique
and different baby/fetus. Only the baby’s identical twin can be an identical genetic match.
A male child with a penis cannot be construed as “part of his mother” because she has no genetic
capacity to “donate” that organ to her son. Nor can a surrogate carry a child for another couple and
convey her traits to the baby/fetus she is carrying.
Below are some quotes from professionals who have studied this subject: All quotes (1,2,3,4)taken from
[“A Chinese zygote implanted in a Swedish woman will always be Chinese, not Swedish, because his
identity is based on his genetic code, not that of the body in which he resides.”] (1)
[“The child may die and the mother live, or the mother may die and the child live, proving they are two
separate individuals. The child-guest is a temporary resident of the mother-host. He will leave on his own
as long as he is not prematurely evicted.”] (2)
[New Zealand professor A. W. Liley is known as the “father of fetology.” Among his many pioneer
achievements was the first intrauterine blood transfusion. Dr. Liley has stated: “Physiologically, we must
accept that the conceptus (baby/fetus) is, in a very large measure, in charge of the pregnancy....
Biologically, at no stage can we subscribe to the view that the fetus is a mere appendage of the
[Dr. Peter Nathanielsz of Cornell University concurs. He says that the unborn’s brain sends a message to
his own pituitary gland which in turn stimulates the adrenal cortex to secrete a hormone which
stimulates the mother’s uterus to contract. A woman goes into labor not because her body is ready to
surrender the unborn child, but because the unborn child is ready to leave her body. ](4)
As with everything important in life, information is crucial to understanding and vital to our decision-
making and spiritual growth.
Dr. Derek Conte is co-founder of Chiropractic Specialists on Concord Road in Smyrna. For questions, call
404-784-6008. For more articles, photos, info, go to
  • Fetal reactions provide evidence of pain response. The unborn baby reacts to noxious stimuli with avoidance reactions and stress responses. As early as 8 weeks, the baby exhibits reflex movement during invasive procedures.[x] The application of painful stimuli to an unborn child is associated with significant increases in stress hormones in the unborn child, known as the stress response.[xi] In fact, evidence indicates that subjection to painful stimuli as a fetus is associated with long-term harmful neurodevelopmental effects, such as altered pain sensitivity and, possibly, emotional, behavioral, and learning disabilities later in life.[xii]
  • Ruth Grunau, a pediatric psychologist at the University of British Columbia, said, “We would seem to be holding an extraordinary standard if we didn’t infer pain from all those measures.”[xiii]
  • Increased sensitivity to pain. In 2010 one group noted that “the earlier infants are delivered, the stronger their response to pain.”[xiv] This increased sensitivity is due to the fact that the neural mechanisms that inhibit pain sensations do not begin to develop until 34-36 weeks , and are not complete until a significant time after birth.[xv] This means that unborn, as well as newborn and preterm, infants show “hyperresponsiveness” to pain.[xvi] Authors of a 2015 study used the fMRI technique to measure pain response in newborns (1-6 days old) vs. adults (23-36 years old), and found that “the infant pain experience closely resembles that seen in adults.” [xvii] Babies had 18 out of 20 brain regions respond like adults, yet they showed much greater sensitivity to pain, responding at a level four times as sensitive as adults.
  • Through technological advancements, the peer-reviewed evidence has only become more compelling as ultrasonographic studies have literally given us a window into the womb for the first time. A study published earlier this year found that fetuses at approximately 31 weeks’ gestation grimaced with pain when their thighs were injected with anesthetic prior to a painful intrauterine surgery. Another 2021 study observed the same result — a pained grimace upon being pricked with a needle with anesthetic — with a 23 weeks’ gestation fetus about to undergo heart surgery in the womb.[xviii]
Standard of medical care now calls for direct fetal analgesia and anesthesia during fetal surgery, beginning at least by 15 weeks
  • Fetal anesthesia is now routine medical practice and recommended for all fetal surgeries from the second trimester onward.[xix]
  • Current medical evidence has concluded that from the 15th week gestational age onward, “the fetus is extremely sensitive to painful stimuli,” making it “necessary to apply adequate analgesia to prevent [fetal] suffering.”[xx]
  • Fetal surgeries are now being performed even into the first half of gestation, and routinely incorporate anesthesia and analgesia in the protocols.[xxi] As one of the world’s leading fetal surgeons on the development of fetal surgery points out, using spina bifida as an example of good medical practice for in utero surgical intervention: “Fetal therapy is the logical culmination of progress in fetal diagnosis. In other words, the fetus is now a patient.”[xxii]
  • Fetal surgeons recognize unborn babies as patients. The growth in maternal-fetal medicine recognizes this acceptance. Since the first fetal surgery performed in 1981 in the United States, the number of centers devoted to fetal surgeries has grown until today (in 2022), there are 37 medical centers in the United States that perform advanced in-utero fetal therapeutic procedures.[xxiii]
  • A recent review of the evidence concludes that objections to the concept of fetal pain are “obsolete,” and based on the totality of evidence, “the human fetus can feel pain when it undergoes surgical interventions and direct analgesia must be provided to it.”[xxiv]
  • A prenatal surgery group that has performed many fetal surgeries informs the mother before the surgery:[xxv] “You will be given general anesthesia, and that anesthesia will put your baby to sleep as well. In addition, during the prenatal surgery, your unborn baby will be given an injection of pain medication and medication to ensure that the baby doesn’t move.”
Babies are surviving and thriving at ever younger pre-term ages when given appropriate care and treatment
  • Survival of extremely preterm infants has increased significantly as doctors realize advantages of active care for such young patients. Ages of survival have dropped from 28 weeks to 24 weeks and now less than 22 weeks.[xxvi]
  • The British Association of Perinatal Medicine (BAPM) now recommends that all babies born as early as 22 weeks’ gestation be given active care and resuscitation.[xxvii]
  • A Journal of Perinatology study found that if extremely preterm babies were routinely given care, as many as 53% of those born at 22 weeks’ gestation survived, compared to only 8% if active care was not given,[xxviii] challenging physician attitudes on survival as well as thoughts about the age limit of viability.[xxix]
  • Survival of babies born at 22 weeks’ gestation in Sweden increased to 58 percent if the preterm babies were given intensive care, demonstrating what is possible if active care and caring attitudes are applied.[xxx]
  • Groundbreaking New England Journal of Medicine study demonstrated that babies delivered as young as 22 weeks can survive, and active intervention for treatment greatly improves their survival.[xxxi]
  • An NIH-funded study of infants who were delivered at 22-24 weeks and who received active treatment observed increasing rates of survival without any neurological impairment. Yet, three-fourths of those delivered at 22 weeks still received no active care.[xxxii]
  • 60% of infants born at 22 weeks who receive active hospital treatment will survive.[xxxiii]

…And now that I’ve given the basis of my foreword let’s move on to Chapter One, shall we?

Funny how all the actual science shows that killing a baby in the womb is not "removing a blob of tissue", but taking an innocent human life.

To answer some of your objections, then, based on a LOT of evidence presented here:

1: The child born or removed from the womb at just about any stage has a chance of survival with medical care. That said, even if they didn't to say it's okay to just kill them is like saying grandma, who can't survive without constant care, can just be terminated. Or that a baby already born, who is still dependent on a mother for food and care, can just be killed. Shoot, there are a lot of teens who can't survive on their own... So lets just murder.... I mean abort any of them who are an inconvenience?

2: Some babies are a product of rape or incest. Yes. That is true and tragic. But we don't murder children for the crimes of their fathers. Lock the man who commits such a crime away. In some cases, the death penalty for that person, who is definitely not innocent, is in order. But to kill the innocent offspring? Let's do a thought experiment: Lets suppose YOU found out at, whatever age- 5, 15, 25, 55 -that you were a product of rape or incest. Does that make your life illegitimate? Does a doctor have the right to now come inject you with acid or chop you into pieces (both methods used to murder babies in the womb)? Can I come murder... I mean abort you? If not, then why does an innocent baby in the womb not deserve that same protection?

3: Anti-abortionists are a bunch of racist, uncaring men? No. In fact the most vocal about how vile, damaging, destructive, and truly horrific abortion is, are those who used to PERFORM abortions, many of them women, and those who have had abortions and now are suffering the consequences emotionally, physically, and spiritually. Women understand the value of the life of an unborn baby for more than men, and are far more likely to oppose the taking of that life.

4: Conservatives don't care about that life aside from stopping abortion? Not true. It's conservatives and Christians who are most active in pregnancy care centers that provide care, clothing, goods, resources, and money to women who are pregnant to help them, both before and after the child is born. It's these centers, in fact, that the pro-abortio... oops, I meant "pro-choice" (but the baby doesn't get a choice to live or die, does he or she?) and abortion providing "clinics" actively and very vocally oppose. Could it be because if women stop killing babies, they lose money? See the article, and if you dare, the attached link to Planned Parenthood's latest budget report.

Your pro-abortion position is built on a house of cards and lies. If you ever had to admit that you have been murdering babies in the name of choice...? Well, we can't have THAT can we?
Planned Parenthood’s 2020-2021 annual report is so late that some observers wondered whether it would release one at all. But after roughly nine months, the wait is over.
For pro-life Americans, the numbers aren’t pretty.
The medical and financial data reveal the abortion giant’s priorities. Spoiler alert: The number of abortions performed in one year is at an all-time high. Meanwhile, annual taxpayer funding (mainly through Medicaid reimbursements) continues to rise. It’s now north of $633 million.
On the medical side, the report covers the period from Oct. 1, 2019, to Sept. 30, 2020. Planned Parenthood reported:
  • 383,460 abortions—an all-time high, up from 354,871 the previous year.
  • 371,755 breast screenings and Pap tests, down from 542,659 the previous year.
  • 127,095 well woman exams, down from 208,248 the previous year.
  • 1,940 adoption referrals, down from 2,667 the previous year and less than half of the 4,279 reported two years ago.
Planned Parenthood performed nearly 200 abortions for every adoption referral.
The long-term declines in Planned Parenthood’s actual health services, such as Pap tests, is striking. The Charlotte Lozier Institute, a pro-life research and education organization, notes that since 2010, “total cancer screening and prevention services have dropped by 74%,” “prenatal services are down 72%,” and “contraceptive services are down 41%.”
The Lozier Institute also points out that there also has been a whopping 28% decline in the unique number of patients seen since 2010.
In contrast, its Big Abortion business is booming. From July 1, 2020, to June 30, 2021, Planned Parenthood reported:
  • More than $2.1 billion in net assets, up from $2 billion the previous year.
  • $633.4 million in government funding, up from $618.1 million the previous year.
  • While total revenue held steady at roughly $1.7 billion, compared with $1.6 billion the previous year, the organization’s excess revenue (calculated by subtracting total expenses from total revenue) rose sharply, coming in at $133.7 million, compared with $69.7 million the previous year.
  • $597.3 million in private funding, up from $510 million the previous year.
  • For the second year in a row, Planned Parenthood reported “nearly 590,000” active individual contributors, a big drop from the 1.1 million reported in the annual report two years ago.
This report not only provides a snapshot of the abortion behemoth’s current priorities and bottom line, it also provides a preview of what we can expect in the future.
Chemical Abortion: New Frontier
The number of abortions continue to rise, in no small part due to Planned Parenthood going all-in promoting dangerous, do-it-yourself chemical abortion pills. (Among other problems, these pills have a complication rate four times that of a first-trimester surgical abortion.)
The medical data in the latest annual report includes about the first six months of the COVID-19 pandemic. The abortion industry used the pandemic as an excuse to push the Biden administration to abandon long-standing Food and Drug Administration safety protocols on these dangerous pills. As a result, in December 2021, the Biden FDA sanctioned telemedicine abortion and abortion pills by mail.
We don’t know what this policy change meant for Planned Parenthood’s abortion numbers, since this most recent annual report ends in June 2021. But pro-life Americans have cause for concern. There has already been a rise in recent years, and the FDA change in safety protocols means it’s now faster and cheaper to send women these dangerous pills.
Abortion Policy in Post-Roe America
The Supreme Court corrected a grave constitutional error when it overturned its 1973 Roe v. Wade decision in the case of Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization in late June.
As a result, states across the country can finally protect unborn children, women, and girls from the abortion industry. Abortion clinics in these states are shutting down or moving to nearby abortion-friendly states. That’s a momentous victory for the pro-life movement.
It will be several years before a Planned Parenthood annual report captures this changing landscape. In the meantime, we can look to state health departments and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports for overall trends.
Don’t expect the number of abortions to be cut in half, though.
Pro-abortion states, such as California, have committed to spending their tax dollars to pay for abortions for women traveling from other states. Abortion pill distributors are eagerly using telemedicine abortion and pill-by-mail distribution to circumvent laws in pro-life states. Bad international actors illegally ship abortion pills to women across the country, just as they did before Roe’s reversal.
So, there’s still much for state and federal policymakers to do to protect women from the interstate flow of dangerous abortion pills.
What Will Future Hold?
The Dobbs decision was a victory a half-century in the making. Thanks to pro-life policies springing into effect over the summer, innocent hearts are beating today that wouldn’t have been otherwise.
But Planned Parenthood and its allies (including the Biden administration and many in Congress) are pulling out all the stops to promote abortion on demand.
We don’t yet know what will happen with abortion numbers in a post-Roe America. But we do know that if Planned Parenthood has its way, abortions and taxpayer funding will keep rising, even as its other key health services keep declining. After all, we can’t expect an insatiable leopard to change its spots.
This piece originally appeared in The Daily Signal
It's the women's body and up to her what to do, every other bible thumping dick wad needs to F off out of the question.
That's kinda the point. We aren't discussing the woman's body. We are discussing the life and death of a tiny, innocent, separate baby's body that you want women to have the right to kill. We are discussing your justification, in the face of overwhelming evidence and science and eyewitness testimony of people who walked away from the baby-killing-mills because they couldn't look at an active murderer in the mirror anymore, of the mass murder, the slaughter of thousands of tiny innocent lives in the most brutal and horrific ways with the funding of public dollars to go to the paying for murder. THAT is what is being discussed.
Despite seeing fewer patients and reducing bona fide health care services, Planned Parenthood received a record-breaking amount of taxpayer funding last year, according to Planned Parenthood CEO Alexis McGill Johnson in the organization’s most recent annual report, which she describes as a “love note” to abortionists.

Planned Parenthood committed 392,712 abortions and received a record-breaking $699.3 million in taxpayer funding in the 2022-2023 fiscal year, according to its most recent annual report released on Wednesday.

The Planned Parenthood Federation of America’s affiliates perpetrated an average of 1,076 abortions every day of the year, as they amassed $1.8 billion in revenue and $2.5 billion in net assets.

funding abortion in the United States, and larger majorities oppose foreign abortion funding. Although presumptive Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has yet to announce he will protect U.S. taxpayers from funding Planned Parenthood in his second term, he released a Protect Life rule preventing Title X family funding recipients from referring women for abortions in July 2019, his third year in office. Planned Parenthood withdrew from the Title X program rather than curtail or redirect its abortion business.

However, President Joe Biden reversed Trump’s order in October 2021 and subsequently opened multiple funding avenues to the abortion franchise. “The federal government should not be funding the facilitation of abortion in any form or fashion — at home or abroad,” Family Research Council President Tony Perkins has noted....
The right-to-life person said, "What gives a mother the right to kill her child?"
The right-to-abort person replied, "First of all, it's not a child, it's a fetus. The termination of a pregnancy may involve procedures which some people may deplore, but surely the purported 'life' of a rudimentary conceptus can't be compared to the mature prerogatives of a woman who..."
Notice the inclination to avoid simple, familiar words like "child" and to substitute "conceptus" or "fetus." Of course, "fetus" is Latin for "unborn child," so the problem is not that it's incorrect, just that it's remote. (As if one were to say, "Good heavens, I didn't crack his skull, I merely fractured his cranium.")

The strategy is to make things seem more dehumanized--as when politicians shy away from saying "dead men and women" and speak more airily about the "attrition of unfriendly forces" or even the "tactical reduction of NVA cadre."
Doesn't sound a bit like killing, does it? Neither does "termination of pregnancy."
This technique is usually employed in trying to defend the indefensible. Like igniting villagers who live in free-fire zones with flaming jellied gasoline: pacification. Like building enough nuclear warheads to turn every city on earth into a crematorium: deterrence. Like slicing, poisoning, and flushing away a million little boys and girls every year...
Excuse me, I mean male and female human fetuses...
Such programs (the napalm, the A-bombs, the abortions) can be "defended" only by arguments which are too brutal for most people to face. So language is invented which can "name" things without calling up mental pictures of them.

Interestingly, English-speaking people usually refer to their unborn whatchamacallit as a "baby." Consider these familiar expressions:
"Gretchen survived the car crash, but they're afraid she'll lose the baby."
"Cindy knew the baby she was carrying wasn't Tom's."

So…keep reminding a woman or girl who has chosen (made the difficult / traumatic decision) to terminate her pregnancy for whatever reason (rape, incest, inviability due to birth defect, life of the mother, failed contraception, financial or life circumstances, etc) that she is "KILLING HER BABY!!!!" ???

Only a fucking ghoul would do that.

Cue JaySecretions.


Side note:

The proper language to use involving the subject of abortion is found here:


When reading the guide, pay special attention to the part where it states that clinicians should avoid using the term "BABY!!!"

Hope that ^ helps.


👉 JaySecretions 🤣

Pregnancy decreases ability to work and increases expenses. Becoming financially unable to continue a pregnancy is more likely in the later months. Abortion can be necessary for the life of the mother if she faces starvation and eviction.
bottom line by working on the logistics of abortions in pro-life states. Some “90 patient navigators across 41 Planned Parenthood affiliates helped more than 33,000 people get the transportation and travel support, financial assistance, and referrals they needed to get abortion,” its report states.

Planned Parenthood compared its abortion-expansion activities to the miracles wrought by faith in Jesus Christ. “For Planned Parenthood [abortion] staff, this was a year of moving mountains: finding appointments in other states and the resources to get patients there, building as much capacity as possible for abortion appointments, fulfilling increased demand in some places for birth control, and much more,” the organization writes. PPFA claimed it provided financial support to 15,000 people for travel for out-of-state abortion and funding for 50,000 mothers to have an abortion. It did not state how it raised these funds.

times, including implanting long-acting reversible contraceptives (LARCs) in 1,548,022 people and distributing 552,721 so-called “Emergency Contraception” kits. All hormonal contraception may potentially act as an abortifacient by making it impossible for a newly conceived/fertilized child to implant in the uterine wall.

PPFA shapes the way young people see sex both through partnerships with public schools and online influencers. “Planned Parenthood is proud to be the nation’s largest sex educator,” writes McGill Johnson in the report’s opening summary. Planned Parenthood’s videos were viewed three million times, and PPFA reached 1.2 million people through education or training sessions. “PPFA launched a national campaign across platforms to destigmatize abortion,” the report notes.....
PPFA also plans to shape academic views by producing “scientific” studies promoting its view of the abortion controversy. In all, “34 Planned Parenthood affiliates participated in 47 studies” last year, including one focusing on “potential logistical, financial, and other burdens of travel faced by patients who are forced to travel for their” abortion, the report states.

Planned Parenthood’s report also raises concerns over possible censorship. A section of the annual report titled “Shifting Culture” states PPFA is “leading tech companies to discuss how to improve corporate accountability and address health care misinformation.”

The report takes on added importance as abortion has emerged as the dominant theme of the Biden-Harris reelection campaign and Democratic campaigns generally. “Vice President Kamala Harris even made a campaign stop at a Planned Parenthood abortion center,” noted Dannenfelser. Harris called pro-life laws “immoral” during the visit. “In turn, their political arm spends more than any other abortion-related group to lobby the federal government against commonsense policies like protecting babies born alive after failed abortions.”