Sex & Shenanigans

Am I going to hell? Maybe. But, this was the best $4 I ever spent.
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Okay… a couple nights ago, I was watching “In Search Of…” which was Leonard Nimoy’s series in the late 70’s. The episode was about Van Gogh and presented a theory that he didn’t cut his ear off, but his friend Gogan (sp?) did in a fencing match. But Van Gogh didn’t admit it because he didn’t want his friend to get in trouble.

And then you post this… Coincidence???

No idea… I’m horny and don’t really care either way… 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Okay… a couple nights ago, I was watching “In Search Of…” which was Leonard Nimoy’s series in the late 70’s. The episode was about Van Gogh and presented a theory that he didn’t cut his ear off, but his friend Gogan (sp?) did in a fencing match. But Van Gogh didn’t admit it because he didn’t wsnt his friend to get in trouble.

And then you post this… Coincidence???

No idea… I’m horny and don’t really care either way… 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
I didn't know it was through fencing, but yes I did know it was Gauguin. ❤️❤️❤️

Favorite Paul Gauguin painting.
I didn't know it was through fencing, but yes I did know it was Gauguin. ❤️❤️❤️

Favorite Paul Gauguin painting.
Really! Wow. I had even watched that episode before, but didn't remember that part of it - and I thought it made perfect sense. They said Van Gogh was an excellent swordsman... so a duel (maybe a drunken duel) made sense to me.

Especially the drunk part. Because... that sounds fun...

And so cool you can spell that!!! 😘 😘 😘
I have an orchid... Well, a few actually, and I've named them and talk to them. My oldest one I got during my divorce and named her Ophelia. She's alive and seems healthy but she hasn't bloomed for so long. I nearly killed her several times but if she died I would be so sad... 🌸🪷🌷
She is lovely. Ophelia? Be sure not to over water her...
Really! Wow. I had even watched that episode before, but didn't remember that part of it - and I thought it made perfect sense. They said Van Gogh was an excellent swordsman... so a duel (maybe a drunken duel) made sense to me.

Especially the drunk part. Because... that sounds fun...

And so cool you can spell that!!! 😘 😘 😘
Thank gods for google. I wanted to spell it like you did. Here is an article about the possible ear fiasco. ❤️❤️❤️
You’re so sweet 😊

And I can absolutely say the same about you!

I have an orchid... Well, a few actually, and I've named them and talk to them. My oldest one I got during my divorce and named her Ophelia. She's alive and seems healthy but she hasn't bloomed for so long. I nearly killed her several times but if she died I would be so sad... 🌸🪷🌷
She is gorgeous!!

Tip? If you want... beware I kill houseplants, but my bestie is a orchid lover and has taught me a few things.

Drip water into the inner container (in your sink) that has holes in it until all the bark is soaked then let it sit for a few minutes before putting it back in the ceramic container. Wipe off any drops of water that had collected on the leaves.

I do this once a week and so far mine is doing really well.
Thank gods for google. I wanted to spell it like you did. Here is an article about the possible ear fiasco. ❤️❤️❤️
How cool!!! I loved that show as a kid when it was new, and still enjoy it all these years later - even though some of those mysteries have much more info now. I love that you found an article stating the same theory I was half sleeping through the other night. 🥰 🥰 🥰 🥰 🥰
I think Ghostbusters II sort of refutes that statement, creepy Peter MacNicol notwithstanding.
That second movie was pretty fun.... I'm going to watch it next, when the first one I'm watching now finishes.

And Peter MacNicol? F-ing amazing!!! I've seen him in serious roles, and was excellent... but him doing Dwight Fry??? Amazing balls!