Cut off story, a new glitch?


Bad Doggie
Jul 13, 2009
I uploaded a story yesterday morning, and was surprised to see it live today. I saw it on my page and it had a 4.55 and I'm thinking that's a little low for a mature milf story, figured it was early am trolls, but then I clicked to read the comments.

All four said the story was cut off, and sure enough its truncated right where the final scene began.

I reviewed this before I hit publish to check everything and it was complete down to the closing author's note. I also still had the doc open on my computer and everything is still highlighted from when I hit select all to copy paste.

Obviously, the system ate it. Could be a one off fluke, or...maybe you need to check because one commenter said "Another good story that's been cut off"

Meantime I put it in to be deleted and asked Laurel if she could do it quickly, because its a bad look and puts off readers. I can do that on my own.
It happened to my story Encased. I was doing final edits in LE's own processor, so I'm certain it was all there before I hit submit. When it went up, 25% was missing.

PMed and waited for an edit to go through for 7 days, then had to upload the missing stuff as a second chapter since nothing was happening.

Until now I thought I was going crazy since I couldn't find anyone else who this had happened to, thought I'd been gaslighting myself into thinking it was all there when I submitted. I hope it works out better for you!
It happened to my story Encased. I was doing final edits in LE's own processor, so I'm certain it was all there before I hit submit. When it went up, 25% was missing.

PMed and waited for an edit to go through for 7 days, then had to upload the missing stuff as a second chapter since nothing was happening.

Until now I thought I was going crazy since I couldn't find anyone else who this had happened to, thought I'd been gaslighting myself into thinking it was all there when I submitted. I hope it works out better for you!
Likewise, this makes me feel better that it wasn't me screwing up even though I knew it wasn't.

I left a comment on the story telling readers I'm deleting it and will try and upload it again once this version is pulled.

I've never had a non contest story post in one day, and I'm wondering if that's part of the issue too, like the system rushed it.
I've never had a non contest story post in one day, and I'm wondering if that's part of the issue too, like the system rushed it.
Same here! It's an NC/R story, and it went up the same night I posted it, even though this was the first week of January. I've heard a lot of people were waiting a week to get their stuff through during the post Christmas backlog and thought it strange that it didn't affect me.
What was the text immediately before and after the point where the story was cut off? ( A couple of words in either direction ) Trying to eliminate something.

I've heard of it happening before. I've also heard at least once where it resolved itself the next time the site cache updated. Of course, for a new story, that's meaningless even if it does happen. This was a story that had been up for at least a few days, and suddenly the last page was missing. It may be fully intact in the database, but the cache software spazzed out while reading it.
What was the text immediately before and after the point where the story was cut off? ( A couple of words in either direction ) Trying to eliminate something.

I've heard of it happening before. I've also heard at least once where it resolved itself the next time the site cache updated. Of course, for a new story, that's meaningless even if it does happen. This was a story that had been up for at least a few days, and suddenly the last page was missing. It may be fully intact in the database, but the cache software spazzed out while reading it.
It cuts off mid word. This is the line where it stops

"What I needed, was some attentio
It cuts off mid word. This is the line where it stops

"What I needed, was some attentio
Yeah, nothing in that string I can see that would cause a scripting language to trip over its feet. It was an unlikely prospect, but worth eliminating.
For the record? Somehow this incomplete story has a 4.62 score on 58 votes. o_O

I wonder of readers understand this was on the site and not me.
Laurel got my message and axed the truncated version without having to wait the week it would usually take.

She advised that when I submit it once more to add in the notes field that it had this issue so they can look to see if there was anything wonky in my file, or if it was on their end.

All things considered, being that I've been posting work here for 14 years and this was the first time anything like this happened, its not a big deal

First world problems, right?
I uploaded a story yesterday morning, and was surprised to see it live today. I saw it on my page and it had a 4.55 and I'm thinking that's a little low for a mature milf story, figured it was early am trolls, but then I clicked to read the comments.

All four said the story was cut off, and sure enough its truncated right where the final scene began.

I reviewed this before I hit publish to check everything and it was complete down to the closing author's note. I also still had the doc open on my computer and everything is still highlighted from when I hit select all to copy paste.

Obviously, the system ate it. Could be a one off fluke, or...maybe you need to check because one commenter said "Another good story that's been cut off"

Meantime I put it in to be deleted and asked Laurel if she could do it quickly, because its a bad look and puts off readers. I can do that on my own.
It's happened to me one time. I PM'd Laurel and she fixed it the next day. She didn't know why it happened either.
Laurel got my message and axed the truncated version without having to wait the week it would usually take.

She advised that when I submit it once more to add in the notes field that it had this issue so they can look to see if there was anything wonky in my file, or if it was on their end.

All things considered, being that I've been posting work here for 14 years and this was the first time anything like this happened, its not a big deal

First world problems, right?
Before you resubmit, make sure all the text is there. It's entirely possible that this issue ate the end of the story in the database. If everything is there, that's yet another WTF data point for Manu to look at.
Before you resubmit, make sure all the text is there. It's entirely possible that this issue ate the end of the story in the database. If everything is there, that's yet another WTF data point for Manu to look at.
Laurel deleted the story for me so it didn;t linger for days and asked that when I submit it again, to put a note in the box saying what happened, and she'll double check it. I see nothing different on my end then any story I've submitted in the past, I always use copy paste. I went through the preview and like last time everything was there, so we'll see what happens.

I'll let you know
Laurel deleted the story for me so it didn;t linger for days and asked that when I submit it again, to put a note in the box saying what happened, and she'll double check it. I see nothing different on my end then any story I've submitted in the past, I always use copy paste. I went through the preview and like last time everything was there, so we'll see what happens.

I'll let you know
I was wondering. The smart way for you is absolutely a clean, fresh submission. Best way to diagnose what happened and whether it's repeatable would probably have been with the glitched one. I'd have probably had you change the title of the glitched one to DO NOT PUBLISH, and looked at it from behind the curtain to see if there was anything to learn — while putting the new, clean submission through the queue normally.
I was wondering. The smart way for you is absolutely a clean, fresh submission. Best way to diagnose what happened and whether it's repeatable would probably have been with the glitched one. I'd have probably had you change the title of the glitched one to DO NOT PUBLISH, and looked at it from behind the curtain to see if there was anything to learn — while putting the new, clean submission through the queue normally.
I did do a new one from scratch. I don't want to play around too much because I don't want another messed up story to get released and have the readers being like WTF.
I had this happen a while ago and didn't realise the story was essentially cut in half on submission. It was definitely all there on my final editing pass. I was then away on holiday and parental controls were in place so I never saw the glitch. When I got back, as with the OP, there was a comment saying the end was a bit sudden and cut off. I thought it was just being picky so I still didn't realise the truncation for a few more weeks until another comment from a trusted follower alerted me.

In the end, given the month or so gap in finding out, I submitted the lost bit as Part Two with an explanation.

I'm still, not happy with the outcome, but didn't think after that length of time taking it down was a good idea. Part 2 only has about 30% views of 'Part 1' so obviously a lot of people just ditched it as a bad job. I sometimes think about a takedown and resubmission but not sure if it would work now.
I was wondering. The smart way for you is absolutely a clean, fresh submission. Best way to diagnose what happened and whether it's repeatable would probably have been with the glitched one. I'd have probably had you change the title of the glitched one to DO NOT PUBLISH, and looked at it from behind the curtain to see if there was anything to learn — while putting the new, clean submission through the queue normally.
Story went up this morning-so within two days, I know some people have been saying publishing time is longer these days-and this time its complete.
Story went up this morning-so within two days, I know some people have been saying publishing time is longer these days-and this time its complete.
Glad it got cleared up. With any luck, your experience and someone with something very similar will point toward whatever bug caused it in the first place.

Congrats, but maybe it's better to thank privately than to rub it in for others who didn't get the same favoritism.
You're new according to your join date, so you shouldn't have any idea of the history, but suffice to say I can't breathe from laughing at the suggestion that LC is the site darling. Give it a little time and you'll most likely come to understand why it's such a hilarious notion.
I don't need an idea of the history of a business but rather of capitalism. If you bring the numbers, you'll get the service, often at the expense of others. Basic. The best businessmen are cold-hearted sociopaths.
Yep, this site is absolutely riddled with capitalism. Just look at the multiple ads every few inches on every single page. Every other post on the forum. Every fifth post in the chat room.

Oh.. Wait... ;)

While the site no doubt sustains itself, and probably provides the owners with sufficient income to avoid a 9-5, it's never been a business in that sense. It started as a pet project for Laurel, and at its heart, that's what it still is. ( Although one that's probably more work than fun nowadays. I imagine she dreams of an 8-hour day ) There's no one single person drawing in enough traffic to merit free bread sticks — never mind the red carpet treatment. The #1 author could pack up and leave, and it would barely be noticeable in the traffic stats. It's happened more than once.
Yep, this site is absolutely riddled with capitalism. Just look at the multiple ads every few inches on every single page. Every other post on the forum. Every fifth post in the chat room.

Oh.. Wait... ;)

While the site no doubt sustains itself, and probably provides the owners with sufficient income to avoid a 9-5, it's never been a business in that sense. It started as a pet project for Laurel, and at its heart, that's what it still is. ( Although one that's probably more work than fun nowadays. I imagine she dreams of an 8-hour day ) There's no one single person drawing in enough traffic to merit free bread sticks — never mind the red carpet treatment. The #1 author could pack up and leave, and it would barely be noticeable in the traffic stats. It's happened more than once.
The site could make more money than it does, but the mentality of it being a hobby is still in the owners mind. I am sure it takes a lot of effort to keep this place going, but considering they insist on keeping it a two person show then its their fault. The site could be grown, but there's no interest other than keeping it as is.

I think favoritism is rampant here, the darlings of the forum get immediate responses, and others are ignored. The ignoring of the AI issue I feel is going to test the site-and your-theory that everyone can just leave and it doesn't matter. However, when it comes to publishing time, I don't think it has to do with anything personal, but I do believe someone like you, myself, Keith, Silk, writers who are popular, are a big draw, and don't play games with the content, will always see a faster turnaround time than a new author or someone not as popular.

In that regard, I don't see it as playing favorites as much as business. Your bigger draws go first.

I'll add that its too bad the #1 author leaving has more than once left because they were driven off, and we know by who and with who's blessing