2024 Poetry Challenges Discussion

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Poet Chick
Mar 11, 2002
So here it is the beginning of December. Time flies, huh? This means 1) we're almost done with the 2023 weekly poetry challenge (phew); and 2) it's time to think about challenges for the coming year. (Please hold off on the rotten eggs and tomatoes: I'm just the poor moderator!)

When we last visited this subject (in the 2023 Poem-a-Week Discussion thread), we came to a few agreements:

1. There will be two poetry challenges per month

2. Each challenge will be led by a poet, who will volunteer to do so.

3. Each volunteer will decide on the content of the challenge, post the thread to start it, and respond to questions folks may have about the content.

4. When the month is done, so are the challenges and we move on to the ones for the following month. Can you still write to a January challenge in February or May or whenever? I don't see why not but the "official" period for a challenge is the month in which it's posted.

5. You don't have to participate in a challenge that doesn't appeal to you, but you do have to write a poem for any challenge you lead. (I think I just made that last bit up but it seems fair to me).

That's the basic set-up. What might you choose as the content for a challenge you lead? Whatever appeals to you as having potential. That might be a same title challenge (for example I say we'll all write poetry with the title "Flibbertigibbet"); an erotic poetry challenge; an ekphrastic challenge in which we write poems about a specific artwork; a form challenge (we all write sonnets, for example); illustrated or audio poetry challenges; challenges about space or the ocean, dreams, songs... whatever strikes you as good fodder for poetry! The only limit is you must follow Literotica Forum Guidelines, so make sure you're familiar with them.

One thing we didn't decide is how to split the two challenges over the month. We could post both challenges around the same time (say by the 5th of each month, for example). Participants would then have a month to come up with two poems (or one if they only like or have time for one challenge). Or, we could separate the challenges by posting one on the 1st and the other on the 15th. What do y'all think? I like posting both at the beginning of the month so we have more time. I'd rather have a whole month than two weeks, but I need to know what you want.

Am I forgetting anything? If I've missed something or you have questions, concerns, ideas please post in this thread. I'd like to post a signup sheet by 12/10 so people can choose times when they're available to lead a challenge. And don't worry that if you sign up to lead say four different challenges and then discover you'll only be available for two, for example, it'll be a problem. We'll figure things out. We always do!

I know this is a crazy busy time of year for many of us, but please share your thoughts and ideas, help me make this work in the best possible way! Oh and everyone is welcome to lead a challenge whether you're an old forum dweller like me, brand spanking new or somewhere in between: the more and varied we are the better for us all! 🌹🌹🌹
I like posting both at the beginning of the month so we have more time. I'd rather have a whole month than two weeks, but I need to know what you want.
I think posting both at the beginning of the month makes most sense.

Im a bit nervous abt changing up, but totally willing to give this a shot. Looking forward to it.
I think posting both at the beginning of the month makes most sense.

Im a bit nervous abt changing up, but totally willing to give this a shot. Looking forward to it.
Thank you for responding. I just stopped in planning to bump this thread and beg for responses! 🌹

The change will be good, and if you hate a particular challenge...lol maybe hate is too strong a word; let's say if you're not feeling it for whatever challenge...just ignore it. We're pretty laid back here. I know I won't be offended in the least if I post a challenge and some folks think "ugh I don't want to do that" and then don't!
I'm highly willing to participate in those challenges if time & muse allow; and one specific challenge is taking shape in my head.

I think one whole month per challenge is a good time frame. It worked very well during Piscator's n-Line Challenges.
I'm highly willing to participate in those challenges if time & muse allow; and one specific challenge is taking shape in my head.

I think one whole month per challenge is a good time frame. It worked very well during Piscator's n-Line Challenges.
Hi Snow. 🌹

I think people were wanting two challenges per month and now the thinking is to start both at the beginning of the month. Of course people will respond to whatever challenges appeal to them. And if we don't get enough people volunteering to cover two challenges per month, we'll go with what we have. There are already lots of individual challenge opportunities here, but it's great when we write together!
Two challenges per month, both posted at or near the beginning of the month sounds good. Hopefully, everyone will find at least one of the two enticing, if not both. And, yes, the challenge leader should be posting a poem in their own challenge. :)
The idea of having two challenges that run the entire month is good. I would suggest (you may have meant to imply this) that the two challenges be led by different poets. It would also be nice if they were of different types--an STC and a form, for example, instead of two STCs or two forms, etc. But that's merely a suggestion.

I can pretty much always come up with something as a challenge, so feel free to ask me if you're having problems coming up with two challenges for a particular month.
The idea of having two challenges that run the entire month is good. I would suggest (you may have meant to imply this) that the two challenges be led by different poets. It would also be nice if they were of different types--an STC and a form, for example, instead of two STCs or two forms, etc. But that's merely a suggestion.

I can pretty much always come up with something as a challenge, so feel free to ask me if you're having problems coming up with two challenges for a particular month.
I did mean two different people would lead the challenges in a given month (for example, you and Snow lead the two in February), so thank you for clarifying that.

I'm also thinking that we need to make sure the two challenges aren't the same kind. We don't, for example, want two same title challenges in March...or two sestina challenges in May (lol my nightmare scenario). I guess we'll just have to be flexible and communicate, maybe switch things up as necessary. Like you, Tzara, I'm around to help if we need an extra leader or to change the prompt to avoid two of the same kind.

This is gonna work folks and the best thing is more poetry is coming! Happy New Year! 🍾🎊🎉
Bumping the thread as I'll post the challenge sign-ups soon, probably Sunday or Monday. If you have ideas, comments, questions you want considered before then, now's the time to raise them. Obviously you can at any time but if I've forgotten or missed some key point/idea it would be great to know now! 🌹
Though I haven't read through the entire introduction but if we set up a challenge do we have to write in that entire month (everyday?) or just the initial first day?

2. will you decide (and) set up the person for each month before hand?

3. what's the role of the Challenger in a particular month?

can anyone start a challenge on his/her own separately?
(like 52 weeks only erotic poetry)
(though this platform is more popular a new one may not get all to participate)
What if I’m scared to write a sonnet?
I don’t really know how to go bout it
I prefer fewer rules
To express inner ghouls
Or maybe I just have bee in my bonnet

I think I could handle a limerick or haiku. I don’t know if I’d have the wherewithal to write a sonnet.

Or will the weekly challenges just thematic?
Though I haven't read through the entire introduction but if we set up a challenge do we have to write in that entire month (everyday?) or just the initial first day?

2. will you decide (and) set up the person for each month before hand?

3. what's the role of the Challenger in a particular month?

can anyone start a challenge on his/her own separately?
(like 52 weeks only erotic poetry)
(though this platform is more popular a new one may not get all to participate)
1. You have the whole month to respond. And if you don't think a particular challenge is a good fit for you, you don't need to do it at all. Just do the challenges that work for you. 🙂

2. Each challenge leader is someone who volunteers to do it. I'm not picking anyone (although I'm not above whining and begging if we need more people lol).

3. If you choose to volunteer as a challenge leader, you decide what the challenge will be; start the thread for the challenge; and respond to questions participants have about your challenge. And if you need help with any of that, just message me. You can also look at the challenges in January and February, for example, to get a feel for how they work and volunteer for your own later in the year.

4. Anyone is always welcome to start a poetry challenge on the forum as long as it meets the Forum Guidelines.

Hope this helps! 🌹
What if I’m scared to write a sonnet?
I don’t really know how to go bout it
I prefer fewer rules
To express inner ghouls
Or maybe I just have bee in my bonnet

I think I could handle a limerick or haiku. I don’t know if I’d have the wherewithal to write a sonnet.

Or will the weekly challenges just thematic?
I think (and Angie, correct me if I'm wrong about this) that the challenges will likely be quite a variety of things. They may be to write a poem or poems in a specific form--limerick, sonnet, haiku, whatever--but they may be thematic (e.g. write an erotic poem regardless of form, write a poem about nature, write a poem about your parents or your hometown, etc.), or write a poem with a specific title ("same title challenge" or STC, where one can write about anything in any form so long as they use the designated title for the poem), or... well, whatever the person posting the challenge comes up with.

If a particular challenge doesn't interest or suit you, just skip it. I happen to like trying to write poetry in a particular form, but I know that doesn't interest many people and I would expect many would not choose to participate in a challenge if I asked participants to write a villanelle, for example.

Since we all have different approaches to poetry, I would expect that we'll get quite a variety of challenges. I myself don't expect to write something for every one, though that would be my goal.

Also, just to clarify, there will be two challenges posted at the beginning of the month, and those challenges will last for the entire month (in other words, they aren't a weekly challenge, as the 52 week one is now). The object would be to post at least one poem during the month for any challenge you decide you want to participate in.

Or something like that.
What if I’m scared to write a sonnet?
I don’t really know how to go bout it
I prefer fewer rules
To express inner ghouls
Or maybe I just have bee in my bonnet

I think I could handle a limerick or haiku. I don’t know if I’d have the wherewithal to write a sonnet.

Or will the weekly challenges just thematic?
Well I always advocate for people pushing outside their comfort zone, but I also don't want anyone to feel they have to respond to a particular challenge. So, as I said to Glee in the previous post, if you don't want to do a particular challenge, just don't.

And no way will all challenges be write a traditional form of some kind. I expect there will be plenty of challenges that will allow participants to respond with a traditional form OR free verse. For example, if the challenge is just "write a poem about the ocean," it can be any kind of poem about the ocean. Let your imagination run wild.

And again, the most important take-away is that participating in any of this, either as a leader or a writer does NOT require you to do ALL of them. Write for the ones you like and, of course, continue to write in any of the ongoing challenge threads on the forum.

I think (and Angie, correct me if I'm wrong about this) that the challenges will likely be quite a variety of things. They may be to write a poem or poems in a specific form--limerick, sonnet, haiku, whatever--but they may be thematic (e.g. write an erotic poem regardless of form, write a poem about nature, write a poem about your parents or your hometown, etc.), or write a poem with a specific title ("same title challenge" or STC, where one can write about anything in any form so long as they use the designated title for the poem), or... well, whatever the person posting the challenge comes up with.

If a particular challenge doesn't interest or suit you, just skip it. I happen to like trying to write poetry in a particular form, but I know that doesn't interest many people and I would expect many would not choose to participate in a challenge if I asked participants to write a villanelle, for example.

Since we all have different approaches to poetry, I would expect that we'll get quite a variety of challenges. I myself don't expect to write something for every one, though that would be my goal.

Also, just to clarify, there will be two challenges posted at the beginning of the month, and those challenges will last for the entire month (in other words, they aren't a weekly challenge, as the 52 week one is now). The object would be to post at least one poem during the month for any challenge you decide you want to participate in.

Or something like that.
Yes. 🌹
I’m up for giving it a shot for sure! Sounds interesting, but I’m not much a of a technical writer.

But I got other shit in my head that’s gotta get out too. I’ll figure it out.
I’m up for giving it a shot for sure! Sounds interesting, but I’m not much a of a technical writer.

But I got other shit in my head that’s gotta get out too. I’ll figure it out.
Whatever you choose will work out fine. You'll see. We all play well together here (most of the time, anyway 😂).
I’m up for giving it a shot for sure! Sounds interesting, but I’m not much a of a technical writer.

But I got other shit in my head that’s gotta get out too. I’ll figure it out.

Hey :)

..you can always create your own thread OR be a challenge volunteer leader with a topic for Veterans?...i'll definitely be reading..no matter how dark.
just a thought.

(Note: i am not a Veteran but have family that has served - oops correction: Marines never stop. Once a Marine always a Marine)
I’m up for giving it a shot for sure! Sounds interesting, but I’m not much a of a technical writer.

But I got other shit in my head that’s gotta get out too. I’ll figure it out.

I have never really studied or tried many forms, although the occasional challenge through the years has gotten my interest and I've given a few a shot from time to time. It can be fun, though there are some that have rules that make my brain itch. If I've ever tried a sonnet, I've since blocked that memory. The cool part about having prompts, whether it's a form or a theme, is that sometimes something will grab your attention or curiosity in a way you wouldn't have expected. It could be the timing, or just seeing what others are writing, but you might feel a pull to try something new.
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