Israel/Hamas PB Tribal Fight

Here's a question no one's asking, "Why are NONE of the regional powers providing aid to Hamas/Palestinians?"
Same reasons when hundreds if thousands were killed in Syria, Yemen Libya

No one gives a shit about dead Muslims
Here's a question no one's asking, "Why are NONE of the regional powers providing aid to Hamas/Palestinians?"
They've answered. They don't want it to be a permanent solution. They know if they provide housing, that none will be allowed to return to their homes. It's actually part of the conflict when both sides have experienced ejection from their homes and we're never able to return.

And I know it's not cut and dry like that, but many in the Arab world don't want to support that sorta thing in any way.

If a two state solution were an option being discussed, those countries might change their tune.
We gave them a two-state solution and it placated their bloodlust not one whit.

The dream of a "Palestine" is as dead as a baked Jewish infant.

There are plenty of successful Muslim-Arab counties.

We need to pull the plug on the "two state."

It's true. Give them a meter and
they demand a kilometer
We gave them a two-state solution and it placated their bloodlust not one whit.

The dream of a "Palestine" is as dead as a baked Jewish infant.

There are plenty of successful Muslim-Arab counties.

We need to pull the plug on the "two state."

It's true. Give them a meter and
they demand a kilometer
That wasn't a two state solution.
Welp we have had a majority casualty in the Hamas/Israeli conflict this morning: the working relationship between Ben Shapiro, overseer of the Daily Wire plantation, and Candace Owens, head trustee of the field hands.

They've had a verbal dustup over Owen's Bible-thumping re: the Gaza conflict and Shapiro's "Israel can do no wrong! NO WRONG!" extremism.

Get yer popcorn folks.
Everyone commenting here should be required to watch this. It's a fantastic unbiased piece that tells the who and the why without taking a side.

we watched this when it aired; it is an excellent take on filling in a little background and showing human lives matter equally, wherever one lives. his shows tackle some topics that barely get scratched anywhere else on a level that educates.
That wasn't a two state solution.
There is NO two state solution nor will there be such a solution long into the foreseeable future. Nor will Gaza EVER be part of that solution. Gaza is gone forever, Israel will never tolerate a situation like that to exist ever again, and the Egyptians will celebrate.
those that bleat 2 State solution are insane

do they forget


pretend to forget

That Israel offered that multiple times


Arafat and then Abbas turned it down?

And what did those pamphlets that were dropped in Southern Gaza say? That the IDF is now going to invade there. Told you all.
That’s just one of many sources.
Then get one from "your" type. You can't denigrate one media company on one hand, then hold them out as proof with the other. I've already done a post on you showing your claims of CNN as fake news, don't make me rehash dogs you'd rather let lay.
If we have “our own

If the US has “its own independent intelligence” about what Hamas is doing… remind me again what exactly “Our Greatest Ally” does to earn that position.
What does this mean?

Israel doesn’t seem to do anything for us that’s different or better than we can do for ourselves… so what are we getting out of the relationship?
Yah, it's a mystery. ¯⁠\⁠(⁠°⁠_⁠o⁠)⁠/⁠¯
What does this mean?

Yah, it's a mystery. ¯⁠\⁠(⁠°⁠_⁠o⁠)⁠/⁠¯
Not at all. The Israeli defense industry is more advanced than out own in some respects. Iron Dome is one example that we're incorporating into our own system. Another is the F-35 systems. Every nation that is purchasing the F-35 is restricted to being in lock-step with various systems improvements with the releases as they come, except for Israel. They can experiment and deploy their own enhancements with the only restriction being we are allowed access to whatever they do.

They are especially good at various software improvements and the systems they have come up with are a lot more economical than our own. In other words Israel has become an R&D arm of our own defense industry. They are quite clever at 'thinking out of the box' innovations, like the "sponge bomb."
Got it. So you want to kick Israelis out and you think this is a valid option.
No, I don't want to "kick anyone out". As I said before, the people there have to all learn to live together, regardless of their religious beliefs or lack thereof. The Zionist project has been to create a "Jewish state", with apartheid, ethno-nationalism, expelling people from their lands, and war crimes at the centre of the ideology. It's sickening.

No, they are going room by room in a hospital that Hamas has made their HQ in order to bring hostile opponents to justice.
You seriously believe that BS? These are hospitals with gravely ill people and babies needing life support.

As I said before, Israel's politicians are not hiding what they are doing when they are talking to their supporters domestically. They insult the intelligence of North American and European populations with their propaganda BS, as if hospitals are basically the military barracks of Hamas. want Palestinians to exist and Israel not to exist. That is not peace and security for both.
I want the Zionist project to be brought to an end, and for the peoples of all religions and none to live together in Palestine as they did before Israel was founded. The current war crimes and genocide has to end.
We gave them a two-state solution and it placated their bloodlust not one whit.
We? Who is we? There was no Palestinian state that resulted from the 1993 Oslo Accords. Israel has proceeded, with the support of US administrations, to wreck any chance of a two-state solution, by allowing Israel to turn Gaza into a ghetto and allowing the continued theft of Palestinian land and settler violence against Palestinians in the West Bank. And now they want the collaborator, "Palestinian Authority", to control the Gaza wasteland when Israel has reduced it to rubble. It's an extremely sick joke.
Yo, Randy

Did you ever try going to ANY Muslim cuntry and tell em you are BI?
Well, same-sex sexual activity was illegal in New York State until 1980 (despite New York's reputation at the time), and was illegal in something like 13 and a half US states until as recently as 2003. The way that trans people are treated today by conservative politicians, that was how they targeted gay and bisexual people in the 1990s while Mrs. Doubtfire was a hit movie. The right-wing conservative crazies always have scapegoat targets.

Here's a question no one's asking, "Why are NONE of the regional powers providing aid to Hamas/Palestinians?"
The fact that the capitalist ruling classes in the region don't really care about Palestinians. Then there's their fear of another "Arab spring".