Religious women who struggle with their sexuality

Religious indoctrination usually starts at home so I will quote from the poet , Philip Larkin

"They fuck you up, your mum and dad.
They may not mean to, but they do.
They fill you with the faults they had
And add some extra, just for you.

But they were fucked up in their turn
By fools in old-style hats and coats,
Who half the time were soppy-stern
And half at one another’s throats.

Man hands on misery to man.
It deepens like a coastal shelf.
Get out as early as you can,
And don’t have any kids yourself."
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I also find this concept arousing. A prim & proper lady on the surface who suppresses her "inner slut" until eventually the slut wins out and "makes" her do all kind of naughty nasty things.
This was definitely the case with my wife. She was happy in our monogamous relationship for the first three years or so. Then grew sexually restless, curious of other men. She has recently confessed to there being three other men that fucked her in that time period. I suspect there were more. I hope there were more!
I will answer your question once I tip my cap to the absolutely perfect pun you just dropped... Ok, now that's out of the way.

Absolutely it is. But I will say, I have spoken to the girl I dated who only let me do anal so she could "remain a virgin"... She's married with 2 adult children now, and she still maintains to this day that she doesn't feel like that's when she lost her virginity. She's no longer religious, but in her mind, anal still didn't count. Can't say I agree, but I guess the only person that it really matters to should be her.
I can see how a woman could use this strategy to trick her husband into thinking she's still a virgin because her hymen is intact, but its takes a lot of self-delusion to convince herself that it's true.
I also find this concept arousing. A prim & proper lady on the surface who suppresses her "inner slut" until eventually the slut wins out and "makes" her do all kind of naughty nasty things.
I dated a woman like this years ago - she wasn't religious in the slightest, but dressed very conservatively (showed very little skin) and never acted flirtatiously or did anything to show her sexuality in public. She was a real hellcat in bed however - insatiable. In contrast, the woman I dated after her would dress to look "hot" but was anything but that in private.
There is a huge theme of religious trauma in the folks I see as a mental health professional. Also, I’ve seen religion used to manipulate people into doing things they don’t want to out of duty and obligation - and sexually speaking I see that equal to rape.

So much damage inside of something that has so much potential for beauty.
There is a huge theme of religious trauma in the folks I see as a mental health professional. Also, I’ve seen religion used to manipulate people into doing things they don’t want to out of duty and obligation - and sexually speaking I see that equal to rape.

So much damage inside of something that has so much potential for beauty.
Truer words were never spoken!
It is so very easy to put a thought or idea into someone’s head. Just a little comment or even a look at the right place and at the right time and it sticks. While I completely understand why religious doctrine is there to curb sexuality. In many cases the religious “instructors” take it too far and the result is some sort of mental/social/emotional/sexual trama. Rules about sexuality are like the rules of the road but if applied too severely and with great pressure; aka, guilt, it makes the person not want to drive at all.
The girl who took my virginity was religious (jewish) and seems to have been quite experienced. She told me that God gave her a body and must have known what she was going to do with it. In her 20s, Marion actually got quite slutty in our little circle of friends. But then she got married to a religious guy -- I have always wondered what she told Harry about her sexual history.
I also find this concept arousing. A prim & proper lady on the surface who suppresses her "inner slut" until eventually the slut wins out and "makes" her do all kind of naughty nasty things.
Yes, naughty things like create a separate email to make a Lit account to chat with strangers (after morning devotional reading) while masturbating every morning before work
Yes, naughty things like create a separate email to make a Lit account to chat with strangers (after morning devotional reading) while masturbating every morning before work
My email is separate, but, it's more about anonymity than getting caught. I use it for Google chat where "anony ryder" can enjoy herself and not worry about online intertwining with in the real...
My experiences with a very religous woman and observing the numerous sex scandals associated with various religions, leads me to believe that the conflict between "original sin" and our perfectly natural desires leads either to hypocrisy or "righteous" people being caught out on some bacchanalian bender.
my mature catholic wife had been faithful for most of our marriage. she was a virgin when we got married and, until about 4 years or so ago, i believe that she had never even seen or touched another man's cock.

My wife is very involved with our local catholic church and our diocese. She is on the parish's board of trustees and various diocese committees, she gets involved with different church ministries, she teaches religious education to teenagers and the like. She also started a Bible study group.

A few years back, we started to have some issues with our marriage, at the same time that my wife's sex drive started to increase dramatically. this was also the time that she was studying for her masters in theology, so i assume that younger guys were hitting on her at her classes and that triggered her sex drive. my wife told me that she needed counseling to cope with the situation and started going to the our parish priest for counseling. she ended up sleeping with the priest behind my back for about 6 months or so.

The guy she is fucking now is a younger stay at home husband in her Bible study group. she has been bending over for him for over 3 years now.
she has no idea that i know about either of her affairs. But I jerk off constantly just thinking about her cheating on me.
my mature catholic wife had been faithful for most of our marriage. she was a virgin when we got married and, until about 4 years or so ago, i believe that she had never even seen or touched another man's cock.

My wife is very involved with our local catholic church and our diocese. She is on the parish's board of trustees and various diocese committees, she gets involved with different church ministries, she teaches religious education to teenagers and the like. She also started a Bible study group.

A few years back, we started to have some issues with our marriage, at the same time that my wife's sex drive started to increase dramatically. this was also the time that she was studying for her masters in theology, so i assume that younger guys were hitting on her at her classes and that triggered her sex drive. my wife told me that she needed counseling to cope with the situation and started going to the our parish priest for counseling. she ended up sleeping with the priest behind my back for about 6 months or so.

The guy she is fucking now is a younger stay at home husband in her Bible study group. she has been bending over for him for over 3 years now.
she has no idea that i know about either of her affairs. But I jerk off constantly just thinking about her cheating on me.
That's hawt
This started out as interesting and then I watched it like a YouTube car chase and it skidded off the road and into a ditch, lol! “All churches admit to the false gods….” I believe you are referring to the first and possibly the second commandments that Moses brought out of Mt. Sinai? 1. Thou shall have no other gods before me. 2. Thou shall worship no idols. Don’t want to make this a theologian discussion so let’s move to today. Some people think that money is the be all and end all. They work and strive to make more. They put aside everything in order to get that promotion or raise or secure that position. They in fact are worshiping money. They have replaced GOD with a golden idol. That is what churches speak about. Just one example.

The Freemasons worship the Baphomet god? Ahh, no! As a Freemason, we believe in the one true GOD. I think you are referring to the claim that the knights Templar worshiped a bearded goat figure. I will admit that a few may have done such thing. And they were rounded up by a mob with torches and pitchforks and killed. Similarly to what happened during the Spanish Inquisition. Thousands were tortured. Over in this country, the Salem witch trials occurred, while deaths were not in the thousands, nonetheless mobs can get pretty ugly and hysterical at times. And many innocent people are killed.

The Baphomet god is typically referred to as satan. And yes, you are 100% in that ALL evil comes from him. You are also 100% correct when you said that Christian homes are more targeted by satan then others.

So your explanation wasn’t exactly correct or incorrect.

My own thoughts are that younger people are told no, no, no, no and when they can finally take control of their own lives, they explode, lol! Good example are the Amish. Teenage boys when they come of age will supe up their carriages and go wild! Well, as wild as an Amish can get, lol! Living under a strict rule for years can make one want to just go out and be reckless, lol! On my 21st birthday, I went crazy, lol!!

That may be the reason why when younger people get out from their parents roof, they get very sexual?? Just a thought.
Gonna mildly correct you Brother, must believe in a higher power. Nothing as a Master Mason states one true god. That's as far as I will go in that subject.