Do Other Authors Use Twitter?

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Fanciful busybody
Apr 7, 2022
I was reading a How To article from Silkstockingslover where they mentioned utilizing Twitter to interact with fans and grow an audience. The social side of things sounds really fun to me, but I have a hard time keeping up with forums like here.

So I wanted to ask:
  • Are there many other Authors who use twitter?
  • How successful or beneficial has it been for you?
  • I have general concerns of anonymity, does Twitter risk that?
  • Lastly, what are some author handles so I can see first hand?

Thanks all :) always enjoy chatting with folks here.
I don't use Twitter, no. That would eat significantly into my writing time and it's just another dimension of yammering.
I'm not one to offer publicity advice, but I think twitter is the lowest common denominator of social media.

The sooner it goes belly-up the happier will I be.
I know of a couple Lit Authors that do use twitter. I have considered making an account for just my Literotica work. I wouldn't ever use my main account.
I know of a couple Lit Authors that do use twitter. I have considered making an account for just my Literotica work. I wouldn't ever use my main account.
Yeah for sure that was my idea just to use my handle for Lit work and sort of use it as a tool to commune with prospective audience or other authors
My publisher advised me to get on Twitter, so I did. It was fun figuring out the profile pic.

I might have posted there... ten times? Possibly?
I am - or, at least, was - fond of Twitter, but following its muskification I'm rarely there. These days I hang out in Mastodon writing daft haiku.
It can't hurt, and literotica itself has one, but its only fine if you're just promoting lit material

Few years back a group of hyenas from here decided to start publishing for sale, they were going to take over the market!

They created twitter accounts for their for sale pen names. Then proceeded to link their free contest stories and other work on, buy my stuff, but here's free stuff and massive site full of free stuff. And they wonder why they were an epic failure.

But if you want to push one or the other, it can't hurt

But keep in mind Silk's popularity is insane and its a combination of things with twitter not being one of the bigger ones.
I am - or, at least, was - fond of Twitter, but following its muskification I'm rarely there. These days I hang out in Mastodon writing daft haiku.
I know, ever since its no longer a stronghold of leftist propaganda lies and censorship its lost its charm. :rolleyes:
Successful? Not at all. My publisher asked me to open a Twitter account but to be honest, I use it mostly to follow news, politics and the Ukraine war and troll pro-Russian posters, it's got zero to do with my writing. I find since Elon took Twitter over, its been a far more lively and useful environment without all the leftwing bias and one-sidedness and the tantrums from both the weirdo-extremist left and the nut-case right are really entertaining. Far more so than Facebook. Musk's doing a wonderful job there. But its been meaningless for me in regard to my writing. Its a lot of work to do what silkstockinglover does. I can't be bothered.

Anonymity? Well, it isn't if you use your real name and email address and everything, but of you stick with a pseudonym and keep it the same as your author pseudonym, which is what I do with all my social media, you're cool. It just has to be a pseudonym completely divorced in every way from the real you, and its not a problem.

As for authors, just look up a few well known ones and see. I did, but they were well known before Twitter, and it beats me how Twitter helps you with sales for example. I interact with my readers mostly on Facebook
Successful? Not at all. My publisher asked me to open a Twitter account but to be honest, I use it mostly to follow news, politics and the Ukraine war and troll pro-Russian posters, it's got zero to do with my writing. I find since Elon took Twitter over, its been a far more lively and useful environment without all the leftwing bias and one-sidedness and the tantrums from both the weirdo-extremist left and the nut-case right are really entertaining. Far more so than Facebook. Musk's doing a wonderful job there. But its been meaningless for me in regard to my writing. Its a lot of work to do what silkstockinglover does. I can't be bothered.

Anonymity? Well, it isn't if you use your real name and email address and everything, but of you stick with a pseudonym and keep it the same as your author pseudonym, which is what I do with all my social media, you're cool. It just has to be a pseudonym completely divorced in every way from the real you, and its not a problem.

As for authors, just look up a few well known ones and see. I did, but they were well known before Twitter, and it beats me how Twitter helps you with sales for example. I interact with my readers mostly on Facebook
Maintaining an account for promotion is work, and like you, meh. I have a job, family, my actual writing, an e-bay side hustle etc...I can't be tweeting all day. Also, I think its annoying when anyone tweets 24/7 pimping whatever it is they're pimping.

My twitter account is for one of my pen names, I have nothing for me personally. I mostly follow horror and comic related stuff, but politics seem unavoidable

I agree that since both sides are allowed to speak, the threads are a lot more spicy, and watching all the snowflakes melt, say they're leaving, but keep showing up to say they're leaving is funny. That and the I hate twitter people who have no idea why they're supposed to hate it, they're just supposed to. Social media and Darwinism are closely linked.
I do, although I don't use it much to promote my Literotica stories. Sometimes I link to them on Twitter, and sometimes I forget to. Mostly I use Twitter as a source of amusement and for finding links to news and entertainment sources I want to look at.

I have seen no evidence that Twitter has contributed to traffic to my stories, but I have no way of knowing, based on how I use it.

I'm somewhat surprised at all the vitriol leveled at Twitter. I don't take it that seriously. It's impossible to have a real conversation about anything on Twitter. It's useful for links, although you have to check the links to make sure they are worth something.
Writers, readers, and owners alike – this place is a monastery for perverts, lunatics, and lifeless sociopaths.

But not mimes, thank God. Mimes would have a hard time here, and we're better off for it.
I know, ever since its no longer a stronghold of leftist propaganda lies and censorship its lost its charm. :rolleyes:
It was never a stronghold of leftist anything, but Mr Supposed Genius is letting all the reactionaries back into the house.

It's funny. I have two Twitter accounts. One is a mix of Lit authors posting smut mixed with RoP/FirstKill/Dune fandom, which is overall fun and positive, and the other is mostly trans people trying to maintain a small corner of positivity on the web while under seige from politicians, mainstream media, bigots and all their bot armies. It was never a 'stronghold'; it was a shiny steel upside-down colander.
It was never a stronghold of leftist anything, but Mr Supposed Genius is letting all the reactionaries back into the house.

It's funny. I have two Twitter accounts. One is a mix of Lit authors posting smut mixed with RoP/FirstKill/Dune fandom, which is overall fun and positive, and the other is mostly trans people trying to maintain a small corner of positivity on the web while under seige from politicians, mainstream media, bigots and all their bot armies. It was never a 'stronghold'; it was a shiny steel upside-down colander.
Keep in min two things, I am talking pure politics, but other sub groups and when it comes to politics we had the DOJ telling Twitter and Facebook what not to post and it was all anything even remotely conservative. That's why Dorsey suddenly stepped down, he knew he was going to get caught in the mess when it all came out.

Second "Bigot" works both ways, and I'm sure trans people come under some unwarranted ignorant bullshit. But a bigot is also someone who is a person says they're pro life(I'm pro choice BTW) they're immediately met with hatred because of that opinion. That's bigotry as well. If you express an opinion there that is anything but far left (I'm not talking average democrat, I mean way out there) they go after you like your some type of murderer.

There's a big lesson to be learned from Twitter if people could see beyond brainwashing and blind rage. The quote about censorship where it says first they came for them, then they came for me, and no one was there to help me, because I let them do it.

All the people that supported the suppression of one political ideology and thought it was fair and funny, are now complaining things like that are happening to them. Well, maybe you should have defended free speech when you had the chance.

But like I said, it will fall on deaf and dumb ears, easier to keep blaming others.

For me, and anyone there for anything but politics, nothings changed, its just popular to cry about it anyway.
Not sure if its true, because I never had one, but I've heard Facebook is really tough on erotica?
Is that a real thing?
I have a group of friends I keep in touch with in a group chat, and I promote my stories on Twitter.

The Literotica twitter account has 19.5k followers and will follow any authors who have accounts there. If you tag them in a tweet they will retweet you. That's a decent bit of promotion. It also will allow you to find other Lit authors.

And, honestly, I have found that if you have an issue or a question for Laurel, it's easier to get a reply on Twitter than it is here.
It was never a stronghold of leftist anything, but Mr Supposed Genius is letting all the reactionaries back into the house.

It's funny. I have two Twitter accounts. One is a mix of Lit authors posting smut mixed with RoP/FirstKill/Dune fandom, which is overall fun and positive, and the other is mostly trans people trying to maintain a small corner of positivity on the web while under seige from politicians, mainstream media, bigots and all their bot armies. It was never a 'stronghold'; it was a shiny steel upside-down colander.

No, I don't believe it was ever a leftist stronghold either, but Twitter's conduct regarding some issues, and Facebook's as well, raises a very important issue: what is the responsibility of corporate media platforms in the face of what some call "misinformation"? Do we trust them as gatekeepers of what is accurate and what is not?

I don't think this is a partisan political position: I don't. I think, in most platforms, public and private, the "right" response to bad or false speech is good or truthful speech. Let people say what they want to say, and let people choose to believe what they believe. I have very, very little confidence in the judgment of speech gatekeepers, once we make "speech gatekeeper" a thing. It doesn't matter what their politics are. I think there's ample reason and evidence to be extremely skeptical that anyone is qualified for that job, whether it's in the government, in media, in academic institutions, or anywhere.
I was reading a How To article from Silkstockingslover where they mentioned utilizing Twitter to interact with fans and grow an audience. The social side of things sounds really fun to me, but I have a hard time keeping up with forums like here.

So I wanted to ask:
  • Are there many other Authors who use twitter?
  • How successful or beneficial has it been for you?
  • I have general concerns of anonymity, does Twitter risk that?
  • Lastly, what are some author handles so I can see first hand?

Thanks all :) always enjoy chatting with folks here.
I use it, but not in connection with my erotica.

Twitter is currently going through a major upheaval under a new owner who didn't want to own it in the first place, has compared it to "a plane that's headed towards the ground at high speed, with the engines on fire, and the controls don't work", and is now attempting to shitpost his way through it as he celebrates becoming the first person in history to lose $200 billion. It's too early to make a call on where that's going to end up, so it might be better to wait and see before committing a lot of energy to it.

There are several concerns related to anonymity:
- Twitter recently experienced a major hack in which details of 400 million accounts were exposed, linking Twitter handles to email addresses and phone numbers.
- There are concerns that staff losses under the new management will exacerbate such risks - see e.g.
- The new owner has a history of labelling his opponents as "pedos" (e.g. the time he tried to "help" rescuing the Thai kids stuck in a flooded cave and got mad when an experienced diver called bullshit on his unworkable submarine proposal), and is currently courting a conspiracy-theory group that believes in Satanic pedophile networks. I'm not aware of any actions by him targeting erotica, but it's the kind of thing that can very easily get caught in the splash radius when people pander to the nutters.
- He's been trying to stoke interests in allegations that the previous management was suppressing political viewpoints; as part of this he ordered staff to give a pet journalist completely unrestricted behind-the-scenes access, potentially in violation of a consent decree from previous privacy breaches. So there's already a history of compromising user privacy for ideological ends.
As one who would not send her daughter to work for him, you have no problem using his services.
What to be expected from an ex-con-whore.

I'm more pro-free speech than most of the contributors to this forum, but I absolutely draw the line at vile ad hominem attacks. I've reported you.
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