
I watched a recent thriller on Netflix, I'm not sure if they took it down or not yet. It was good, but thrilling!! Wow! It's a indie film and I love those! And I love thrillers and horror movies. :heart:

Super Dark Times. I don't wanna give too much away, but it's crazy.
"Love and Monsters" . . . pure fun.

I watched a recent thriller on Netflix, I'm not sure if they took it down or not yet. It was good, but thrilling!! Wow! It's a indie film and I love those! And I love thrillers and horror movies. :heart:

Super Dark Times. I don't wanna give too much away, but it's crazy.

I'm going to have to watch both of these then? Can't wait! Eee!
I watched The Lives of Others as part of my movie challenge for the year (10 movies watched so far, making excellent progress for once!) and it's just such a great movie. One of my favorites, always makes me think of the insanity of people and the capability of people to normalize insanity. It's just heartbreaking but also heartwarming, at least one small sliver of it.

You can always choose to be a decent human being.
List more funny horror here?


Take Maximum Overdrive and strip away the badass AC/DC soundtrack, any actors that even had a hope for the A-List such as Estevez, and... well... even the rest of the truck with the goblin grill...

Oh, and it's telekinetic as well as romantically invested.

But, does it get the girl?

There goes 90 minutes of your life you will never get back.

The Snake Charmer. A documentary about a very famous and successful Bollywood actor Aamir Khan and more specificly about what he's done and doing to bring change to India. He's used his fame to talk about topics like female feticide, rape, poverty etc.

It was really interesting. Chilling comments from some of the interviewed people, but also lots of hope. It's going to be a slow change.
We had a change of plans this weekend so we decided to watch a movie.
It was already getting a bit late so note the time for lengthy scrolling and great debates about what to watch. He picked The Favourite (2018)
It is about a love triangle and a power struggle set at Queen Annes court.

I didn’t really know what to expect, just that I had thought that I wanted to see it. It has stayed on my mind these last days and that is something I like about the movie
It’s the kind of movie I’d be wary of recommending to someone I don’t know well though. IMDb has it in the comedy and the drama category, but I think many would find it too bizarre. I just looked there and someone wrote in a review that they had seen The Human Centipede but found this more disturbing...
We had a change of plans this weekend so we decided to watch a movie.
It was already getting a bit late so note the time for lengthy scrolling and great debates about what to watch. He picked The Favourite (2018)
It is about a love triangle and a power struggle set at Queen Annes court.

I didn’t really know what to expect, just that I had thought that I wanted to see it. It has stayed on my mind these last days and that is something I like about the movie
It’s the kind of movie I’d be wary of recommending to someone I don’t know well though. IMDb has it in the comedy and the drama category, but I think many would find it too bizarre. I just looked there and someone wrote in a review that they had seen The Human Centipede but found this more disturbing...

Oh I thought it was great! Very interesting dynamics between the characters, Olivia Coleman was so good as Queen Anne.
Oh I thought it was great! Very interesting dynamics between the characters, Olivia Coleman was so good as Queen Anne.

Yeah, I think Olivia Coleman was a/the reason for choosing it.
We saw Deadwater Fell recently and were talking about Broadchurch.
Ex Libris. A documentary about The New York Public Library. Wow!
I am absolutely going to watch this. Sounds truly interesting. Thanks for mentioning it.

Not a zombie movie, but quirky and entertaining- The Map of Tiny Perfect Things on Netflix. It's (somewhat) a take on Groundhog Day, but without the Bill Murray snark and more depth with all-the-feels.

Another one I saw recently on Netflix, but not a movie, rather an 8-part limited series- Unbelievable. I found it wrenching, infuriating, and horrifying. It could also be completely disturbing to anyone who's been a victim of sexual assault and best avoided. A thought anyway.
The Mole Agent.

A Chilean documentary that especially at the beginning is a lot like a noir spy movie. A private detective hires a man in his 80s to be a mole in a retirement home and find out if the staff is treating the elders as they should. Money goes missing etc.

It's a charming and funny documentary filled with compassion, but also serious and sad. Makes you think about aging for sure. Thumbs up!
A Nova documentary: A to Z - How Writing Changed the World.

It's a short documentary about how people have written at different points in history and how that has affected the world. It's so easy to overlook something so simple as writing, but it's amazing what a huge impact on world it has had. How the paucity of books held Europe back after the great Roman era where books and information were readily available. How the Islamic world flourished and made great advancement in arts and sciences because of paper. How printing changed the game completely...

Super interesting and a great way to start a relaxing Saturday, at least for a nerd like me. :)
A Nova documentary: A to Z - How Writing Changed the World.

It's a short documentary about how people have written at different points in history and how that has affected the world. It's so easy to overlook something so simple as writing, but it's amazing what a huge impact on world it has had. How the paucity of books held Europe back after the great Roman era where books and information were readily available. How the Islamic world flourished and made great advancement in arts and sciences because of paper. How printing changed the game completely...

Super interesting and a great way to start a relaxing Saturday, at least for a nerd like me. :)

Sounds interesting and makes me think of Alberto Manguels A History of Reading.

We watched Spectre last night. Took us long enough to get to that?!
As the 18th movie for the film challenge I watched Suspiria, a borderline giallo film (the particular challenge item called for a giallo).

Man, it's so good! It's freaky and weird, gross and creepy, but so captivating and beautiful. I think it's on par with The Shining on the "every scene is a painting" thing, just amazing. Graphic, striking, strong, visually an interesting juxtaposition to what people would expect from a ballet school. What a good, good movie!

(Talking about the 1977 version, haven't seen the remake and not sure I want to because I liked this one so much.)
Self Portrait, a documentary about a Norwegian photographer Lene Marie Fossen.

She has anorexia, but refuses to be defined by it. It felt so strange hear these deep thoughts about life, pain and choices come from a person who's a physically a mixture of a little child and a very old fragile lady. Very thought provoking, hard to face at times. The documentary spoke a lot about freedom and respect, fears, death, light and shadow. Her photography shown in the documentary is just incredibly powerful. Difficult to look at, impossible to look away.
As the 18th movie for the film challenge I watched Suspiria, a borderline giallo film (the particular challenge item called for a giallo).

Man, it's so good! It's freaky and weird, gross and creepy, but so captivating and beautiful. I think it's on par with The Shining on the "every scene is a painting" thing, just amazing. Graphic, striking, strong, visually an interesting juxtaposition to what people would expect from a ballet school. What a good, good movie!

(Talking about the 1977 version, haven't seen the remake and not sure I want to because I liked this one so much.)

I haven't seen the original version, but the 2018 remake is very good. Tilda Swinton is excellent in it and she actually plays two parts in the movie. I didn't realise that she was playing a second role until near the end!
I haven't seen the original version, but the 2018 remake is very good. Tilda Swinton is excellent in it and she actually plays two parts in the movie. I didn't realise that she was playing a second role until near the end!

I’ve seen the trailer for the remake and it doesn’t seem to have the stark, graphic visuals as the original did that really appealed to me. In a way it would be nice to see what modern SFX technology can do to some parts of the movie, but all in all I think it’s safer for me not to risk it. The original was very close to a perfect movie for me so I want to protect that experience at least for now. Maybe I’ll think differently once the memory fades a little. :)
The 21st movie for the movie challenge (a movie featuring disguises) was Love Squared. What a stupid, really, really bad movie, but it was Polish and filmed in Warsaw. :heart:

I miss Warsaw so bad.
Lolita, 1962. Wow, I can't believe I haven't watched this before. What a great movie! Kubrick movie has a lot more humor than I remember there being in the book, but I might misremember. Great use of symbolism and innuendo, sex is absolutely everywhere in the movie without hardly ever being overt.
Lolita, 1962. Wow, I can't believe I haven't watched this before. What a great movie! Kubrick movie has a lot more humor than I remember there being in the book, but I might misremember. Great use of symbolism and innuendo, sex is absolutely everywhere in the movie without hardly ever being overt.

I’d agree. The humor is Kubrick’s, not Nabokov’s.
Ooo ... I've heard of this but not seen it. Is ... this the one with ... Billy Connolly? Is that right?


Do not see Billy Connolly in the cast list.

Of course! I've been told there's ... 3-4 of them, plus the American counterpart, Quarantine :)

There are!:D

I definitely haven't seen Little Monsters. A friend tells me that I have seen The Girl with all the Gifts but ... pfft, I can't remember.

The books are good too!

I am LOVING the suggestions. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!

You are most welcome!:rose:
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Interesting! Can't wait to hear more!

Ex Libris. A documentary about The New York Public Library. Wow!

I watched this as part of my movie challenge (A movie about the US society or politics) and this was perfect for it. Not only was it an interesting look into how the library functions and everything it has to offer, it also showed me very revealing glimpses of the US society and culture that an American viewer maybe wouldn't pay attention to. Fascinating! On par with Monrovia, Indiana that I saw some years back.