Get woke, go broke: A&E's viewership plummets 49% after canceling 'Live PD'


Literotica Guru
Apr 24, 2011
A&E’s viewership has tanked 49 percent after the network canceled the popular show Live PD on June 10, in the wake of the death of George Floyd.

Average prime-time viewership between June 11 and July 19 was 498,000 people, which is down 49 percent from the same time period last year,” according to a report by The Wall Street Journal.
It was a bad business decision to depend so much on one TV show. Or worse, one demographic (white men)
I think it costs them in the neighborhood of 300 million. They win the Darwin Award in entertainment.
Those shows had to be cancelled by the cancel culture
because they accurately portrayed the people that
the police have to deal with and puts a lie to
the myth of police brutality and instead
put the spotlight on the violence
they have to deal with...


It hurts their narrative so it became a lie of omission
a victim of the new woke attitude.
Those shows had to be cancelled by the cancel culture
because they accurately portrayed the people that
the police have to deal with and puts a lie to
the myth of police brutality and instead
put the spotlight on the violence
they have to deal with...


It hurts their narrative so it became a lie of omission
a victim of the new woke attitude.

Makes me wonder when the now released voice transcripts of the body cams in the Floyd arrest will be read verbatim on the MSM. They clearly show Floyd saying he had claustrophobia and couldn't breath in the squad car. He said at least ten times he couldn't breath before he was taken down. The cop offers to open the window and turn on the AC, Floyd replies he wants to get out of the car and lay down on the street and it goes on from there. Though this doesn't forgive his death it does mitigate him being taken to the ground, and the other officer can be heard asking if they shouldn't turn him onto his side. Just sayin'.
Maybe they should take up a new tack, one bound to be popular
with all of the woke and aware people in the nation, those
whom A&E was originally designed for, a show centered
on peaceful protestors and the police brutality
and subsequent rioting that they create.

Live BLM!

A&E had more content years ago. It lost audience to online venues. Now it has the cheapest possible content. Not artistic, but maybe entertaining enough for the shrinking cable crowd. They could put cameras on firetrucks, cabs, pizza delivery cars, trains, airplanes, etc. Anything that moves. Or gaming videos, so just a connection would be enough. They could stop using cameras.
Wasn't someone recently killed live on that show? Think that could've been a determining factor to shut it down?
Wasn't someone recently killed live on that show? Think that could've been a determining factor to shut it down?

That is exactly why it was canceled. Liars don't bother to say that.
Altho I don't think it was televised live. It was filmed tho.
Street performers. The next hit show could start with a dollar in a hat.
That is exactly why it was canceled. Liars don't bother to say that.
Altho I don't think it was televised live. It was filmed tho.

Not completely true.


In a previous statement, the network had defended the presence of “Live PD” cameras during the deadly incident with Ambler, saying, “As with all calls we follow, we are not there to be an arm of the police or law enforcement but rather to chronicle what they do.”

A&E pulled the show from the air late last week, as outrage over the killing of George Floyd while in custody of Minneapolis police fueled widespread protests and prompted scrutiny of cultural depictions of law enforcement. On Tuesday, Paramount Network canceled the long-running reality show “Cops,” a forebear of “Live PD” that was often criticized for its exploitative portrayals of Black people and sensationalist focus on violent crime and chase scenes....

Yes, it did happen, but is not directly related to the cancellation
as you are portraying it as per the LA Times which is not
easily dismissed as a right-wing propaganda rag...

It could have been a component, but does not seem to be causal.
Wasn't someone recently killed live on that show? Think that could've been a determining factor to shut it down?

Who gives a shit? It's reality TV. Why act like this kind of stuff doesn't happen? Is it because you're a snowflake?
Who gives a shit? It's reality TV. Why act like this kind of stuff doesn't happen? Is it because you're a snowflake?

What did I say that made you falsely believe I'm a snowflake? Are you upset because I was right? :cool:
What did I say that made you falsely believe I'm a snowflake? Are you upset because I was right? :cool:

No, I think saying a show could or should be shut down because somebody gets killed enforcing the law is like baby talk.:rolleyes:
No, I think saying a show could or should be shut down because somebody gets killed enforcing the law is like baby talk.:rolleyes:

American cops sure do 'enforce the law' by shooting people quite a lot. Funny how other 1st world countries don't have that problem, isnt it?
Technically the US isnt a 1st world country, but you get what I'm saying.
American cops sure do 'enforce the law' by shooting people quite a lot. Funny how other 1st world countries don't have that problem, isnt it?
Technically the US isnt a 1st world country, but you get what I'm saying.

I get the falsity of what you're saying. In reality, some people need to be shot.:rolleyes:
A&E went to crap when it became the L&O network, running 30 or more different episodes each week.
Those shows had to be cancelled by the cancel culture
because they accurately portrayed the people that
the police have to deal with and puts a lie to
the myth of police brutality and instead
put the spotlight on the violence
they have to deal with...


It hurts their narrative so it became a lie of omission
a victim of the new woke attitude.

Alt-Right virtue signaling