What Are YOU Thinking? Continued 3

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I was really looking forward to not having to drive for this trip. But it looks like I'm going to have to after all. 😔
There is a remarkable-sounding new bird singing outside my bedroom window. Not sure if I want to provide it a home or hunt it down and make it stop.
Party hearty???

Well if you consider a party with about a dozen kids under the age of 10 years as being loooads of fun haaaa??

Bouncy bounce sets and lots of juices in the cooler!!!

Those are more the " parties " we attend to nowadays🙂

You've got to give the kids their due diligence so that they don't feel left out when the grown ups are shooting shots at fun filled BBQ get togethers. That way when they're with a sitter or all in a playroom watching cartoons it's all good. ;)
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