LIT used to have beautiful women in mind body and soul posting, now we have angry

Lame dudly.

Get your own tag line and stop plagerizing from others. This site has class (supposedly) and doesn't tolerate that shit (some of the time).

Besides, it makes you look like you're sinking instead of swimming. Or is that swimming because you already sank? Either way, you're all wet.

*points and laughs*
By the way, plagiarism requires lack of attribution. So there's something else you got wrong. :)

Since there is no "hisherpes" on this forum, the correct "attribution" is missing. Bad form and sloppy editing.

In the future, please try to keep up with the rest of the class. Also, please tie your shoelaces so you don't keep tripping on them. I'm tired of helping you up after you faceplant on the public sidewalk.
I'm only seeing this thread because someone kindly linked it.

It's hard to tell if you are serious or not.

Let me ask, or shall I say, AXE, you something Busybody. I'm going to be real blunt with you, and I don't give a shit if you come back with corny, played out, Junior High insults at damn near 62 years of age.

What do you do all day on here but spam the board with political propaganda, fling fecal matter at folks, and shout racial and misogynistic slurs?

Do you think women will flock to you? Do you think that makes women giggle? Do you think women will find your behavior endearing?

You said back in the day, from what I heard, you did not behave in the same obnoxious way as you do now. So what do you expect? Now you are throwing a hissy fit because your behavior puts off the opposite sex?

Have you ever posted your pic? Why do you think you are some sort of prize? What can you offer to the world besides your repetitive and tedious negativity?

I'm taken, so it doesn't make a shit of a difference whether some of you like me or not.
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I'm not BB, you know I'm not. But...

There is someone for everyone.

BB may not be the one your heart aches for, but that doesn't mean you have the right to tell him he can't try to find happiness. Or how he does it. Or that someone else who finds him attractive is wrong in how they feel.

There is a very bright line between right and wrong. Your post crosses it.

Please note that I intentionally didn't quote your post on the off chance you will delete it.
I'm not BB, you know I'm not. But...

There is someone for everyone.

BB may not be the one your heart aches for, but that doesn't mean you have the right to tell him he can't try to find happiness. Or how he does it. Or that someone else who finds him attractive is wrong in how they feel.

There is a very bright line between right and wrong. Your post crosses it.

Please note that I intentionally didn't quote your post on the off chance you will delete it.

Are you referring to my post? Look, I like BB....when he is not being an asshole. I realize he posts outrageous threads out of boredom, just to get a reaction.

Hell, I don't even know if he's serious with this thread or what, I can't fucking tell with him. It seems legit.

However, he has to take a look at himself and wonder why so many women get on the defensive about his threads. He's the one who created this thread, bemoaning the attitude GB women have with him, so I responded.

Hey it doesn't make a damn difference to me, I'm not looking for a bang on here, this place is just entertainment for me, but don't fling shit across the board and expect women to grovel at your feet.

Yeah, there's something for everyone, but obviously with his bitching, he hasn't found one yet...and I never told him he has no right to happiness.
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Are you referring to my post? Look, I like BB....when he is not being an asshole. I realize he posts outrageous threads out of boredom, just to get a reaction.

Hell, I don't even know if he's serious with this thread or what, I can't fucking tell with him. It seems legit.

However, he has to take a look at himself and wonder why so many women get on the defensive about his threads. He's the one who created this thread, bemoaning the attitude GB women have with him, so I responded.

Hey it doesn't make a damn difference to me, I'm not looking for a bang on here, this place is just entertainment for me, but don't fling shit across the board and expect women to grovel at your feet.

Yeah, there's something for everyone, but obviously with his bitching, he hasn't found one yet...and I never told him he has no right to happiness.

Did you ever notice that it's the bad boys who date the girls? They don't marry them, but they sure do date a lot of them.

You ever wonder why that is? You ever consider that BB's "trash talking" is his version of that? You think that maybe there are some women who get turned on a little by it?

It might not be you who swoons at BB's feet. But there could be other women out there who might not feel the same way you do.

And who are you to tell them they're wrong. Or to tell BB he's wrong? There is someone for everyone. And it takes all kinds of different people to fill those empty spaces.
Did you ever notice that it's the bad boys who date the girls? They don't marry them, but they sure do date a lot of them.

You ever wonder why that is? You ever consider that BB's "trash talking" is his version of that? You think that maybe there are some women who get turned on a little by it?

It might not be you who swoons at BB's feet. But there could be other women out there who might not feel the same way you do.


If you ask me, and of course no one would :))) but the problem with this site isn't with the women, it's the lack of men who don't suck.
Did you ever notice that it's the bad boys who date the girls? They don't marry them, but they sure do date a lot of them.

Plenty of "good boys" get the girls, too. Many women outgrow that "bad boy" stage after age 21. Lots of women fawn over a man who possesses a blend of softness and an "edge" to him, not an asshole. There is a difference!

What is "good" and "bad" anyway? Most humans have a range of personalities and behaviors which seem to ebb and flow through the treacherous journey of life.

For all I know, outside of this dump, he could be a sweet and kind little old man doing charity for his synagogue, simply logging on to this place to express his "inner troll" and escape his bland life, thus coloring his world.

I don't know him.

You ever wonder why that is?

Eh, because they have low self esteem and don't know any better? Or it could simply be they are trash themselves and enjoy that kind of talk? There are a few variables and I don't care about these types of women.

And who are you to tell them they're wrong. Or to tell BB he's wrong? There is someone for everyone. And it takes all kinds of different people to fill those empty spaces.

When did I say women were wrong to get their loins wet for him?

Dude is old enough to be my grandpappy, I can't tell him what to do.

Anyway, he's the one who started this thread with all that whining! If there are women who like him, and he's content, why start a thread? Doesn't look like he found "the one" and you know full well MOST women don't go for that bullshit.

I'm just giving him solutions to MAXIMIZE his chances. Sue me!
Did you ever notice that it's the bad boys who date the girls? They don't marry them, but they sure do date a lot of them.
You ever wonder why that is? You ever consider that BB's "trash talking" is his version of that?

You think that maybe there are some women who get turned on a little by it?
It might not be you who swoons at BB's feet. But there could be other women out there who might not feel the same way you do.

Someone called?
But I don't do married men.

Are you referring to my post? Look, I like BB....when he is not being an asshole. I realize he posts outrageous threads out of boredom, just to get a reaction.

Hell, I don't even know if he's serious with this thread or what, I can't fucking tell with him. It seems legit.

However, he has to take a look at himself and wonder why so many women get on the defensive about his threads. He's the one who created this thread, bemoaning the attitude GB women have with him, so I responded.

Hey it doesn't make a damn difference to me, I'm not looking for a bang on here, this place is just entertainment for me, but don't fling shit across the board and expect women to grovel at your feet.

Yeah, there's something for everyone, but obviously with his bitching, he hasn't found one yet...and I never told him he has no right to happiness.

He's like Jeckell and Hide. Some parts of his personality are endearing and hilarious, but then he does his racist shit and he just spoils it.

As far as you are concerned -not that anyone asked me, to paraphrase Ann-:
I honestly don't think that BB sees you in that way.

He used to reply in a fond manner and someone said he complimented you in the past on your attractive face. He only started the "beefy bovine" stuff after you started trolling conservative men with ageist slurs and such.
You, in turn trolled them because you were perturbed by racism.
(I personally get why when it comes to Busybody, dacoach and such. But why BotanyBoy, Rightguide and HisArpy?*confused)
You *do* realize this is depicted according to the dictates of his own fantasies, right?

BobsDownSouth routinely objectifies me. Creepy or not, I don't see how he pictures me to have any impact on my actual sexuality or self-esteem. These baby steps out of the closet to embrace his obvious latent homosexuality are a net positive, even for such an odious individual. In the interest of promoting healthy sexual expression, I try not to kink-shame.

He's ashamed of himself and his desires, so he lashes out at others who do not share his unmitigated self-loathing. He is simply incapable of putting any thoughts together on any topic other than, "Yeah, his remarks do not count because he's a closet homo!

He just has (/they just have) to be! Otherwise, how else can I improve my self esteem other than to know that others are in this closet with me?
Someone called?
But I don't do married men.

Well, I wouldda called but then SHE wouldda found out and I'd be in the doghouse nursing broken limbs. :D

So, hold my calls please.

He's like Jeckell and Hide. Some parts of his personality are endearing and hilarious, but then he does his racist shit and he just spoils it.

As far as you are concerned -not that anyone asked me, to paraphrase Ann-:
I honestly don't think that BB sees you in that way.

He used to reply in a fond manner and someone said he complimented you in the past on your attractive face. He only started the "beefy bovine" stuff after you started trolling conservative men with ageist slurs and such.
You, in turn trolled them because you were perturbed by racism.
(I personally get why when it comes to Busybody, dacoach and such. But why BotanyBoy, Rightguide and HisArpy?*confused)

NITT is the typical Lit Feminazi. She believes she has to come here and throw shit around in order to "get respect".

What she doesn't realize is that she'd get more respect if she dropped the "tough girl" act. That's ok if what you want is to be abused, but forcing the rest of us to be unwilling participants in your offkilter affairs is kinda creepy.
Well, I wouldda called but then SHE wouldda found out and I'd be in the doghouse nursing broken limbs. :D

So, hold my calls please.

NITT is the typical Lit Feminazi. She believes she has to come here and throw shit around in order to "get respect".

What she doesn't realize is that she'd get more respect if she dropped the "tough girl" act. That's ok if what you want is to be abused, but forcing the rest of us to be unwilling participants in your offkilter affairs is kinda creepy.

This thread will probably not get a response any longer.

See, this is where you are wrong. I'm not a feminist, not that there is anything wrong with that. I am not to be placed in a neat little box. I actually like the company of men, as I am a bit tomboyish at times. I was the youngest in a family of brothers, the baby girl. I can be tough yet sweet at times, when need be. That's ok.

I don't take too kindly to bigots and Deplorables. Why is that so hard to fathom? Oralaccents got on me for being so mean out of the blue. I told him that my wrath is reserved for folks who deserve it.

If you are not a bigot, then you are fine. Do I insult you, Harpy? No, because I have not seen you behave in an assholish manner on here, at least towards me. I can respect your different opinions. Some of your posts have elicited a chuckle from me, as you have a cheeky sense of humor.

Now, as far as the idiots like vetteman and Matthew, they can go eat a dick sandwich. :) The only folks who hate me are the bigots.

Respect? They don't respect women and nonwhites, so even if I behaved like a fancy Madame Frou Frou, they would still have some shit to say. I'm sorry, I will refuse to remain silent when they go into their Deplorable mode. I don't turn the other cheek...unless I'm being spanked on the bed.

Why don't you chide some other posters for spitting out the nastiest hate epithets? So I should be quiet when they go into this mode? Is this what you are saying, Harpy? That's one thing I don't like about you, please don't slap my hand for being "mean", when you do not attack others for doing much worse, just because they happen to lean right.

I'm not ashamed of the way I look, I like myself just fine. I know that is rare for a chick. I'm not trying to impress anyone.
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Let's see creating vanity threads and lies about random posters, mind you, I never messed with Ann until he came after me.

Then you have another North of the Border poster who called another man a nig, said rappers spoke nig, called Prius owners gay, and constantly makes digs at women in a passive-aggressive manner. It's a game. There is a reason why he is banned multiple times. Yet, he claims to never mean any harm and pledged to never return. I thought Canadian men were chill? He came at me too.

Of course a racist old half Indian bitter man who also trash talks women, I mean, ok, but I'm the one who is hateful? He came at me too.

Yes, we will play a delightful game of he started it, she started it.

Gold! Go ahead, Harpy, slap their hands. But I have to be nice to them? I stand corrected, the only posters who have an issue with me have said some consistently Deplorable things. When I call them out, I'm the jerk, Harpy?

Does it really matter at the end? We are all just a bunch of fonts who have never met each other and never will.

Insults do not faze me as most of these posters would never dare insult someone to his or her face. This board is simply a pastime.
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