Moochie’s Musings (and a pic or two)


I LOVE Pie. Pie IS Good.. And Yes all Leggies lead to Pie!!
Yours go All The way up Numi!!
Oh, thank goodness! *stroking*


You should never wait for my go ahead... I don’t read between the lines well and wouldn’t know when to say “go.”

I have used similar tactics in sexting. With one girl I was operating WiFi remote anal and vaginal vibes and denied all her requests for release. As her requests got more frequent, I eventually gave that same one word command, ‘now’. Instant reaction. When she came down from her release, she said it was the best ever experience she had ever had.

I tried it with another, just sexting and her using fingers, but she blew after her first request. She couldn’t hold back, couldn’t take being controlled.

It’s not for everyone.

I have never been super involved in vibrating toys. They could never please me the way touch can. I do have a favorite toy, but it is only because of the... how can I put this in a delicate way?... fuckability. I can get nice and deep and really fuck myself with it. Sometimes I use the vibration, but I usually don’t.

As far as denial goes, this was the only time I can remember not being upset about it.

Mmmn... :heart: Your most recent musing is loooovely! :rose: I quite like the tease and denial game, and you captured the crux of my fascination quite well.

Something about him makes it so natural to yield control over to him, and the more I trust him, the more exciting it is, and the more addicting it is. :heart: :kiss:

Yes. Control and trust: the fine lines in a power-related relationship. There is a give and take and, as you say, an addiction to surrendering more and more as the trust (hopefully) builds.
"a bit" serendipitous... A LOT serendipitous, more like! Oh, I'm SO glad you feel that way. >.< I was honestly afraid I came off as a bit of a creeper because I got so excited.

Oh, please don't feel silly! :( I'd look forward to any contribution you decide to make. I'm not picky; someone could pop in and ask a random question and I'll answer it without a second guess. >.< It honestly makes me a little giddy to know I'm not the only one keeping tabs on you, that the favor is returned. :heart:

Ah, interesting! I was blonde when I was young. Got to be brunette around middle school, but I loved swimming and I was athletic in school there, so I found my red then. Joined orchestra and language in high school and didn't get as much sun there, so it stayed more brown until the summer, when I'd have my grandpa's corn and strawberry patches to help him tend and harvest. -^ ^- Then the red'd come out again. :heart:

No creeper vibes... yet... *giggles*

Once I catch up here, I’ll pop over there before bedtime. I’m in the bath now and will have to be in bed soon.

I started dying my hair and cutting it as soon as I moved out of my parent’s home. The first time I dyed it dark and cut it very short. He calls it my “alternagirl” hair. I then decided I wanted to grow it out. I went almost platinum for my wedding and then about six months later my hair was red. It has been long and red since. I had bangs at one point. That wasn’t fun (because at work I wear a hat and my bangs would stick straight up after 10-12 hours and I would look silly), so I grew them out, and now I’m this... I like it, usually.

You were in orchestra? What did/do you play? I never liked playing with strings and stuck with band.

"...I'm excited to see what the future may hold for us."

This statement is dripping with erotic promise!


...maaaaaaaybe... :cattail:
Very sexy legs.

*blush* Thank you, ‘Nerd.

Those look like they could be a blondes legs.. Need to see a bit further up to be sure tho.:devil::devil:

I used to be a blonde... and I fear further up may not elicit any further conclusions.

wow for sure will subscribe now that I spent the last bit of time reading your thread. WOW!!!!

Yay! Wow! I’m impressed you made it through all that. *pats you on the back* are you okay? Do you need some scotch?

Those are delicious

I’ve never tasted them myself, but I’m willing to be bitten or licked... you know, for science.

Those are some VERY nice gams!

I am VERY happy you like them. :D

Around my neck preferably...

Just wear I like them...

Whew! What a doll! You could see those legs, shade of your skin and all, on a porcelain figurine! Love how healthy you look! :heart: :rose:

Awe! *turns crimson* Shush! You shouldn’t put me on a pedestal I don’t deserve. Thank you for your sweet observations.

So how about some legs?

So how about them! as a dyed in the wool leg man, can't say I've seen their equal.

Wow! Such a compliment from someone who lives for legs? I am so flattered! Thank you. :rose:
*blush* Thank you, ‘Nerd.

I used to be a blonde... and I fear further up may not elicit any further conclusions.

Yay! Wow! I’m impressed you made it through all that. *pats you on the back* are you okay? Do you need some scotch?

I’ve never tasted them myself, but I’m willing to be bitten or licked... you know, for science.

I am VERY happy you like them. :D

Just wear I like them...

Awe! *turns crimson* Shush! You shouldn’t put me on a pedestal I don’t deserve. Thank you for your sweet observations.

Wow! Such a compliment from someone who lives for legs? I am so flattered! Thank you. :rose:

Sure that will be a nice way to leave the office right now. Sip of a hmmmm crown royal or even a nice single malt would be nice;)
Also, I relistened to Leggy Blonde and it all does seem to come back to pi... or pie... I like pie.

*of note: I have a bit of a story about these fishnets and this particular day of dress ups (because that’s what it was: playing dress up).

On a side note, I so loved that show!

Although The guy with the sisossors kind of scared me.
I LOVE Pie. Pie IS Good.. And Yes all Leggies lead to Pie!!
Yours go All The way up Numi!!

Pie > cake all days. This is a non-argument because I will always be right.

Would love to hear the Fishnet story sometime

I may need more time than the rest of this bath for it, but I promise to try to address this story in the next couple days..

Sure that will be a nice way to leave the office right now. Sip of a hmmmm crown royal or even a nice single malt would be nice;)

Crown isn’t scotch, but acceptable. I was chatting about Japanese whiskeys this morning and some suntory sounds perfect right now.
Or? I feel like there’s an ultimatum here in this...

You sleep naked, silly! Of course you wake naked. Plus, it’s much warmer there than it is here right now. I need a heated blanket just to feel comfortable these days.

yes many ultimatums :)
spanking may be involved :) HMU :p

yeah i almost need no sheets at night at the moment!
People don’t tell me “no” very often. You can call me spoiled all you want, and maybe that’s true in some aspects... even in my vanilla life, I have a bit of a presence and, believe it or not, this little girl has mass respect from many powerful folks who will jump when I tell them to. I’m not used to being denied something I ask for. Maybe this is because I don’t ask for much (... please, fuck me harder... oh gods, don’t stop... flip me over!... will you please spank me tonight?...). Or perhaps it is because I don’t ask idly, so when I do ask, I expect to be granted my plea.

I never used to ask if I could climax. I just would. Sometimes without warning (truth be told it can still sneak up on me like a rogue wave of undeniable urgency that I couldn’t ask for if I wanted to, but this isn’t about those delightful moments). I was trained to ask first. I didn’t realize it was happening. Like a sneaky thief, someone started conditioning me; rewarding me for asking and receiving the go ahead before I could cum. Over time, I wanted to ask first because it meant that I got rewarded with sweet words and happy things (Yes!... mmmmm... There! Yes!) in return for giving away the freedom. This original thief never denied me. Never made me wait. They gave me the “Yes” as soon as I asked. Every time.

That constant positive reinforcement and gratification is probably why I enjoyed it so much and started applying the practice with future partners (I should note here that some partners I know well and don’t ask first very often... it just feels wrong because we already had a thing going and working a new dynamic in could prove to be bothersome and disruptive. Sex is different for everyone and with different people). Perhaps I thought I wasn’t giving them an option when I proposed the question? I thought it was being received as more of a warning? There was one thing I could have told you for certain though: I never thought I would ever enjoy any type of sexual denial. If there is one big thing I’ve learned over the last year, it is that sexuality is an insane, personal, and constantly evolutionary thing... and this is the story about how I found myself in one of **the** hottest sexting conversations of my life... and one of the biggest factors turning me on was that he kept telling me not to even touch myself.

It started at the end of my day, beginning of his. We had met up earlier that week and sparks flew between us. Our want for each other was elevated after the meet up and my imagination is equally matched in his (he would probably tell you otherwise and be modest, but I know he has a downright filthy, creative mind and it’s a pleasure to lick the bits he shares with me). The exchange started innocently enough with a chat about what we wish we had time for when we saw each other... more time would mean more touches, more kisses - perhaps we would have even played a little... I could have done this, he could have done that... how I would respond, how he would move and react to that - you get the picture.

I was starting to get wet thinking about all the things. I don’t know why I even thought I should, but ten minutes into our tête-à-tête I asked him if I could start touching. I hadn’t ever done that before, asked for an initial start, but it felt right. He politely replied with “Not quite yet.” I groaned and kept my hands away as we continued a back and forth which had my pussy dripping. We went for another eight minutes before I asked again, “Please? I don’t think I’ve ever been this wet without touch. Ever. Please can I touch myself?” He was steadfast, “That is a wonderful compliment, but not yet. Almost Kitten. Almost.”

I was so frustrated. I could have just fulfilled myself right there and not waited for his permission. He wouldn’t have known the difference. Why was I doing what he asked? Why was I following him now when in the past I wouldn’t have adhered to something like this (and didn’t)? The truth came to me after, without asking, six minutes later he typed one word for me: “Now.” I was overcome with lust, greed, need - and almost immediately found my release.

After the waves of pleasure had finished ravaging my body I was hit with that clarity you feel after a really great orgasm. In those moments I discussed with him that I thought it was my respect for him as a person that allowed us to explore this new thing... the fact that I knew it was safe to listen to him... that he wouldn’t hurt me purposefully and would push me, but not too far. He had agreed and said the respect was mutual, which made me feel even better about him.

Since that first time I haven’t done much more exploring in the area, but that was damn hot... and I’ll be forever grateful to him for the excursion into the unknown.

Wow, that is a great, hot story. I am glad you told it. I was very interested when I mentioned denial before, and you said that's not you're thing but you did have a great time once.

Do you think you would ever do something like that again?

As for the fishnets pictures, I love them. They are very sexy and VERY alluring indeed. I look forward to a possible fishnet/dressup story.

Those lovely legs draped in nets do make you look even more desirable.

The painted nails peeking out make you cuter :rose:
"...I'm excited to see what the future may hold for us."

This statement is dripping with erotic promise!

I... I hadn't even considered that! :eek: She's such a cool person I just was excited to get to meet her!
>.<! Oh, now I'm hyper aware of the possibility!
Yes. Control and trust: the fine lines in a power-related relationship. There is a give and take and, as you say, an addiction to surrendering more and more as the trust (hopefully) builds.
Mm! My Dom is someone I've known for almost a decade, and I love the history we share. It's a huge part of our dynamic, how we both respected each other as creative teammates/co-creators before I let slip my confession to him.
No creeper vibes... yet... *giggles*

Once I catch up here, I’ll pop over there before bedtime. I’m in the bath now and will have to be in bed soon.

I started dying my hair and cutting it as soon as I moved out of my parent’s home. The first time I dyed it dark and cut it very short. He calls it my “alternagirl” hair. I then decided I wanted to grow it out. I went almost platinum for my wedding and then about six months later my hair was red. It has been long and red since. I had bangs at one point. That wasn’t fun (because at work I wear a hat and my bangs would stick straight up after 10-12 hours and I would look silly), so I grew them out, and now I’m this... I like it, usually.

You were in orchestra? What did/do you play? I never liked playing with strings and stuck with band.
:x I hope the creeper vibes never come! >.< Bad juju!

=w= Ahh, great minds think alike...
What is your normal schedule for sleep? You were getting ready for sleep at 4pm?

Haha, is it that you wanted the (almost)platinum blonde for your wedding to look "angelic"? I
I contemplate what I would try to do for my wedding look, whether I would want something fantastical and extraordinary, or if I would want to be more typical and recognisable, more myself, let the person I would be wedding marry the person they fell in love with, instead of a "doll" or a facade. It usually is a pretty even debate, wanting to be real, versus wanting to make the day special and as fantastical as can reasonably be...

I'm a violist! I'm actually very impressed you dabbled in strings at all if you started band.
I was second chair for three years. I think I was that high because I had a mond for the music, though I might have had weaker technical skill and could have probably been beaten in a chair challenge pretty easily. First chair was a stuck-up, talented slob, so I was in charge of the sheet music and I led sectionals in his stead. My section loved me, called me the momma of the section, and so that probably contributed to my getting to keep my chair.
I'm trying to get back into practice, as I've not really played in the last decade, but I didn't really have incentive to, in my instriment's typical parts. I would almost always play subdivision and harmony, so I got comfortable in the support role, and I didnt seek out solo pieces or melodies to play on my own. I developed terrible stage fright when I was on my own, but I was confident and played well in a full orchestra setting. Really troublesome. I'm trying to play more, just sounding out music, getting up my skill and confidence for solo play.

You? What are your instruments? Ive yet to meet a band member who only plays one instrument. XD
...maaaaaaaybe... :cattail:
*flushes bright red* O-oh!... I mean... //// Ah... *fiddles with fingers* I mean, I... I'd be happy to be able to have a chance for some fun with you! Of course, it'd be a long time coming, but if we mesh, and if the arrangements work out, I could introduce you to my Dom, too. Of course, I dont want to impose anything, but if you and your Daddy would be interested, He has voiced being welcoming to another lady to play with us. ///// OF COURSE, this isn't the time to talk about such things, we haven't even met yet, but I do want to broach the subject just to have it as an eventual consideration.

=>.<= And I've rambled and stumbled over words... We should really meet for a drink soon!
On a side note, I so loved that show!

Although The guy with the sisossors kind of scared me.

I watched all of Flight of the Conchords a long time ago. For some reason, Leggy Blonde and Business time both stick in my head the most. They were hilarious episodes where nothing ever really happened and that is some of my favourite type of tv to watch.

you just want to listen to kiwi's talking :p

You know me too well. *wink*
Wow, that is a great, hot story. I am glad you told it. I was very interested when I mentioned denial before, and you said that's not you're thing but you did have a great time once.

Do you think you would ever do something like that again?

As for the fishnets pictures, I love them. They are very sexy and VERY alluring indeed. I look forward to a possible fishnet/dressup story.


I’m glad you enjoyed my musing. I think with the right person, anything is possible.

I’ll start work on my fishnet dressup story soon, promise.

Those lovely legs draped in nets do make you look even more desirable.

The painted nails peeking out make you cuter :rose:

I really like this colour polish on my toes. I didn’t think I would because blues often make me look cyanotic, but this one is such a pretty, sky blue it makes me too giddy to notice.
Mm! My Dom is someone I've known for almost a decade, and I love the history we share. It's a huge part of our dynamic, how we both respected each other as creative teammates/co-creators before I let slip my confession to him.

I think chemistry, communication, trust, respect, and many intangible aspects work into any relationship’s dynamic. Those things definitely need time and cultivation by all parties involved. It sounds like you have something special with your Dom and that’s totally awesome! :D

:x I hope the creeper vibes never come! >.< Bad juju!

=w= Ahh, great minds think alike...
What is your normal schedule for sleep? You were getting ready for sleep at 4pm?

I am a weird one as far as sleep... I can be rather unpredictable, but usually I try to be in bed trying to sleep by 1400ish. I was running late yesterday because there was a bit of play in the morning and I was hoping to catch Him again before sleep (which I kinda did *smirk*). Sometimes I keep a “normal” day-walker schedule, but I’m usually tired and needing a nap those days and they are rough at best.

Haha, is it that you wanted the (almost)platinum blonde for your wedding to look "angelic"? I
I contemplate what I would try to do for my wedding look, whether I would want something fantastical and extraordinary, or if I would want to be more typical and recognisable, more myself, let the person I would be wedding marry the person they fell in love with, instead of a "doll" or a facade. It usually is a pretty even debate, wanting to be real, versus wanting to make the day special and as fantastical as can reasonably be...

The almost platinum was because my sister (the pretty one for those keeping track) is a hairdresser and she does my hair however she thinks is best with a little input from me. I looked like my blonde youth but better with the platinum colour, so it was a bit of both worlds, if that makes sense? My father has always called me his “dolly” because I’m good with being all dressed up and fantastical when the occasions arise, and my wedding was no exception. I did my best friend’s hair for her wedding and she got a ton of compliments because she looked like her usual self, but an elevated version (I didn’t change her hair colour, just curled her usually pin straight hair and did a half-up ‘do with little gems throughout). That, in my opinion, is the key to wedding hair: yourself but just a smidge more fantastic.

I'm a violist! I'm actually very impressed you dabbled in strings at all if you started band.
I was second chair for three years. I think I was that high because I had a mond for the music, though I might have had weaker technical skill and could have probably been beaten in a chair challenge pretty easily. First chair was a stuck-up, talented slob, so I was in charge of the sheet music and I led sectionals in his stead. My section loved me, called me the momma of the section, and so that probably contributed to my getting to keep my chair.
I'm trying to get back into practice, as I've not really played in the last decade, but I didn't really have incentive to, in my instriment's typical parts. I would almost always play subdivision and harmony, so I got comfortable in the support role, and I didnt seek out solo pieces or melodies to play on my own. I developed terrible stage fright when I was on my own, but I was confident and played well in a full orchestra setting. Really troublesome. I'm trying to play more, just sounding out music, getting up my skill and confidence for solo play.

You? What are your instruments? Ive yet to meet a band member who only plays one instrument. XD

Viola? Very pretty sound. I play French Horn (cue all the embarrassing embouchure comments). I was almost always the first chair by default. I was just getting into playing again after a decade hiatus, had a couple concerts with a band here, and then had my accident in July which left me with some nerve damage in my key-pressing hand, so I haven’t had the strength to go back to practice yet. I would encourage you to find some way to play with a small group (I’m sure there are many in your area), as I know exactly what you mean by not feeling comfortable with solo playing. I have never been comfortable with solos or playing without the band.

I... I hadn't even considered that! :eek: She's such a cool person I just was excited to get to meet her!
>.<! Oh, now I'm hyper aware of the possibility!

*flushes bright red* O-oh!... I mean... //// Ah... *fiddles with fingers* I mean, I... I'd be happy to be able to have a chance for some fun with you! Of course, it'd be a long time coming, but if we mesh, and if the arrangements work out, I could introduce you to my Dom, too. Of course, I dont want to impose anything, but if you and your Daddy would be interested, He has voiced being welcoming to another lady to play with us. ///// OF COURSE, this isn't the time to talk about such things, we haven't even met yet, but I do want to broach the subject just to have it as an eventual consideration.

=>.<= And I've rambled and stumbled over words... We should really meet for a drink soon!

I would be lying if I said it didn’t cross my mind when you originally messaged, but I completely agree that we need some time to know each other a bit and just chat for a while. I like the idea of a chat over coffee and a walk sometime when you’re settled in your new place and I’ve got a minute to breathe.
Fishnet dress-up

By now, if you’ve been following my crazy mind-hole musings, you know I’m a little. I made the revelation this past year, but it’s been a part of me for as long as I can remember. I’ve always had a playful nature. I’ve always leaned toward young mannerisms, even when I don’t notice them. I’m always little. Can’t turn that part of me off... and really, why would I want to?!

Sometimes, I feel this scratch under my skin. This need to be extra playful. Some littles describe this headspace/mindset when reached as “little space.” This need for little space arises for me about twice a month and is usually dealt with by dressing adorably sexy and playing.

The fishnet stockings. I had them for a while but had worn them perhaps once before because I wasn’t comfortable wearing them out of the bedroom yet. I have this voice in my mind that has slowly been waning that tells me I am not a girl who can wear things like fishnets out of the bedroom. Anyway, I don’t know what made me want to wear them that day (little space does that to me, I don’t know why I want things, but I do), but my husband had just gotten me my first bum plug a few days prior, so maybe that had a bit to do with it: I wanted to wear a pink gem in my bum and be able to see it peek from under my skirt in a pic. I popped in the plug and then put on my fishnets first, on went the new skirt which makes me feel like my legs keep going. Then I put on a tank with pretty black lace edging, my hair in pigtails (handlebars) and a watermelon pink lippy rounded out my look.

I wasn’t wearing shoes. I needed heels. I had three pairs of heels at the time: blue satin 50s-looking ones (wouldn’t “go” with this outfit), red with a bow (not really what I was going for either), and I have this pair of black heels with a little brown clasp in the back that go with everything (just right! My baby bear of heels!). I chose them to go with my outfit. They are comfortable, 4 1/2 inch heels that I wear quite often now, but at the time, this was perhaps the fourth or fifth time ever wearing them so it added to the “I’m a little girl wearing big girl stuffs” feel and excitement.

I cleaned out the corner in my room to take some pictures of how super cute I looked. Moved a box, set up my camera, and started to shoot a few test shots. I got a message. I sent Him a pic of how I looked and His excitement for my dress-up time spurned me to take more pictures and pose kinda cute crouching down, bending over, from the side, my bottom, etc. I was having a full-on horny photo shoot, something I hadn’t done in a while and it was fun.

That’s when it happened. That cute brown clasp on the back of my shoe? It snagged on my fishnets when I was sitting back on my heels. When I moved, I tore my nets. Right on my bottom. I fell over and had a giggle fit. I took a picture and sent it in a message. He wrote me back: “Perfect! Now there’s a big enough hole for me!” That made me giggle harder. So now I have a pair of self-made crotchless fishnets (you can see the hole a bit in the second pic I posted).

There’s a little more to this story.

I wanted to get another pair of fishnets that didn’t have a hole in the crotch... you know... because. So I went on amazon and added them to my cart and forgot about them. My husband gave me them when they got in. I didn’t think twice about it and put them in my drawer of lingerie and went about my day... well... I wanted to wear a cute dress out a week or so later, and thought some fishnets under it would be cute. I started to slip them on... and they kept going... up my torso, and even had sleeves. I was confused. I had bought a fishnet body stocking?! *facepalm* and what’s better than that? Yep. That’s right. They’re crotchless. *giggle fits*

On a positive note, I look damn hot in a body stocking.
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By now, if you’ve been following my crazy mind-hole musings, you know I’m a little. I made the revelation this past year, but it’s been a part of me for as long as I can remember. I’ve always had a playful nature. I’ve always leaned toward young mannerisms, even when I don’t notice them. I’m always little. Can’t turn that part of me off... and really, why would I want to?!

Sometimes, I feel this scratch under my skin. This need to be extra playful. Some littles describe this headspace/mindset when reached as “little space.” This need for little space arises for me about twice a month and is usually dealt with by dressing adorably sexy and playing.

The fishnet stockings. I had them for a while but had worn them perhaps once before because I wasn’t comfortable wearing them out of the bedroom yet. I have this voice in my mind that has slowly been waning that tells me I am not a girl who can wear things like fishnets out of the bedroom. Anyway, I don’t know what made me want to wear them that day (little space does that to me, I don’t know why I want things, but I do), but my husband had just gotten me my first bum plug a few days prior, so maybe that had a bit to do with it: I wanted to wear a pink gem in my bum and be able to see it peek from under my skirt in a pic. I popped in the plug and then put on my fishnets first, on went the new skirt which makes me feel like my legs keep going. Then I put on a tank with pretty black lace edging, my hair in pigtails (handlebars) and a watermelon pink lippy rounded out my look.

I wasn’t wearing shoes. I needed heels. I had three pairs of heels at the time: blue satin 50s-looking ones (wouldn’t “go” with this outfit), red with a bow (not really what I was going for either), and I have this pair of black heels with a little brown clasp in the back that go with everything (just right! My baby bear of heels!). I chose them to go with my outfit. They are comfortable, 4 1/2 inch heels that I wear quite often now, but at the time, this was perhaps the fourth or fifth time ever wearing them so it added to the “I’m a little girl wearing big girl stuffs” feel and excitement.

I cleaned out the corner in my room to take some pictures of how super cute I looked. Moved a box, set up my camera, and started to shoot a few test shots. I got a message. I sent Him a pic of how I looked and His excitement for my dress-up time spurned me to take more pictures and pose kinda cute crouching down, bending over, from the side, my bottom, etc. I was having a full-on horny photo shoot, something I hadn’t done in a while and it was fun.

That’s when it happened. That cute brown clasp on the back of my shoe? It snagged on my fishnets when I was sitting back on my heels. When I moved, I tore my nets. Right on my bottom. I fell over and had a giggle fit. I took a picture and sent it in a message. He wrote me back: “Perfect! Now there’s a big enough hole for me!” That made me giggle harder. So now I have a pair of self-made crotchless fishnets (you can see the hole a bit in the second pic I posted).

There’s a little more to this story.

I wanted to get another pair of fishnets that didn’t have a hole in the crotch... you know... because. So I went on amazon and added them to my cart and forgot about them. My husband gave me them when they got in. I didn’t think twice about it and put them in my drawer of lingerie and went about my day... well... I wanted to wear a cute dress out a week or so later, and thought some fishnets under it would be cute. I started to slip them on... and they kept going... up my torso, and even had sleeves. I was confused. I had bought a fishnet body stocking?! *facepalm* and what’s better than that? Yep. That’s right. They’re crotchless. *giggle fits*

On a positive note, I look damn hot in a body stocking.

Mmmmm fuck. Yes. You do. Very very much. :devil::kiss:
By now, if you’ve been following my crazy mind-hole musings, you know I’m a little. I made the revelation this past year, but it’s been a part of me for as long as I can remember. I’ve always had a playful nature. I’ve always leaned toward young mannerisms, even when I don’t notice them. I’m always little. Can’t turn that part of me off... and really, why would I want to?!

Sometimes, I feel this scratch under my skin. This need to be extra playful. Some littles describe this headspace/mindset when reached as “little space.” This need for little space arises for me about twice a month and is usually dealt with by dressing adorably sexy and playing.

The fishnet stockings. I had them for a while but had worn them perhaps once before because I wasn’t comfortable wearing them out of the bedroom yet. I have this voice in my mind that has slowly been waning that tells me I am not a girl who can wear things like fishnets out of the bedroom. Anyway, I don’t know what made me want to wear them that day (little space does that to me, I don’t know why I want things, but I do), but my husband had just gotten me my first bum plug a few days prior, so maybe that had a bit to do with it: I wanted to wear a pink gem in my bum and be able to see it peek from under my skirt in a pic. I popped in the plug and then put on my fishnets first, on went the new skirt which makes me feel like my legs keep going. Then I put on a tank with pretty black lace edging, my hair in pigtails (handlebars) and a watermelon pink lippy rounded out my look.

I wasn’t wearing shoes. I needed heels. I had three pairs of heels at the time: blue satin 50s-looking ones (wouldn’t “go” with this outfit), red with a bow (not really what I was going for either), and I have this pair of black heels with a little brown clasp in the back that go with everything (just right! My baby bear of heels!). I chose them to go with my outfit. They are comfortable, 4 1/2 inch heels that I wear quite often now, but at the time, this was perhaps the fourth or fifth time ever wearing them so it added to the “I’m a little girl wearing big girl stuffs” feel and excitement.

I cleaned out the corner in my room to take some pictures of how super cute I looked. Moved a box, set up my camera, and started to shoot a few test shots. I got a message. I sent Him a pic of how I looked and His excitement for my dress-up time spurned me to take more pictures and pose kinda cute crouching down, bending over, from the side, my bottom, etc. I was having a full-on horny photo shoot, something I hadn’t done in a while and it was fun.

That’s when it happened. That cute brown clasp on the back of my shoe? It snagged on my fishnets when I was sitting back on my heels. When I moved, I tore my nets. Right on my bottom. I fell over and had a giggle fit. I took a picture and sent it in a message. He wrote me back: “Perfect! Now there’s a big enough hole for me!” That made me giggle harder. So now I have a pair of self-made crotchless fishnets (you can see the hole a bit in the second pic I posted).

There’s a little more to this story.

I wanted to get another pair of fishnets that didn’t have a hole in the crotch... you know... because. So I went on amazon and added them to my cart and forgot about them. My husband gave me them when they got in. I didn’t think twice about it and put them in my drawer of lingerie and went about my day... well... I wanted to wear a cute dress out a week or so later, and thought some fishnets under it would be cute. I started to slip them on... and they kept going... up my torso, and even had sleeves. I was confused. I had bought a fishnet body stocking?! *facepalm* and what’s better than that? Yep. That’s right. They’re crotchless. *giggle fits*

On a positive note, I look damn hot in a body stocking.

I think that I am in love!!!!!!!!!