Nothing to see here, Justa bit of Florida sunshine with a chance of hurricane.

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happy Thursday

to be honest, I really don't wear white panties often. partially because I dislike the whole obvious when wet thing. not sure why that bothers me, considering no one is looking at my panties anyway. Also, well I stopped buying white in general, because of the whole I cant go a day without spilling something on my boobs, and kid's and hubby's favorite color is dirt, so why do 2 loads of laundry, no whites if no one wears whites because I don't buy whites.

Such an inviting pic. :p:p:p:p
happy Thursday

to be honest, I really don't wear white panties often. partially because I dislike the whole obvious when wet thing. not sure why that bothers me, considering no one is looking at my panties anyway. Also, well I stopped buying white in general, because of the whole I cant go a day without spilling something on my boobs, and kid's and hubby's favorite color is dirt, so why do 2 loads of laundry, no whites if no one wears whites because I don't buy whites.

I'd love to have that view just before you pulled the crotch of those off to the side and eased yourself down on my face. 👅
Just as long as it includes your pie huehuehuehuehue. Yeah that's right, I'm a dork and not afraid of it.

lol, good think I like silly and dorky.

Slightly insulting? Not with your fine ass my dear.

well thank you I guess. suck my ass works as an insult in the real word at least, guess certain things just don't translate to the lit world

It is a very happy Thursday now thanks to you. White suits you :devil:

thank you.

That is such an erotic shot. I just want to take my finger and slide it underneath then pull that thong to the side and expose what is under it.

thank you ;)

What a great present. yummmy
thank you :devil:

Such an inviting pic. :p:p:p:p
thank you

I'd love to have that view just before you pulled the crotch of those off to the side and eased yourself down on my face. 👅
mmmm thank you
The one where the hot, dorky technowiz gets it on with the lit fan she's made very hard this morning. Wait that hasn't been written. Yet.
happy Thursday

to be honest, I really don't wear white panties often. partially because I dislike the whole obvious when wet thing. not sure why that bothers me, considering no one is looking at my panties anyway. Also, well I stopped buying white in general, because of the whole I cant go a day without spilling something on my boobs, and kid's and hubby's favorite color is dirt, so why do 2 loads of laundry, no whites if no one wears whites because I don't buy whites.

Mmmmmm, such a sexy shot, sorry to disagree but seeing a wet spot I think is very hot and arousing to know that you’re turned on. Got my mouth watering after this post. :devil:
so, I am trying to avoid cleaning...what are some of your favorite threads or stories on lit?

Besides ampics, always enjoy the fetish thread section. As far as stories enjoy most genres but tend to gravitate back to the loving wives, group sex, mature genres.
happy Thursday

to be honest, I really don't wear white panties often. partially because I dislike the whole obvious when wet thing. not sure why that bothers me, considering no one is looking at my panties anyway. Also, well I stopped buying white in general, because of the whole I cant go a day without spilling something on my boobs, and kid's and hubby's favorite color is dirt, so why do 2 loads of laundry, no whites if no one wears whites because I don't buy whites.

Lovely inner thighs. I'm just imagining running a finger along the white material stretched between them
What's your genre?

Stories, I tend to go with group, loving wives, and nonconsent I like this story a lot, I like your photos and attitude even MORE

Well Thank you. Will take a look at the story.

The one where the hot, dorky technowiz gets it on with the lit fan she's made very hard this morning. Wait that hasn't been written. Yet.

I was looking for something entertaining, damn it.

Mmmmmm, such a sexy shot, sorry to disagree but seeing a wet spot I think is very hot and arousing to know that you’re turned on. Got my mouth watering after this post. :devil:

Thank you.

Besides ampics, always enjoy the fetish thread section. As far as stories enjoy most genres but tend to gravitate back to the loving wives, group sex, mature genres.

I actual have not looked at mature. I refuse to accept I might resemble a mature adult.

Lovely inner thighs. I'm just imagining running a finger along the white material stretched between them

Mmm, thank you.
happy Thursday

to be honest, I really don't wear white panties often. partially because I dislike the whole obvious when wet thing. not sure why that bothers me, considering no one is looking at my panties anyway. Also, well I stopped buying white in general, because of the whole I cant go a day without spilling something on my boobs, and kid's and hubby's favorite color is dirt, so why do 2 loads of laundry, no whites if no one wears whites because I don't buy whites.
You had me at wet thing! :kiss: :rose:
Lol, well mature not always a old man/woman per-say, usually a younger person with an older person. For the record, you do not resemble that older category in any way, and eventually when you do I’m sure you’ll still be as sexy and vivacious :D
Touche, next story I will make sure the guy is a travelling troubadour with a penchant for face fucking. Are you not entertained?
You had me at wet thing! :kiss: :rose:

thank you. what can I say, I guess exhibitionism turns me on.

Lol, well mature not always a old man/woman per-say, usually a younger person with an older person. For the record, you do not resemble that older category in any way, and eventually when you do I’m sure you’ll still be as sexy and vivacious :D

thank you. the average life expectancy for a female in the US is 78. meaning, I am officially middle aged. It doesn't help that when I was young and people would ask things like, when are you going to grow up, act responsibly, quit smoking, quit drinking, have kids etc, my answer was always, "I will consider it when I am old and decrepit, like 30." young me was a such a bitch lol.

Touche, next story I will make sure the guy is a travelling troubadour with a penchant for face fucking. Are you not entertained?

haha, can he juggle too?
Can I have a taste? I love your attitude and would love to get a beer with you and Eric. Maybe I would also like to watch you guys too.
So, I have heard the comments and I have finally created my own thread (Thank Fred for sending me an index or blame Fred for enabling me).

I guess I should start with the index of past pics. Wow, I have posted 66 items, more than I though. It was fun to walk down memory lane and see the progressive changes from the first to the last.

my personal favorites
my first less than decent 4,,, p1891
this one was fun for me, maybe someday i will post the after picture pictures and video 24,,, p2598
also fun and I slept in a little 30,,, p2617
the thong brought back a ton of memories 38,,, p2787
this was just funny at the time 39,,, p2978
I really liked this nightgown, comfortable and my tits didnt keep falling out 50,,, p2340
idk, i liked the top 52,,, p3296

ladies without bras:
1,,, p3261
that was my first, it always starts with just one innocent picture, doesn't it? this was even already out on the internet as it was actually from a clothing review (long story)
5,,, p3331--6,,, p3363 --9,,, p3400

2,,, p1683 --3,,, p1725--8,,, p1761--13,,, p1872 --36,,, p2117 --50,,, p2340

Titty Tuesday
4,,, p1891 --7,,, p2015--10,,, p2087 --15,,, p2205--19,,, p2320--20,,, p2391--23,,, p2429 --26,,, p2484 --28,,, p264 -- 30,,, p2617 --32,,, p2664 --34,,, p2728 --37,,, p2853 -- 39,,, p2978 --40,,, p3054 --41,,, p3116 --52,,, p3296

Thong Thursday
11,,, p2381 --16,,, p2470--24,,, p2733 --27,,, p2631 --29,,, p2651 --31,,, p2693 -- 33,,, p2733--35,,, p2747 -- 38,,, p2787 --42,,, p2812 --56,,, p2853

posts your breasts with size
(even though my size is so rudely left off the size conversion chart here lol) US 32L, UK 32HH, EUR 70M 17,,, p1853-- 78,,, p2392--

misc threads
12,,, p304 --14,,, p3340 --18,,, p3365 --22,,, p287 --25,,, p32

office pics is just a fun thread as a whole for me (even though 90% of my pics are office pics)
43,,, p26
started innocently enough 44,,, --then cube boob 45,,, --work bench topless 46,,, --hallway topless 47,,, --vps office topless 48,,, --fuck it, break room topless and braless 49,,, p66
51,,, p93 --53,,, --54,,, p130 --55,,, -- p151
57,,, p201
inside my desk drawer, nothing too exciting, the things you would expect. sfps, flash drives, tools, connectors, batteries, snacks, ok maybe a few things that are not quite expected 58,,, p211
fuck it friday and pantyless friday at my cube 59,,, --60,,, --61,,, --62,,, -- 63,,, p228
64,,, p247 --66,,, p297

gifs and video
21 dizzy p3454 --65. yes I can lick my nipple p261 -- 67. slippery 3452

my own thread
68,,, p2 -- 69,,, p41-- 70,,, p87-- 71,,, p107-- 72,,, p107-- 73,,, p107-- 74,,, p107-- 75,,, p138-- 76audio,,, p138-- 76,,, p157-- 77betweenGIF,,, p195-- 79,,, p232-- 80,,, p260-- 81,,, p299--

Feel free to ask me questions and just discuss random shit, I don't bite (hard). Funny is always preferred. Just so people stop asking (which actually makes me laugh as all of the women understood completely without asking, but men ask a lot), I will explain the User Name. I originally created an account to write (which will actually never happen), but in case I ever got there, I wanted people to understand where the story was coming from. That would be from a chick who is just another cliche that you see everywhere. I was trying to get across the desperate housewife syndrome aspect, but saying housewife would be minimizing housewives as at least I have a soul sucking corporate job to have adult like interactions at. Despite how hard and how long I fought it, I am still sometimes at Target. You see us everywhere though, but especially Target. The housewives might actually be on day 3 of the same t-shirt and yoga pants. You ask us what our hobbies are and you get a blank look like we don't understand English. Clarify with what do you like to do, and still the blank look. Why? because it has been so long we have forgotten. We just deal with responsibilities. We go to our jobs or deal with the rugrats, take them to their activities, cook meals, run errands and clean on weekends. If we can steal some time once every three months to see a friend, it is combined with household supply shopping at Target. We might bring the kids, because if we don't, we haven't even arrived before a husband is texting about how long it has been or something about the kids. Anyway Target, we talk about what the kids are up to, then the husbands, if we both work, we talk about work, then maybe the recent Greys...then what. My friend and I actually make up ridiculous stories about those around us. We have already shared our old stories, and we don't have much new. That is the cliche I was implying. What I am desperate for is new experiences. Sure, that could be one night with a new person, but it is deeper than that. I guess what I am desperate for is freedom and time to enjoy it. I do pretty good in stealing little bits of time here and there, and keeping things as interesting and fun as I can, but I am still a bit cliche. Just another chick a Target like all the rest.

Also side note, guys looking for chicks, have you tried Target? It is full of painfully bored women looking to take home something they totally don't need just for something different and exciting to do. Might be a good place to look.

It's hilarious you should bring up Target. A friend of mine and I have talked a few times about if any guy wanted to hit on her Target would be the place. She spends a lot of time there, going sometimes without anything to buy really in mind beforehand. We have liked about it being the best spot to flirt and pick up women.
Justa your pics say it all and your comments just make me smile while enjoying the view that you offer up ! :devil: :heart:

Now what can we do about getting that thong even wetter? ::p:
Can I have a taste? I love your attitude and would love to get a beer with you and Eric. Maybe I would also like to watch you guys too.

Mmm. And actually never met Eric in person. He Is a lit guy I used play with often, with some control fantasies I guess. He isn't really around much anymore, but ya know, profile editing broken.

It's hilarious you should bring up Target. A friend of mine and I have talked a few times about if any guy wanted to hit on her Target would be the place. She spends a lot of time there, going sometimes without anything to buy really in mind beforehand. We have liked about it being the best spot to flirt and pick up women.

Yup, I am only funny because what I say is true.

Of course, though he does best handling pendulous things.


Justa your pics say it all and your comments just make me smile while enjoying the view that you offer up ! :devil: :heart:

Now what can we do about getting that thong even wetter? ::p:

Actually, I am pretty good at the moment, managed to steal 20 minutes alone in the shower, ask again in a few hours.

I could stick my face in there and smell lick and kiss it forever!!

Mmm, thank you
happy Thursday

to be honest, I really don't wear white panties often. partially because I dislike the whole obvious when wet thing. not sure why that bothers me, considering no one is looking at my panties anyway. Also, well I stopped buying white in general, because of the whole I cant go a day without spilling something on my boobs, and kid's and hubby's favorite color is dirt, so why do 2 loads of laundry, no whites if no one wears whites because I don't buy whites.

Actually...I am much happier now!!! Thanks! :devil::devil::devil:
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