If the Democrats want to win seats next election...


So the goods sold at the black market have no government regulations placed on them?

They do but they aren't being adhered to, so no effective government regulations, it's effectively a free market (fuck government authority!! very anarchistic) as long as the po-po don't show up.

Beause here's the definition of a black market:

So there ARE regulations on the goods sold at a black market, but somehow, the government DOESN'T own them.

You need to go read and actually comprehend the definition.

There are no regulations, the black market operates in absolute defiance of them

Regulation does not equal ownership. Possession equals ownership.

And regulation grants the government?? POSSESSION!!!! OWNERSHIP!!!!

Who owns these drugs Daily??? Guess how they seized it? REGULATION!!!

The regulation doesn't magically transfer the guns or drugs into the possession (ownership) of the police,

That's exactly what regulation does. It grants the government authority to take private property from the individual and exert control over the markets that property is being distributed and exchanged on. Socialism in action....

Who owns the drugs Daily?? Doesn't look like private ownership or an open market to me......

Every item sold at a black market IS regulated. That's the definition of a black market.

No, every item sold on a black market is sold outside of or in defiance of regulation.

THAT is the definition of a black market, learn to read.

Seriously, you and water and rightguide can't be this ignorant to basic logic. I refuse to believe that any of you have a higher than 3rd grade education if you truly believe this garbage.

Believe whatever you want but my education isn't subject to your beliefs any more than my military service was subject to Cowslinger64's.

You can talk shit on lit all you want, I'll still be a biologist with a set of nice ass credentials from both public and private schools. ;)
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There are no regulations, the black market operates in absolute defiance of them

Exactly. The black market operates IN SPITE of regulations, which are NOT ownership of the items.

And regulation grants the government??

Who owns these drugs Daily??? Guess how? Regulation that's right....

Holy shit dude... Stop smoking that good stuff.

Regulations don't grant the government ownership of anything. Possession does.

If a drug dealer owns drugs that are regulated, does the government own them?


If an arms dealer in a black market has 15 regulated class 3 firearms, does the goverment own them?


Regulation is NOT ownership. No matter how many times you try to claim it is. Just like anarchism is NOT right wing, and socialism isn't "shit Botany Boy doens't like".
Exactly. The black market operates IN SPITE of regulations, which are NOT ownership of the items.

What happens upon regulation (government control) of that freely operating market though?

Holy shit dude... Stop smoking that good stuff.

Regulations don't grant the government ownership of anything. Possession does.

Regulations grant government possession and ownership.

Go drive your car 140mph down the highway and see who owns what property upon enforcement of regulation.

If a drug dealer owns drugs that are regulated, does the government own them?

Nope. But if an unlicensed drug dealer had drugs, those drugs aren't being regulated now are they??

Guess what happens when they do come under regulation??

Who owns the drugs Daily??

Regulation is NOT ownership.

It is legal authority to take ownership.

Go violate ANY regulation you want and watch it happen.

Even a misdemeanor like speeding.....go ahead, do it and see what regulation grants the state to do to your property. :D

No matter how many times you try to claim it is. Just like anarchism is NOT right wing, and socialism isn't "shit Botany Boy doens't like".

I've never said socialism is "shit I don't like" nor did I claim anarchism is right wing.

That's shit you made up in spite of the fact that I never said those things, adamantly denied your ascriptions from the get go and claimed directly otherwise.
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What happens upon regulation though?

It becomes regulated.

Nothing "happens". It takes further action to take POSSESSION, which is ownership. Every single item in a black market is REGULATED. The government does not possess any of those items, and as such, does not own them.

Regulations grant government possession and ownership.

Go drive your car 140mph down the highway and see who owns what upon enforcement of regulation.

Ah... you see now. You're just not willing to admit it.

"enforcement" has now entered the lexicon of your language. If a car drives 140 miles an hour, and no one is there to enforce the regulation, who owns it?

Be honest with yourself on this one.

Nope. But if an unlicensed drug dealer had drugs, those drugs aren't being regulated now are they??

Now you're backsliding again. Of course they're still regulated...

Guess what happens when they do come under regulation??

Nothing. Regulated drugs are in the ownership of the possessor.
If that were really true we would not have any need of any police.

We don't need police.


So...cops don't raid black markets then?

They do, to take ownership of the regulated items that were formerly in owned by the people selling them at the black market.

Who owns these recently regulated no longer free market drugs?

whomever possesses them.

Are we starting to understand the regulation<->ownership connection yet?

Or are you still not getting it?

It's not correct. You're having a huge logic fail, and it's certainly not the first time.
Well, looks like the Democrats want to give up the next election.

That's on them. I think it's a poor move, and likely to end up with increased deficit, more welfare for corporations and the rich, and less access to abortion-care, but I guess the Democrats don't give a shit about the people they pretend to represent.
Well, looks like the Democrats want to give up the next election.

That's on them. I think it's a poor move, and likely to end up with increased deficit, more welfare for corporations and the rich, and less access to abortion-care, but I guess the Democrats don't give a shit about the people they pretend to represent.

The sad reality is that most Americans want more gun control, but the issue is sensationalized so they don't vote that way. People don't vote with their heads. The thinking animal we are not.
The sad reality is that most Americans want more gun control, but the issue is sensationalized so they don't vote that way. People don't vote with their heads. The thinking animal we are not.

Most americans don't want more gun control, they're told that they want more gun control, by the democrats.

It has back fired by the democrats time after time after time after time, but you can't teach an old dog new tricks.
Most americans don't want more gun control, they're told that they want more gun control, by the democrats.

It has back fired by the democrats time after time after time after time, but you can't teach an old dog new tricks.


Gallup as told by the American public disagrees with your statement.

I think you'll have a very difficult time proving the "as told by the Democrats" part of your statement.
It is a loser issue for '18. National Debt, taxes, jobs, infrastructure and immigration are the issues.

I don't disagree. Especially with the chokehold the NRA has on the propaganda. And well, gerrymandering.

Gallup as told by the American public disagrees with your statement.

I think you'll have a very difficult time proving the "as told by the Democrats" part of your statement.

Your own link agrees with me.

(Asked of those dissatisfied with U.S. gun policy) Would you like to see gun laws in this country made more strict, less strict, or remain as they are?

Combined responses: Satisfaction with nation's gun laws + follow-up of those dissatisfied

Total satisfied 42%

Dissatisfied, want stricter 37%

Dissatisfied, want less strict 11%

Dissatisfied, keep the same 6%

No opinion 5%

Totally satisfied or want less strict combined is 53%, which is a majority.
I don't disagree. Especially with the chokehold the NRA has on the propaganda. And well, gerrymandering.

The NRA boogieman is ridiculous.

The NRA isn't a great organization IMHO, but they are hardly running the government on this issue. People do not want more gun control, and they punish (and will continue to punish) those who try to take away their second amendment rights. If the Democrats refuse to acknowledge that, they will continue to help elect politicians like Donald Trump.
The sad reality is that most Americans want more gun control, but the issue is sensationalized so they don't vote that way. People don't vote with their heads. The thinking animal we are not.

The vast majority in your own poll do not want handguns or semi automatic rifles banned, yet that's what the democratic platform calls for anyways.

Again, this is a big reason why the Democrats keep losing, and will continue to lose.
Your own link agrees with me.

Totally satisfied or want less strict combined is 53%, which is a majority.

Yet the chart above that shows the opposite.

55% want more strict.

34% want same.

10% want less strict.

So in the first graphic we have a majority wanting more strict gun control laws.

Clear as mud.

And I wouldn't discount the NRA lobby. What they spend is... insane.
I think they should just come out into the open and campaign on

"Fuck white people, especially white guys. Kill zem....Kill zem all AHHHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!"

It's clearly what Democrats want.
The Democrat's best ally is Donald Trump.

Unless he starts to smarten up, either Pence or maybe a Democrat will win in 2020. Democrats will win in 2024.

The Republican-majority congress doesn't mean as much these days as it did election night. Today's 15 year-old will be 2020's eligible voter: the politicians will have to modify accordingly.

Gun laws will remain.

I expect another, say, +30 person gun massacre in another 12 months—probably in a state that voted for Trump, as well another category 5 hurricane.
The Democrat's best ally is Donald Trump.

Unless he starts to smarten up, either Pence or maybe a Democrat will win in 2020. Democrats will win in 2024.


The guy could bring about world peace, single handedly discover the cure for cancer, end all world hunger and AND poverty.

(D)'s would screech about what a Nazi he is.

There is literally nothing DJT could EVER DO....EVER....that will get praise from the MSM or all the (D) that are totally convinced he's Satan incarnate.

The Republican-majority congress doesn't mean as much these days as it did election night.

Congress is so broken right now it hasn't meant much of anything for nearly a decade and will continue to be irrelevant and unproductive, because the USA is too stupid to fire the corrupt pile of shit we call congress.

People don't realize Democracy only works if you vote in new people when the old ones refuse to do their job. IDK how true it is, but I saw a GIF that said if we put a 12 year term limit on congress over 2/3 of them would be ineligible for reelection in 2018 and if you did a 20yr term limit more than HALF would still be ineligible. Doesn't sound too far fetched....and if true certainly wouldn't shock me.

The beatings will continue until morale has improved. :cool:
The guy could bring about world peace, single handedly discover the cure for cancer, end all world hunger and AND poverty.

(D)'s would screech about what a Nazi he is.

There is literally nothing DJT could EVER DO....EVER....that will get praise from the MSM or all the (D) that are totally convinced he's Satan incarnate.


because the USA is too stupid to fire the corrupt pile of shit we call congress.

But that's kind of the problem: he promised so much, shat on everybody, and polarized the country: great to win power, not so good for changing the country and world for the better.

While many on the political left have gotten burnt by Trump and his supporters to admit to possible good things—at least for a while, I'm sure a few would.

As for term limits, such might backfire. Wasn't the 2-term limit for presidents pushed by a Republican congress to stop FDR-Truman from winning so much? If so, it kind of back-fired on them during the Reagan years. Clinton might never have had a chance.

The old politicians might have to retire, but their prodigy takes over. The cure is a less apathetic electorate. Voting isn't the end all and be all to political involvement.
But that's kind of the problem: he promised so much, shat on everybody, and polarized the country: great to win power, not so good for changing the country and world for the better.

That's been the gold standard of US Presidential leadership for like 40 years....

As for term limits, such might backfire. Wasn't the 2-term limit for presidents pushed by a Republican congress to stop FDR-Truman from winning so much? If so, it kind of back-fired on them during the Reagan years. Clinton might never have had a chance.

It will only backfire on the uber partisans and folks looking to turn their political "careers" into permanent racketeering operations.

The old politicians might have to retire, but their prodigy takes over. The cure is a less apathetic electorate. Voting isn't the end all and be all to political involvement.

Only if the voters allow it and keep electing the same shitheads, like I said.

The apathetic electorate doesn't matter...they don't vote. They are just cheerleaders at best.

It's the ones that vote who are the problem, they keep sending the same shitheads back over and over expecting change because new POTUS is a God King!! :rolleyes:

Morons don't realize the change happens in congress....the one they keep sending their Nancy Pelosies and Mitch McConnells back to manage over and over again. Until the people who DO get out and vote realize the career pol's that have been fucking them for decades are the ones that need to go because POTUS is NOT a God King ......we will continue to get more of the same ol' shit.

I think McConnell and Pelosi would keep getting sent back forever....years after they are dead, if their name was on the ticket they would just keep winning.
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Again, don't discount the outsized influence of the NRA on our government.

Government won't fund gun violence research because of the NRA lobby.

Physician Gag Law

Their influence shrinks into insignificance beside that of labor unions. The NRA had nothing whatsoever to do with the killing in Las Vegas, nothing. So stop the liberal idiocy.

That son of a bitch broke every law in the books illustrating the strength of the "law" when it is broken by insane people. He is the responsible party, not the NRA, the law, or the lack of the law.