
Oh yeah and not getting picked up in the party bus is obviously because you live in America's Wang and they're all up north ;):kiss:

Ha. Wang is capitalized.
Fuckin' kidney stones....


I feel you, shank :(
Multiple stones, both sides, multiple times :( :( :(
I'm just a kidney stone making machine!

The last time I had a stone there was a lot of blood in my urine but it didn't hurt so I wasn't sure it was a stone.
So I go walking into the urgent care all nonchalant and check in. After triage the nurse asks for a urine sample. I bring back something that looks like coffee in a sample cup.

Yeah I got seen pretty damn quickly after that. Never have I heard a doctor from across the floor go "holy crap that's her URINE?!"

And that's the fucking story about my last kidney stones.
I got tired of responsible diagnostic procedures, and fixed my fucking self.

Fuck yes!
Is it sacrilegious to say I'd love a good hard fuck right about now?

Not at all. As it says in the Book of Eroticus, Chapter 3, Verses 1-6: And they went forth and they fucked hard, cocks and pussies, pussies and mouths, cocks and assess joined as one. They fucked each day of the week, giving thanks. They fucked in the daylight, and fucked at night. They fucked in joy and they fucked in more joy. They fucked. And then they rested.

I think you're good.

Got up at 4:00 am to take 99 year old mom-in-law to hospital for a scheduled procedure. Dr #1 did not contact Dr #2 with important info. Procedure canceled at 8:30 am - sending everyone home.

Need to do this all over in about three days.

Fuckin' Fuck Fuck....

(i'm off to find some fuckin' fuck glitter to cheer me the fuck up.)
Not at all. As it says in the Book of Eroticus, Chapter 3, Verses 1-6: And they went forth and they fucked hard, cocks and pussies, pussies and mouths, cocks and assess joined as one. They fucked each day of the week, giving thanks. They fucked in the daylight, and fucked at night. They fucked in joy and they fucked in more joy. They fucked. And then they rested.

I think you're good.

Book of Eroticus.

A solid month of writing and finally the raw draft is in the chocolate/coffee/candy/cookie/potato chip stained and encrusted mitts of my voracious manuscript review squad for some slash and burn editing as of this morning. It was "Gimme! Gimme! Gimme!" when I showed up with the hard copies.

I swear, I barely made it out alive. They literally ripped the manuscripts out of my hands and started scarfing munchies before I could even say 'here it is'. Pages flipped and they just flicked their fingers at me to go away and stop bothering them.

This is what I get for answering their "Hey, I'm bored - got anything new?" texts. At least those 9 ladies who visit me at night can rest up some before they start whispering at me again.

FUCK ME! Now I'm bored. C'mon squad, put down the cookies and give me some feedback! You don't really have to PERSONALLY double check that all the fun kinky stuff actually works like I say it does, do you? DO YOU?

It's election day..... Fuck. 😣
Or as the rest of the world has come to know it;

Personally I want Trump to win for genuinely no other reason than so I can watch Hillary's entitled narcissistic breakdown over being denied the presidency for the second and probably final time.
Alas it probably won't happen so I'll have to make do with Trump supporters attacking election officials over their 'rigging' of the system.
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I'm at a facility where last semester a patient got a hold of a pair of scissors and went after a student, chairs are regularly thrown, and they bite and kick people in the groin (men and women.)

Fuck :(