Women on Cam

Oct 29, 2014
How do women who get on cam in chat rooms feel about men who DON'T?
My thing is if you're just one of a thousand swinging dicks in a room why even bother?
The same goes for vying for the ladies' attention in the chatroom vs PM. Is it a turn-off that I'd rather sit in and enjoy the view(s) than add to the noise?
i think you're creepy :)

swinging dick or not, talking face to face is good.
How do women who get on cam in chat rooms feel about men who DON'T?
My thing is if you're just one of a thousand swinging dicks in a room why even bother?
The same goes for vying for the ladies' attention in the chatroom vs PM. Is it a turn-off that I'd rather sit in and enjoy the view(s) than add to the noise?

Now, that's a visual.
How do women who get on cam in chat rooms feel about men who DON'T?
My thing is if you're just one of a thousand swinging dicks in a room why even bother?
The same goes for vying for the ladies' attention in the chatroom vs PM. Is it a turn-off that I'd rather sit in and enjoy the view(s) than add to the noise?

Post naked pictures of yourself in this thread, I'll let you know if you should cam.
I was told that Heathyr Hoffman does cam girl work, although I may have been trolled.