Ladies suit porn


Literotica Guru
Oct 26, 2005
Seeing this post in Kara's thread :
This is a kind of long set. It's my feminine version of suit porn. :)

made think that what she said would be a fantastic idea for a thread. How about it ladies? It would be an opportunity to show off a different side of you and I know I can't be the only man here who'd like to see you dressed up - especially when we already have such a good idea of what lies beneath those beautiful outfits. Think of it as posting a "before" picture for a change.

I seriously hope this thread gets going.
Thank you so much for starting with a post of mine. I am honored! Here is another to help you out!

Thank you so much for starting with a post of mine. I am honored! Here is another to help you out!

umm, great choice.

now how does this work?? eventually you get down to the sexxy things under neath???
A few from me. . .


Kara, Sam, thank you! You're definitely two ladies who need to be on the first page of this thread.

:rose: :rose: :rose:
Eeeeeep!! Hats off to you for this, nothing more alluring that a powerful woman. Great start ladies!! x x x
What an excellent thread.....and ladies you are beautiful x :)
I sort of wearing a suit. A top and skirt. It's a little hard to tell, though.

Thank you! I love this idea. Is it okay if I contribute often?
I'm not the type who begs, but you do sometimes present a challenge to me, sweetie. ;)

Yes, please post as often as you like. You know I'll appreciate it, as will quite a few other Lit Men, and I'd love to see this thread keep going.
From another thread... (and yes.. I'm leaning forward a bit.)
