Just Plain Depressing...

Not that we need to rekindle this thread, but who is it you think you're addressing, Robert? The woman who left the Web site (if she's a girl, as some refer to her, she shouldn't have been here to begin with) didn't start this thread or--to my knowledge--write on the thread. She just left the Web site. All of the Sturm und Drang on this on the forum is being provided by others.
Not that we need to rekindle this thread, but who is it you think you're addressing, Robert? The woman who left the Web site (if she's a girl, as some refer to her, she shouldn't have been here to begin with) didn't start this thread or--to my knowledge--write on the thread. She just left the Web site. All of the Sturm und Drang on this on the forum is being provided by others.

Do please explain; why not ?
Do please explain; why not ?

According to Webster's a girl is a female child before adulthood. You're supposed to be a woman if you are an old-enough female to be posting to Literotica.

This sort of brings up an aspect of this thread, where some of the posters come across with the attitude of "I'm a man, so I have to protect this girl." I would think the feminists here would be all over that with "I am a woman and don't need your nineteenth-century perspective of my needing your protection, thank you very much."
According to Webster's a girl is a female child before adulthood. You're supposed to be a woman if you are an old-enough female to be posting to Literotica.

This sort of brings up an aspect of this thread, where some of the posters come across with the attitude of "I'm a man, so I have to protect this girl." I would think the feminists here would be all over that with "I am a woman and don't need your nineteenth-century perspective of my needing your protection, thank you very much."

We all need friends, regardless of gender. :)
We all need friends, regardless of gender. :)

Well, we'll see what the OP does the next time a male poster leaves because of harassment. (I'm not sure you get my point. I'm surprised that no woman posting here is miffed at the suggestion an adult woman posting to Literotica shouldn't be able to stand up for herself--would need a knight in shining armor to rescue her. This seems much the same paternalistic attitude the thread is objecting to.)

Personally I think everyone adult enough to be posting on Literotica should be adult enough to take responsibility for themselves.
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" I would think the feminists here would be all over that with "I am a woman and don't need your nineteenth-century perspective of my needing your protection, thank you very much."

Like this, you mean ?


  • angry equal small.jpg
    angry equal small.jpg
    38 KB · Views: 16
Well, we'll see what the OP does the next time a male poster leaves because of harassment. (I'm not sure you get my point. I'm surprised that no woman posting here is miffed at the suggestion an adult woman posting to Literotica shouldn't be able to stand up for herself--would need a knight in shining armor to rescue her. This seems much the same paternalistic attitude the thread is objecting to.)

Personally I think everyone adult enough to be posting on Literotica should be adult enough to take responsibility for themselves.

I agree with your last statement.

As for the previous ones, there are other things to consider. One, I'm sure there are plenty of women who are capable of standing up for themselves, and dealing with the crap they get from some Literotica members. They probably are miffed at the idea of needing a white knight. They may just not be saying anything.

Also, truth is that sometimes men who troll like this will not heed a woman's "Leave me alone." However, when confronted with a male friend -- boyfriend, husband, whatever -- then those men are more likely to back off.

It's changing, but it's not entirely gone. I remember my mom telling me that when I and my brother were in school, she sometimes had to bring my dad into different school matters because basically, they wouldn't listen to her or take her as seriously as they would him.

I'll probably jinx myself, but personally this hasn't been a problem. When I get unwanted PMs on Lit, I just delete them. I ignore, either via the ignore function or just not responding, a lot of what goes on in the forums (I also don't go on the GB). So far, it's worked for me.
It's when people, males particularly, that come to her defence, regardless of whether we know them or not, shows the trolls that that conduct isn't tolerated and will end up with a backlash coming at them.
I agree this is an adult website and only adults should be participating, but that doesn't excuse how some people conduct themselves under the guise of being an adult. Threats of any kind aren't tolerated by anyone in RL, so why should they be acceptable here?
Well, we'll see what the OP does the next time a male poster leaves because of harassment. (I'm not sure you get my point. I'm surprised that no woman posting here is miffed at the suggestion an adult woman posting to Literotica shouldn't be able to stand up for herself--would need a knight in shining armor to rescue her. This seems much the same paternalistic attitude the thread is objecting to.)

Personally I think everyone adult enough to be posting on Literotica should be adult enough to take responsibility for themselves.

I do get your point SR. I'm just looking at harassment in general, without regard to gender. As Royce mentioned, we, as a community, need to make it clear that harassment is not acceptable. Just like you try to shoo away any political discussions in the AH, others try to shoo away the losers who get off on leaving shit piles for others to step in.

Where the line is drawn between feminism and paternalism depends on which side you're standing. IMO. I think the issue here is more about sensitive people versus the "fuck you" types that just let shit roll off their backs. Some people can take it, some can't. The people who can't take it aren't inferior, they're just wired differently, and they appreciate our help.
I'll probably jinx myself, but personally this hasn't been a problem. When I get unwanted PMs on Lit, I just delete them. I ignore, either via the ignore function or just not responding, a lot of what goes on in the forums (I also don't go on the GB). So far, it's worked for me.

So that's why I never get any replies to my request for cyber-sex. I thought it was because I had forgotten the stamps.... :rolleyes:

SikFuk said:
I think the issue here is more about sensitive people versus the "fuck you" types that just let shit roll off their backs. Some people can take it, some can't. The people who can't take it aren't inferior, they're just wired differently, and they appreciate our help.

For the past five years I have volunteered two of my Saturdays each month teaching self defence in a women's shelter. The first thing we train - and this is often the hardest part - is that being a victim is a choice. It is one of the few things Twilight got right: If you act like a victim you are perceived as one. And you will attract bullies and ass-holes like fly paper.

So that's why I don't buy that some people are "wired" to be helpless. They just haven't learned to fend for themselves yet. And the first rule of self-defence on the internet is "don't feed the troll/bully". Even if the girl in question decides to let the bully win and drop Literotica, the rest of the internet works the same way.
....So that's why I don't buy that some people are "wired" to be helpless. They just haven't learned to fend for themselves yet. And the first rule of self-defence on the internet is "don't feed the troll/bully". Even if the girl in question decides to let the bully win and drop Literotica, the rest of the internet works the same way.

I see a difference between helpless and sensitive. I would equate helpless with defenseless, as you do. I would equate sensitive as someone who is bothered by BS that another person could just shrug off. For example, some people can put up with an oppressive work environment and then go home and forget all about it. Others take their stress home with them and stew about it all night, or they quit and find another job. Why do these two people react differently to the same triggers?

Science suggests it may be chemistry. Consider the studies showing how liberals and conservatives have dissimilar physical characteristics in their brain topography. It could be that sensitive people are, indeed, wired that way. That doesn't necessarily make them helpless, it just makes them more susceptible to being conned - more trusting, perhaps. Teaching these people how to not be victims would be helpful, but it's always going to be a struggle for them because of their trusting nature.

I think it's really cool that you've been teaching at the women's shelter. The world needs more people like you. :)
According to Webster's a girl is a female child before adulthood. You're supposed to be a woman if you are an old-enough female to be posting to Literotica.

This sort of brings up an aspect of this thread, where some of the posters come across with the attitude of "I'm a man, so I have to protect this girl." I would think the feminists here would be all over that with "I am a woman and don't need your nineteenth-century perspective of my needing your protection, thank you very much."

I don't see where any of the men come across as having to "protect this girl" simply because they're men. I see it as their recognizing that on an erotica site in 2014 women still bear the brunt of sexual harassment and abuse amid the same old tired rhetoric of well if you don't like it, don't invite it, don't act like a whore, don't act like a child, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, etc. I would suppose that most adults when they have a problem and discuss it with a friend or someone they trust, expect to get a listening ear, not a not-this-fucking issue again, and geeze, get a grip. Act like a fucking adult!

As an adult, I don't expect or need anyone, man or woman, to do for me what I could and should do for myself. But humans tend to appreciate a friend's empathy, support, and understanding, whether that friend is male or female. Being a feminist does not mean we've lost our humanity, or our need for a kind word.
I don't see where any of the men come across as having to "protect this girl" simply because they're men. I see it as their recognizing that on an erotica site in 2014 women still bear the brunt of sexual harassment and abuse amid the same old tired rhetoric of well if you don't like it, don't invite it, don't act like a whore, don't act like a child, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, etc. I would suppose that most adults when they have a problem and discuss it with a friend or someone they trust, expect to get a listening ear, not a not-this-fucking issue again, and geeze, get a grip. Act like a fucking adult!

As an adult, I don't expect or need anyone, man or woman, to do for me what I could and should do for myself. But humans tend to appreciate a friend's empathy, support, and understanding, whether that friend is male or female. Being a feminist does not mean we've lost our humanity, or our need for a kind word.

I thought Il Piloto bore the brunt of sexual harassment. :D
Giggles. (Is that appropriate for an adult on a porn site?)


Probably not. But then neither is he.

Some people find my frank sense of humor refreshing.

It's odd that I haven't met many of them though. :confused:
Probably not. But then neither is he.

Some people find my frank sense of humor refreshing.

It's odd that I haven't met many of them though. :confused:

:) Changing the subject, I recently googled jack tar. I couldn't come up with why jack tar rang a bell for me. It was an elusive problem to solve. I discovered the reason a few minutes ago when my brain kicked back on. Anyway, Wki has an interesting article on the term.
:) Changing the subject, I recently googled jack tar. I couldn't come up with why jack tar rang a bell for me. It was an elusive problem to solve. I discovered the reason a few minutes ago when my brain kicked back on. Anyway, Wki has an interesting article on the term.

I find it doubtful that anyone would put tar in his hair on purpose, although it would have probably have happened by accident anyway, because everything was covered with the stuff.

I've had it in my hair and I didn't like it. And it was a bitch to get out.
I find it doubtful that anyone would put tar in his hair on purpose, although it would have probably have happened by accident anyway, because everything was covered with the stuff.

I've had it in my hair and I didn't like it. And it was a bitch to get out.

How does one "fat their long hair into a ponytail" before smearing it with tar? That is what I want to know. :confused:
How does one "fat their long hair into a ponytail" before smearing it with tar? That is what I want to know. :confused:

It is known that some (late C18th) Army Officers would "tar" their moustache, so it looked good on a Parade. Quite what SORT of tar it was I know not. Pine Tar seems favourite.
As Royce mentioned, we, as a community, need to make it clear that harassment is not acceptable.

I don't think we have to sit back and say, "It's the internet. That's just the way it is." We are a community, and we have the power of a community to discourage unacceptable behavior in our community. Will it always work? No, but i don't think that means we have to give up and think it's OK for a member of our community to be threatened.

Threats of violence are never acceptable.

(And I'm not talking about bickering, name calling, fighting over green e, lying, cheating, etc. Our community is dysfunctional, and these behaviors are the norm here.)
I don't see where any of the men come across as having to "protect this girl" simply because they're men. I see it as their recognizing that on an erotica site in 2014 women still bear the brunt of sexual harassment and abuse amid the same old tired rhetoric of well if you don't like it, don't invite it, don't act like a whore, don't act like a child, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, etc. I would suppose that most adults when they have a problem and discuss it with a friend or someone they trust, expect to get a listening ear, not a not-this-fucking issue again, and geeze, get a grip. Act like a fucking adult!

As an adult, I don't expect or need anyone, man or woman, to do for me what I could and should do for myself. But humans tend to appreciate a friend's empathy, support, and understanding, whether that friend is male or female. Being a feminist does not mean we've lost our humanity, or our need for a kind word.

Thank you

I don't have the patience or the proper wifi connection to comment on this thread much, but it's nice to see a handful of people with heads not in their ass.
I don't think we have to sit back and say, "It's the internet. That's just the way it is." We are a community, and we have the power of a community to discourage unacceptable behavior in our community. Will it always work? No, but i don't think that means we have to give up and think it's OK for a member of our community to be threatened.

Threats of violence are never acceptable.

(And I'm not talking about bickering, name calling, fighting over green e, lying, cheating, etc. Our community is dysfunctional, and these behaviors are the norm here.)

Youre such a clueless naïf. Yesterday I read an interesting observation James Michener made about the human condition: In plenty of places TOMORROW has no meaning, because TODAY contains no hope. And yet you sit upon the throne of the universe and count niggers and faggots and feel sour when annointed quotas aren't filled with equal results.
Let me show you depressing, at least for any of those who think the site would care about this is anyway shape or form.

I am going to post a link to a thread about the best GB troll Laurel's post is number twenty


In this post she commends KR Cummings for being an outstanding troll, even gives the :rose:

For those who do not know the GB KRC was outed as a man pretending to be a woman. First off let me say that only in the staggering intellect of the GB could anyone think this person was a woman. The posting style, language, characteristics were all male.

But...they posted pics of themselves! Lots of them, a hot woman spreading herself an showing her parts in a pic thread, of course it had to be her:rolleyes:

Okay here was the outing "She" was friendly with another poster who was female. "She" got obsessed with them and wanted to meet them so introduced the other poster to her friend "Paul" so she fixed the girl up with himself, they had sex.

The woman heard from "KRC" wife later on. So the scum bag posing as a woman pretended to be "himself" but someone else to get laid.

So I am sure he is in a world of hurt as he should be

so he lies for years, tricks a woman into sex and spent years posting pics of his wife all over the internet without her knowledge or permission

And that d-bag gets a big :rose: from Laurel

Look no further than why the behavior in the OP 1st post is here, why shouldn't it be? This shit is funny after all, isn't?

Yeah, nice way to run a site.

So for anyone here female or male who starts getting cyber threats? Go the cops and see what happens because if nothing else it would be my idea of funny to see the site called out on it.

Or handle it yourself and find someone to threaten back, one way or another, nothing will be done here ever

Cyber bullying is a sport here, right from the top.
One more point.

Just like cyber bullying is becoming something that can be prosecuted, sex videos and pictures of men and women posted on "revenge sites" or any pornographic site without that person(man or woman) permission is now a federal crime.

KRC can certainly be charged with that, but again the guy was a stellar member here in site eyes, wasn't he?
Youre such a clueless naïf. Yesterday I read an interesting observation James Michener made about the human condition: In plenty of places TOMORROW has no meaning, because TODAY contains no hope. And yet you sit upon the throne of the universe and count niggers and faggots and feel sour when annointed quotas aren't filled with equal results.

You're right. I am clueless. I have no idea what you're babbling about.