Tea Party should divorce the Republicans: Why America needs more political parties

We had a recent referendum on it at the request of the Liberal Democrats, but it was only for one of the possible systems, and probably the least effective. The referendum was lost.

Was it lost because the electorate are against proportional representation, or because they were against the fudged system that was proposed?

We do have proportional representation for European elections.

IF UKIP win more seats than the Liberal Democrats at the next parliamentary election, or Scotland votes Yes for independence, there will probably be more calls for a system of proportional representation because we are likely to see a succession of coalition governments.

The "coalition government" system is, I'm afraid, likely to result in just business as usual. Even when you have multiple parties, when they start holding hands you will once again effectively have the same two-party system we have now.
The plutocrats that run the Tea Party are too fucking scared to leave the GOP, afraid they'd be exposed for the frauds they are. Remember, this was supposed to be a grass roots uprising, yet look at those that really started it: Koch Brothers and Dick Armey come to mind.

I did not know that, actually. But I guess it shouldn't be surprising that people like that are financing it.

I don't trust anyone who allows people to call him "Dick." :D
And how would that help? The team you hate the most would get more votes, win, possibly in a landslide and run rampant. The most you could hope for from this plan is changing which two parties you deal with.

I have a hard time deciding which team I hate most. It's such a close contest.

At least a change in gangs of thieves would mitigate the entrenchment we have now.
The "coalition government" system is, I'm afraid, likely to result in just business as usual. Even when you have multiple parties, when they start holding hands you will once again effectively have the same two-party system we have now.

Sort of.

There's the possibility that it makes it easier to let go of each other's hands and seek new coalitions.

Sweden is a fun example right now. We have a governing centre right coalition of four parties (bear in mind that our centre is way left of yours) and an opposition centre left of three parties.

Both sides are sane. They disagree on things, but are not bugnuts.

And then we have the bugnuts. Blatantly racist populists with neo nazi ties and not a clue about anything other than a passive agressive anti-brown-people stance. The bugnuts have enough seats that niether side gets 50 percent in a roll call.

Niether side wants to touch them with a ten foot spork, and refuse to seek their support for anything. Cause it would be political suicide to be the party that gets cozy with the racist bugnuts. So for every issue, they have to find a cooperating party or two across the aisle. Bills passed with only the bugnuts' support are seen as a great embarrasment, so big important stuff that gains public attention demans bipartisanship. Most of the time it means the governing coalition plus one opposition party. But sometimes the opposition and part of the government block get together and pass a bill. And sometimes both sides break rank.
The "coalition government" system is, I'm afraid, likely to result in just business as usual. Even when you have multiple parties, when they start holding hands you will once again effectively have the same two-party system we have now.

Only to a point. With a multi-party system there is a lot more room for negotiation and compromise. Of course, any system is libel to be gamed and manipulated, and those with the cash are far more likely to have their agendas validated than those who don't have much cash.
It's the nature of the beast.
Still, I think the worlds fourth most populous country in the world (the USoA) would be better served with a pluralistic political system.
No need, the Tea Party needs to kick the liberals out and take over the Republican Party.

The sad thing is today's reality, if you add union asshats, government fucktards, and obama slaves aka welfare people that ='s over 50% of the population.

What America needs, the first step is if someone goes on welfare than they lose their privilege to vote
So is there any minor-league team you're for? The Libertarians? Greens? Socialists? America Firsters?


No need, the Tea Party needs to kick the liberals out and take over the Republican Party.

But, regardless of whether the TP leaves the GOP or takes it over, you need to enact the pro-multipartisan reforms (PR, IRV, electoral fusion) first.

Because without those, the True-Pure-RW party you desire, running under our present system, would always lose, except in a few solid-red counties.
Sort of.

There's the possibility that it makes it easier to let go of each other's hands and seek new coalitions.

Sweden is a fun example right now. We have a governing centre right coalition of four parties (bear in mind that our centre is way left of yours) and an opposition centre left of three parties.

Both sides are sane. They disagree on things, but are not bugnuts.

And then we have the bugnuts. Blatantly racist populists with neo nazi ties and not a clue about anything other than a passive agressive anti-brown-people stance. The bugnuts have enough seats that niether side gets 50 percent in a roll call.

Niether side wants to touch them with a ten foot spork, and refuse to seek their support for anything. Cause it would be political suicide to be the party that gets cozy with the racist bugnuts. So for every issue, they have to find a cooperating party or two across the aisle. Bills passed with only the bugnuts' support are seen as a great embarrasment, so big important stuff that gains public attention demans bipartisanship. Most of the time it means the governing coalition plus one opposition party. But sometimes the opposition and part of the government block get together and pass a bill. And sometimes both sides break rank.

Hmmm...sounds like it's working out well for you. Not sure it would work as well here though.

Sweden has some strong advantages. First and foremost, a much smaller population.

Second, (I suspect; I could be wrong) you don't have a lot of sympathy for religious fundamentalists who are determined to force their "deeply held religious (read: superstitious) views" on everyone else.

Apropos of nothing in particular:

I met a couple of Swedish sailors on the street in Rotterdam one time. We were all wandering around kind of lost in a part of town that seamen do not ordinarily frequent. They stopped me and asked if I spoke English. They were relieved when I did.

They said they were lost and were looking for the "bad part of town." I wasn't, particularly, but what the hell. I didn't have any real plans, so we hailed a taxi.

They told the driver to take us to "the bad part of town." He nodded and drove off, letting us out in front of a coffee shop, "Sensi-Smile," shortly afterwards.

This didn't look terribly promising, so one of the Swedes volunteered to go to the men's room and see what he could see.

He came back with a guy who looked kind of like Alice Cooper, who unlocked a storeroom, closed himself in behind a split dutch-door, and asked what we wanted.

There was a rather lengthy price list pasted to the inside of the top half of the door which included about 12 varieties of weed and several of hashish. We made our purchases and the storekeeper warned us sternly, "You can't smoke that here, you know."

"Of course not. We're not stupid, you know..."

"Yah." He pointed to a "NO SMOKING" sign on the wall near the door. "You haff to go out by the bar to smoke."

A good time was had by all...
So is there any minor-league team you're for? The Libertarians? Greens? Socialists? America Firsters?

I guess if I had to pick one, it would be the Libertarians. That's who I usually waste my vote on, anyway.

Ideally, I would like to see the Cherokee Nation, and all other supposedly "sovereign nations" assert their right to full autonomy and demand that the various treaties be honored.

Don't worry. I know that's not going to happen. But I think I would like it if it did.
Ideally, I would like to see the Cherokee Nation, and all other supposedly "sovereign nations" assert their right to full autonomy and demand that the various treaties be honored.

An interesting topic, but a completely different one.
An interesting topic, but a completely different one.

True. And so horrendously complicated there's not much point in trying to discuss it.

It's just one of those things I think about when I'm sitting alone in the dark, fondling my assault rifle... ;)
I guess if I had to pick one, it would be the Libertarians. That's who I usually waste my vote on, anyway.

Ideally, I would like to see the Cherokee Nation, and all other supposedly "sovereign nations" assert their right to full autonomy and demand that the various treaties be honored.

Don't worry. I know that's not going to happen. But I think I would like it if it did.

Live in NY. The individual Iroquois nations are...Turning Stone, Akwesasne Bingo Hall and Casino....:D
Red Man's Revenge...first tobacco, but we didn't profit much from that. Gambling addiction, however...:D

I've been to Turning Stone - Oneida run - and Akwesasne - Mohawk run and my nation. I'm addicted to gambling as far as my $40 I brought to spend takes me LOL