Friday the 13th!!!

Seriously nasty cold wet day. Doesn't feel like June 13th!
It's the only Friday the Thirteenth in 2014. Next one is February 2015.

There's a full moon today, too.
Not superstitious at all, but I do think the full moon has some affect on human behavior.
Summer 1999. solar eclipse coincided with a big forest fire that almost burnt my house and made an end to my first marriage.
I am not keen on that stuff anymore.
Since I'm getting less moon these days will it affect me that much? :cool:
Summer 1999. solar eclipse coincided with a big forest fire that almost burnt my house and made an end to my first marriage.
I am not keen on that stuff anymore.

I would hope that you learned your lesson and no longer result to such extreme measures to get out of unhappy relationships.

Isn't "burning down the house" a Croatian euphemism for divorce? ;)
I would hope that you learned your lesson and no longer result to such extreme measures to get out of unhappy relationships.

Isn't "burning down the house" a Croatian euphemism for divorce? ;)

Yes for my next divorce I will just burn the house down, wont go messing into solar system :D
It must be a full moon because i swear I just gave birth to something.
Summer 1999. solar eclipse coincided with a big forest fire that almost burnt my house and made an end to my first marriage.
I am not keen on that stuff anymore.

Summer of 1989 I had a very memorable experience during a full lunar eclipse. It was a sultry August night on Gay Head beach Martha's Vineyard with a gorgeous man I was crazy in love with. I can remember the feeling of his skin against my tongue as I licked salt off his shoulders. I'll spare you the rest!
I had forgotten, so thanks for the reminder. Being only slightly superstitious, I am only mildly frightened -- which feels strangely good.
My kids birthday is on the 13th.

Worked out as them turning 13 on Friday the 13th and it was also Good Friday.
Day's been super swell so far.
I shold probably swing a black cat at a mirror under a ladder or something to balance out the universe.
Not superstitious at all, but I do think the full moon has some affect on human behavior.

My ER doctor friend would agree with you. He says Friday and Saturday nights are crazy to begin with ("Here, hold my beer and watch this."), and that a full moon just brings out the nutters that much more.