Poetry Post-its, or Po-Bo postcards


High on a Hill
Jul 2, 2009
Use this as an open post-box to drop brief notes that nod in the direction of poetry, for real or imaginary people, on any topic; anything you like as long as they're directed one to one. You can even post a picture with the note under it or on it.

from the corny to the erudite, I declare this box open *cuts ribbon*

Dear Harry,

crumpet's hot
butter's melting
well I declare
I wasn't there
never been and never was
and if you swear
you saw me there
its heresay
and have it thrown out
case (like my threads)

I talk too much.
cyan notes it's
that approach sits
on the limb and
curling round
whispers hiss a
serpent's kiss and
richard's nowhere
to be found

wherefore, art?
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Dear Earth,
My head is spinning
faster than you are
I'm confused enough
as it is, all these tidbits
help none. Kindly stop,
let me out, gracefully.
Some dignity kept, no spill.
Out to outer space,
into perspective.
dear coffee maker,

don't take this wrong
but there are days
i look at your proportions
and wish for bigger jugs

dear sons,

see that?
it's called a sink
it's where the magic happens
to conjure clean plates
if you want me to
abracadabra your dinner

that is all,

mum x
Dear general readers,

Now that I learn it will cost an 81 year old man a 1.4$million dollar condo and three cars to get a thirty one year old girlfriend, I have decided my retirement investment strategy has been too conservative.
Dear general readers,

Now that I learn it will cost an 81 year old man a 1.4$million dollar condo and three cars to get a thirty one year old girlfriend, I have decided my retirement investment strategy has been too conservative.
^ poetic injustice

*sighs, shakes head*
Dear hair if you must start turning grey couldn't you at least be consistent and not cause the mottled carpet effect which looks like I've had an accident with hair dye and it's now growing out ........... yours sincerely True blonde
The reason I like eating muffins
although as toast they're not half as wide,
is the edges turn up all around them
and the butter don't drip off the side! :D
Dear Cat,

do i look like a doorman?
do i?
there's an open window
and don't pretend
your years mean you can't
leap on the sill nor
bend your furry form to suit...
oh, come on, quickly then...
now scoot!
Dear Cat,

do i look like a doorman?
do i?
there's an open window
and don't pretend
your years mean you can't
leap on the sill nor
bend your furry form to suit...
oh, come on, quickly then...
now scoot!

Dear butters,

The window is so... inconvenient. *licks paw, stares*

Dear anonymous caller,
Please don’t call again.
Products I don’t buy,
Services I don’t provide,
In fact, I'm self-sufficient.
to the self absorbed twaddle heads
with fucking love
now, now, fellows
OB, I said the structure of the poem was fine, a little pandering as our your comments.
My second response was to C. Follow the logic, or lack thereof.
If these comments are so offensive delete them, and as for clear -what-ever, what you are is dealing with text, and in my text there is nothing that attacks either you or Oldbear63, your comment as too mine being :Beyond the Pale is a bit histrionic.
And you OB, if you do not like comments that are not effusive, we can solve that problem real quick, but I will point out that your intersection on the two woman poem made sense, and what I seen, it was the only comment that was sympathetic.
and OB, I do remember some of the comments on your cat killing poem, I also remember your Jackson Pollock comment.
BTW the 5 I gave you, I could vote twice, that would erase it. I am not going to do that.
What I'm going to do is just walk away, and leave you fine poets in a self absorbed pine fest about how cruel and insensitive non poets and the world also generally is.
to the self absorbed twaddle heads
with fucking love
now, now, fellows
OB, I said the structure of the poem was fine, a little pandering as our your comments.
My second response was to C. Follow the logic, or lack thereof.
If these comments are so offensive delete them, and as for clear -what-ever, what you are is dealing with text, and in my text there is nothing that attacks either you or Oldbear63, your comment as too mine being :Beyond the Pale is a bit histrionic.
And you OB, if you do not like comments that are not effusive, we can solve that problem real quick, but I will point out that your intersection on the two woman poem made sense, and what I seen, it was the only comment that was sympathetic.
and OB, I do remember some of the comments on your cat killing poem, I also remember your Jackson Pollock comment.
BTW the 5 I gave you, I could vote twice, that would erase it. I am not going to do that.
What I'm going to do is just walk away, and leave you fine poets in a self absorbed pine fest about how cruel and insensitive non poets and the world also generally is.

Oh non, these will nevair do *claps hands* Claudette, attendez sil vous plait, take monsieur Douze and fit heem for another color, perhaps he needs a blue job
Oh non, these will nevair do *claps hands* Claudette, attendez sil vous plait, take monsieur Douze and fit heem for another color, perhaps he needs a blue job

Fucking brilliant, Harry!
I always have to copy that cyan and make it black again so I can read what 12 is on about.
Fucking brilliant, Harry!
I always have to copy that cyan and make it black again so I can read what 12 is on about.

I just use the quote function so I can read, much easier ... brilliant is not a word often associated with me :D I'm very lucky sometimes.
Dear 12,
Where are you? I opened Lit; it said 12 viewing but I could not find you anywhere