PM asshattery

LOL! Here's the Prince Harry...the only true royal cock pic I could find.

Holy crap! ... Or something. Damn. :eek::eek: is right!
I'm a classy motherfucker, don't get me wrong. I'll class the shit out of any event or circumstance. But, I've got to say that I'm mostly just a regular guy. The kind of guy that just wakes up in the morning, has a wank to thoughts of Rainshine, throws some flannel glitter on his dick and walks out the door. So while black on black might be classy, I'm more of a flannel dick guy.

Not really. I'm pretty flamboyant. Today I've got on a pink shirt; pink socks and blue shoes. Totally rugged though. It's an ironic fashion statement, as I'm so fucking rugged, but the pink shows the softer side of pmann. I'm hard on the outside and pink on the inside.
Though speaking of flannel glitter dick, I wonder if that would be something like a velvet manicure, except on a cock.

I think I need to spend some quality time in the Google...
I feel a real doozie of an asshat PM coming on......maybe the urge will subside.