My wife in front of the camera.

The last two are gorgeous. What a hot woman. thanks for showing.
Hi to you both.

Okay, I admit that I've been lurking for a while now, but these latest pics have dragged me kicking and screaming out of the woodwork.

It's been an absolute pleasure to watch the way both of you have evolved over the course of the thread, and I hope that you save a permanent record of it to look back on in a few years time. It's not often that a couple, (or anyone for that matter) will have such a well documented metamorphosis, over such a short period, precipitated by such a clear decision. I know I'm not the only one that would very much like to hear the back story to this, if you should ever feel like writing it down and posting it.

And whilst I have truly enjoyed watching this change, I sense that these last two pics are another step again for the both of you. Even the way ADVR posted them with no intro or text is different to his normal style.

To me, he has captured TheSexyTomboy's exquisite, exquisite beauty. The curve of her hip in this one, the turn of her head, the dip in her back are perfect. The way we can see the strength in her shoulders and arms and the firm swell of her breast to that gorgeous pink nipple is such a great balance of who she has declared herself to be. These two pics put all of the other great ones you have posted up until now in the shade. They speak of a couple absolutely in tune with each other, and revelling in their love.

Thanks for sharing them, they're amazing.


Thanks for the great comments everyone. I know Tomboy will be on here soon to thank everyone as well.

Hi to you both.

Okay, I admit that I've been lurking for a while now, but these latest pics have dragged me kicking and screaming out of the woodwork.

It's been an absolute pleasure to watch the way both of you have evolved over the course of the thread, and I hope that you save a permanent record of it to look back on in a few years time. It's not often that a couple, (or anyone for that matter) will have such a well documented metamorphosis, over such a short period, precipitated by such a clear decision. I know I'm not the only one that would very much like to hear the back story to this, if you should ever feel like writing it down and posting it.

And whilst I have truly enjoyed watching this change, I sense that these last two pics are another step again for the both of you. Even the way ADVR posted them with no intro or text is different to his normal style.

To me, he has captured TheSexyTomboy's exquisite, exquisite beauty. The curve of her hip in this one, the turn of her head, the dip in her back are perfect. The way we can see the strength in her shoulders and arms and the firm swell of her breast to that gorgeous pink nipple is such a great balance of who she has declared herself to be. These two pics put all of the other great ones you have posted up until now in the shade. They speak of a couple absolutely in tune with each other, and revelling in their love.

Thanks for sharing them, they're amazing.


Our journey has been interesting, and by what I've read elsewhere, an unusual one. I have been thinking about posting our story, but the last couple of months have been a roller coaster ride and I haven't had a chance to put things into perspective yet. I'm sure a few days on the motorcycle will give me the time to think, and then I'll post our story.
Correct me if I'm wrong but what I see here is a "quiet, sexy, confidence" that is so erotic it's almost intimidating.

Playing with lighting and gel filters

Sometimes taking pictures can be a real challenge. I don't know how Tomboy continued to look so good through this. So many things went wrong on my end, but in the end, we still got some great pictures.




Tomboy has become very fond of lingerie and likes to try on as many different outfits as possible during a session. ;)


She claims it's to see what kind of reaction she gets from me, but c'mon, I'm a guy. They ALL get a reaction from me.


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I can't imagine how you'd have the gall to utter "wrong" & "Tomboy" in the same sentence. Shame on you. :rolleyes:

But the answer is obvious...atleast for one of her slobbering fans in cyberspace. It just isn't her. Tomboy suits a roaring fireplace, bearskin rug & ski pants...that has the lingerie revealed by layers as they come off as if after a good work out session in the snow.
I can't imagine how you'd have the gall to utter "wrong" & "Tomboy" in the same sentence. Shame on you. :rolleyes:

But the answer is obvious...atleast for one of her slobbering fans in cyberspace. It just isn't her. Tomboy suits a roaring fireplace, bearskin rug & ski pants...that has the lingerie revealed by layers as they come off as if after a good work out session in the snow.

Haha, yes you are right! All the things that went wrong were with the camera equipment. Her equipment was as perfect as ever. :D
Love the new pics. Thigh highs are always good. Short little skirts as well. So many good things happening. The hands on the hips. The nervous hand to mouth pose. The hint of panties as we check out your backside. The lingerie preparation. All of them are so good.

I love all the different outfits. You have so many in your arsenal and they're all sexy.

ADVR...words cannot express how jealous I am of you. SexyT is a keeper. :D

As always....thanks for sharing.
Sometimes taking pictures can be a real challenge. I don't know how Tomboy continued to look so good through this. So many things went wrong on my end, but in the end, we still got some great picture.

Tomboy has become very fond of lingerie and likes to try on as many different outfits as possible during a session. ;)

She claims it's to see what kind of reaction she gets from me, but c'mon, I'm a guy. They ALL get a reaction from me.

She definitely has a wonderful femininity for a Tomboy. :rose:
She has the most perfect ass I have seen anywhere - somehow it's curvy, round, full, and yet perky and cute at the same time - quite astounding!
the last 2 sets of pics are so opposite. In the first set you have a woman that is strong, lean, serious, yet very sexy.

In the last set of pics there is a woman who is playful, soft, warm and very sexy.

what a contrast. And to think it is the same woman!

awesome work.

Your pic definitely raise the classy level of Lit!
Sometimes taking pictures can be a real challenge. I don't know how Tomboy continued to look so good through this. So many things went wrong on my end, but in the end, we still got some great pictures.

Tomboy has become very fond of lingerie and likes to try on as many different outfits as possible during a session. ;)

She claims it's to see what kind of reaction she gets from me, but c'mon, I'm a guy. They ALL get a reaction from me.

All I can say is great pics. Thank you both for sharing.
She is gorgeous!
And I absolutely love the way you photograph her. The pictures in front of the window are beautiful, love the lighting!

Thank you for sharing :)
A toast to beauty, to passion, to skill, to desire, to lust and to love. These photos continue to raise the bar on each and every of them.
Sometimes taking pictures can be a real challenge. I don't know how Tomboy continued to look so good through this. So many things went wrong on my end, but in the end, we still got some great pictures.




Tomboy has become very fond of lingerie and likes to try on as many different outfits as possible during a session. ;)


She claims it's to see what kind of reaction she gets from me, but c'mon, I'm a guy. They ALL get a reaction from me.
ADVR-Well I'm impressed how steady you were able to hold the camera for the shohts you've taken!!!!!!!!!!!
A preview.

Here is just a taste from our photo shoot tonight. We have been looking forward to doing a motorcycle theme ever since it was requested. Unfortunately it's still too cold to be outside with so little clothing, so we couldn't have any bikes in the shot. I didn't think anyone would mind. ;)

Tomboy was so stoked to be able to show off her national colours for you all.


Yes, that is her helmet and equipment.


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Here is just a taste from our photo shoot tonight. We have been looking forward to doing a motorcycle theme ever since it was requested. Unfortunately it's still too cold to be outside with so little clothing, so we couldn't have any bikes in the shot. I didn't think anyone would mind. ;)

Tomboy was so stoked to be able to show off her national colours for you all.


Yes, that is her helmet and equipment.

British? Now I want to hear her say things like "schedule" . . .
I love the new pics. It's a whole other level of sexy. Before...I wanted to naughty things to her. Now...I kinda want her to do naughty things to me. :devil:

I love the new outfit a lot. And the ponytail is a nice choice.

Oh and... :eek::eek::eek: That ass is amazing.

Thanks for another great pic you guys.
Here is just a taste from our photo shoot tonight. We have been looking forward to doing a motorcycle theme ever since it was requested. Unfortunately it's still too cold to be outside with so little clothing, so we couldn't have any bikes in the shot. I didn't think anyone would mind. ;)

Tomboy was so stoked to be able to show off her national colours for you all.


Yes, that is her helmet and equipment.

I knew there was a reason I enjoyed TB some much, a taste of home and a fellow biker to boot! Thanks to you both for sharing such beauty!